Unix Tutorial Command Action ls list files in directory ls -a shows all files ls -l shows files with more information ls -al shows all files with more information ls shows files in another directory cd change into home directory cd .. go back one directory cd change into directory pwd shows present working directory cp copy file mv move a file mv rename a file rm delete a file rm * delete all files. Be very careful! mkdir creates a new directory rmdir removes an empty directory lpr print a text or postscript file. Does not print a graphic or Word file. netscape & Starts up netscape. emacs & Starts up emacs and opens the file. chmod abc Changes a file's permissions. 1 Execute 2 Write 3 Execute and Write 4 Read 5 Execute and Read 6 Read and Write, no execute 7 Read, write, and execute a You b Group You can usually treat group as world. c World Examples: 711 for home directory and public_html and your custom programs 755 for public_html or other world readable files openwin Starts OpenWindows graphical environment Ctrl-Z Puts process to sleep. bg Runs process in background. fg Runs sleeping program in forground. Ctrl-C Stops a process. ps -a Shows all your processes. kill Kills a process (process id number). man Shows a manual page on a topic. man -k Searches for a keyword. more Displays a file on the screen. quota -v Displays your disk usage. clear Clears the screen. xterm & Opens another terminal window. whoami Shows who's account is being used. Should be yours. w Shows everyone who is logged on. date Displays current date and time.