Package net.nand.util.i18n

Class Summary
ParsedPropsFilePair Represents a source-language and destination-language pair of properties files.
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry Comment line in source and destination
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileEntry One message key or comment line, with its source and destination languages' string values and comments.
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry Key-value pair line in source and destination, with preceding comments, or multi-line comment at the end of the file.
PropsFileParser Represents a parsed properties file.
PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine Parsed key-pair line from one properties file; includes its preceding PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine.comment lines, if any.
PropsFilePseudoLocalizer Given a simple .properties file, pseudo-localize its values.
PropsFileWriter Write a properties file out to disk, in the same format used by the jsettlers project: Valid ISO-8859-1 high-bit characters will be in the file as such, and not as \uXXXX code escapes, unlike Java's built-in, String) method.