A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _


a - Variable in class soc.util.IntPair
The first int of the ordered pair
a - Variable in class soc.util.IntTriple
The first int of the ordered triple
a - Variable in class soc.util.Pair
a - Variable in class soc.util.Triple
A_EDGE2EDGE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Used by SOCBoardLarge.getAdjacentEdgesToEdge(int).
A_EDGE2HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For SOCBoardLarge.getAdjacentEdgesToHex(int), the offset to add to the hex coordinate to get all adjacent edge coords, starting at index 0 at the top (northeastern edge of hex) and going clockwise.
A_HEX2HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For SOCBoardLarge.getAdjacentHexesToHex(int, boolean), the offsets to add to the hex row and column to get all adjacent hex coords, starting at index 0 at the northeastern edge of the hex and going clockwise.
A_NODE2HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For SOCBoardLarge.getAdjacentNodeToHex(int, int), the offset to add to the hex coordinate to get all adjacent node coords, starting at index 0 at the top (northern corner of hex) and going clockwise.
ac - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
ACCEPT - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
accept() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
For server to call.
accept() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.NetStringServerSocket
accept() - Method in interface soc.server.genericServer.StringServerSocket
For server to call.
ACCEPT_OFFER - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
ACCEPT_QUEUELENGTH - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Length of queue for accepting new connections; default 100.
acceptBut - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
accepted - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Active connection, server has called accept, and not disconnected yet
accepting - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
The number of the accepting player
acceptOffer(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is accepting an offer
acceptOffer(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is accepting an offer
ACCEPTOFFER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
acceptQueue - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Waiting client connections (client-peer sides); Added by connectClient, removed by accept method
acctsNotOpenRegButNoUsers - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Server internal flag to indicate that user accounts are active, and authentication is required to create accounts, and there aren't any accounts in the database yet.
action - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Action, such as SOCInventoryItemAction.ADD_PLAYABLE or SOCInventoryItemAction.PLAY
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Handle button clicks.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Handle button presses, or Enter in search field
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Handle button clicks.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Handle button clicks: Create button validates PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.dest and may dispose the dialog.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Handle button clicks and radio button selections: Clicking a radio button sets PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src from PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src1, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src2, or PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.srcOther.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
A button has been chosen by the user.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.InputActionListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Change or Cancel button has been chosen by the user.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
React to button clicks
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Handle mouse clicks and keyboard
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Handling the menu items
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Handle button clicks in this panel.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
A button was clicked to choose a victim player.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
React to button clicks
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
React to clicking Discard/Pick button or Clear button.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
Handling the menu item
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
handle interaction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Handling the menu item
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
Handle resource button clicks.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
send the message that was just typed in
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
A button was clicked to choose a special item such as a Wonder.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.CheckActionListener
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Respond to button-related user input
actionType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
Action type
actionType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Action type: SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.GAIN, or SOCPlayerElement.LOSE
actionType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Action type: SOCPlayerElement.SET, SOCPlayerElement.GAIN, or SOCPlayerElement.LOSE
actionType - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
The type of action
active - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
true if this game is ACTIVE
add(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
add an amount to a resource
add(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
add an entire resource set's amounts into this set.
add(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Add this active feature.
ADD_OTHER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
item action ADD_OTHER: From server, add as New or Kept to player's inventory, depending on whether this item's type is kept until end of game
ADD_PLAYABLE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
item action ADD_PLAYABLE: From server, add as Playable to player's inventory
addBiggestThreat(SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
set the biggest threat
addBtn(Container, ActionListener, String, int) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Add this button to the layout.
addChangeListener(SOCGameOption.ChangeListener) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Add or remove this option's change listener.
addChild(SOCBuildPossibility) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
add a building possibility to the list of children
addChild(SOCTradeTree) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
add a child to this node
addCleanKill() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
add one the the number of clean brain kills
addConflict(SOCPossibleSettlement) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
add a conflicting settlement
addConnection(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Add a connection to the system.
addDevCard(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Add an amount to a type of dev card.
addedLayoutParts - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For some scenarios, keyed lists of additional layout parts to add to game layout when sent from server to client.
addedLegalSettlement - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The most recently added node from SOCPlayer.addLegalSettlement(int, boolean), or 0.
addFacePopupMenu() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Designate player as client (can click and right-click to choose face icon).
addGame(String, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Client-side - Add this game name, with game options.
addGame(String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Internal use - Add this game name, with game options.
addGames(SOCGameList, int) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Add the contents of another GameList to this GameList.
addGames(Iterable<?>, int) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Add several games to this GameList.
addItem(SOCInventoryItem) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Add a special item or dev card to this set.
addKnownOption(SOCGameOption) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Add a new known option (presumably received from a server of newer or older version), or update the option's information.
addKnownScenario(SOCScenario) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Add a new known scenario (received from a server having a newer or older version), or update the scenario's information.
addLegalNodes(int[], int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Add nodes to Nodes On Land and optionally to a a Land Area's legal nodes.
addLegalSettlement(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Add this node to the player's legal settlement coordinates, for future possible placement.
addListener(SOCGameStatistics.Listener) - Method in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
addLoneLegalSettlements(SOCGame, int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Add one legal settlement location to each player.
addMember(String) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
add a member to the group
addMember(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
add a member to the chat channel
addMember(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
add a member to the game.
addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
add a possible road to the list of necessary roads
addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
add a possible road to the list of necessary roads
ADDNEW - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
dev card action ADDNEW: Add as new to player's hand
addNewPossibility(SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
add a new possibility to the list
addNewRoadOrShip(SOCRoad, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
add a road or ship that has just been built
addNewSettlement(SOCSettlement, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Add a settlement that has just been built.
addNumberForResource(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
add a number to the list of dice numbers for a resource
ADDOLD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
dev card action ADDOLD: Add as old to player's hand
addOurNewCity(SOCCity) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
add one of our cities, by removing it from the possible-cities list if it's there.
addOurNewRoadOrShip(SOCRoad, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Add one of our roads or ships that has just been built.
addOurNewSettlement(SOCSettlement, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Add one of our settlements, and newly possible pieces from it.
addPlayer(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Add a player (human or robot) at this currently-vacant seat position.
addPlayer(String, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
a player has sat down to play
addPlayer(String, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Add a new player sitting at a certain seat, or sit them again in their same seat (rejoining after a disconnect).
addPlayerTracker(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
A player has sat down and been added to the game, during game formation.
addRobotButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
addRolledResources(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Add to this player's resources and resource-roll totals.
addScenario(Map<String, SOCScenario>, String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
If a set of scenarios doesn't already include this known scenario, clone and add it.
addSitButton(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Add the "Sit Here" button.
addSittingRobotLockBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Add the "lock" button for when a robot is currently playing in this position.
addSpecialVPInfo(int, String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Add details on Special Victory Points (SVP) just awarded.
addTakeOverBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
addTheirNewRoadOrShip(SOCRoad, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
add another player's new road or ship, or cancel our own bad road by acting as if another player has placed there.
addTheirNewSettlement(SOCSettlement, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
add another player's new settlement, or cancel our own bad settlement by acting as if another player has placed there.
addThreat(SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
add a threat to the list, if not already there
addToGameList(String, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Add a new game to the initial window's list of games, and possibly to the server games list.
addToGameList(boolean, String, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
addToGameList(boolean, String, String, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Add a new game to the initial window's list of games.
addToGrid(Container, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints, Component) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Add this component to a container which uses GridBagLayout.
addToIgnoreList(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
add this name to the ignore list
addToList(String, List) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
add a new channel or game, put it in the list in alphabetical order
addToOffersMade(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
add an offer to the offers made list
addToParent(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Add and show tooltip, with mouse at this location.
addToScore(float) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
add to score, from SOCRobotDM.getETABonus(int, int, float)
addTradingPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Add this player to the list of trading players.
addValue(int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Update displayed rows when scrollbar changes
adjustOptionsToKnown(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Compare a set of options with known-good values.
adjustScenariosToKnown(Map<String, SOCScenario>, Map<String, SOCScenario>, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Compare a set of scenarios with known-good values.
ADMIN_COMMANDS_HEADING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Heading to show above any admin commands the user is authorized to run.
ADMIN_USER_COMMANDS_HELP - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
List and description of user-admin commands.
ADMINPING - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
ADMINRESET - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
advanceTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
advance the turn to the next player.
advanceTurnBackwards() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
advance the turn to the previous player, used during initial placement.
advanceTurnStateAfterPutPiece() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
After placing a piece on the board, update the state of the game, and possibly current player, for play to continue.
advanceTurnToSpecialBuilding() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For the 6-player board, check whether we should either start or continue the Special Building Phase.
adversarialFactor - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
adversarialFactor - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
alive - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Flag for whether or not we're alive
alive - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
alive - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
alive - Variable in class soc.server.SOCGameTimeoutChecker
alive - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
allClients() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
allConnected - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Server-peer sides of connected clients; Added by accept method
allOptions - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Set of "known options".
allOptionsReceived - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
If true, we know all options on this server, or the server is too old to support options.
allOriginalPlayers - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
used to track if there were any player subs
allOriginalPlayers() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
allowDebugUser - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Is a debug user allowed to run commands listed in SOCServer.DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP? Default is false.
allSc - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Scenario info for NewGameOptionsFrame.scenDropdown, if NewGameOptionsFrame.opts contains the "SC" game option, or null.
allScenarios - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Set of "known scenarios".
allScenInfoReceived - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
If true, the server sent us information on all added or changed scenarios, and any localized i18n scenario strings (ServerGametypeInfo.allScenStringsReceived).
allScenStringsReceived - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
If true, the server sent us all scenarios' i18n strings, has none for our locale, or is too old to support them.
allSockets - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
alphabetEnglish - Static variable in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
alphabetMunged - Static variable in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
alreadyActive - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint
Are we already waiting in another thread? Assumes since boolean is a simple var, will have atomic access.
anyHostedActiveGames() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Look for active games that we're hosting (state >= START1A, not yet OVER).
appData - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
The arbitrary app-specific data associated with this connection, or null.
append(String) - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
appendEsc(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
Escape and append 1 special character to a StringBuilder.
areaCount - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
How many land areas are on this board? Always 1 before version 2.0.00.
aResName(int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Get the indefinite article of the resource type name for this number, such as "a clay" or "an ore".
arrayIntoStringBuf(int[], StringBuffer, boolean) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
For use in toString: Append int array contents to stringbuffer, formatted as "{ 1 2 3 4 5 }".
arriving - Variable in class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
arrivingConn - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
Key for Server.cliConnDisconPrintsPending; null unless isArriveNotDepart
ARROW_COLOR - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow color: cyan: r=106,g=183,b=183
ARROW_COLOR_PLACING - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Player arrow color when game is over, and during SOCGame.SPECIAL_BUILDING phase of the 6-player game.
ARROW_SZ - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow fits in a 37 x 37 square.
arrowXL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow, left-pointing.
arrowXR - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow, right-pointing.
arrowY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow, y-coordinates: same whether pointing left or right.
ASK_SPECIAL_BUILD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For the 6-player board, player element type for asking to build during the Special Building Phase.
AskDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the generic modal dialog to ask players a two- or three-choice question; to present a one-button message, see NotifyDialog.
AskDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.AskDialog
Creates a new AskDialog with two buttons, about a specific game.
AskDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame, String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.AskDialog
Creates a new AskDialog with one button, not about a specific game.
AskDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame, String, String, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.AskDialog
Creates a new AskDialog with two buttons, not about a specific game.
AskDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.AskDialog
Creates a new AskDialog with three buttons, about a specific game.
AskDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.AskDialog
Creates a new AskDialog with one, two, or three buttons, not about a specific game.
askedDefaultsAlready - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
Have we asked the server for default values?
askedDefaultsTime - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
If ServerGametypeInfo.askedDefaultsAlready, the time it was asked, as returned by System.currentTimeMillis().
askedDisposeQuietly - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog
If true, don't call any methods from callbacks here
askedSpecialBuild - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
In 6-player mode, is the player asking to build during the Special Building Phase?
askedSpecialBuildPhase - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
If true, it's a 6-player board and at least one player has requested to build during the Special Building Phase that occurs between turns.
askSpecialBuild(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For 6-player mode's Special Building Phase, check state and set the flag for this player asking to build.
askStartGameWithOptions(String, boolean, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Ask server to start a game with options.
askUnsaved(ArrayList<PropertiesTranslatorEditor>) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
For any editors with unsaved changes, ask the user if they want to save, discard, or cancel exit.
askUnsavedAnsweredAt - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Most recent time when user answered a "Save before exiting?" dialog with Yes or No (not with Cancel exit), from System.currentTimeMillis(), or 0.
aStrKey - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
i18n string key for an item of this type, to be resolved by SOCStringManager to something like "a Market (+1VP)"
atCoordList - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
Board layout coordinate list such as "N1", or null.
atPort - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
If true, a reqType piece must be at a 3:1 or 2:1 port.
attackPirateFortress(SOCShip) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
The current player has built ships to their pirate fortress, and attacks now to try to conquer and recapture it.
AUTH_OR_REJECT__FAILED - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
authOrRejectClientUser(....) result: Failed authentication, failed name validation, or name is already logged in and that connection hasn't timed out yet
AUTH_OR_REJECT__OK - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
authOrRejectClientUser(....) result: Authentication succeeded
AUTH_OR_REJECT__TAKING_OVER - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
authOrRejectClientUser(....) result: Authentication succeeded, is taking over another connection
authenticateUser(StringConnection, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
authenticate the user: see if the user is in the db, if so then check the password.
authOrRejectClientUser(StringConnection, String, String, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Check that the username and password (if any) is okay: Length versus SOCServer.PLAYER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, name in use but not timed out versus takeover, etc.
AUTHREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Authentication request, to do so without creating or joining a game or channel; see SOCAuthRequest.
authScheme - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Authentication scheme number, such as SOCAuthRequest.SCHEME_CLIENT_PLAINTEXT.
autoPopup - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Does the tooltip automatically appear when mouse enters AWTToolTip.parentComp?
AUTOROLL_COUNTDOWN - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
AUTOROLL_TIME - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Auto-roll timer countdown, 5 seconds unless changed at program start.
autoRollOrPromptPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If the player (client) has no playable cards, begin auto-roll countdown, Otherwise, prompt them to roll or pick a card.
autoRollSetupTimer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Player is client, is current, and has no playable cards, so begin auto-roll countdown.
autoRollTimerTask - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
AWTClickTester - Class in soc.client
Testing for cross-platform context-click (right-click); standalone class.
AWTClickTester() - Constructor for class soc.client.AWTClickTester
AWTToolTip - Class in soc.client
A short tooltip for a component.
AWTToolTip(String, Component) - Constructor for class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Constructs a Tooltip which is displayed when the mouse enters the given component.


b - Variable in class soc.util.IntPair
The second int of the ordered pair
b - Variable in class soc.util.IntTriple
The second int of the ordered triple
b - Variable in class soc.util.Pair
b - Variable in class soc.util.Triple
bAbout - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
balloon - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
balloon - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Balloon to hold offer received
balloonColor - Static variable in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
balloonPoint - Variable in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Is the balloon's point showing? (If not, it's drawn as a rectangle)
BANK - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
BANK_UNDO - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
bankBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Trade resources with the bank or port
bankGet - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Bank or port trade's give/get resource info; used for Undo.
bankGive - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Bank or port trade's give/get resource info; used for Undo.
bankTrade(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user wants to trade with the bank or a port.
bankTrade(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user wants to trade with the bank or a port.
BANKTRADE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
bankUndoBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Undo previous trade with the bank or port
base64_code - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
baseName - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Base name from PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.src, or null if couldn't be determined
bBrowseOther - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
bCancel - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
bCancel - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
BCASTTEXTMSG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
bClose - Variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Button to close dialog without taking any action.
bCreate - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
BCrypt - Class in soc.server
BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
BCrypt() - Constructor for class soc.server.BCrypt
BCRYPT_SALT_LEN - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
bEdit - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
began() - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
began(Vector<String>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
start the game interface: set chat input (textInput) to initial prompt.
beginningCoord - Variable in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
bestSpot2AwayFromANodeSet(SOCBoard, Hashtable<Integer, Integer>, Vector<Integer>, int) - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Takes a table of nodes and adds a weighted score to each node score in the table.
bestSpotForNumbers(Hashtable<Integer, Integer>, SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Takes a table of nodes and adds a weighted score to each node score in the table.
bestSpotInANodeSet(Hashtable<Integer, Integer>, Vector<Integer>, int) - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Takes a table of nodes and adds a weighted score to each node score in the table.
bExit - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
bf_crypt_ciphertext - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
bFind - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Find button, shows search panel PropertiesTranslatorEditor.sPan at bottom of window
bgcol - Static variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
The background color of the window
bHelp - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Help button, brings up a brief text message dialog
biggestThreats - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
this is the piece that we need to beat to build this one
blankStandIn - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Blank area which is normally hidden, except during addPlayer when handpanel is hidden.
BLOWFISH_NUM_ROUNDS - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
bNewDest - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
bNext - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Next ('Down' triangle) button
board - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The board in the game
board - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the game board
board - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Board, for coordinate-related operations.
BOARD_ENCODING_6PLAYER - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
6-player format (v2) for SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat(): Land hexes are same encoding as SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_ORIGINAL.
BOARD_ENCODING_LARGE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Sea board format (v3) for SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat(): Allows up to 127 x 127 board with an arbitrary mix of land and water tiles.
BOARD_ENCODING_ORIGINAL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Original format (v1) for SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat(): Hexadecimal 0x00 to 0xFF along 2 diagonal axes.
boardEncodingFormat - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
The encoding format of board coordinates, or SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_ORIGINAL (default, original).
boardEncodingFormat - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Board layout encoding version, from SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat().
boardFactory - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The SOCBoard.BoardFactory for creating new boards in the SOCGame constructors.
boardHeight - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Maximum valid coordinate value; size of board in coordinates (not in number of hexes across).
BOARDHEIGHT_LARGE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Default size of the large board.
BOARDHEIGHT_VISUAL_MIN - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
When SOCBoardPanel.isLargeBoard, Minimum visual SOCBoard.getBoardHeight() = 17 for enough height for SOCHandPanels to left and right.
boardIsScaled - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Is the boardpanel stretched beyond normal size in SOCPlayerInterface.doLayout()?
BOARDLAYOUT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
BOARDLAYOUT2 - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
boardLayoutUpdated() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardLayoutUpdated() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
BoardNodeScorePair - Class in soc.robot
BoardNodeScorePair(int, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
Creates a new BoardNodeScorePair object.
boardNum2sentNum - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Map of dice rolls to values in SOCBoardLayout.numberLayout.
boardPanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the board display
boardPotentialsUpdated() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardPotentialsUpdated() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
boardReset(SOCGame, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardReset(SOCGame, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
boardResetAskedThisTurn - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
this is true if the player asked to reset the board this turn
boardResetOngoingInfo - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For the server's use, if a reset is in progress, this holds the reset data until all robots have left (new game state is SOCGame.READY_RESET_WAIT_ROBOT_DISMISS).
boardResetRequester - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
this other player has requested a board reset; voting is under way.
boardResetVoteCast(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardResetVoteCast(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
boardResetVoteDia - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Board reset voting: If voting is active and we haven't yet voted, track our dialog; this lets us dispose of it if voting is cancelled.
boardResetVoteRejected() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardResetVoteRejected() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
boardResetVoteRequested(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardResetVoteRequested(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
boardResetVoteRequester - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
If a board reset vote is active, player number who requested the vote.
boardResetVotes - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
If a board reset vote is active, votes are recorded here.
boardResetVotesWaiting - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
If a board reset vote is active, we're waiting to receive this many more votes.
BOARDSPECIALEDGE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Make an edge on the board special or no longer special (SOCBoardSpecialEdge).
boardUpdated() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
boardUpdated() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
boardWidth - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Maximum valid coordinate value; size of board in coordinates (not in number of hexes across).
BOARDWIDTH_LARGE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Default size of the large board.
BOARDWIDTH_VISUAL_MIN - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
When SOCBoardPanel.isLargeBoard, Minimum visual SOCBoard.getBoardWidth() = 18 for good-looking aspect ratio, and enough width for SOCBuildingPanel contents below.
boolOptCheckboxes - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Key = SOCGameOption.key; value = Checkbox if bool/intbool option.
boolValue - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
boolValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
bOpenDest - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
bOpenDestSrc - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
borderColor - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Border color, BLACK by default
BOUNDED_DEC - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
BOUNDED_INC - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
boxH - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Our size
boxH - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Our size.
boxW - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Our size
boxW - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Our size.
boxX - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Our location within parentComp
boxX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Our position (upper-left of tooltip box)
boxY - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Our location within parentComp
boxY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Our position (upper-left of tooltip box)
bp - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
our parent boardpanel
bp - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint
bpanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
bpanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu
bPrev - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Previous ('Up' triangle) button
brain - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
The robot brain using this tracker
brain - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
brain - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
brainQs - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
the message queues for the different brains
broadcast(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Send to all connected clients.
broadcast(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Broadcast a SOCmessage to all connected clients, named and unnamed.
broadcastToVers(String, int, int) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Broadcast a SOCmessage to all connected clients (named and unnamed) within a certain version range.
bSaveDest - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Save button for properties file from current editor contents; disabled until changes are made
bSaveSrc - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Save button for properties file from current editor contents; disabled until changes are made
bSrc1 - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Radio buttons to choose PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src1, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src2, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.srcOther.
bSrc2 - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Radio buttons to choose PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src1, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src2, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.srcOther.
bSrcOther - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Radio buttons to choose PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src1, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src2, PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.srcOther.
btns - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
buffer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
offscreen buffer of everything (board, pieces, hovering pieces, tooltip), to prevent flicker.
buffer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
offscreen buffer
BUILD_REQUEST_MAX_DELAY_SEC - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
for popup-menu build request, network send maximum delay (seconds)
buildContFromSrcDest(Map<String, PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine>) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Build ParsedPropsFilePair.cont by combining the parsed source (ParsedPropsFilePair.parsed) and destination (destKeys).
building - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
the building type
buildingPanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
interface for building pieces
buildingPlan - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
This is our current building plan, a stack of SOCPossiblePiece.
buildingPlan - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
SOCRobotDM.ourPlayerData's building plan; a stack of SOCPossiblePiece.
buildingPlan - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
SOCRobotNegotiator.ourPlayerData's building plan.
buildingSpeedup - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
buildingVP - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
the number of victory points for settlements and cities
buildIntList(List<Integer>, List<SOCResourceSet>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
Used by server constructor to build an outbound array of ints from these players and these resources.
buildLoc - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
BUILDNUM - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
buildnum() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Return the build-number string.
buildOrGetResourceByTradeOrCard() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Either ask to build a planned piece, or use trading or development cards to get resources to build it.
buildReqTimerTask - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For right-click build menu; used for fallback part of client-server-client communication of a build request.
buildRequest(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
request to build something
buildRequest(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
request to build something
BUILDREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
buildRequestCanceled(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
buildRequestCanceled(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
buildRequestPlannedPiece() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Have the client ask to build our top planned piece SOCRobotBrain.buildingPlan.pop(), unless we've already been told by the server to not build it.
buildRequirementsText(List<SOCSpecialItem.Requirement>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Build and return a text component to display the requirements for this special item.
buildRoadItem - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
buildSettleItem - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
buildShipItem - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Menu item to build or move a ship if SOCGame.hasSeaBoard, or null.
builtInRobotFlag - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this robot connection the built-in robot (not a 3rd-party), with the original AI?
bundle - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.mgr.StringManager
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Button 1 has been chosen by the user.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.VersionConfirmDialog
React to the Create button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.NotifyDialog
React to the button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog
React to the Confirm Attack button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
React to the Place Ship button: Call gameManager.buildRequest via BoardPopupMenu.tryBuild, or gameManager.putPiece or movePieceRequest.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
React to the Move Robber button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog
React to the Move Robber button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog
React to the Steal Cloth button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog
React to the Restart button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog
React to the Reset button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPracticeAskDialog
React to the Show button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
React to the Quit button.
button1Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
React to the Quit button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Button 2 has been chosen by the user.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.VersionConfirmDialog
React to the Change button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.NotifyDialog
Required stub; there is no button 2 in this dialog.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog
React to the Cancel button, do nothing.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
React to the Don't Place button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
React to the Don't Move button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog
React to the Move Pirate button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog
React to the Steal Resource button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog
React to the Cancel button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog
React to the No button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPracticeAskDialog
React to the Create button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
React to the Continue button.
button2Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
React to the Continue button.
button3Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
The optional button 3 has been chosen by the user.
button3Chosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
React to the Reset Board button.
buttons - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Player names on each button.
buttons - Variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Item pick buttons.
BUYCARDREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
buyCity(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is buying a city.
buyDevCard(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
request to buy a development card
buyDevCard(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
request to buy a development card
buyDevCard() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
the current player is buying a dev card.
buyDevCard - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
buyRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is buying a road.
buySettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is buying a settlement.
buyShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is buying a city.
bXClose - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
'X' button to close (hide) the panel


c - Variable in class soc.util.IntTriple
The third int of the ordered triple
c - Variable in class soc.util.Triple
cachedGetLandHexCoords - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The set of land hex coordinates within SOCBoardLarge.hexLayoutLg, as returned by SOCBoardLarge.getLandHexCoords(), or null.
calcLongestRoad2() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Calculates the longest road / longest trade route for this player
calcName - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Calculated name from PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.baseName + PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.tfLang + PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.tfRegion, or null.
calculateRollsAccurate(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, int, boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
this figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources given a starting set
calculateRollsAndRsrcFast(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, int, boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
this figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources given a starting set
calculateRollsFast(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, int, boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources, given a starting set.
calcWGETABonus(HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Calc the win game ETA bonus for a move, based on SOCPlayerTracker.getWinGameETA().
calcWGETABonusAux(int[], HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>, Vector<SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Helps calculate WGETA bonus for making a move or other change in the game.
canAskSpecialBuild(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For 6-player mode's Special Building Phase, can the player currently request to special build? See 'throws' for the conditions checked.
canAttackPirateFortress() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can the current player attack their pirate fortress, and try to conquer and recapture it? This method is validation before calling SOCGame.attackPirateFortress(SOCShip).
canBuildInitialPieceType(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Can this player build this piece type now, based on their pieces so far? Initial placement order is Settlement, Road/Ship, Settlement, Road/Ship.
canBuyOrAskSpecialBuild(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can the player either buy and place a piece (or development card) now, or can they ask now for the Special Building Phase (in a 6-player game)? Based on game state and current player number, not on resources available.
canCancelBuildPiece(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can the current player cancel building a piece in this game state? True for each piece's normal placing state (SOCGame.PLACING_ROAD, etc), and for initial settlement placement.
canCancelInvItemPlay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Flag for SOCHandPanel.playCardBut in state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM.
canCancelPlay - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
While this item is being played or placed on the board, can placement be canceled? (Not all items can be played or placed.) The canceled item is returned to the player's inventory to be played later.
canCancelPlay - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
If true, this item being added and its later play or placement can be canceled: SOCInventoryItem.canCancelPlay.
cancel - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Cancel button; text is "OK" if NewGameOptionsFrame.readOnly
CANCEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
"Cancel" button label text, used temporarily in some game states
CANCEL - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
cancelBuildCity(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is UNbuying a city; return resources, set gameState PLAY1 (or SPECIAL_BUILDING)
cancelBuildItem - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Menu item to cancel a build as we're placing it, or to cancel moving a ship.
cancelBuildRequest(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
request to cancel building something
cancelBuildRequest(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
request to cancel building something
CANCELBUILDREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
cancelBuildRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is UNbuying a road; return resources, set gameState PLAY1 (or SPECIAL_BUILDING)
cancelBuildSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is UNbuying a settlement; return resources, set gameState PLAY1 (or SPECIAL_BUILDING)
cancelBuildShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
a player is UNbuying a ship; return resources, set gameState PLAY1 (or SPECIAL_BUILDING)
cancelBuildType - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
If allow cancel, type of building piece (SOCPlayingPiece.ROAD, SETTLEMENT, ...) to cancel
cancelBut - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Button for cancel
cancelBut - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
cancelButtonChosen() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Cancel button has been chosen by the user.
cancelPlaceInventoryItem(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
In state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM, the current player is canceling special SOCInventoryItem placement.
cancelWrongCity(SOCCity) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Remove our incorrect city placement, it's been rejected by the server.
cancelWrongPiecePlacement(SOCCancelBuildRequest) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
We've asked for an illegal piece placement.
cancelWrongPiecePlacementLocal(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Remove our incorrect piece placement, it's been rejected by the server.
cancelWrongRoadOrShip(SOCRoad) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Remove our incorrect road or ship placement, it's been rejected by the server.
cancelWrongSettlement(SOCSettlement) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Remove our incorrect settlement placement, it's been rejected by the server.
canChooseMovePirate() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Based on game options, can the pirate ship be moved instead of the robber? True only if SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
canChoosePlayer(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
When moving the robber or pirate, can this player be chosen to be robbed? Game state must be SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CHOOSE_PLAYER or SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE.
canChooseRobClothOrResource(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player be robbed of either cloth or resources? True only if SOCGame.hasSeaBoard and when robbing with the pirate (SOCGame.getRobberyPirateFlag()).
canDiscard(int, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
canDoDiscoveryAction(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
canDoMonopolyAction() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
canEndTurn(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player end the current turn?
canJoin - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
canLaunchServer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Do we have security to run a TCP server? Determined by calling SOCConnectOrPracticePanel.checkCanLaunchServer().
canMakeBankTrade(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
canMakeTrade(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can these two players currently trade? If game option "NT" is set, players can trade only with the bank/ports, not with other players.
canMovePirate(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player currently move the pirate ship to these coordinates? Must be a water hex, per SOCBoardLarge.isHexOnWater(int).
canMoveRobber(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player currently move the robber to these coordinates? Must be different from current robber coordinates.
canMoveShip(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player currently move this ship, based on game state and their trade routes and settlements/cities? Must be current player.
canMoveShip(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player currently move this ship to this new coordinate, based on game state and their trade routes and settlements/cities? Must be current player.
canMoveShip(SOCShip) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Can we move this ship, based on our trade routes and settlements/cities near its current location?
CANNOT_PLAY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
dev card action CANNOT_PLAY: The bot can't play the requested card at this time.
CANNOT_PLAY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
item action CANNOT_PLAY: From server, the player or bot can't play the requested item at this time.
canPickGoldHexResources(int, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can the player pick these resources from the gold hex? rs.getTotal() must == SOCPlayer.getNeedToPickGoldHexResources().
canPlacePort(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, can a "gift" port be placed at this edge?
All these conditions must be met: SOCGame.hasSeaBoard is true Must be a coastal edge: SOCBoardLarge.isEdgeCoastline(int) No port already at this edge or an adjacent edge Player must have a settlement or city at one node (one end) of the edge Player is current player Does not check whether SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI is set.
canPlaceSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Can a settlement be placed at this node? Calls SOCPlayer.isPotentialSettlement(int).
canPlaceShip(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player place a ship on this edge? The edge must return SOCPlayer.isPotentialShip(int) and must not be adjacent to SOCBoardLarge.getPirateHex().
canPlayDiscovery(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
return true if the player can play a Discovery card
canPlayInventoryItem(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player play this special SOCInventoryItem now? Checks the game state, scenario options, and player's inventory.
canPlayKnight(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can this player currently play a knight card? gameState must be SOCGame.PLAY or SOCGame.PLAY1.
canPlayMonopoly(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
return true if the player can play a Monopoly card
canPlayRoadBuilding(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can the current player play a Road Building card?
canRemovePort(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, can a "gift" port at this edge be removed for placement elsewhere?
canRemovePort(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, can a "gift" port be removed from this edge?
All these conditions must be met: SOCGame.hasSeaBoard is true Player is current player Game state is SOCGame.PLACING_SHIP, SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD1 or SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD2 edge has a port Port must be in no land area (LA == 0), or in SOCBoardLarge.getPlayerExcludedLandAreas() Does not check whether SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI is set.
canRollDice(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
canUndoBankTrade(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Can we undo this bank trade? True only if the last action this turn was a bank trade with the same resources.
CAP - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
capitol, governors-house VP card
CappedQueue<T> - Class in soc.util
This queue has a size limit
CappedQueue() - Constructor for class soc.util.CappedQueue
CappedQueue(int) - Constructor for class soc.util.CappedQueue
CARD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
CARD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
" Play Card " button label text for SOCHandPanel.playCardBut
CARD - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
CARD - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Type constant for a possible card.
CARD_SET - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the set of resources a player needs to buy a development card
cardBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardC - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardCount - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardCountLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardLayout - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
cardLayout - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
This class displays one of several panels to the user: SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.MAIN_PANEL, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.MESSAGE_PANEL or (if launched from jar, or with no command-line arguments) SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.CONNECT_OR_PRACTICE_PANEL.
cardLayout - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Layout which shows either TradeOfferPanel.messagePanel or TradeOfferPanel.offerPanel.
cardOre - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardSheep - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardT - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cardType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
The type of development card, like SOCDevCardConstants.ROADS
cardWheat - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cc - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
cellListener - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Listener to double-click while editing cell text, to bring up a larger edit dialog.
changeButtonChosen() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Change-face button has been chosen by the user.
changedUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Call PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.doDocEvent(DocumentEvent) when text field contents change
changeFace(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is changing the face image
changeFace(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Change the face image
changeFace(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is changing the face image
changeFace(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
set the face icon for a player
CHANGEFACE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
changeFaceBut - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Button for confirm change
changeFaceItem - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
channel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Chat channel name to create or join with SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.jc button.
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
Name of the channel.
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoin
Name of channel
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
Name of channel
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLeave
Name of channel
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMembers
Name of channel
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
Name of the new channel.
channel - Variable in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
Name of channel
channelCreated(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelCreated(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelDeleted(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelDeleted(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
ChannelFrame - Class in soc.client
The chat channel window
ChannelFrame(String, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay) - Constructor for class soc.client.ChannelFrame
Build a frame with the given title, belonging to the given frame/applet
ChannelFrame.CFWindowListener - Class in soc.client
when the window is destroyed, tell the applet to leave the group
ChannelFrame.CFWindowListener() - Constructor for class soc.client.ChannelFrame.CFWindowListener
ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener - Class in soc.client
ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener() - Constructor for class soc.client.ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener
ChannelFrame.InputActionListener - Class in soc.client
send the message that was just typed in, or start editing a private message
ChannelFrame.InputActionListener() - Constructor for class soc.client.ChannelFrame.InputActionListener
ChannelFrame.InputKeyListener - Class in soc.client
ChannelFrame.InputKeyListener() - Constructor for class soc.client.ChannelFrame.InputKeyListener
channelJoined(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelJoined(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelJoined(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelJoined(String, String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelLeft(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelLeft(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelLeft(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelLeft(String, String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelList(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelList(Collection<String>, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelList - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
list of chat channels
channelMemberList(String, Collection<String>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelMemberList(String, Collection<String>) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
channelMembers - Variable in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
key = string, value = Vector of StringConnections
channelMutexes - Variable in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
key = string, value = Vector of MutexFlags
channelOwners - Variable in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
Each channel's creator/owner name.
channels - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Chat channels; for general use, or possibly in a future version to control bots.
channels - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
the channels we've joined
channels - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChannels
List of channels
CHANNELS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
channelsClosed(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
channelsClosed(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
char64(char) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Look up the 3 bits base64-encoded by the specified character, range-checking againt conversion table
chatDisplay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
where chat text is displayed.
chatDisplayHasMouse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Mouse hover flags, for use on 6-player board with SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp.
chatPrint(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
print text in the chat window
chatPrintDebug(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
if debug is enabled, print this in the chat display.
chatPrintStackTrace(Throwable) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
if debug is enabled, print this exception's stack trace in the chat display.
chatPrintStackTrace(Throwable, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
CHECKBOX - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
checkCanLaunchServer() - Static method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Check with the SecurityManager about being a tcp server.
checkConnection() - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Checks if connection is supposed to be present and attempts to reconnect if there was previously an error.
checkCost(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Does this player have resources for this special item's SOCSpecialItem.getCost(), if any?
checkedLocaleScenStrings - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
If true we've called SOCServer.clientHasLocalizedStrs_gameScenarios(StringConnection), storing the result in SOCClientData.localeHasScenStrings.
checkForExpiredGames(long) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
check for games that have expired and destroy them.
checkForExpiredTurns(long) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Check all games for robot turns that have expired, and end that turn, or stop waiting for non-current-player robot actions (discard picks, etc).
checkForWinner() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
check current player's vp total to see if the game is over.
checkForWinner_SC_CLVI() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Check if less than half the villages have cloth remaining.
checkGameoptsForUnknownScenario(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Check these game options to see if they contain a scenario we don't yet have full info about.
checkInsetsPadding(Insets) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Now that insets and scrollbar size are known, check our size and padding.
checkNickname(String, StringConnection, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Check if a nickname is okay, and, if they're already logged in, whether a new replacement connection can "take over" the existing one.
checkNickname_getRetryText(int) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
For a nickname that seems to be in use, build a text message with the time remaining before someone can attempt to take over that nickname.
checkNickname_getVersionText(int) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
For a nickname that seems to be in use, build a text message with the minimum version number needed to take over that nickname.
checkParams(String, List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Check parameter format.
checkpw(String, String) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Check that a plaintext password matches a previously hashed one
checkRequirements(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Does this player meet this special item's SOCSpecialItem.req requirements?
checkRequirements(SOCPlayer, List<SOCSpecialItem.Requirement>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Does this player meet a special item's requirements?
checkScenarioOpts(Map<?, ?>, boolean, String) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
When a server's properties or command line contain a default scenario (game option "SC"), check that the scenario is known and that its game options don't conflict with any others specified in the properties or command line.
checkSizeAndFocus() - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Adjust size (vs insets) and set focus to the default button (if any).
checkSizeAndFocus(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
check size and set focus to the default button (if any).
checkTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Follow a trade route (a line of SOCShips) away from a newly closed end, to determine if the other end is closed or still open, and close this route if necessary.
checkTurn(StringConnection, SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Make sure it's the player's turn.
checkUnsaved() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Check all open editors' PropertiesTranslatorEditor.hasUnsavedChanges() and return any.
checkUnsavedBeforeDispose() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Checks for unsaved changes (PropertiesTranslatorEditor.pair.unsavedSrc || PropertiesTranslatorEditor.pair.unsavedDest) and if any, ask the user if they want to save before closing.
children - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
children - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
chlist - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
List of chat channels that can be joined with SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.jc button or by double-click.
choice - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
The number of the chosen player, or SOCChoosePlayer.CHOICE_NO_PLAYER to choose no one, or SOCChoosePlayer.CHOICE_MOVE_ROBBER to move the robber or SOCChoosePlayer.CHOICE_MOVE_PIRATE to move the pirate ship.
choice1But - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Button for first choice.
choice2But - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Button for second choice, or null.
choice3But - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Optional button for third choice, or null.
CHOICE_MOVE_PIRATE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
Constant for SOCChoosePlayer.getChoice() in game state WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE: move Pirate Ship (not robber).
CHOICE_MOVE_ROBBER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
Constant for SOCChoosePlayer.getChoice() in game state WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE: move Robber (not pirate ship).
CHOICE_NO_PLAYER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
Constant for SOCChoosePlayer.getChoice() in response to server's SOCChoosePlayerRequest, if player has chosen to not rob from any player.
choiceDefault - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Default button (0 for none, or button 1, 2, or 3)
choices - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
The possible choices; an array with 1 element per player number (0 to game.maxPlayers - 1).
chomp(StringBuilder) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
chomp(String) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
chooseFile(boolean, String) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Choose a file to open or save.
chooseFreeResources(SOCResourceSet, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Choose the resources we need most, for playing a Discovery development card or when a Gold Hex number is rolled.
chooseFreeResourcesIfNeeded(SOCResourceSet, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Do we need to acquire at least numChoose resources to build our next piece? Choose the resources we need most; used when we want to play a discovery development card or when a Gold Hex number is rolled.
chooseMovePirate(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Choose to move the pirate or the robber, from game state SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE.
choosePirate(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The user is reacting to the move pirate request.
choosePlayer(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
The user chose a player to steal from, or (game state SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE) chose whether to move the robber or the pirate, or (game state SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) chose whether to steal a resource or cloth.
choosePlayer(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The user chose a player to steal from, or (game state SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE) chose whether to move the robber or the pirate, or (game state SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) chose whether to steal a resource or cloth.
CHOOSEPLAYER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
choosePlayerDialog - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the dialog for choosing a player from which to steal
choosePlayerForRobbery(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
The current player has chosen a victim to rob.
CHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
chooseRobber(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The user is reacting to the move robber request.
chooseRobberVictim(boolean[], SOCGame, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Static method in class soc.robot.RobberStrategy
choose a robber victim
chooseSrcOther() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Call PTEMain.chooseFile(boolean, String) for the "Other" source option.
chopIfMatch(StringBuilder, char) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
chSend(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
send a text message to a channel
chSend(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
send a text message to a channel
cities - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
cities on the board; Vector of SOCPlayingPiece
cities - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a list of this player's cities in play
CITIES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
CITY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
CITY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Types of playing pieces: City.
CITY - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
CITY - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Type constant for a possible city.
CITY_CHOICE - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
CITY_SET - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the set of resources a player needs to build a city
cityBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cityC - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cityLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
cityOre - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
citySq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
cityT - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cityWheat - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
cityX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
cityY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
CLAY - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
The color constants are used by ColorSquare, and also used for the robber's "ghost" when moving the robber, and fallback for missing hex graphics.
CLAY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Warning: Don't mess with these constants, other pieces of code depend on these numbers staying like this.
CLAY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
player element types.
CLAY_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Clay; lowest-numbered hex type.
CLAY_PORT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Clay port type.
CLAY_PORT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
clayLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
claySq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
cleanBrainKills - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
number of clean brain kills
cleanup(boolean) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Close out and shut down the database connection.
CLEAR - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
CLEAR - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
clear() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
set the total number of dev cards to zero
clear() - Method in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Clear common fields for reuse of this object.
clear() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
clear all of the data
clear() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
set the number of resources to zero
clear() - Method in class soc.util.Queue
clearBiggestThreats() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
reset the biggest threat
clearBuffer(StringBuilder) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Clear the contents of a StringBuffer by setting to ' ' each character in its current StringBuilder.length().
clearBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Clear button.
clearBut - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
clearDiscardOrPickMsg() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Clear the "discarding..." or "picking resources..." message in the trade panel.
clearFacePopupPreviousChooser() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
The previous face-chooser window (from the face-popup menu) has been disposed.
clearHighWarningLevel() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
If a tooltip high-warning has been set, it is also cleared TODO docu
clearLowWarningLevel() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
If a tooltip low-warning has been set, it is also cleared TODO docu
clearModeAndHilight(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set board mode to SOCBoardPanel.NONE, no hilight, usually from a piece-placement mode.
clearOffer(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is clearing an offer
clearOffer(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Clear the current offer.
clearOffer(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is clearing an offer
clearOffer() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Set the offer and counter-offer contents to zero.
CLEAROFFER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
clearOfferBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Clear the current trade offer at client and server
clearPotentialCity(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set this node to not be a potential city.
clearPotentialRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set this edge to not be a potential road.
clearPotentialSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set this node to not be a potential settlement.
clearPotentialSettlements() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
At start of normal game play, set all nodes to not be potential settlements.
clearPotentialShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set this edge to not be a potential ship.
clearPreviousChooser() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
The previous face-chooser window has been disposed.
clearScenarioPlayerEvent(SOCScenarioPlayerEvent) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Clear a certain scenario player event flag.
clearSpecialEdges(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Clear all edges marked as one special type.
clearThreats() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
clear the list of threats
clearTradeMsg() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If the trade-offer panel is showing a message (not a trade offer), clear and hide it.
clearTradeMsg(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
If the player's trade-offer panel is showing a message (not a trade offer), clear and hide it.
CLEARTRADEMSG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
clearUpdateFlag() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
clear the update flag
clearVersionTimer() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Cancel the version timer, don't fire it.
cli - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter
CLI_CONN_PRINT_TIMER_FIRE_MS - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Delay before printing a client connect/arrival announcement.
CLI_DISCON_PRINT_TIMER_FIRE_MS - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Delay before printing a client disconnect error announcement.
CLI_VERSION_ASSUMED_GUESS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
If client never tells us their version, assume they are version 1.0.0 (1000).
CLI_VERSION_MIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Minimum required client version, to connect and play a game.
CLI_VERSION_MIN_DISPLAY - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Minimum required client version, in "display" form, like "1.0.00".
CLI_VERSION_SET_CONSIS_CHECK_MINUTES - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Consistency-check the Server.cliVersionsConnected set every so often (33 minutes).
CLI_VERSION_SET_CONSIS_CHECK_QUICK_COUNT - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Do this many quick consistency-checks of Server.cliVersionsConnected before doing a full check.
CLI_VERSION_TIMER_FIRE_MS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Client version is guessed after this many milliseconds (1200) if the client hasn't yet sent it to us.
clickBuildingButton(SOCGame, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Handle a click (Buy or Cancel) on a building-panel button.
clickCancel() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Dismiss the frame
clickConnCancel() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Disconnect from connect/auth panel, show "disconnected" message.
clickConnCancel() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Hide fields used to connect to server.
clickConnConnect() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
"Connect" button, from connect/authenticate panel; check nickname & password fields, send auth request to server, set SOCAccountClient.conn_sentAuth flag.
clickConnConnect() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
"Connect..." from connect setup; check fields, set WAIT_CURSOR, ask cli to connect
clickCreate(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
"Connect..." from connect setup; check fields, etc
clickedNewDest() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Handle a click on the "New Destination..." button.
clickedOpenDestSrc() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Handle a click on the "Open Destination + Source" button.
clickPlayCardButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Handle a click on the "play card" button, or double-click on an item in the inventory/list of cards held.
clickPlayInventorySpecialItem(SOCInventoryItem) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Handle a click on a special inventory item (not a SOCDevCard).
clickPracticeButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
clickPracticeButton() - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Act as if the "practice game" button has been clicked.
clickRobotSeatLockButton(SOCGame.SeatLockState) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
During game play, handle a click on a sitting robot's Lock/Unlock/Mark button, ask the server to advance to the next seat lock state.
clickRollButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Handle a click on the roll button.
clickRunCancel() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Hide fields used to start a server
clickRunStartserv() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Actually start a server, on port from SOCConnectOrPracticePanel.run_servport
clickScenarioInfo() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
The "Scenario Info" button was clicked.
cliConn - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask
cliConnDisconPrintsPending - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Client disconnect error messages, to be printed after a short delay by Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask.
cliCount - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionCounter
cliData - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCApplet
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
client - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
client - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The client we are hooked up to
client - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
CLIENT_MAX_CREATE_CHANNELS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Maximum number of chat channels that a client can create at the same time (default 2).
CLIENT_MAX_CREATE_GAMES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Maximum number of games that a client can create at the same time (default 5).
clientHand - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Tracks our own hand within hands[], if we are active in a game.
clientHandPlayerNum - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Player ID of SOCPlayerInterface.clientHand, or -1.
clientHasLocalizedStrs_gameScenarios(StringConnection) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Does this client's locale have localized SOCScenario names and descriptions? Checks these conditions: c.scd.wantsI18N flag is set: Has locale, new-enough version, has requested I18N strings (see that flag's javadocs).
clientIsCurrentPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Is the client player active in this game, and the current player? Assertion: If this returns true, SOCPlayerInterface.getClientHand() will return non-null.
clientListener - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
clientListeners - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Map from game-name to the listener for that game.
clientManager - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Manager for all client strings.
clientNetwork - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
clientPastVersionStats - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Client version count stats since startup (includes bots).
clientVersionAdd(int) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Add 1 client, with this version, to Server.cliVersionsConnected.
clientVersionBuildMap() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Build a fresh TreeMap of the client versions connected, to check consistency of Server.cliVersionsConnected.
clientVersionCheckMap(TreeMap<Integer, Server.ConnVersionCounter>, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Perform a quick or full consistency-check of Server.cliVersionsConnected.
clientVersionHighest - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For use at server; lowest and highest version of connected clients.
clientVersionLowest - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For use at server; lowest and highest version of connected clients.
clientVersionMinRequired - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For use at server; lowest version of client which can connect to this game (based on game options/features added in a given version), or -1 if unknown.
clientVersionRebuildMap(TreeMap<Integer, Server.ConnVersionCounter>) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Replace the current client-version map with a consistent new one, and update related fields such as minimum/maximum connected version.
clientVersionRem(int) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Remove 1 client, with this version, from Server.cliVersionsConnected.
cliLocale - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Locale for i18n message lookups used for SOCAccountClient.strings.
cliLocale - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Locale for i18n message lookups used for SOCPlayerClient.strings.
cliVersion - Variable in exception soc.game.SOCGameOptionVersionException
Requesting client's version
cliVersionMax - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Minimum and maximum client version currently connected.
cliVersionMin - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Minimum and maximum client version currently connected.
cliVersionsConnected - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Versions of currently connected clients, according to StringConnection.getVersion().
cliVersionsConnectedQuickCheckCount - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
For Server.cliVersionsConnected, the count of "quick" consistency-checks since the last full check.
cliVersionTask - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
TimerTask for connect-time client-version timer
clone() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
For use in set copy constructors, create and return a clone of this SOCInventoryItem.
clone() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
For use in set copy constructors, create and return a clone of this SOCSpecialItem.
cloneOptions(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Make a deep copy of a group of options.
cloneScenarios(Map<String, SOCScenario>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Clone this scenario map and its contents.
close() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
close() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Close down server socket immediately: Do not let inbound data drain.
close() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.NetStringServerSocket
close() - Method in interface soc.server.genericServer.StringServerSocket
Close down server socket immediately: Do not let inbound data drain.
closeAfterMoveX - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
The tip is hidden after the mouse has been moved closeAfterMoveX poinntes horizontally or closeAfterMoveY points vertically away from the point where it has been clicked (or it has left its parent component's area)
closeAfterMoveY - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
cloth - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
For game scenario _SC_CLVI, the amount of cloth left in the board's "general supply".
cloth - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
Null, or distributed cloth (for game scenario SC_CLVI), in the same format as SOCVillage.distributeCloth(SOCGame).
CLOTH_STOLEN_LOCAL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Some code, internal to the soc.game or soc.server packages, uses this value (7) to represent stolen cloth (SOCPlayer.getCloth()) for scenario game option _SC_CLVI.
clothLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
clothLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
clothSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Cloth count, for scenario _SC_CLVI; null otherwise.
CLVI_BOARDSIZE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Board size: 4 players max row 0x0E, max col 0x10.
CLVI_CLOTH_VILLAGE_AMOUNTS_NODES_DICE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Small islands' cloth village node locations and dice numbers.
CLVI_DICENUM_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Dice numbers for hexes on the main island.
CLVI_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Land hex coordinates for the several small middle islands, west to east.
CLVI_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Land hex coordinates for the main islands.
CLVI_LANDHEX_TYPE_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Hex land types on the several small middle islands, west to east.
CLVI_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Land hex types for the main island.
CLVI_PIRATE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Starting pirate water hex coordinate for 4, 6 players.
CLVI_PORT_EDGE_FACING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Port edges and facings.
CLVI_PORT_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Cloth Villages: Port types; will be shuffled.
cname - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
cnvs - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
codepointsMunged - Static variable in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
COLOR_FOREGROUND - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Panel text color, and player name color when not current player
ColorSquare - Class in soc.client
This is a square box with a background color and possibly a number, checkmark, or text in it.
ColorSquare() - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquare
Creates a new grey ColorSquare object without a visible value.
ColorSquare(Color) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquare
Creates a new ColorSquare object with specified background color.
ColorSquare(Color, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquare
Creates a new ColorSquare object with specified background color and initial value.
ColorSquare(Color, String) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquare
Creates a new ColorSquare object with specified background color and initial value.
ColorSquare(int, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquare
Creates a new ColorSquare of the specified kind and background color.
ColorSquare(int, boolean, Color, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquare
Creates a new ColorSquare of the specified kind and background color.
ColorSquareLarger - Class in soc.client
This is a larger square box with a background color and possibly a number or X in it.
ColorSquareLarger(int, boolean, Color) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquareLarger
Creates a new ColorSquareLarger of the specified kind and background color.
ColorSquareLarger(int, boolean, Color, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.ColorSquareLarger
Creates a new ColorSquare of the specified kind and background color.
ColorSquareListener - Interface in soc.client
Listen for changes to the value of the color square, when a user clicks or a setter is called.
comment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
comment lines, if any, or null; each one contains leading "# "
compareTo(Object) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Compare two options, for display purposes.
compareTo(Object) - Method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Compare two scenarios, for display purposes.
compareTo(Server.ConnVersionCounter) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionCounter
componentHidden(ComponentEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
when parentComp becomes hidden, hide this tooltip if shown.
componentMoved(ComponentEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
stub, required for ComponentListener
componentResized(ComponentEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
stub, required for ComponentListener
componentShown(ComponentEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
When parentComp becomes un-hidden, flag this tooltip to be shown when mouse moves in.
con - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.Command
confirmAttackPirateFortress() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Confirm with the user that they want to atack the pirate fortress and end their turn, in scenario _SC_PIRI.
conflicts - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
conn_cancel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Connect and Cancel buttons on SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_cancel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
conn_connect - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Connect and Cancel buttons on SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_connect - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
CONN_PANEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
CardLayout string for SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_pass - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Username, password, and status fields on SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_pass - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
conn_sentAuth - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
If true, a username/password SOCAuthRequest has been sent to the server from SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_servhost - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
conn_servport - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
conn_status - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Username, password, and status fields on SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_user - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Username, password, and status fields on SOCAccountClient.connPanel.
conn_user - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
connData - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
Key for Server.cliConnDisconPrintsPending; non-null unless isArriveNotDepart; if so, connection name from StringConnection.getData()
connect() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Attempts to connect to the server.
connect(String, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Attempts to connect to the server.
connect(String, int, String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Connect and give feedback by showing MESSAGE_PANEL.
connect(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Prepare to connect, give feedback by showing SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.MESSAGE_PANEL.
connect(String, String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Prepare to connect and give feedback by showing a message panel.
connect(String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Opens a new connection and initializes the prepared statements.
connect() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Set up to reading from the net, start a new Putter thread to send to the net; called only by the server.
connect(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Connect to specified stringport.
connect() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Local version; nothing special to do to start reading messages.
connect() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Start ability to read from the net; called only by the server.
CONNECT_OR_PRACTICE_PANEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Connect-or-practice panel (if jar launch), in cardlayout.
connected - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
connected - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
connected - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Are we connected to a TCP server (remote or SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.localTCPServer)? SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.practiceServer is not a TCP server.
connected - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
connection - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
db connection, or null if never initialized or if cleaned up for shutdown.
Connection - Class in soc.server.genericServer
A client's connection at a server.
Connection(Socket, Server) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
initialize the connection data
Connection.Putter - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Connection inner class thread to send Connection.outQueue messages to the net.
Connection.Putter() - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Connection.Putter
connectOrPracticePane - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
If applicable, is set up in SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.initVisualElements().
connectTime - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Time of connection to server, or of object creation if that time's not available
connectTo(String) - Static method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Find and connect to stringport with this name.
connectTo(String, LocalStringConnection) - Static method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Find and connect to stringport with this name.
connectToChannel(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Adds a connection to a chat channel.
connectToGame(StringConnection, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Adds a connection to a game, unless they're already a member.
connHost - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
connPanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Connect and Authenticate panel (SOCAccountClient.CONN_PANEL), for when server needs authentication to create a user account.
conns - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
The named connections: StringConnection.getData() != null.
connserv - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
"Connect to server"
CONSIDER_LM_CITY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
CONSIDER_LM_ROAD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
CONSIDER_LM_SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
CONSIDER_LT_CITY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
CONSIDER_LT_ROAD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
CONSIDER_LT_SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
considerMove(SOCGame, String, SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
send a command to the server with a message asking a robot to show the debug info for a possible move after a move has been made
considerOffer(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Consider a trade offer made by another player.
considerOffer2(SOCTradeOffer, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
consider an offer made by another player
considerPlayKnightCard() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
If we haven't played a dev card yet this turn, and we have a knight, and we can get largest army, play the knight.
considerScenarioTurnFinalActions() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Look for and take any scenario-specific final actions before ending the turn.
considerTarget(SOCGame, String, SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
send a command to the server with a message asking a robot to show the debug info for a possible move before a move has been made
cont - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Expanded entries (contents), one per line in file, from ParsedPropsFilePair.parsed: Source and dest file-pair line-by-line grid contents, from parsing and editing; also contains ParsedPropsFilePair.destOnlyPairs.
contains(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Does the set contain any resources of this type?
contains(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
containsNonZero() - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
Does any grid square contain a non-zero value?
contEndingComment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
If the file ends with a comment not followed by a key-value pair, it goes in ParsedPropsFilePair.cont and also goes here
contHeadingComment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
If the file starts with a comment followed by blank lines above the first a key-value pair, comment goes in ParsedPropsFilePair.cont and also goes here
controlsOpts - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Key = AWT control; value = SOCGameOption within NewGameOptionsFrame.opts.
convertInsertedRows() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Check for rows added by the editor, with the ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry.newAdd flag; inspect these for keys and values, and if needed convert them to ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry.
convertToUnknown() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Convert all these resources to type SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN.
cookie - Variable in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
The security cookie value expected by the server.
cookie - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
The security cookie value; required by server v1.1.19 and higher.
coord - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Coordinates on the board for this piece.
coord - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Optional coordinates on the board for this item, or -1.
coord - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Optional coordinates on the board for this item, or -1.
coord - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
Where this piece is on the board
coord - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Where this piece is on the board.
coordinates - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
the coordinates of the piece
coordinates - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
the coordinates of the piece
coordinates - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
the hex coordinates of the piece (positive for robber, negative for pirate)
coordinates - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
the coordinates of the piece
copy() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Make a copy of this resource set.
copyClientPlayerStats(SOCClientData) - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Copy the client's win-loss record from another SOCClientData.
copyIfOptionChanged(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
Examine game options, and if any would change the robot parameters, make a copy of these parameters with the changed options.
copyPlayerTrackers(HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
make copies of player trackers and then make connections between copied pieces
COPYRIGHT - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
copyright() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Return the copyright string.
cost - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Optional cost to buy, use, or build the next level, or null.
cost - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem
The resource costs if any, or null
COST_SC_WOND - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Costs for the Wonders in the _SC_WOND scenario.
costFrom - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
couldBuildCity(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
couldBuildRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
couldBuildSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
couldBuildShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
couldBuyDevCard(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
count - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
Number of pieces, victory points, or length of route required
count - Variable in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
The resource count
counter - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
A counter used to measure passage of time.
COUNTER_OFFER - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
counterCompactMode - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
If true, display counter-offer in a "compact mode" layout because the panel's height is too short for the normal arrangement.
counterHidesBalloonPoint - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
If true, hide the original offer's balloon point (see SpeechBalloon.setBalloonPoint(boolean)) when the counter-offer is visible.
counterOffer_playerInit - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
counterOfferMode - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
is the counter-offer showing? use TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel.setCounterOfferVisible(boolean) to change.
counterOfferSquares - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Counter-offer's resources; the main offer is TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel.squares.
counterOfferToWhom - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
countFieldSync - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Synchronization for win-loss count and other counter fields
countFieldSync - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Synchronization for SOCServer.numberOfGamesFinished writes.
countNewLines(String) - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Count the lines in a string of text.
countUsers() - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Count the number of users, if any, currently in the users table.
create - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Create Game button; null if NewGameOptionsFrame.readOnly
CREATE_ACCOUNT_COMMAND - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
CREATEACCOUNT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
createAccount(String, String, String, String, long) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Attempt to create a new account with a unique userName in the users table.
createAccountCommand - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Create a new account in users: SOCDBHelper.CREATE_ACCOUNT_COMMAND
createAndAddResourceColorSquare(Color, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Create a ColorSquare and its Label, with the given text key, and add them to the layout.
createAndShow(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Creates and shows a new NewGameOptionsFrame.
createAndShow(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class soc.client.NotifyDialog
Creates and shows a new NotifyDialog.
createAndShow(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
Creates and shows a new SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog.
createAndShow(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
Creates and shows a new SOCQuitConfirmDialog.
createAndStartRobotClientThread(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCLocalRobotClient
Create and start a robot client within a SOCLocalRobotClient thread.
createBankTradeRequest(SOCHandPanel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
Create a bank-trade-request, send to the server.
createBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, int) - Method in interface soc.game.SOCBoard.BoardFactory
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board based on gameOpts; this is a factory method.
createBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board based on gameOpts; this is a factory method.
createBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer.BoardFactoryAtServer
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board based on gameOpts; this is a factory method.
createChannel(String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
create a new channel.
createColorSqRetLbl - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Color square label created by most recent call to SOCHandPanel.createAndAddResourceColorSquare(Color, String).
createColorSqRetSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Color square created by most recent call to SOCHandPanel.createAndAddResourceColorSquare(Color, String).
createControls() - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
Add rows of stats, register ESC keyboard shortcut
createControls() - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
createdChannel() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client has created a channel; update the count.
createdGame() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client has created a game; update the count.
createForScenario(SOCGame, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Factory method to create a specific scenario's special items, including item name i18n string keys appropriate for type among the scenario's item types.
createGame(String, String, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, GameHandler) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
create a new game, and add to the list; game will expire in SOCGameListAtServer.GAME_TIME_EXPIRE_MINUTES minutes.
createGameAndBroadcast(StringConnection, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Create a new game, and announce it with a broadcast.
createOrJoinGameIfUserOK(StringConnection, String, String, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Check username/password and create new game, or join game.
createSendBankTradeRequest(SOCGame, int[], int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Create and send a bank/port trade request.
createStatControlRow(int, String, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.MiscStatsPanel
Create a row in our panel to display one stat, and return the JLabel that will hold its value.
createWindowAdapter() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
createWindowAdapter() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
creation(SOCPlayerInterface, SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Stuff to do when a SOCHandPanel is created.
crypt_raw(byte[], byte[], int) - Method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Perform the central password hashing step in the bcrypt scheme
CURRENT_PLANS - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
constants for debug recording
CURRENT_RESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
currentCreatedChannels - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Number of games/channels this client has created, which currently exist (not deleted)
currentCreatedGames - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Number of games/channels this client has created, which currently exist (not deleted)
currentDice - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the current dice result.
currentDRecorder - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
keeps track of which dRecorder is current
currentFaceId - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
currentImageNum - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Human face images are positive numbers, 1-based (range 1 to NUM_FACES).
currentKey - Variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
currentOffer - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
this is the current trade offer that this player is making, or null if none
currentOffset - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
currentPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the number of the current player
currentRecord - Variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
currentRobotParameters - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
the current robot parameters for robot brains
currentRoll - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The current dice result, including any scenario items such as SOCVillage.distributeCloth(SOCGame) results.
currentRow - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
curState - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Our current state
CutoffExceededException - Exception in soc.util
this exception means that the cutoff has been exceeded
CutoffExceededException() - Constructor for exception soc.util.CutoffExceededException
Creates a new CutoffExceededException object.
CutoffExceededException(String) - Constructor for exception soc.util.CutoffExceededException
Creates a new CutoffExceededException object.


D - Class in soc.debug
Debug output; can be switched on and off.
D() - Constructor for class soc.debug.D
D - Class in soc.disableDebug
Debug output; the disabled class is always off.
D() - Constructor for class soc.disableDebug.D
data - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
The arbitrary key data (client "name") associated with this connection, or null.
databasePassword - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
databaseUserAdmins - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
User admins whitelist, from SOCServer.PROP_JSETTLERS_ACCOUNTS_ADMINS, or null if disabled.
databaseUserName - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
dbURL - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Retain the URL (default, or passed via props to SOCDBHelper.initialize(String, String, Properties)).
debug(String) - Method in class soc.debug.D
Debug-println this text; for compatibility with log4j.
debug(String) - Method in class soc.disableDebug.D
Debug-println this text; for compatibility with log4j.
DEBUG_CMD_FREEPLACEMENT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Used by SOCGameHandler.SOC_DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP, etc.
DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
List and description of debug/admin commands.
DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP_DEV - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Used by SOCGameHandler.SOC_DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP, etc.
DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP_DEV_TYPES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Debug help: 1-line summary of dev card types, from SOCDevCardConstants.
DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP_PLAYER - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Debug help: player name or number.
DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP_RSRCS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Used by SOCGameHandler.SOC_DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP, etc.
debug_getPlayer(StringConnection, SOCGame, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Given a player name or player number, find that player in the game.
debug_printPieceDiceNumbers(SOCGame, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Temporary debugging; call when "no player gets anything" will be printed after a roll.
debug_printPieceDiceNumbers_pl(SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard, String, Enumeration<? extends SOCPlayingPiece>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Temporary debugging; for 1 player.
DEBUGFREEPLACE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
debugFreePlacement - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Are we in the 'free placement' debug mode? See SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand_freePlace, SOCPlayerInterface.setDebugPaintPieceMode.
debugFreePlacementStartPlaced - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Have we placed pieces in SOCGame.debugFreePlacement during initial placement? Set in SOCGame.putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece).
debugFreePlaceModeToggled(boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
debugFreePlaceModeToggled(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
debugGiveDevCard(StringConnection, String, SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
this is a debugging command that gives a dev card to a player.
debugGiveResources(StringConnection, String, SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
this is a debugging command that gives resources to a player.
debugInfo() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
this is for debugging
debugPrintBrainStatus() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Print brain variables and status for this game to a list of Strings.
debugPrintBrainStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Print brain variables and status for this game, to System.err or as SOCGameTextMsg sent to the game's members, by calling SOCRobotBrain.debugPrintBrainStatus().
debugPrintTurnMessages(Vector<?>, String, List<String>) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Add the contents of this Vector as Strings to the provided list.
debugRandomPause - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
For debugging/regression testing, randomly pause responding for several seconds, to simulate a "stuck" robot brain.
DEBUGRANDOMPAUSE_FREQ - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
When SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPause is true but not SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPauseActive, frequency of activating it; checked for each non-SOCGameTextMsg and non-SOCGameServerText message received during our own turn.
DEBUGRANDOMPAUSE_SECONDS - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
When SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPauseActive is activated, pause this many seconds before continuing.
debugRandomPauseActive - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Is SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPause currently in effect for this client? If so, store messages into SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPauseQueue instead of sending them to SOCRobotClient.robotBrains immediately.
debugRandomPauseQueue - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
When SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPauseActive is true, store incoming messages from the server into this queue until SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPauseUntil.
debugRandomPauseUntil - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
When SOCRobotClient.debugRandomPauseActive is true, resume at this time; same format as System.currentTimeMillis().
DebugRecorder - Class in soc.util
This class is used to record debugging information that can be accessed during run-time through a client.
DebugRecorder() - Constructor for class soc.util.DebugRecorder
debugShowCoordsTooltip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Debugging flag where board item tooltip includes the item's coordinates.
debugShowPotentials - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For debugging, flags to show player 0's potential/legal coordinate sets.
decidedIfSpecialBuild - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
During this turn, which is another player's turn, have we yet decided whether to do the Special Building phase (for the 6-player board)?
decidePlayMonopoly() - Method in class soc.robot.MonopolyStrategy
Decide whether we should play a monopoly card, and set MonopolyStrategy.getMonopolyChoice() if so.
decisionMaker - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
the thing that determines what we want to build next
decisionMaker - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
decode_base64(String, int) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Decode a string encoded using bcrypt's base64 scheme to a byte array.
DEFAULT_FACE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
DEFAULT_PRACTICE_GAMENAME - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
For practice games, default game name ("Practice").
DEFAULT_ROLL_LIMIT - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
defaultBoolValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Default value for boolean part of this option, if any
defaultIntValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Default value for integer part of this option, if any
defaultsReceived - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
Has the server told us defaults?
DELETECHANNEL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
deleteChannel(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
remove the channel from the list
deletedChannel() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client has deleted a channel they created; update the count.
deletedGame() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client has deleted a game they created; update the count.
deleteFromGameList(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
deleteFromGameList(String, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Delete a game from the list.
deleteFromList(String, List) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
delete a group
DELETEGAME - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
deleteGame(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
remove the game from the list and call SOCGame.destroyGame() via SOCGameList.deleteGame(String).
deleteGame(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Remove the game from the list and call SOCGame.destroyGame().
deleteMember(String) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
delete a member from the channel
deltaX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
How many pixels to move over for a new hex.
DELTAX_FACING - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
x-offset to move over 1 hex, for each port facing direction (1-6).
deltaY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
How many pixels to drop for each row of hexes.
DELTAY_FACING - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
y-offset to move over 1 hex, for each port facing direction (1-6).
desc - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo
Description of the player's action that led to the SVP.
desc - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Descriptive text for the item.
desc - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Description of the player's action that led to the SVP.
DESERT - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
DESERT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Desert; highest-numbered hex type.
dest - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Destination file chosen here by user, if any, or null if they cancelled; see PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.src
dest - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Destination file already chosen by user before this dialog; see PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.src
destComment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry
Comment field strings start with # and are trimmed; may be null or "" on blank lines.
destComment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Preceding comment lines and/or blank lines in the destination language, or null; same format as PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine.comment
destFile - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
destOnlyPairs - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Key-value pairs found only in the destination file, not the source file; or null if none.
destParsedDupeKeys - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Any duplicate keys found during parsing, or null if none.
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
destroys the tooltip.
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
destroy the applet
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCApplet
When the applet is destroyed, calls SOCPlayerClient.dispose().
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu
Cleanup, for removing this menu.
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
destroy the applet
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Remove elements to clean up this panel.
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu
Cleanup, for removing this menu.
destroy() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Cleanup, for removing this menu.
DESTROY - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Destroy settlement or downgrade city.
destroy() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
losing connection to server; leave all games, then try to reconnect
destroyChannel(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Destroy a channel and then clean up related data, such as the owner's count of SOCClientData.getcurrentCreatedChannels().
destroyGame() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set vars to null so gc can clean up
destroyGame(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Destroy a game and clean up related data, such as the owner's count of SOCClientData.getCurrentCreatedGames().
destroyGameAndBroadcast(String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Destroy a game and then broadcast its deletion, including lock handling.
destroyPlayer() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set vars to null so gc can clean up
destSpacedEquals - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
If true, the key and value are separated by " = " instead of "=".
destValue - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Value in destination language, or null.
devCard - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
The type of dev card
DEVCARD_BOUGHT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
The current player has bought a development card.
DEVCARD_NEW - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Dev card list prefix "*NEW* " - includes trailing space
DEVCARDACTION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCDevCardAction message; before v2.0.00, this type was DEVCARD (class name SOCDevCard).
DEVCARDCOUNT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
devCardDeck - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the development card deck.
devCardDeckUpdated() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
devCardDeckUpdated() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
devCardMultiplier - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
devCardMultiplier - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
devCardType - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
developmentLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
developmentSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Development card count
df1 - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
dice - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Dice number pictures (for the arrow; the hex dice numbers use Graphics.drawString).
DICE_NUMBER_CIRCLE_COLORS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Dice number circle background colors on hexes.
DICE_NUMBER_CIRCLE_DIAMETER - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Diameter and font size (unscaled internal-pixels) for dice number circles on hexes.
DICE_NUMBER_FONTPOINTS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Diameter and font size (unscaled internal-pixels) for dice number circles on hexes.
DICE_SZ - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Dice number graphic size in pixels; fits in a 25 x 25 square.
diceA - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
The dice numbers rolled, each 1 to 6.
diceB - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
The dice numbers rolled, each 1 to 6.
diceNum - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Village's dice number, for giving cloth to players who've established a trade route to here.
diceNumberCircleFM - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
FontMetrics of SOCBoardPanel.diceNumberCircleFont.
diceNumberCircleFont - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Font of dice-number circles appearing on hexes, and dice numbers on cloth villages.
DICERESULT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
DICERESULTRESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCDiceResultResources - All resources gained by players from a dice roll.
diceRolled(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Receive a notification that the current player has rolled the dice.
diceRolled(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
Show a dice roll result.
diceRolled(SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent) - Method in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
diceRolledResources(List<Integer>, List<SOCResourceSet>) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Receive a notification that the dice roll resulted in players gaining resources.
diceRolledResources(List<Integer>, List<SOCResourceSet>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
didGameScenarioPopupCheck - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
True if we've already shown SOCPlayerInterface.game's scenario's descriptive text in a popup window when the client joined, or if the game has no scenario.
didReqFocus - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Have we requested focus yet?
didSetLocation - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Flag to place window in center once when displayed (in SOCChoosePlayerDialog.doLayout()), and not change position again afterwards.
didSetLocation - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Place window in center when displayed (in doLayout), don't change position afterwards
didSetLocation - Variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Place dialog in center once when displayed (in doLayout), don't change position afterwards
didSwingTooltipDefaults - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If true, our constructor has set the Swing tooltip default font/foreground/background.
didUpdateFP() - Method in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Did the game's SOCGame.getFirstPlayer() change?
didUpdateLP() - Method in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Did the game's lastPlayer change? Calling SOCGame.setFirstPlayer(int) will also calculate its lastPlayer based on vacant seats and firstPlayer.
disableBankUndoButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Disable the bank/port trade undo button.
DISC - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
discovery, year-of-plenty card
discard(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user wants to discard
discard(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user wants to discard
discard(int, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
A player is discarding resources.
DISCARD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
discard(int, Stack<SOCPossiblePiece>, Random, SOCPlayer, SOCRobotParameters, SOCRobotDM, SOCRobotNegotiator) - Static method in class soc.robot.DiscardStrategy
When we have to discard, try to keep the resources needed for our building plan.
discardOrGainDialog - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
The dialog for getting what resources the player wants to discard or gain.
discardOrGainPickRandom(SOCResourceSet, int, boolean, SOCResourceSet, Random) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Choose discards at random; does not actually discard anything.
discardOrPickTimerClear() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Cancel any "discarding..." or "picking resources..." timer, and clear the message if showing.
discardOrPickTimerSet(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
DISCARDREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
DiscardStrategy - Class in soc.robot
Strategy when we need to discard.
DiscardStrategy() - Constructor for class soc.robot.DiscardStrategy
disconnect() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
disconnect from the net
disconnect() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
disconnect from the net, and from any local practice server
disconnect() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Disconnect from the net (client of remote server).
disconnect() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
close the socket, stop the reader; called after conn is removed from server structures
disconnect() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
close the socket, discard pending buffered data, set EOF.
disconnect() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Close the socket, set EOF; called after conn is removed from server structures
disconnectEOFClients() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
If our server won't receive any more data from the client, disconnect them.
disconnectLastPingMillis - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Are we considering a request to disconnect this client? If so, the time we sent a ping (and awaiting a reply).
disconnectReconnect() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
disconnect and then try to reconnect.
disconnectSoft() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Accept no further input, allow output to drain, don't immediately close the socket.
disconnectSoft() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Accept no further input, allow output to drain, don't immediately close the socket.
disconnectSoft() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Accept no further input, allow output to drain, don't immediately close the socket.
discoveryPick(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user picked 2 resources to discover
discoveryPick(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user picked 2 resources to discover
DISCOVERYPICK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
displays - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
Displays the amounts in GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel.values
dispose() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Dispose of this window.
dispose() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Dismiss the frame, and clear client's SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.newGameOptsFrame reference to null if it's to this frame.
dispose() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Shut down the local TCP server (if any) and disconnect from the network.
dispose() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
network trouble; if possible, ask if they want to play locally (practiceServer vs.
dispose() - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
dispose() - Method in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
dispose() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
disposeQuietly() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog
dispResultSet(ResultSet) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
distributeCloth(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Game action: Distribute cloth to players from this village and (if needed) from the board general supply.
distributeClothFromRoll(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Game action: Distribute cloth to players on a dice roll.
doBoardMenuPopup(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Bring up the popup menu; called from mousePressed.
doc - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
doDiscoveryAction(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
perform the Discovery card action
doDocEvent(DocumentEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Handle text changes in PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.tfLang, PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.tfRegion, PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.tfDestFilename.
doesCounterHideBalloonPoint() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
If true, hide the original offer's balloon point (see SpeechBalloon.setBalloonPoint(boolean)) when the counter-offer is visible.
doesTableColumnExist(String, String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Query to see if a column exists in a table.
doesTradeRouteContinuePastEdge(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For road/ship building, does this edge have a piece of ours adjacent to it (settlement, city, or same road/ship type as wantShip)?
doesTradeRouteContinuePastNode(SOCBoard, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Does this trade route (ships only, or roads only) continue past an unoccupied node?
doesUserExist(String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Does this user (nickname) exist in the database?
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Custom layout for this list, which makes things easier because visibleFaceGrid changes frequently.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
custom layout for this panel.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Do our dialog's custom layout.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Custom layout, and setLocation call, for this dialog.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Custom layout for player hand panel.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
Do our dialog's custom layout: Prompt message, row of 2 resource buttons, of 3 resource buttons.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Arrange the custom layout.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Call Container.doLayout(), then if this is the first time placing it, place the dialog in the top-center of the game window.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
Custom layout for just the message panel.
doLayout() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Custom layout for this OfferPanel
doLocalCommand(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Handle local client commands for channels.
doLocalCommand(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Handle local client commands for games.
doMonopolyAction(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
perform the Monopoly card action.
doMouseEvent(MouseEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Handle mouse clicks in table cells, including context-menu popup trigger; will set currently selected cell at mousePressed before showing popup.
DONE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
DONE_RESTART - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Text of Done button at end of game becomes Restart button.
doneBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
"Done" with turn during play; also "Restart" for board reset at end of game
doneButIsRestart - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
True when SOCHandPanel.doneBut's label is Restart (SOCHandPanel.DONE_RESTART)
doneTrading - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're done trading
doNotSend() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
doSearchHotkey() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Show and focus the Search bar when its hotkey (Ctrl-F 'Find') is pressed.
down - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
downRoadX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "\" along lower-left edge of hex
downRoadY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
DRAW - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
dev card action DRAW (Buy): Add as new to player's hand
DRAW_VP - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
drawArrow(Graphics, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
draw the arrow that shows whose turn it is.
drawBoard(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw the whole board, including pieces and tooltip (SOCBoardPanel.hilight, SOCBoardPanel.hoverTip) if applicable.
drawBoard_SC_FTRI_placePort(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scenario game option _SC_FTRI: In board mode SOCBoardPanel.SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT, draw the possible coastal edges where the port can be placed, and if the SOCBoardPanel.hilight cursor is at such an edge, draw the port semi-transparently and a solid hilight line at the edge.
drawBoardEmpty(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw the whole board (water, hexes, ports, numbers) but no placed pieces.
drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentialRoad(Graphics, int, int, int, int, boolean, Color, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw around one potential/legal road edge, for SOCBoardPanel.drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentials(Graphics).
drawBoardEmpty_drawDebugShowPotentials(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
If any bit in SOCBoardPanel.debugShowPotentials[] is set, besides 8, draw it on the board.
drawBoardEmpty_drawPiratePath(Graphics, int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For the _SC_PIRI game scenario on SOCBoardLarge, draw the path that the pirate fleet takes around the board.
drawBoardEmpty_specialEdges(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For the _SC_FTRI game scenario on SOCBoardLarge, draw markers at all Special Edges for the players to reach and be rewarded.
drawBoardEmpty_specialNodes(Graphics, String, Color) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For a game scenario on SOCBoardLarge, draw markers at a set of Special Nodes for the players to reach and be rewarded, retrieved with SOCBoardLarge.getAddedLayoutPart(String).
drawCity(Graphics, int, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
draw a city
drawFace(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
draw the face
drawFortress(Graphics, SOCFortress, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw a pirate fortress, for scenario SC_PIRI.
drawHex(Graphics, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw a board tile by its hex number (v1 or v2 board encoding).
drawHex(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw a land, water, or port hex tile at a given location.
drawItemFromStack() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
If this scenario has dev cards or items waiting to be claimed by any player, draw the next item from that stack.
drawItemFromStack() - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
drawMarker(Graphics, int, int, Color, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw a marker (village symbol) centered at a final (x,y) coordinate.
drawnEmptyAt - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Time of start of board repaint, as returned by System.currentTimeMillis().
drawPorts_LargeBoard(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw the ports for the large board.
drawPortsRing(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
for the 6-player board (if SOCBoardPanel.is6player), draw the ring of surrounding water/ports.
drawRoadOrShip(Graphics, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
draw a road or ship along an edge.
drawRobber(Graphics, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw the robber.
drawSeaEdgeLine(Graphics, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For drawing the player's permitted sea edges for ships, draw a line covering the middle 60% of this edge on the board (leaves out 20% on each end).
drawSeaEdgeLines(Graphics, Color, Collection<Integer>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw a dotted line with some thickness at each of these sea edge coordinates.
drawSettlement(Graphics, int, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
draw a settlement
drawSettlementOrCity(Graphics, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
draw a settlement or city; they have the same logic for determining (x,y) from nodeNum.
drawStack - Variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For game scenarios such as _SC_FTRI, dev cards or other items waiting to be claimed by any player.
drawSuperText(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw SOCBoardPanel.superText1, SOCBoardPanel.superText2; if necessary, calculate SOCBoardPanel.superText1_w and other fields.
drawSuperTextTop(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop; if necessary, calculate SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop_w and other fields.
drawVillage(Graphics, SOCVillage) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Draw a cloth trade village (used in some scenarios in the large sea board).
dRecorder - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
an object for recording debug information that can be accessed interactively
driverclass - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
The db driver used, or null if none.
driverinstance - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
The db driver instance, if we dynamically loaded its JAR.
dumbFastGameStrategy(int[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Plan building for the dumbFastGameStrategy (SOCRobotDM.FAST_STRATEGY).
dummyCancelPlayerData - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Dummy player for cancelling bad placements


ebug_disable() - Static method in class soc.debug.D
ebug_disable() - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
Always disabled; does nothing, since this is the disabled version.
ebug_enable() - Static method in class soc.debug.D
ebug_enable() - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
Does nothing, since this is the disabled version.
ebugIsEnabled() - Static method in class soc.debug.D
Is debug currently enabled?
ebugIsEnabled() - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
Is debug currently enabled?
ebugOn - Static variable in class soc.debug.D
ebugOn - Static variable in class soc.disableDebug.D
ebugPrint(String) - Static method in class soc.debug.D
ebugPrint(String) - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
ebugPrintln(String) - Static method in class soc.debug.D
ebugPrintln() - Static method in class soc.debug.D
ebugPrintln(String) - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
ebugPrintln() - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
ebugPrintStackTrace(Throwable, String) - Static method in class soc.debug.D
If debug is enabled, print the stack trace of this exception
ebugPrintStackTrace(Throwable, String) - Static method in class soc.disableDebug.D
If debug is enabled, print the stack trace of this exception
edge - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
Edge to place at or move to
edgeCoordToString(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the dice roll numbers for hexes on either side of this edge.
edgeCoordToString(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the dice roll numbers for hexes on either side of this edge.
edgeMap - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Map grid sectors (from unscaled on-screen coordinates) to hex edges.
edgesAreShips - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
True for ships, false for roads
ekskey(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Perform the "enhanced key schedule" step described by Provos and Mazieres in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" http://www.openbsd.org/papers/bcrypt-paper.ps
elementType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Player element type, such as SOCPlayerElement.SETTLEMENTS
elementTypes - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Element types, such as SOCPlayerElement.CLAY, matching up with each item of SOCPlayerElements.values
email - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
email - Variable in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Email address, optional; see SOCCreateAccount.getEmail().
emailAddress - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
the email address
EMPTY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Symbol to represent a null or empty string value, because empty pa[] elements can't be parsed over the network.
empty() - Method in class soc.util.CappedQueue
empty() - Method in class soc.util.Queue
EMPTY_INT_ARRAY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
An empty int array for use in method calls.
EMPTY_RESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
an empty set of resources.
EMPTY_SET - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Resource set with zero of each resource type
emptyBoardBuffer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
offscreen buffer of board without any pieces placed, to prevent flicker.
EMPTYSTR - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
symbol to represent a null or empty string value, because empty pa[] elements can't be parsed
EMPTYSTR - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Symbol to represent a null or empty string value, because empty pa[] elements can't be parsed.
EMPTYSTR - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Symbol to represent a null or empty string value, because empty pa[] elements can't be parsed over the network with the current tokenizer.
enabled - Static variable in class soc.debug.D
enableOptions() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
enableOptions() - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
encipher(int[], int) - Method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Blowfish encipher a single 64-bit block encoded as two 32-bit halves
encode_base64(byte[], int) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Encode a byte array using bcrypt's slightly-modified base64 encoding scheme.
endCoord - Variable in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
endGameTurn(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Pre-checking already done, end the current player's turn in this game.
endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame, int, String, StringConnection, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
A bot is unresponsive, or a human player has left the game.
endSearch() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Done searching for now.
endTurn(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is done with the turn
endTurn(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is done with the turn
endTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
end the turn for the current player, and check for winner.
ENDTURN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
endTurnIfInactive(SOCGame, long) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
The server's timer thread thinks this game is inactive because of a robot bug.
endTurnIfInactive(SOCGame, long) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
enumIntoStringBuf(Enumeration<String>, StringBuffer) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
For use in toString: Append string enum contents to stringbuffer, formatted as "a,b,c,d,e".
enumVals - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
For type SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUM and SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUMBOOL, descriptive text for each possible value; null for other types.
EOF_MARKER - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Unique end-of-file marker object.
equals(String, String) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Compare this SOCPlayingPiece to another SOCPlayingPiece, or another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Test if this scenario equals another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Compare this SOCSpecialItem to another SOCSpecialItem, or another object.
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
equals(Object) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionCounter
equals(IntPair) - Method in class soc.util.IntPair
Are these IntPairs' integers equal (unordered comparison)?
equals(IntTriple) - Method in class soc.util.IntTriple
Are these IntTriples' integers equal (ordered comparison)? Unlike IntPair.equals(IntPair), the order matters.
equals(Pair<?, ?>) - Method in class soc.util.Pair
eraseAllRecords() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
Clear the record table
error - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
error - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Any error encountered, or null
errorCondition - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
This flag indicates that the connection should be valid, yet the last operation failed.
escValue(String) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
Examine a property value string, and escape any non-ISO-8859-1 unicode characters and leading whitespace.
estimateResourceRarity() - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Estimate the rarity of each resource, given this board's resource locations vs dice numbers.
estimatesFromNothing - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
estimatesFromNow - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
eta - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
eta - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
this is how soon we estimate we can build this piece measured in turns (ETA)
etaBonusFactor - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
etaBonusFactor - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
eventTimer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Utility for time-driven events in the display.
ex - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
ex - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
ex - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Any network error (TCP communication) received while connecting or sending messages in SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.putNet(String), or null.
ex_P - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Practice-server error (stringport pipes), or null
excep - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
may be null
EXPAND_LEVEL - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Road expansion level for SOCPlayerTracker.addOurNewRoadOrShip(SOCRoad, HashMap, int); how far away to look for possible future settlements (level of recursion).
EXPAND_LEVEL_SHIP_EXTRA - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Ship route length expansion level to add to SOCPlayerTracker.EXPAND_LEVEL for SOCPlayerTracker.expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer, HashMap, int).
expandCommentLinesIntoCont(ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Expand this key-value entry's preceding comment(s) to new lines appended at the end of ParsedPropsFilePair.cont.
expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Expand a possible road or ship, to see what placements it makes possible.
expandTradeTreeNode(SOCTradeTree, Hashtable<SOCResourceSet, SOCTradeTree>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
expand a trade tree node
expectDICERESULT - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting a DICERESULT message
expectDISCARD - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting a DISCARDREQUEST message
expectMOVEROBBER - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting to have to move the robber
expectPLACING_CITY - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLACING_CITY state
expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD1 - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLACING_FREE_ROAD1 state
expectPLACING_FREE_ROAD2 - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLACING_FREE_ROAD2 state
expectPLACING_ROAD - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLACING_ROAD state
expectPLACING_ROBBER - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
True if we're expecting the PLACING_ROBBER state.
expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLACING_SETTLEMENT state
expectPLACING_SHIP - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLACING_SHIP game state
expectPLAY - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLAY state
expectPLAY1 - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the PLAY1 state
expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START1A - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if were expecting a PUTPIECE message after a START1A game state
expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START1B - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if were expecting a PUTPIECE message after a START1B game state
expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START2A - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if were expecting a PUTPIECE message after a START1A game state
expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START2B - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if were expecting a PUTPIECE message after a START1A game state
expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START3A - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if were expecting a PUTPIECE message after a START3A game state.
expectPUTPIECE_FROM_START3B - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if were expecting a PUTPIECE message after a START3B game state.
expectSTART1A - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the START1A state
expectSTART1B - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the START1B state
expectSTART2A - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the START2A state
expectSTART2B - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the START2B state
expectSTART3A - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the START3A state.
expectSTART3B - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting the START3B state.
expectWAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting to pick two resources
expectWAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're expecting to pick a monopoly
expiration - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Expiration time for this game in milliseconds (system clock time, not a duration from SOCGame.startTime); Same format as System.currentTimeMillis().
extractContentsHalf(boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get the source or destination "half" of the parsed pair's contents, in a format suitable for PropsFileWriter.write(List, String).


FACE_BORDER_WIDTH_PX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
width of border (per side), used in FACE_WIDTH_BORDERED_PX
FACE_WIDTH_BORDERED_PX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
width,height of button with border around the face icon (bordered mode)
FACE_WIDTH_PX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
width,height of button showing only the face icon (standard mode)
faceChooser - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Null unless being used in the face chooser
FaceChooserFrame - Class in soc.client
Popup window for the user to browse and choose a face icon.
FaceChooserFrame(SOCFaceButton, SOCPlayerClient, SOCPlayerInterface, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Creates a new FaceChooserFrame.
FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList - Class in soc.client
FaceChooserList holds face icons (in rows and columns) and an optional scrollbar.
FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList(FaceChooserFrame, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Create facechooserlist for this frame, with selected face ID.
FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow - Class in soc.client
Within FaceChooserList, one row of faces.
FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow(int) - Constructor for class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow
If our FaceChooserList.currentFaceId is within our row, calls that face id's setHilightBorder when adding it.
faceGrid - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Will contain all faces.
faceId - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
which face image this player is using
faceId - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
The id of the face image
faceImg - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Face icon; can right-click/triple-click for face chooser popup.
faceRowsHeight - Static variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
How many rows to show? Default 6.
faces - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow
Will not go past SOCFaceButton.NUM_FACES
faceSB - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
faceWidthPx - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Width,height of one face, in pixels.
FACING_E - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Facing is the direction (1-6) to the hex touching a hex or edge, or from a node to another node 2 nodes away.
FACING_NE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Facing is the direction (1-6) to the hex touching a hex or edge, or from a node to another node 2 nodes away.
FACING_NW - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Facing is the direction (1-6) to the hex touching a hex or edge, or from a node to another node 2 nodes away.
FACING_SE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Facing is the direction (1-6) to the hex touching a hex or edge, or from a node to another node 2 nodes away.
FACING_SW - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Facing is the direction (1-6) to the hex touching a hex or edge, or from a node to another node 2 nodes away.
FACING_W - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Facing is the direction (1-6) to the hex touching a hex or edge, or from a node to another node 2 nodes away.
failedBuildingAttempts - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Track how many illegal placement requests we've made this turn.
FAST_STRATEGY - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
favoriteCity - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
favoriteRoad - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
A road or ship we could build this turn, chosen from SOCRobotDM.threatenedRoads or SOCRobotDM.goodRoads in SOCRobotDM.smartGameStrategy(int[]).
favoriteSettlement - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
A settlement to build, chosen from SOCRobotDM.goodSettlements or SOCRobotDM.threatenedSettlements.
fb - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Face button that launched us.
fb - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
fcf - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
fcl - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Scrolling choice of faces
FEAT_ACCTS - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
User accounts defined in a persistent database.
FEAT_CHANNELS - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Chat channels.
FEAT_OPEN_REG - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Open registration.
featureList - Variable in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Active feature list, or null if none.
features - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Active optional server features, if any; see SOCServerFeatures constants for currently defined features.
fgcol - Static variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
The foreground color of the window
finalTotalVP - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
the final total score (pushed from server at end of game), or 0 if no score has been forced.
findAnyActiveGame(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Look for active games that we're playing
findBaseAndLangInFilename(String) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Given a properties file name, try to determine its base name and language if any.
findDuplicateKeys(List<PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine>, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser
Search a list of key-pair lines for any duplicates, filling the dupeKeys map.
findEdge(int, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
given a pixel on the board, find the edge that contains it
findHex(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
given a pixel on the board, find the hex that contains it
findNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
given a pixel on the board, find the node that contains it
findUnknowns(Map<String, I>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Search this group of items and find any unknown ones (with ! SOCVersionedItem.isKnown).
fire() - Method in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
fireOptionChangeListener(SOCGameOption.ChangeListener, SOCGameOption, Object, Object) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Handle firing a game option's ChangeListener, and refreshing related gameopts' values on-screen if needed.
fireUserChangedOptListeners(SOCGameOption, Object, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
A game option's value widget was changed by the user.
firstLine(String) - Static method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Extract the first line (up to \n) if f is multi-line.
FIRSTPLAYER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
firstPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the first player to place a settlement
firstSettlement - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
used in planning where to put our first and second settlements
flag - Variable in class soc.util.MutexFlag
FLAG_CANCPLAY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
SOCInventoryItemAction.canCancelPlay flag position for sending over network in a bit field
FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
SOCGameOption.optFlags bitfield constant to indicate option should be dropped if unset/default.
FLAG_INTERNAL_GAME_PROPERTY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
SOCGameOption.optFlags bitfield constant to indicate option is an internal property.
FLAG_ISKEPT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
SOCInventoryItemAction.isKept flag position for sending over network in a bit field
FLAG_ISVP - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
SOCInventoryItemAction.isVP flag position for sending over network in a bit field
FLAG_REQ_ALL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
"Request all" flag, for client to request all items of a requested type.
FLAG_SENT_ALL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
"Sent all of them" flag, for server's response when it has sent all known items of the string type requested by the client.
FLAG_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
"Type is unknown" flag, for server's response when it doesn't recognize the string type requested by the client.
flags - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Request or response flags such as SOCLocalizedStrings.FLAG_SENT_ALL.
flagValue - Variable in enum soc.game.SOCScenarioGameEvent
Value for sending event codes over a network.
flagValue - Variable in enum soc.game.SOCScenarioPlayerEvent
Value for sending event codes over a network.
FLOAT_VALUES - Static variable in interface soc.robot.SOCNumberProbabilities
Float probabilities: Index is dice number (1-12; 0 is unused), value ranges 0.0 to 1.0.
flush() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
flushBoardLayoutAndRepaint() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Clear the board layout (as rendered in the empty-board buffer) and trigger a repaint.
flushBoardLayoutAndRepaintIfDebugShowPotentials() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Clear the board layout (as rendered in the empty-board buffer) and trigger a repaint, only if we're showing potential/legal settlements/roads/cities for debug purposes.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener
Clear the initial prompt message when textfield is entered or clicked on.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener
If input text is cleared, and player leaves the textfield while it's empty, show the prompt message unless they've already sent a line of chat.
focusPassword() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
focusPassword() - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
If the password field is currently visible, focus the cursor there for the user to type something.
FOG - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Fog hex color.
FOG_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Hex type for the Fog Hex, with actual type revealed when roads or ships are placed.
FOG_ISL_BOARDSIZE_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Board size for 4 players: Max row 0x10, max col 0x11.
FOG_ISL_BOARDSIZE_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Board size for 6 players: Max row 0x10, max col 0x14.
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_FOG_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the fog island.
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_FOG_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the fog island.
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_FOG_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the fog island.
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_GC - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the gold corners (6-player only).
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_MAIN_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_MAIN_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_DICENUM_MAIN_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Dice numbers for hexes on the northern main island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_FOG_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land and water hex coordinates for the fog island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_FOG_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land and water hex coordinates for the fog island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_FOG_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land and water hex coordinates for the fog island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_GC - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex coordinates for the gold corners (6-player only).
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex coordinates for the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex coordinates for the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex coordinates for the northern main island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_FOG - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land and water hex types for the fog island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_FOG_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land and water hex types for the fog island.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_GC - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex types for the gold corners (6-player only).
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex types for the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex types for the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Land hex types for the northern main island.
FOG_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Port edges and facings on the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Port edges and facings on the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Port edges and facings on the northern main island.
FOG_ISL_PORT_TYPE_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Port types on the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_PORT_TYPE_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Port types on the large southwest and northeast islands.
FOG_ISL_PORT_TYPE_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fog Island: Port types on the northern main island.
fogHiddenHexes - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Actual hex types and dice numbers hidden under SOCBoardLarge.FOG_HEX.
FOR_TRI_BOARDSIZE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Board size: 4 players max row 0x0E, max col 0x11.
FOR_TRI_DEV_CARD_EDGES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Dev Card Edges: Edge coordinates where ship placement gives a free development card.
FOR_TRI_DICENUM_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Dice numbers for hexes on the main island.
FOR_TRI_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Land hex coordinates for the several small islands.
FOR_TRI_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Land hex coordinates for the main island.
FOR_TRI_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN_FAR_COASTAL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: 3 Land hex coordinates on main island (within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.FOR_TRI_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN) on the short eastern side.
FOR_TRI_LANDHEX_TYPE_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Hex land types on the several small islands.
FOR_TRI_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Land hex types for the main island.
FOR_TRI_PIRATE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Starting pirate water hex coordinate for 4, 6 players.
FOR_TRI_PORT_EDGE_FACING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Port edges and facings.
FOR_TRI_PORT_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Port types; will be shuffled.
FOR_TRI_SVP_EDGES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Forgotten Tribe: Special Victory Point Edges: edge coordinates where ship placement gives an SVP.
FORCE_ENDTURN_LOST_CHOICE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Choice lost; a development card or item may be returned to hand, see SOCForceEndTurnResult.getReturnedInvItem().
FORCE_ENDTURN_MAX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Highest valid FORCE_ENDTURN_ value for SOCGame.forceEndTurn()
FORCE_ENDTURN_MIN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
SOCGame.forceEndTurn() return values.
FORCE_ENDTURN_NONE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Since state is already SOCGame.PLAY1, already OK to end turn.
FORCE_ENDTURN_RSRC_DISCARD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Resources have been randomly discarded, or gained from SOCBoardLarge.GOLD_HEX or a canceled piece placement.
FORCE_ENDTURN_RSRC_DISCARD_WAIT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Resources have been randomly discarded, or gained from SOCBoardLarge.GOLD_HEX or a canceled piece placement.
FORCE_ENDTURN_RSRC_RET_UNPLACE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Sent both for placement of bought pieces, and for "free" pieces from road-building cards.
FORCE_ENDTURN_SKIP_START_ADV - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Skip an initial road or settlement; current player has advanced forward, state changes to SOCGame.START1A or SOCGame.START3A.
FORCE_ENDTURN_SKIP_START_ADVBACK - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Skip an initial road or settlement; current player has advanced backward, state changes to SOCGame.START2A.
FORCE_ENDTURN_SKIP_START_TURN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Skip an initial road or settlement; state changes to SOCGame.PLAY1, and SOCGame.endTurn() should be called.
FORCE_ENDTURN_UNPLACE_ROBBER - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Robber movement has been cancelled.
forceEndGameTurn(SOCGame, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Try to force-end the current player's turn in this game.
forceEndTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
In an active game, force current turn to be able to be ended.
forceEndTurnChkDiscardOrGain(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Randomly discard from this player's hand by calling SOCGame.discard(int, SOCResourceSet), or gain random resources by calling SOCGame.pickGoldHexResources(int, SOCResourceSet).
forceEndTurnStartState(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Special forceEndTurn() treatment for start-game states.
forceFinalVP(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
If game is over, server can push the final score for each player to the client.
forceGamePlayerDiscardOrGain(SOCGame, int, StringConnection, String, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Force this player (not current player) to discard, or gain random resources from a gold hex, and report resources to all players.
forcingEndTurn - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
If true, this turn is being ended.
forNewGame - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Is this NGOF used to set options for a new game, not to show them for an existing one?
forPractice - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
should this be sent to the remote tcp server, or local practice server?
forPracticeServer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask
fortress - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, the "pirate fortress" that this player must defeat to win.
FORTRESS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Types of playing pieces: Fortress.
fortressX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Fortress polygon for scenario SC_PIRI.
fortressY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Fortress polygon for scenario SC_PIRI.
FOUR_ISL_BOARDSIZE_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Board size for 4 players: Max row 0x10, max col 0x0e.
FOUR_ISL_BOARDSIZE_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Board size for 6 players: Max row 0x10, max col 0x14.
FOUR_ISL_DICENUM_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Dice numbers for all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_DICENUM_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Dice numbers for hexes on all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_DICENUM_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Six Islands: Dice numbers for hexes on all 6 islands.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Land hex coordinates for all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Land hex coordinates for all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Six Islands: Land hex coordinates for all 6 islands.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_LANDAREA_RANGES_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Island hex counts and land area numbers within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_3PL.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_LANDAREA_RANGES_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Island hex counts and land area numbers within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_4PL.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_LANDAREA_RANGES_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Six Islands: Island hex counts and land area numbers within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_6PL.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Land hex types for all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Land hex types for all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Six Islands: Land hex types for all 6 islands.
FOUR_ISL_PIRATE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Pirate ship's starting hex coordinate for 3,4,6 players
FOUR_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Port edges and facings on all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Port edges and facings on all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Six Islands: Port edges and facings on all 6 islands.
FOUR_ISL_PORT_TYPE_3PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Port types on all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_PORT_TYPE_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Four Islands: Port types on all 4 islands.
FOUR_ISL_PORT_TYPE_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Six Islands: Port types on all 6 islands.
freeRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
from - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
from - Variable in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
fsf - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu


ga - Variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
ga - Variable in class soc.server.SOCForceEndTurnThread
GAIN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
gainLoss - Variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Resources gained (returned to cancel piece placement) or lost (discarded), or null.
game - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The game which this board is a part of
game - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
game - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
game - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
game - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the game associated with this interface
game - Variable in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
game - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
the game that this player is in
game - Variable in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
Name of the new game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
the name of the game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameState
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Name of game; getter required by SOCMessageForGame
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
the name of the game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
Name of the game, or null if none.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
Name of the game, or null if none.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
the name of the game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
Name of the new game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
the name of the game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Name of game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Name of the game.
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.message.SOCTurn
Name of game
game - Variable in class soc.robot.MonopolyStrategy
Our game
game - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Our game
game - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The game we are playing
game - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
The game we're playing in
game - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
GAME_FORMING - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
GAME_NAME_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Maximum permitted game name length, default 30 characters.
GAME_NONE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
"Not for any game" marker, used when any of the SOCMessageTemplate* message types (which all implement SOCMessageForGame) are used for convenience for non-game messages such as SOCLocalizedStrings.
GAME_OVER - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
GAME_TIME_EXPIRE_ADDTIME_MINUTES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Amount of time to add (30 minutes) when the *ADDTIME* command is used by a player.
GAME_TIME_EXPIRE_CHECK_MINUTES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Sleep time (minutes) between checks for expired games in SOCGameTimeoutChecker.run().
GAME_TIME_EXPIRE_MINUTES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
Number of minutes after which a game (created on the list) is expired.
GAME_TIME_EXPIRE_WARN_MINUTES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
If game will expire in this or fewer minutes, warn the players.
gameData - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList
synchronized map of game names to SOCGame objects
gameDestroyed - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
Flag for when game has been destroyed, in case anything's waiting on its mutex.
gameDisconnected(String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
gameDisconnected(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
gameDisplay - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
gameDisplay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCApplet
gameDisplay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Display for all user interface, including and beyond games.
gameDisplay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the display that spawned us
gameEnded(Map<SOCPlayer, Integer>) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
gameEnded(Map<SOCPlayer, Integer>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
gameEvent(SOCGame, SOCScenarioGameEvent, Object) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Listener callback for scenario events on the large sea board which affect the game or board, not a specific player.
gameEvent(SOCGame, SOCScenarioGameEvent, Object) - Method in interface soc.game.SOCScenarioEventListener
A scenario event has occurred whichs affect the game or board, not a specific player.
gameEvent(SOCGame, SOCScenarioGameEvent, Object) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Listener callback for scenario events on the large sea board which affect the game or board, not a specific player.
gameEventQ - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The queue of game messages; contents are SOCMessage.
GameHandler - Class in soc.server
Server class to handle game-specific actions and messages for a type of game.
GameHandler(SOCServer) - Constructor for class soc.server.GameHandler
gameInfo - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList
key = String, value = SOCGameList.GameInfo; includes mutexes to synchronize game state access, game options, and other per-game info
gameInfoBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
gameInfoWaitingForOpts - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
If non-null, we're waiting to hear about game options because user has clicked 'game info' on a game.
gameIs6Player - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The SOCRobotBrain.game we're playing is on the 6-player board.
gameIsStarting - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Flag to ensure interface is updated, when the first actual turn begins (state changes from SOCGame.START2B or SOCGame.START3B to SOCGame.PLAY).
gameItemIndex - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Item's optional game item index, or -1, as used with SOCGame.getSpecialItem(String, int, int, int).
gameItemIndex - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Index in the game's Special Item list, or -1.
gameJoined(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
gameJoined(SOCGame) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
gameList - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
list of soc games
gameManager - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Helper object to send outgoing network traffic to the server.
GAMEMEMBERS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
gameMembers - Variable in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
synchronized map of game names to Vector of game members (StringConnections)
gameMinVers - Variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
gameName - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
GAMENAME_PREFIX_CANNOT_JOIN - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
text prefix to show games this client cannot join.
GAMEOPTIONGETDEFAULTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
GAMEOPTIONGETINFOS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
GAMEOPTIONINFO - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
gameOptions - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
options for all games on the server we've been asked to join.
gameOptionsCancelTimeoutTask() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Cancel the game-options info timeout.
gameOptionsSetTimeoutTask() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Start the game-options info timeout (SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask) at 5 seconds.
gameOptsDefsTask - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Task for timeout when asking remote server for game options defaults.
gameOptsTask - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Task for timeout when asking remote server for game options info.
gameOptsVersion - Variable in exception soc.game.SOCGameOptionVersionException
Minimum client version required by game options
gameOverIncrGamesFinishedCount() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Increment the "number of games finished" server-statistics field.
gameOverMessageToPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
If game is over, formulate a message to tell a player.
games - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the games we're playing
games - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
the games we're currently playing
games - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGames
List of games (Strings)
GAMES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
GAMESERVERTEXT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCGameServerText - Game text announcements from the server.
gamesFinished - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
number of games finished
gamesPlayed - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
number of games this bot has played
gameStarted() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Game play is starting (leaving state SOCGame.NEW).
gameStarted() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
gameState - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the current game state
GAMESTATE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
gameStateChanged(int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Update interface after game state has changed.
gameStateChanged(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
GameStatisticsFrame - Class in soc.client.stats
Game Statistics frame.
GameStatisticsFrame(SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
GameStatisticsFrame.CheckActionListener - Class in soc.client.stats
GameStatisticsFrame.CheckActionListener() - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.CheckActionListener
GameStatisticsFrame.MiscStatsPanel - Class in soc.client.stats
Miscellaneous other statistics, such as number of game rounds so far.
GameStatisticsFrame.MiscStatsPanel() - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.MiscStatsPanel
GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar - Class in soc.client.stats
GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar() - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar
GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel - Class in soc.client.stats
GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel() - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
gameStats - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
GAMESTATS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
gamesUnjoinableOverride - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
the unjoinable game names from SOCPlayerClient.serverGames that player has asked to join, and been told they can't.
GAMESWITHOPTIONS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
gamesWon - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
number of games this bot has won
GAMETEXTMSG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCGameTextMsg - Game text from players.
gameTimeoutChecker - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
game timeout checker
gameWindowClosed() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
React to our parent game window being closed.
gameWithOptionsBeginSetup(boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Want to start a new game, on a server which supports options.
gameWithOptionsBeginSetup(boolean, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Want to start a new game, on a server which supports options.
gd - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
gd - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter
GENERAL_COMMANDS_HELP - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
List and description of general commands that any game member can run.
generateRobotCookie() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Generate and return a string to use for SOCServer.robotCookie.
GENERATEROBOTCOOKIE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
The 16 hex characters to use in SOCServer.generateRobotCookie().
gensalt(int, SecureRandom) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Generate a salt for use with the BCrypt.hashpw() method
gensalt(int) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Generate a salt for use with the BCrypt.hashpw() method
gensalt() - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Generate a salt for use with the BCrypt.hashpw() method, selecting a reasonable default for the number of hashing rounds to apply
GENSALT_DEFAULT_LOG2_ROUNDS - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
get(String) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.mgr.StringManager
Get a localized string (having no parameters) with the given key.
get(String, Object...) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.mgr.StringManager
Get and format a localized string (with parameters) with the given key.
GET - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
get - Variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
To change its value, each ColorSquare handles its own mouse events.
get - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
get - Variable in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
get - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
The set of resources being taken from the bank/port
get() - Method in class soc.util.CappedQueue
get() - Method in class soc.util.Queue
getA() - Method in class soc.util.IntPair
Get the first int of this pair.
getA() - Method in class soc.util.Pair
getA() - Method in class soc.util.Triple
getAcceptingNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
getAction() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
getAction() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Get the type of action.
getAction() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
getActionType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
getAddedLayoutPart(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get one "added layout part" by its key name.
getAddedLayoutParts() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the keyed lists of additional layout parts to add to game layout, used only in some scenarios.
getAddedLegalSettlement() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the legal-settlement location, if any, added by SOCPlayer.addLegalSettlement(int, boolean).
getAddedParts() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Some game scenarios may add other layout part keys and int[] values.
getAdjacentEdges() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Which edges touch this piece's node on the board? Should not be called for roads, because they aren't placed at a node.
getAdjacentEdgesToEdge(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the edge coordinates of the 2 to 4 edges adjacent to this edge.
getAdjacentEdgesToEdge(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the edge coordinates of the 2 to 4 edges adjacent to this edge.
getAdjacentEdgesToHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The edge coordinates adjacent to this hex in all 6 directions.
getAdjacentEdgesToNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the valid edge coordinates adjacent to this node.
getAdjacentEdgesToNode_arr(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the valid edge coordinates adjacent to this node.
getAdjacentEdgesToNode_coastal(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the coastal (land+water) edges adjacent to this node, if any.
getAdjacentEdgeToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a node, get the valid adjacent edge in a given direction, if any.
getAdjacentEdgeToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a node, get the valid adjacent edge in a given direction, if any.
getAdjacentEdgeToNode2Away(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given an initial node, and a second node 2 nodes away, calculate the edge coordinate (adjacent to the initial node) going towards the second node.
getAdjacentEdgeToNode2Away(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given an initial node, and a second node 2 nodes away, calculate the road/edge coordinate (adjacent to the initial node) going towards the second node.
getAdjacentHexes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCCity
getAdjacentHexes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSettlement
getAdjacentHexes2Hex_AddIfOK(Vector<Integer>, boolean, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Check one possible coordinate for getAdjacentHexesToHex.
getAdjacentHexes_AddIfOK(Vector<Integer>, boolean, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Check one possible coordinate for getAdjacentHexesToHex.
getAdjacentHexesToEdge_arr(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The valid hex or two hexes touching an edge along its length.
getAdjacentHexesToEdgeEnds(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The valid hex or two hexes past each end of an edge.
getAdjacentHexesToHex(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Make a list of all valid hex coordinates (or, only land) adjacent to this hex.
getAdjacentHexesToHex(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Make a list of all valid hex coordinates (or, only land) adjacent to this hex.
getAdjacentHexesToNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the coordinates of the valid hexes adjacent to this node.
getAdjacentHexesToNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the coordinates of the hexes adjacent to this node.
getAdjacentHexToEdge(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
The hex touching an edge in a given direction, either along its length or at one end node.
getAdjacentHexToEdge(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The hex touching an edge in a given direction, either along its length or at one end node.
getAdjacentNodeFarEndOfEdge(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get an edge's other adjacent node (its other end).
getAdjacentNodes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCRoad
The 2 nodes touching this road.
getAdjacentNodesToEdge(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Adjacent node coordinates to an edge, within valid range to be on the board.
getAdjacentNodesToEdge(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Adjacent node coordinates to an edge (that is, the nodes that are the two ends of the edge).
getAdjacentNodesToEdge_arr(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Adjacent node coordinates to an edge.
getAdjacentNodesToEdge_arr(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Adjacent node coordinates to an edge (that is, the nodes that are the two ends of the edge).
getAdjacentNodesToHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
The node coordinates adjacent to this hex in all 6 directions.
getAdjacentNodesToHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The node coordinates adjacent to this hex in all 6 directions.
getAdjacentNodesToNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the valid node coordinates adjacent to this node.
getAdjacentNodesToNode_arr(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the valid node coordinates adjacent to this node.
getAdjacentNodeToEdge(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The node at the end of an edge in a given direction.
getAdjacentNodeToHex(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
The node coordinate adjacent to this hex in a given direction.
getAdjacentNodeToHex(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The node coordinate adjacent to this hex in a given direction.
getAdjacentNodeToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a node, get the valid adjacent node in a given direction, if any.
getAdjacentNodeToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a node, get the valid adjacent node in a given direction, if any.
getAdjacentNodeToNode2Away(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the coordinate of another node 2 away, based on a starting node.
getAdjacentNodeToNode2Away(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the coordinate of another node 2 away, based on a starting node.
getAdversarialFactor() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getAllKnownOptions() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
getAllKnownScenarioKeynames() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Get the key names for all known scenarios.
getAllKnownScenarios() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Get all known scenario objects, mapping from their key names (such as SC_4ISL).
getAmount(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Get the amount of a dev card type or special item in the set.
getAmount(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Get the amount of a dev card type of certain age in the set.
getAmount(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
How many resources of this type are contained in the set?
getAmountByState(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Get the amount of dev cards or special items by state and type.
getAndClearRefreshList() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Get the list of SOCGameOptions whose SOCGameOption.refreshDisplay() methods have been called, and clear the internal static copy.
getAppData() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
The optional app-specific changeable data for this connection.
getAppletInfo() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
applet info
getAppletInfo() - Method in class soc.client.SOCApplet
applet info, of the form similar to that seen at server startup: SOCPlayerClient (Java Settlers Client) 1.1.07, build JM20091027, 2001-2004 Robb Thomas, portions 2007-2009 Jeremy D Monin.
getArriving() - Method in class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
getAvailableSeatCount() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
How many seats are vacant and available for players? Based on SOCGame.isSeatVacant(int), and game option "PL" (maximum players) or SOCGame.maxPlayers.
getB() - Method in class soc.util.IntPair
Get the second int of this pair.
getB() - Method in class soc.util.Pair
getB() - Method in class soc.util.Triple
getBalloonPoint() - Method in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Should this balloon display its point, along the top edge? Height of the balloon point is balloon height / 8.
getBeginning() - Method in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
getBestRobberHex(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>, Random) - Static method in class soc.robot.RobberStrategy
Determine the best hex to move the robber.
getBiggestThreats() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
getBlankStandIn() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
For SOCPlayerInterface's use, to set its size and position
getBoard() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get the game board.
getBoardEncodingFormat() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the encoding format of this board (for coordinates, etc).
getBoardEncodingFormat() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Game's board SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat() version
getBoardHeight() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Height of this board in coordinates (not in number of hexes across.) The maximum row coordinate.
getBoardLayoutMessage(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Put together the board layout message for this game.
getBoardPanel() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getBoardSize(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the board size for client's constructor: Default size SOCBoardLarge.BOARDHEIGHT_LARGE by SOCBoardLarge.BOARDWIDTH_LARGE, unless gameOpts contains "_BHW" Board Height and Width.
getBoardSize(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Get the board size for BoardFactoryAtServer.createBoard: The default size BOARDHEIGHT_LARGE by BOARDWIDTH_LARGE, unless gameOpts contains a scenario ("SC") whose layout has a custom height/width.
getBoardWidth() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Width of this board in coordinates (not in number of hexes across.) The maximum column coordinate.
getBoolValue() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
getBoolValue() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Is this option set, if this option's type has a boolean component?
getBrain() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
getBuild() - Method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
getBuildingPanel() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getBuildingPlan() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getBuildingSpeedup() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getBuildingType() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
getBuildLoc() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
Board coordinates, as used in SOCPutPiece message
getByState(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Get the cards and items, if any, having this state.
getC() - Method in class soc.util.Triple
getCardType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
getCardTypeName(int, SOCGame, boolean, SOCStringManager) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
Get a card type's name.
GETCARDTYPENAME_KEYS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
Resource type-and-count text keys for SOCDevCard.getCardTypeName(int, SOCGame, boolean, SOCStringManager).
getCardTypeNameKey(int, SOCGame, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
Get a card type's name key.
getCellStatus(int, int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Get the cell status, to visually show the user.
getChangeListener() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Get this option's SOCGameOption.ChangeListener, if any
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMembers
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
getChannel() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
getChannels() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChannels
getChannels() - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
getChildren() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getChildren() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
getChoice() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
getChoices() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
getCities() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
get the list of cities
getCities() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getClassNameShort() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Utility, get the short simple name of the class: SOCResetBoardVote, not soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
getClient() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
getClient() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
getClient() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getClient() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getClientHand() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
The client player's SOCHandPanel interface, if active in a game.
getClientListener() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Provide access to the client listener in case this class does not directly implement it.
getClientManager() - Static method in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Create or retrieve the cached client string manager, with the default Locale.
getClientManager(Locale) - Static method in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Create or retrieve the cached client string manager, with a certain Locale.
getClientPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
If client player is active in game, their player number.
getClientVersionMinRequired() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For use at server; lowest version of client which can connect to this game (based on game options/features added in a given version), or -1 if unknown or if this game has no options.
getCloth() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get how many cloth does the board have in its "general supply" (used in some scenarios).
getCloth() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For some game scenarios, get how many cloth this player currently has.
getCloth() - Method in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Get how many cloth this village currently has.
getColumnCount() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
3 columns: key, src value, dest value
getColumnName(int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
getConfigBoolProperty(Properties, String, boolean) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Get and parse a boolean config property, or use its default instead.
getConfigIntProperty(Properties, String, int) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Get and parse an integer config property, or use its default instead.
getConflicts() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
getConnection(Object) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Given a connection's key, return the connected client.
getConnection(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Given a connection's key, return the connected client.
getConnections() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
getConnectTime() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
getContents() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get the list of key-value pairs found in the source and maybe also the destination.
getCookie() - Method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
Get the security cookie to send to the server for this connection.
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
Get the robber or pirate's new location.
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
getCoordinates() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Get this piece's coordinates on the board, if any.
getCost() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Get the optional cost to buy, use, or build the next level.
getCount() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
getCurrentConnectionCount() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Get the current number of connections (both named and unnamed) to the server.
getcurrentCreatedChannels() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
getCurrentCreatedGames() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
getCurrentDice() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getCurrentOffer() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getCurrentPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getData() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
The optional key data used to name this connection.
getDebugCommandsHelp() - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
Get the debug commands for this game type, if any, used with GameHandler.processDebugCommand(StringConnection, String, String, String).
getDebugCommandsHelp() - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
getDecisionMaker() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getDesc() - Method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Descriptive text for the item.
getDestDupeKeys() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get any keys seen during destination parsing more than once with different values.
getDestOnly() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get the list of key-value pairs found only in the destination, or null if none.
getDestOnlySize() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get the number of key-value pairs found only in the destination, or 0, in ParsedPropsFilePair.getDestOnly().
getDevCard() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
getDevCardMultiplier() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getDevCardScore(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Calc dev card score bonus for SOCRobotDM.SMART_STRATEGY based on improvements to Win Game ETA (WGETA) from buying knights or +1 VP cards, weighted by their distribution, tunable SOCRobotDM.devCardMultiplier, and effects on the leading opponent players' WGETAs.
getDevCardType() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getDRecorder() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getEdgeBetweenAdjacentNodes(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a pair of adjacent node coordinates, get the edge coordinate that connects them.
getEdgeBetweenAdjacentNodes(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a pair of adjacent node coordinates, get the edge coordinate that connects them.
getElementType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Get the element type, the type of info that is changing.
getElementTypes() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
getEmail() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Optional email address for the requested new account.
getEncodedList() - Method in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Get the encoded list of all active features, to send to a client for SOCServerFeatures.SOCServerFeatures(String).
getEnd() - Method in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
getError() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
getEstimatesFromNothingAccurate(boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
getEstimatesFromNothingFast(boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
getEstimatesFromNothingFast(boolean[], int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
getEstimatesFromNowAccurate(SOCResourceSet, boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
getEstimatesFromNowFast(SOCResourceSet, boolean[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
getETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
getETABonus(int, int, float) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Calc the weighted ETA bonus for a move, adjusting bonus for eta and our etaBonusFactor.
getETABonusFactor() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getETAToTargetResources(SOCPlayer, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
another aux function this one returns the number of rolls until we reach the target given a possible offer
getEventTimer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Utility for time-driven events in the client.
getEventTimer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getExpiration() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get the expiration time at which this game will be destroyed.
getFace() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
getFaceId() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
get the face image id.
getFaceId() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
getFallbackServerManagerForClient() - Static method in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Create or retrieve the server's string manager for fallback to send text to clients with unknown locale.
getFavoriteCity() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
getFavoriteRoad() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
getFavoriteSettlement() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
getFirstPlayer() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getFortress(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, get the Pirate Fortress at this node location, if any.
getFortress() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, the "pirate fortress" that this player must defeat to win.
getFreeRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getFrom() - Method in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
getFromCoord() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
getFromCoord() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
getGame() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getGame() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getGame() - Method in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Game name
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameState
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
getGame() - Method in interface soc.message.SOCMessageForGame
Name of game this message is for.
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
Get the game name; see SOCMessageForGame.getGame() for details.
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
getGame() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTurn
getGame() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getGame(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Given a game name on this server, return its game object.
getGameData(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
get a game's SOCGame, if we've stored that
getGameDisplay() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getGameIndex() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Get this item's optional game item index, or -1 if none, as used with SOCGame.getSpecialItem(String, int, int, int).
getGameList() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGamesWithOptions
Get the list of games (and option strings).
getGameManager() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
getGameManager() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
getGameNames() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Used when SOCPlayerClient is also hosting games.
getGameNames() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Get the names of every game we know about, even those with no SOCGame object.
getGameOptionIntValue(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
What is this integer game option's current value?
getGameOptionIntValue(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGame
What is this integer game option's current value?
getGameOptionIntValue(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGame
What is this integer game option's current value?
getGameOptions() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getGameOptions(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Given a game name on this server, return its game options.
getGameOptions(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
get a game's SOCGameOptions, if stored and parsed
getGameOptionsString(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
get a game's SOCGameOptions, as a packed string
getGameOptionStringValue(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
What is this string game option's current value?
getGameOptionStringValue(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGame
What is this string game option's current value?
getGames() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGames
getGamesData() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Get all the SOCGame data available; some games in SOCGameList.getGameNames() may not have associated SOCGame data, so this enumeration may have fewer elements than getGameNames() or even 0 elements.
getGameState() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Current game state.
getGameState(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Given a game name on this server, return its state.
getGameStats() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getGameTypeHandler(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
Get this game's type handler from its SOCGameListAtServer.GameInfoAtServer.
getGetSet() - Method in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
getGetSet() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
getGiveSet() - Method in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
getGiveSet() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
getHexLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
getHexLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getHexLayout() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Get the hex layout, already mapped from the BOARDLAYOUT message value range to the SOCBoard.setHexLayout(int[]) value range.
getHexNumFromCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a hex coordinate, return the hex number (index).
getHexNumFromCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getHexParameter(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Retrieve a parameter and translate to a hex value.
getHexParameter(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCApplet
Retrieve a parameter and translate to a hex value.
getHexTypeFromCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a hex coordinate, return the type of hex
getHexTypeFromCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a hex coordinate, return the type of hex.
getHexTypeFromNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a hex number, return the type of hex
getHexTypeFromNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a hex number, return the type of hex.
getHost() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Hostname of the tcp server we're a client of
getHost() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Host name for the requested new account.
getHost() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
Get the server host name to which the client is connecting.
getHost() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
getHost() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
Get the host name of the server hosting game, when sent from client.
getHost() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
getHoverText() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Currently displayed text.
getI18NLocale() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Get the locale for this connection, as reported to StringConnection.setI18NStringManager(SOCStringManager, String).
getInt - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
getIntArrayPart(String) - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Get a layout part of type int[].
getInterior() - Method in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
getIntPart(String) - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Get a layout part of type int
getIntValue() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
getIntValue() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField
Parse the value of this textfield
getIntValue() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
This option's integer value, if this option's type has an integer component.
getInventory() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the player's inventory of SOCDevCards and other occasional items.
getItemName(SOCGame, boolean, SOCStringManager) - Method in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
getItemName(SOCGame, boolean, SOCStringManager) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Get the item's name.
getKey() - Method in interface soc.message.SOCKeyedMessage
Get the message localization key, from StringManager.get(String), to look up and send the text of as part of this message.
getKey() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Get the message localization key, from StringManager.get(String), to look up and send the text of as part of this message.
getKnightsToBuy() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Get the number of knights needed to take Largest Army.
getKnownTotal() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Get the total amount of resources of known types: SOCResourceConstants.CLAY to SOCResourceConstants.WOOD, excluding SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN or SOCResourceConstants.GOLD_LOCAL.
getKnownTypesCount() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Get the number of known resource types contained in this set: SOCResourceConstants.CLAY to SOCResourceConstants.WOOD, excluding SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN or SOCResourceConstants.GOLD_LOCAL.
getLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
getLab - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
"I Get"
getLab2 - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
getLandAreasLegalNodes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the land areas' nodes, if multiple "land areas" are used.
getLandHexCoords() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
The hex coordinates of all land hexes.
getLandHexCoords() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The hex coordinates of all land hexes.
getLandHexCoordsSet() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The hex coordinates of all land hexes.
getLandHexLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the land hex layout, for sending from server to client.
getLargestArmyETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Get the ETA to take Largest Army.
getLastMove() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getLastRoadCoord() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the location of this player's most recent road or ship.
getLastSettlementCoord() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the location of this player's most recent settlement.
getLastTarget() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getLeaderAdversarialFactor() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getLeaving() - Method in class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
getLegalAndPotentialSettlements() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the legal and potential settlements, after SOCBoardLarge.makeNewBoard(Map).
getLegalSeaEdges(SOCGame, int) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For scenario game option _SC_PIRI, get the list of Legal Sea Edges arranged for the players not vacant.
getLength() - Method in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
getLevel() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Get the current construction level or strength of this item.
getLocalized(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Get a localized string (having no parameters) with the given key.
getLocalized(String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Get and format a localized string (with parameters) with the given key.
getLocalizedSpecial(SOCGame, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Get and format a localized string (with special SoC-specific parameters) with the given key.
getLocalServerPort() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Get the tcp port number of the local server.
getLocalSocketName() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
getLockState() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
getLongDesc() - Method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Detailed text for the scenario description and special rules, or null.
getLongestRoadETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Get the ETA to take Longest Road.
getLongestRoadLength() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the length of this player's longest road or trade route, as calculated by the most recent call to SOCPlayer.calcLongestRoad2().
getLoot() - Method in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Get the type of resource stolen from the victim; undefined unless SOCMoveRobberResult.getVictims().size() == 1.
getLosses() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
getLRPaths() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get our longest road paths.
getLRPotential() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
getLRValue() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
getMaxConnectedCliVersion() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
getMaxEnumValueForVersion(String, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
For use at server, for enum options where some values require a newer client version.
getMaxETA() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getMaxGameLength() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getMaximumLines() - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Maximum lines this text area will display.
getMaximumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
To identify obsolete message types, give the maximum version where this type is used.
getMaxIntValueForVersion(String, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
For use at server, for int options where some values require a newer client version.
getMembers() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
getMembers() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMembers
getMembers(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
getMembers(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
get a game's members (client connections)
getMinConnectedCliVersion() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
Minimum acceptable size for this ShadowedBox.
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Minimum required width and height, as determined by options and SOCBoardPanel.isRotated().
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
getMinimumSize() - Method in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Minimum acceptable size for this SpeechBalloon.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardSpecialEdge
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
Minimum version where this message type is used (SOCDiceResultResources.VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES).
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGamesWithOptions
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
To identify new message types, give the minimum version where this type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPickResourcesRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPieceValue
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRemovePiece
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardAuth
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardReject
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRevealFogHex
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinimumVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
Minimum version where this message type is used.
getMinVersion(Map<?, ? extends SOCVersionedItem>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Minimum game version supporting this option, given SOCVersionedItem.minVersion and the option's current value.
getMinVersion(Map<?, ? extends SOCVersionedItem>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Minimum game version supporting this item, given SOCVersionedItem.minVersion and the item's current value.
getMinVersion() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
getMode() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Returns current mode of TradeOfferPanel.OFFER_MODE, or TradeOfferPanel.MESSAGE_MODE, which has been set by using TradeOfferPanel.setOffer(soc.game.SOCTradeOffer) or TradeOfferPanel.setMessage(java.lang.String)
getMonopolyChoice() - Method in class soc.robot.MonopolyStrategy
Get our monopoly choice; valid only after MonopolyStrategy.decidePlayMonopoly() returns true.
getMostRecentShip() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get this player's most recently placed ship, if any.
getName() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getName() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getName() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Get our connection thread name for debugging.
getNamedConnectionCount() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Get the current number of named connections to the server.
getNecessaryRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
Get this possible road/ship's list of necessary roads, from constructor and/or SOCPossibleRoad.addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad).
getNecessaryRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
Get this possible settlement's list of necessary roads, from constructor and/or SOCPossibleSettlement.addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad).
getNeedToDiscard() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getNeedToPickGoldHexResources() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the number of gold-hex resources this player must now pick, after a dice roll or placing their 2nd initial settlement.
getNet() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
getNewPossibilities() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
Get the list of any possibilities added by SOCPossibleRoad.addNewPossibility(SOCPossiblePiece).
getNickname() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
getNickname() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
getNickname() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Nickname (username) to give to requested account.
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Get the player's nickname for a chat message, or the server for game announcement text
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
getNickname() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
getNode() - Method in class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
getNodeBetweenAdjacentEdges(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a pair of adjacent edge coordinates, get the node coordinate that connects them.
getNodeLandArea(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get a node's Land Area number, if applicable.
getNodePairs() - Method in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
getNumberLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
The dice-number layout of dice rolls at each hex number.
getNumberLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getNumberLayout() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Get the dice number layout, already mapped from the BOARDLAYOUT message value range to the SOCBoard.setNumberLayout(int[]) value range.
getNumberOfDiscards() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
Get the minimum number of necessary roads and/or ships.
getNumberOfNecessaryRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
getNumberOnHexFromCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a hex coordinate, return the dice-roll number on that hex
getNumberOnHexFromCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a hex coordinate, return the dice-roll number on that hex
getNumberOnHexFromNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a hex number (index), return the (dice-roll) number on that hex
getNumberOnHexFromNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a hex coordinate / hex number, return the (dice-roll) number on that hex
getNumberResourcePairsForHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
getNumbers() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getNumbersForResource(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Get the numbers for a resource type.
getNumbersForResource(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Get the numbers for a resource type.
getNumDevCards() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get the number of development cards remaining to be bought.
getNumDevCards() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
getNumKnights() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getNumPieces(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the number of one piece type not in play and available to place.
getNumUnplayed() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Some card types stay in your hand after being played.
getNumVPItems() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Get the number of Victory Point cards and VP items in this set: All cards and items returning true for SOCInventoryItem.isVPItem().
getNumWarships() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, the number of SOCShips that have been converted to warships to defend against the pirate fleet and attack the SOCFortress.
getOffer() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
getOfferingNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
getOfferToBank(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
getOfferToBank(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
getOldDRecorder() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getOption(String, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Get information about a known option.
getOptionInfo() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
getOptionKeys() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
getOptionNameKey() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
getOptions() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
getOptions() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
getOptionsString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
getOpts() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
Get the string of option name-value pairs sent over the network.
getOurPlayerData() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getOurPlayerTracker() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getOwner() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For games at the server, the owner (creator) of the game.
getOwner(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
Get a channel's owner name
getOwnerLocale() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For games at the server, get the game owner (creator)'s locale, or null.
getPackedValue() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Form a StringBuilder containing the current value.
getParam() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
getParam() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
getParam1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
getParam1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
getParam1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
getParam1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
getParam1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
getParam2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
getParam2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
getParam2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
getParam2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
getParam2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
getParam3() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
getParam3() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
getParam3() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
getParam4() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
getParams() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
getParams() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
getParent() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getParent() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
getParentContainer(Component) - Static method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Gets the top-level container of c.
getParentFrame(Component) - Static method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Gets the top-level frame of c.
getPassword() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Validate and return the password textfield contents; may be 0-length.
getPassword() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Password for the requested new account.
getPassword() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
getPassword() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
getPeer() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Remember, the peer's in is our out, and vice versa.
getPendingInitSettlement() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
getPiece() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getPieces() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get this player's pieces on the board.
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
Piece type, as used in SOCPlayingPiece / SOCPutPiece
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
getPieceType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
getPirateHex() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getPlacingItem() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get the special Inventory Item to be placed by the current player in state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM, if any, from the most recent call to SOCGame.setPlacingItem(SOCInventoryItem).
getPlannedInitRoadDestinationNode() - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Get the node coordinate of a future settlement 2 nodes away from our most recent settlement node.
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
getPlayer(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getPlayer(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get the player sitting in this game with this name.
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Get the player who owns this piece, if any.
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Get the player who owns this item, if any.
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
getPlayer() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
getPlayerColor() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
getPlayerColor(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getPlayerColor(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getPlayerExcludedLandAreas() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the land area numbers, if any, from which all players are excluded and cannot place settlements.
getPlayerHandPanel(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
getPlayerInterface() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Get our player number.
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the player's seat number in the game.
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Get the owner's player number.
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Get this element's player number.
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetTurn
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
getPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTurn
getPlayers() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getPlayersOnHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get the players who have settlements or cities on this hex.
getPlayersShipsOnHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getPlayerTrackers() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getPlayerVote() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
getPlayerWithLargestArmy() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getPlayerWithLongestRoad() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getPlayerWithWin() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Find the player who was declared winner at end of game.
getPort() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Port number of the tcp server we're a client of; default is SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOC_PORT_DEFAULT.
getPort() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
getPortCoordinates(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
getPortDescForType(int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Descriptive text key for a given port type, for i18n SOCStringManager.get(key).
getPortEdgeFromNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Find the port edge, if any, that touches this node.
getPortFacingFromEdge(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Given a coastal edge, find the "port facing" direction (towards land) for that edge.
getPortFlag(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getPortFlags() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getPortMovePotentialLocations(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, calculate if the player has any coastal settlement or city where they can place a moved "gift" port without it being adjacent to another port, and the edges where it could be placed next to such settlements or cities.
getPortsCount() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the number of ports on this board.
getPortsCount() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getPortsEdges() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's edge coordinate.
getPortsEdges() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getPortsFacing() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's facing, such as SOCBoard.FACING_NW.
getPortsFacing() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
getPortsLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
On the 6-player (v2 layout) board, each port's type, such as SOCBoard.SHEEP_PORT.
getPortTypeFromHexType(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Given a hex type, return the port type.
getPortTypeFromNodeCoord(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
What type of port is at this node?
getPossibleCard() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
getPossibleCities() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
getPossibleRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Get the possible roads and ships (SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPossibleShip).
getPossibleSettlements() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
getPossibleVictims() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Given the robber or pirate's current position on the board, and SOCGame.getRobberyPirateFlag(), get the list of victims with adjacent settlements/cities or ships.
getPotentialSettlements() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get this player's current potential settlement nodes.
getPotentialSettlements() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
getPotentialSettlements_arr() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get this player's current potential settlement nodes.
getPreferedSize() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
Preferred (current) size for this ShadowedBox.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Preferred (current) size for this SpeechBalloon.
getPreferredSize() - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar
getPreviousPirateHex() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
If the pirate has been moved by calling SOCBoardLarge.setPirateHex(int, boolean) where rememberPrevious == true, get the previous coordinate of the pirate.
getPreviousRobberHex() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
If the robber has been moved by calling SOCBoard.setRobberHex(int, boolean) where rememberPrevious == true, get the previous coordinate of the robber.
getPriority() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getPTEColumnToolTip(int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Show src/dest file full path; see where-used for details
getPublicVP() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
This player's number of publicly known victory points.
getRBClass() - Method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
getRecord(Object) - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
Get a record from the table
getRejoinPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardAuth
getRequestingPlayer() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
getRequestingPlayerNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardAuth
getRequestType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
getResetOldGameState() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
If the game board was reset, get the old game state.
getResetPlayerVote(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get this player's vote on a board reset request.
getResetVoteActive() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getResetVoteRequester() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
If a board reset vote is active, player number who requested the vote.
getResetVoteResult() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
If a board-reset vote is complete, give its result.
getResource() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
getResourceCost() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
getResourceRollStats() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
On server, get the current totals of resources received by dice rolls by this player.
getResources() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the resources currently held in the player's hand.
getResources() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
getResources() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
getResources() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
getResources() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
getResources() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
getResourceSet() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
getResourcesForNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Get this player's resources gained when a dice number is rolled.
getResourcesForNumber(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Get this player's resources gained when a dice number is rolled.
getResourcesGainedFromRoll(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For SOCGame.rollDice(), figure out what resources a player gets on a given roll, based on the hexes adjacent to the player's settlements and cities and based on the robber's position.
getResourcesGainedFromRollPieces(int, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, int, Collection<? extends SOCPlayingPiece>, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Figure out what resources these piece positions would get on a given roll, based on the hexes adjacent to the pieces' node coordinates.
getResourcesGainedLost() - Method in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Get the resources gained (returned to cancel piece placement, or received from placing at a gold hex) or lost (discarded), if any.
getResourcesToBuild(int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
the set of resources a player needs to build a playing piece.
getResourcesToBuild() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Based on piece type (SOCPossiblePiece.getType()), the resources a player needs to build or buy this possible piece.
getResourceType() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
getRestrictedLegalShips() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
A list of edges where the player can build ships, if the legal sea edges for ships are restricted by the game's scenario (_SC_PIRI), or null if all sea edges are legal for ships.
getResult() - Method in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Get the force result type.
getResult() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiceResult
getReturnedInvItem() - Method in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Is a development card or inventory item being returned to the player's hand?
getRoadNodes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getRoadOrShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get this player's road or ship on an edge.
getRoadPath() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
Get the shortest road path to this settlement; some bots don't use this.
getRoads() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
get the list of roads and ships
getRoads() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get this player's roads and ships on the board.
getRoadsToGo() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Get how many roads must be built to take Longest Road.
getRobberExcludedLandAreas() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the land area numbers, if any, from which the robber is excluded and cannot be placed.
getRobberHex() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
getRobberHex() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
getRobberyPirateFlag() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Does the current or most recent robbery use the pirate ship, not the robber? If true, victims will be based on adjacent ships, not settlements/cities.
getRobotParameters() - Method in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
getRobotParameters() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
getRobotSeats() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
getRollCount(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
getRolledResources() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Resources gained from dice roll of the current turn.
getRolls() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
getRollsForResourcesSorted(SOCPlayer) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Estimate the rolls for this player to obtain each resource.
getRollsPerResource() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Get the number of rolls to gain each resource type (SOCResourceConstants.CLAY to SOCResourceConstants.WOOD).
getRoundCount() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
The number of normal rounds (each player has 1 turn per round, after initial placements), including this round.
getRow(int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get row r of the contents.
getRowCount() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
1 row for each line in matched pair of data files, plus a blank row at the end
getScaledImageUp(Image, int, int) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scale up an image with decent quality.
getScenario(String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Get the scenario information about this known scenario.
getScenario() - Method in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
The scenario info, if any.
getScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
For scenario _SC_PIRI, get the player's ship closest to their Fortress (the ship farthest west).
getScenario_SC_PIRI_shipDistanceToFortress(SOCShip) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
For scenario _SC_PIRI, get the distance of this player's closest ship from their SOCFortress.
getScenarioKey() - Method in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
The scenario keyname this message is about.
getScenarioPlayerEvents() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Gets one-time player events for scenarios on the large sea board.
getScenarioSVPLandAreas() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenarios on the large sea board, get this player's bitmask of land areas for tracking Special Victory Points (SVP).
getScore() - Method in class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
getScore() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
getScore() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
getScores() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
getSeatLock(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get a seat's lock state.
getServer() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Server-side: Reference to the server handling this connection.
getServerManagerForClient(Locale) - Static method in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Create or retrieve the server's string manager to send text to a clients with a certain locale.
getServerVersion(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Server version, for checking feature availability.
getSettlements() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
get the list of settlements
getSettlements() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getSitDownMessage() - Method in class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
getSize() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
getSleepTime() - Method in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
getSocketName() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
getSOCResourceCount(int, Integer) - Method in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Get a resource count, such as "5 sheep"; used by SOCStringManager.getSpecial(SOCGame, String, Object...).
getSpecial(SOCGame, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Get and format a localized string (with special SoC-specific parameters) with the given key.
GETSPECIAL_RSRC_KEYS - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Resource type-and-count text keys for SOCStringManager.getSpecial(SOCGame, String, Object...).
getSpecialEdges() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get all Special Edge coordiates and their types.
getSpecialEdgeType(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get this edge's Special Edge Type, if any.
getSpecialItem(String, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get a special item of a given type, by index within the list of all items of that type in this game.
getSpecialItem(String, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get a special item of a given type, by index within the game's or player's list of all items of that type.
getSpecialItem(String, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get a special item of a given type, by index within the list of all items of that type held by the player.
getSpecialItems(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get a list of all special items of a given type in this game.
getSpecialItems(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get a list of all special items of a given type held by the player.
getSpecialItemTypes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Get all types of this game's SOCSpecialItems, if any.
getSpecialVP() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the number of Special Victory Points (SVPs) awarded to this player.
getSpecialVPInfo() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Get the details, if known, behind this player's SOCPlayer.getSpecialVP() total.
getSpeedup() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCity
getSpeedup() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
getSpeedupTotal() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCity
getSpeedupTotal() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
Get the total speedup from this settlement.
getSquareListener() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Optionally, a square listener can be called when the value changes.
getSrcDupeKeys() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get any keys seen during source parsing more than once with different values.
getStartingLandArea() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the starting land area, if multiple "land areas" are used and the players must start the game in a certain land area.
getStartingLandAreasEncoded() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenarios on the large sea board, get this player's starting settlement land areas, encoded to send over the network from server to client.
getStartTime() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
getState() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameState
getState() - Method in class soc.util.MutexFlag
getStatType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Get the stat type.
getStatus() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
getStatusValue() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
getStrategyType() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getStrength() - Method in class soc.game.SOCFortress
Get the current strength of this fortress.
getStringPart(String) - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Get a layout part of type String
getStringValue() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
getStringValue() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Get the current string value, if any, of this special item.
getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable, Object, boolean, boolean, int, int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTCellRenderer
getText() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
getText() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
getText() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
getText() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
getText() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
getThreatMultiplier() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
getThreats() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Get the list of opponents' possible pieces that threaten this possible piece.
getTip() - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
getTo() - Method in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
getToCoord() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
getToCoord() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
getTooltipText() - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
If we have a tooltip, return its text.
getTotal() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
getTotal() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Get the total number of resources in this set, including unknown types.
getTotalVP() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
getTradeFlag() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
Does this robot make/accept trades with other players?
getTradeFrom() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
getTradeTo() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
getType() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
getType() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
getType() - Method in interface soc.message.SOCMessageForGame
Get the message type.
getType() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
getType() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
getUserFromHost(String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
getUserPassword(String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Verify that this user exists, and retrieve their password from the database.
getUtilityModeMessage() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
If SOCServer.hasUtilityModeProperty(), get the optional status message to print before exiting.
getValidNickname(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Validate and return the nickname textfield, or null if blank or not ready.
getValue() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Get the new value to set, or the delta to gain/lose.
getValue1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
getValue1() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
getValue2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
getValue2() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
getValueAt(int, int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
In our model this object will always be a String, or "" if the cell is empty.
getValues(int[], int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
getValues() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
getVersion() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Give the version number (if known) of the remote end of this connection.
getVersionNumber() - Method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
getVersionString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
getVictims() - Method in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Get the victim (if any) or possible victims
getVillageAndClothLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the village and cloth layout, for sending from server to client for scenario game option SOCGameOption.K_SC_CLVI.
getVillageAtNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
If there's a village placed at this node during board setup, find it.
getVillages() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Get the SOCVillages on the board, for scenario game option SOCGameOption.K_SC_CLVI.
getWinGameETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Get the calculated Winning the Game ETA (WGETA), based on the most recent call to SOCPlayerTracker.recalcWinGameETA().
getWinGameETABonus(SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
add a bonus to the possible piece score based on the change in win game ETA
getWinGameETABonusForRoad(SOCPossibleRoad, int, int, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
For SOCRobotDM.SMART_STRATEGY, add a bonus to the road or ship score based on the change in win game ETA for this one road or ship (possible settlements are 1 road closer, longest road bonus, etc).
getWins() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
gi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
"Game Info" button, shows a game's SOCGameOptions.
gi - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem
The pick request's game index
GIVE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
give - Variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
To change its value, each ColorSquare handles its own mouse events.
give - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
give - Variable in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
give - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
The set of resources being given to the bank/port
giveInt - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
giveLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
giveLab - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
"I Give"
giveLab2 - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
gmgr - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
gmlist - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
List of games that can be joined with SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.jg button or by double-click, or detail info displayed with SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.gi button.
GOLD - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Gold hex color.
GOLD_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Hex type for the Gold Hex, where the adjacent players choose their resource(s) every roll.
GOLD_LOCAL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Some code, internal to the soc.game or soc.robot packages, uses this value (6) to represent SOCBoardLarge.GOLD_HEX tiles; same numeric value as SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN.
goodRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
A road or ship (SOCPossibleRoad and/or subclass SOCPossibleShip) we could build this turn; its SOCPossibleRoad.getNecessaryRoads() is empty.
goodSettlements - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Good settlements, as calculated by SOCRobotDM.scorePossibleSettlements(int, int)
gotPassword - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
true if we've stored the password
gotPassword - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
true if we've stored the password and the server's replied that it's correct
GREY - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
gte(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Are set A's resources each greater than or equal to set B's?
guardedActionPerform(Object) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Wrapped version of actionPerformed() for easier encapsulation.
guardedActionPerform_channels(Object) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
GuardedActionPerform when a channels-related button or field is clicked
guardedActionPerform_games(Object) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
GuardedActionPerform when a games-related button or field is clicked


hadRobots - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Were there robots in the old game?
HALF_HEXHEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Half of SOCBoardPanel.HEXHEIGHT, in unscaled internal pixels, for use with various board graphics.
halfdeltaX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Each row moves a half hex over horizontally, compared to the row above/below it.
halfdeltaY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
How many pixels for half a hex's height.
hand - Variable in class soc.server.SOCForceEndTurnThread
handleACCEPTOFFER(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCAcceptOffer) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "accept offer" message.
handleADMINPING(SOCAdminPing) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the admin ping message
handleADMINRESET(SOCAdminReset) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the admin reset message
handleAUTHREQUEST(StringConnection, SOCAuthRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the optional "authentication request" message.
handleBANKTRADE(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCBankTrade) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "bank trade" message.
handleBCASTTEXTMSG(SOCBCastTextMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle a broadcast text message
handleBCASTTEXTMSG(SOCBCastTextMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle a broadcast text message
handleBOARDLAYOUT(SOCBoardLayout) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "board layout" message
handleBOARDLAYOUT(SOCBoardLayout) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle the old "board layout" message (original 4-player board, no options).
handleBOARDLAYOUT2(Map<String, SOCGame>, SOCBoardLayout2) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "board layout" message, new format
handleBOARDLAYOUT2(SOCBoardLayout2) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle the "board layout" message, in its usual format.
handleBOARDSPECIALEDGE(Map<String, SOCGame>, SOCBoardSpecialEdge) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle the "board special edge" message: Set or clear a special edge on the board.
handleBOARDSPECIALEDGE(SOCBoardSpecialEdge) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Set or clear a special edge on the board.
handleBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCBuildRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "build request" message.
handleBUYCARDREQUEST(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCBuyCardRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "buy card request" message.
handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCCancelBuildRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the rare "cancel build request" message; usually not sent from server to client.
handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCCancelBuildRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the rare "cancel build request" message; usually not sent from server to client.
handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCCancelBuildRequest) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a CANCELBUILDREQUEST for this game.
handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCCancelBuildRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "cancel build request" message.
handleCHANGEFACE(SOCChangeFace) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "change face" message
handleCHANGEFACE(SOCChangeFace) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "change face" message
handleCHANGEFACE(SOCChangeFace) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "change face" message
handleCHANGEFACE(StringConnection, SOCChangeFace) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle "change face" message.
handleCHANNELS(SOCChannels) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Handle the "list of channels" message: Server connection is complete, show SOCAccountClient.MAIN_PANEL unless SOCAccountClient.connPanel is already showing.
handleCHANNELS(SOCChannels) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "list of channels" message
handleCHANNELS(SOCChannels, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "list of channels" message; this message indicates that we're newly connected to the server, and is sent even if the server isn't using SOCServerFeatures.FEAT_CHANNELS: Server connection is complete.
handleCHOOSEPLAYER(SOCChoosePlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
The server wants this player to choose to rob cloth or rob resources, after moving the pirate ship.
handleCHOOSEPLAYER(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCChoosePlayer) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "choose player" message during robbery.
handleCHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST(SOCChoosePlayerRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "choose player request" message
handleCHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST(SOCChoosePlayerRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "choose player request" message
handleCLEAROFFER(SOCClearOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "clear offer" message
handleCLEAROFFER(SOCClearOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "clear offer" message
handleCLEAROFFER(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCClearOffer) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "clear offer" message.
handleCLEARTRADEMSG(SOCClearTradeMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "clear trade message" message
handleCLEARTRADEMSG(SOCClearTradeMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "clear trade message" message
handleCLEARTRADEMSG(SOCClearTradeMsg) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "clear trade" message
handleCREATEACCOUNT(StringConnection, SOCCreateAccount) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle "create account" message
handleDEBUGFREEPLACE(SOCDebugFreePlace) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle the server's debug piece placement on/off message.
handleDEBUGFREEPLACE(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCDebugFreePlace) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Handle the client's debug Free Placement putpiece request.
handleDELETECHANNEL(SOCDeleteChannel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "delete channel" message
handleDELETECHANNEL(SOCDeleteChannel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "delete channel" message
handleDELETEGAME(SOCDeleteGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "delete game" message
handleDELETEGAME(SOCDeleteGame, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "delete game" message
handleDELETEGAME(SOCDeleteGame) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "delete game" message
handleDEVCARDACTION(boolean, SOCDevCardAction) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "development card action" message
handleDEVCARDACTION(boolean, SOCDevCardAction) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "development card action" message
handleDEVCARDACTION(SOCDevCardAction) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a DEVCARDACTION for this game.
handleDEVCARDCOUNT(SOCDevCardCount) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "number of development cards" message
handleDEVCARDCOUNT(SOCDevCardCount) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "number of development cards" message
handleDICERESULT(SOCDiceResult) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "dice result" message
handleDICERESULT(SOCDiceResult) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "dice result" message
handleDICERESULTRESOURCES(SOCDiceResultResources) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle all players' dice roll result resources.
handleDICERESULTRESOURCES(SOCDiceResultResources, SOCGame) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle all players' dice roll result resources: static version to share with SOCPlayerClient.
handleDICERESULTRESOURCES(SOCDiceResultResources) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle all players' dice roll result resources.
handleDISCARD(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCDiscard) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "discard" message.
handleDISCARDREQUEST(SOCDiscardRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "discard request" message
handleDISCARDREQUEST(SOCDiscardRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "discard request" message
handleDISCOVERYPICK(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCDiscoveryPick) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "discovery pick" message (while playing Discovery/Year of Plenty card).
handleENDTURN(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCEndTurn) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "end turn" message.
handleFIRSTPLAYER(SOCFirstPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "first player" message
handleFIRSTPLAYER(SOCFirstPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "first player" message
handleGAMEMEMBERS(SOCGameMembers) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "game members" message
handleGAMEMEMBERS(SOCGameMembers) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "game members" message, the server's hint that it's almost done sending us the complete game state in response to JOINGAME.
handleGAMEMEMBERS(SOCGameMembers) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "game members" message, which indicates the entire game state has now been sent.
handleGAMEOPTIONGETDEFAULTS(SOCGameOptionGetDefaults, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
process the "game option get defaults" message.
handleGAMEOPTIONGETDEFAULTS(StringConnection, SOCGameOptionGetDefaults) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
process the "game option get defaults" message.
handleGAMEOPTIONGETINFOS(StringConnection, SOCGameOptionGetInfos) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
process the "game option get infos" message; reply with the info, with one GAMEOPTIONINFO message per option keyname.
handleGAMEOPTIONINFO(SOCGameOptionInfo, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
process the "game option info" message by calling ServerGametypeInfo.receiveInfo(SOCGameOptionInfo).
handleGAMES(SOCGames) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "list of games" message
handleGAMES(SOCGames, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "list of games" message
handleGAMESERVERTEXT(SOCGameServerText) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "game server text" message; stub for now
handleGAMESERVERTEXT(SOCGameServerText) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle game server text and announcements.
handleGAMESTATE(SOCGameState) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "game state" message
handleGAMESTATE(SOCGameState) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "game state" message
handleGAMESTATE(SOCGameState) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "game state" message
handleGAMESTATS(SOCGameStats) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "game stats" message
handleGAMESTATS(SOCGameStats) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "game stats" message
handleGAMESWITHOPTIONS(SOCGamesWithOptions, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "list of games with options" message
handleGAMETEXTMSG(SOCGameTextMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "game text message" message
handleGAMETEXTMSG(SOCGameTextMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "game text message" message.
handleGAMETEXTMSG(SOCGameTextMsg) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "game text message" message
handleGAMETEXTMSG(StringConnection, SOCGameTextMsg) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle game text messages, including debug commands.
handleGAMETEXTMSG_debug(SOCGameTextMsg) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Handle debug text messages from players to the robot, which start with the robot's nickname + ":".
handleHover(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Mouse is hovering during normal play; look for info for tooltip text.
handleIMAROBOT(StringConnection, SOCImARobot) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the "I'm a robot" message.
handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(Hashtable<String, SOCGame>, SOCInventoryItemAction) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle the "inventory item action" message by updating player inventory.
handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(SOCInventoryItemAction) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Update player inventory.
handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCInventoryItemAction) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Special inventory item action (play request) from a player.
handleJOIN(SOCJoin) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "join channel" message
handleJOIN(SOCJoin) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "join channel" message
handleJOIN(StringConnection, SOCJoin) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the "join a channel" message.
handleJOINAUTH(SOCJoinAuth) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "join authorization" message
handleJOINAUTH(SOCJoinAuth) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "join channel authorization" message
handleJOINGAME(SOCJoinGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "join game" message
handleJOINGAME(SOCJoinGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "join game" message
handleJOINGAME(SOCJoinGame) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "join game" message
handleJOINGAME(StringConnection, SOCJoinGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the "join a game" message: Join or create a game.
handleJOINGAMEAUTH(SOCJoinGameAuth, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "join game authorization" message
handleJOINGAMEAUTH(SOCJoinGameAuth, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "join game authorization" message: create new SOCGame and SOCPlayerInterface so user can join the game
handleJOINGAMEAUTH(SOCJoinGameAuth, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "join game authorization" message
handleLARGESTARMY(SOCLargestArmy) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "largest army" message
handleLARGESTARMY(SOCLargestArmy) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "largest army" message
handleLARGESTARMY(SOCLargestArmy) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "largest army" message
handleLEAVE(SOCLeave) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "leave channel" message
handleLEAVE(SOCLeave) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "leave channel" message
handleLEAVE(StringConnection, SOCLeave) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the "leave a channel" message
handleLEAVEGAME(SOCLeaveGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "leave game" message
handleLEAVEGAME(SOCLeaveGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "leave game" message
handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection, SOCLeaveGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the "leave game" message
handleLEAVEGAME_maybeGameReset_oldRobot(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle an unattached robot saying it is leaving the game, from SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection, SOCLeaveGame).
handleLEAVEGAME_member(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle a member leaving the game, from SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection, SOCLeaveGame).
handleLOCALIZEDSTRINGS(SOCLocalizedStrings, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Localized i18n strings for game items.
handleLOCALIZEDSTRINGS(StringConnection, SOCLocalizedStrings) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle client request for localized i18n strings for game items.
handleLONGESTROAD(SOCLongestRoad) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "longest road" message
handleLONGESTROAD(SOCLongestRoad) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "longest road" message
handleLONGESTROAD(SOCLongestRoad) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "longest road" message
handleMAKEOFFER(SOCMakeOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "make offer" message
handleMAKEOFFER(SOCMakeOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "make offer" message
handleMAKEOFFER(SOCMakeOffer) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a MAKEOFFER for this game.
handleMAKEOFFER(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCMakeOffer) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "make offer" message.
handleMEMBERS(SOCMembers) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "members" message
handleMEMBERS(SOCMembers) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "channel members" message
handleMONOPOLYPICK(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCMonopolyPick) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "monopoly pick" message.
handleMOVEPIECE(SOCMovePiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle moving a piece (a ship) around on the board.
handleMOVEPIECE(SOCMovePiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle moving a piece (a ship) around on the board.
handleMOVEPIECEREQUEST(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCMovePieceRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Handle the client's "move piece request" message.
handleMOVEROBBER(SOCMoveRobber) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "robber moved" or "pirate moved" message.
handleMOVEROBBER(SOCMoveRobber) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "robber moved" or "pirate moved" message.
handleMOVEROBBER(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCMoveRobber) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "move robber" message (move the robber or the pirate).
handleNEWCHANNEL(SOCNewChannel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "new channel" message
handleNEWCHANNEL(SOCNewChannel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "new channel" message
handleNEWGAME(SOCNewGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "new game" message
handleNEWGAME(SOCNewGame, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "new game" message
handleNEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS(SOCNewGameWithOptions, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
process the "new game with options" message
handleNEWGAMEWITHOPTIONSREQUEST(StringConnection, SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
process the "new game with options request" message.
handlePICKRESOURCES(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCPickResources) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Handle "pick resources" message (gold hex).
handlePICKRESOURCESREQUEST(SOCPickResourcesRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "pick resources request" message
handlePIECEVALUE(SOCPieceValue) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update a village piece's value on the board (cloth remaining) in _SC_CLVI, or a pirate fortress's strength in _SC_PIRI.
handlePIECEVALUE(SOCPieceValue) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Update a village piece's value on the board (cloth remaining) in _SC_CLVI, or a pirate fortress's strength in _SC_PIRI.
handlePLAYDEVCARDREQUEST(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCPlayDevCardRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "play development card request" message.
handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "player information" message
handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "player information" message
handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a PLAYERELEMENT for this game.
handlePLAYERELEMENT_numKnights(SOCPlayerElement, SOCPlayer, SOCGame) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update a player's amount of knights, and game's largest army, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
handlePLAYERELEMENT_numPieces(SOCPlayerElement, SOCPlayer, int) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update a player's amount of a playing piece, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc(SOCPlayerElement, SOCPlayer, int) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update a player's amount of a resource, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc(SOCPlayerElement, SOCPlayer, int, String) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Update a player's amount of a resource.
handlePLAYERELEMENT_simple(SOCPlayerElement, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update game data for a simple player element or flag, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
handlePLAYERSTATS(SOCPlayerStats) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "player stats" message
handlePOTENTIALSETTLEMENTS(SOCPotentialSettlements, Hashtable<String, SOCGame>) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "list of potential settlements" message
handlePOTENTIALSETTLEMENTS(SOCPotentialSettlements) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "list of potential settlements" message
handlePutBrainQ(SOCMessageForGame) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle any per-game message that just needs to go into its game's SOCRobotClient.brainQs.
handlePUTPIECE(SOCPutPiece, SOCGame) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "put piece" message
handlePUTPIECE(SOCPutPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "put piece" message
handlePUTPIECE(SOCPutPiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "put piece" message
handlePUTPIECE(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCPutPiece) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "put piece" message.
handlePUTPIECE_updateGameData(SOCPutPiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a PUTPIECE for this game, by updating game data.
handlePUTPIECE_updateTrackers(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a PUTPIECE for this game, by updating SOCPlayerTrackers.
handler - Variable in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer.GameInfoAtServer
handler - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Game type handler, currently shared by all game instances.
handleREJECTCONNECTION(SOCRejectConnection) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
handle the "reject connection" message
handleREJECTCONNECTION(SOCRejectConnection) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "reject connection" message
handleREJECTCONNECTION(SOCRejectConnection) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "reject connection" message
handleREJECTOFFER(SOCRejectOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "reject offer" message
handleREJECTOFFER(SOCRejectOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "reject offer" message
handleREJECTOFFER(SOCRejectOffer) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Handle a REJECTOFFER for this game.
handleREJECTOFFER(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCRejectOffer) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "reject offer" message.
handleREMOVEPIECE(SOCRemovePiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
A player's piece (a ship) has been removed from the board.
handleREMOVEPIECE(SOCRemovePiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle removing a piece (a ship) from the board in certain scenarios.
handleRESETBOARDAUTH(SOCResetBoardAuth) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle board reset (new game with same players, same game name, new layout).
handleRESETBOARDAUTH(SOCResetBoardAuth) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle board reset (new game with same players, same game name, new layout).
handleRESETBOARDAUTH(SOCResetBoardAuth) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle board reset (new game with same players, same game name).
handleRESETBOARDREJECT(SOCResetBoardReject) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
voting complete, board reset request rejected
handleRESETBOARDREQUEST(StringConnection, SOCResetBoardRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle "reset-board request" message.
handleRESETBOARDVOTE(SOCResetBoardVote) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
another player has voted on a board reset request: display the vote.
handleRESETBOARDVOTE(StringConnection, SOCResetBoardVote) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle message of player's vote for a "reset-board" request.
handleRESETBOARDVOTEREQUEST(SOCResetBoardVoteRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
a player is requesting a board reset: we must update local game state, and vote unless we are the requester.
handleRESOURCECOUNT(SOCResourceCount) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle "resource count" message
handleRESOURCECOUNT(SOCResourceCount) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle "resource count" message
handleREVEALFOGHEX(SOCRevealFogHex) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Reveal a hidden hex on the board.
handleREVEALFOGHEX(SOCRevealFogHex) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Reveal a hidden hex on the board.
handleROBOTDISMISS(SOCRobotDismiss) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "dismiss robot" message
handleROBOTJOINGAMEREQUEST(SOCRobotJoinGameRequest) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "join game request" message.
handleROLLDICE(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCRollDice) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
handle "roll dice" message.
handleROLLDICEPROMPT(SOCRollDicePrompt) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "roll dice prompt" message; if we're in a game and we're the dice roller, either set the auto-roll timer, or prompt to roll or choose card.
handleSCENARIOINFO(SOCScenarioInfo, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Updated scenario info.
handleSCENARIOINFO(StringConnection, SOCScenarioInfo) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Process client request for updated SOCScenario info.
handleSERVERPING(SOCServerPing, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
echo the server ping, to ensure we're still connected.
handleSERVERPING(SOCServerPing) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the server ping message.
handleSERVERPING(StringConnection, SOCServerPing) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the client's echo of a SOCMessage.SERVERPING.
handleSETPLAYEDDEVCARD(SOCSetPlayedDevCard) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "set played dev card flag" message
handleSETPLAYEDDEVCARD(SOCSetPlayedDevCard) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "set played dev card flag" message
handleSETSEATLOCK(SOCSetSeatLock) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "set seat lock" message
handleSETSEATLOCK(SOCSetSeatLock) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "set seat lock" message
handleSETSEATLOCK(StringConnection, SOCSetSeatLock) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle "set seat lock" message.
handleSETSPECIALITEM(Map<String, SOCGame>, SOCSetSpecialItem) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle the "set special item" message.
handleSETSPECIALITEM(Map<String, SOCGame>, SOCSetSpecialItem) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle the "set special item" message.
handleSETSPECIALITEM(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCSetSpecialItem) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Handle Special Item requests from a player.
handleSETTURN(SOCSetTurn) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "set turn" message
handleSETTURN(SOCSetTurn) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "set turn" message
handleSIMPLEACTION(Map<String, SOCGame>, SOCSimpleAction) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update any game data from "simple action" announcements from the server.
handleSIMPLEACTION(SOCSimpleAction) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle "simple action" announcements from the server.
handleSIMPLEREQUEST(Map<String, SOCGame>, SOCSimpleRequest) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Update any game data from "simple request" announcements from the server.
handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCSimpleRequest) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle server responses from the "simple request" handler.
handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCGame, StringConnection, SOCSimpleRequest) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Handle the "simple request" message.
handleSITDOWN(SOCSitDown) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "player sitting down" message
handleSITDOWN(SOCSitDown) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "player sitting down" message
handleSITDOWN(SOCSitDown) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "someone is sitting down" message
handleSITDOWN(StringConnection, SOCSitDown) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle "sit down" message
handleSTARTGAME(Hashtable<String, SOCGame>, SOCStartGame) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "start game" message
handleSTARTGAME(SOCStartGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "start game" message
handleSTARTGAME(StringConnection, SOCStartGame, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
handle "start game" message.
handleSTATUSMESSAGE(SOCStatusMessage) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
handle the "status message" message.
handleSTATUSMESSAGE(SOCStatusMessage) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "status message" message
handleSTATUSMESSAGE(SOCStatusMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "status" message.
handleSTATUSMESSAGE(SOCStatusMessage) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the "status message" message by printing it to System.err; messages with status value 0 are ignored (no problem is being reported) once the initial welcome message has been printed.
handleSVPTEXTMSG(SOCSVPTextMessage) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Text that a player has been awarded Special Victory Point(s).
handleTEXTMSG(SOCTextMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle a text message
handleTEXTMSG(SOCTextMsg) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle a text message
handleTURN(SOCTurn) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
handle the "turn" message
handleTURN(SOCTurn) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
handle the "turn" message
handleUPDATEROBOTPARAMS(SOCUpdateRobotParams) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
handle the update robot params message
handleVERSION(SOCVersion) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Handle the "version" message: Server's version and feature report.
handleVERSION(boolean, SOCVersion) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Handle the "version" message, server's version report.
handleVERSION(boolean, SOCVersion) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Handle the "version" message, server's version report.
handleVERSION(StringConnection, SOCVersion) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Handle the "version" message, client's version report.
hands - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the display for the players' hands.
hasAskedBoardReset() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasAskedSpecialBuild() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
In 6-player mode's Special Building Phase, this player has asked to build.
hasBeenExpanded - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
this flag is used for expansion
hasBeenExpanded() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
hasBuiltCity - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
True once any player has built a city.
hasBuiltCity() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Has any player built a city? Used with house-rule game option "N7C".
hasCalledSetSize - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Ensure that super.setSize is called at least once.
hasChangeListener() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Does this option have a non-null SOCGameOption.ChangeListener?
hasConnectOrPractice - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
If true, we'll give the user a choice to connect to a server, start a local server, or a local practice game.
hasCustomLayout - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
If true, SOCChoosePlayerDialog.doLayout() should manually lay out component locations.
hasFlag(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Does this game option have these specified flag(s)?
hashCode() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
hashCode() - Method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Return this scenario's hashCode for comparison purposes, which is its key's String.hashCode().
hashCode() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
hashCode() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
hashpw(String, String) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Hash a password using the OpenBSD bcrypt scheme
hasHumanPlayers() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Does this game contain any human players?
hasJoinedServer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Once true, disable "nick" textfield, etc.
hasLargestArmy() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasLongestRoad() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasMultiLocales - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For use at server for i18n; does this game have any members (players or observers) with a locale different than SOCGame.getOwnerLocale()? Initially false, set true in SOCGameListAtServer.addMember if needed.
hasNoResourcesForHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Do we receive no resources at all from this hex on any dice rolls?
hasNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
return true if this player is touching the requested number
hasOldClients - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For use at server; are there clients connected which aren't at the latest version?
hasPlayable(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Does this set contain 1 or more playable cards or items of this type? (Playable this turn: Not new, not already played and then kept.)
hasPlayedDevCard() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasPlayedDevCard() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
hasPotentialCity() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasPotentialRoad() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasPotentialSettlement() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasPotentialShip() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Does this player have a potential edge to place a ship on, in a game using the large sea board?
hasScenarioPlayerEvent(SOCScenarioPlayerEvent) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Does this player have a certain scenario player event flag? Flag bits are set as per-player events occur during a game.
hasScenarioWinCondition - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Does this game's scenario have a special win condition besides SOCGame.vp_winner? For example, scenario _SC_CLVI will end the game if less than half the SOCVillages have cloth remaining.
hasSeaBoard - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Is this game played on the SOCBoardLarge large board / sea board? If true, our board's SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat() must be SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_LARGE.
hasSeaBoard - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Is this game played on the SOCBoardLarge large board / sea board? If true, the board's SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat() must be SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_LARGE.
hasSentGameList() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Has the server's game list been sent to the client yet? Please synchronize on SOCGameList.takeMonitor() / releaseMonitor.
hasSetGameOptions - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Did the properties or command line include --option / -o to set game option values? Checked in constructors for possible stderr option-values printout.
hasSpecialBuilt() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
In 6-player mode's Special Building Phase, this player has already built this turn.
hasSpecialBuiltThisTurn - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
In 6-player mode, has the player already built during the Special Building Phase?
hasSpecialEdges() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Does this board contain any Special Edges?
hasStartupPrintAndExit - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Did the command line include an option that prints some information (like --help or --version) and should exit, instead of starting the server? Set in SOCServer.parseCmdline_DashedArgs(String[]).
hasTokenGetI18nDescs - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
True if client is also asking server for localized game option descriptions (v2.0.00 and newer); will send SOCGameOptionGetInfos.OPTKEY_GET_I18N_DESCS along with SOCGameOptionGetInfos.optkeys.
hasTokenGetI18nDescs() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
hasTradeOffers() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Are there currently any trade offers? Calls each player's SOCPlayer.getCurrentOffer().
hasUnplayedDevCards() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
hasUnsavedChanges() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Are there any unsaved changes in the destination and/or source properties files?
hasUtilityModeProp - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
True if SOCServer.props contains a property which is used to run the server in Utility Mode instead of Server Mode.
hasUtilityModeProperty() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
True if the server was constructed with a property or command line argument which is used to run the server in Utility Mode instead of Server Mode.
hasWarnHigh - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Low-level or high-level warning level has been set (intValue).
hasWarnLow - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Low-level or high-level warning level has been set (intValue).
HEADER_LABEL_BG - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
HEADER_LABEL_BG - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
HEADER_LABEL_FG - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
HEADER_LABEL_FG - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
HEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
height - Variable in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
height - Variable in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
HEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
Height of this panel
HEIGHT_L - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquareLarger
HEX_BORDER_COLORS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Border colors for hex rendering.
HEX_PORT_CIRCLE_DIA - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Diameter for rendering the hex port graphics' clear middle circle in SOCBoardPanel.renderPortImages().
hexColor(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex color for a hex resource type
HEXCOORDS_LAND_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Land-hex coordinates in standard board (SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_ORIGINAL).
HEXCOORDS_LAND_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Land-hex coordinates in 6-player board (SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_6PLAYER).
hexCornersX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex corners, clockwise from top-center, as located in waterHex.gif, hexBorder.gif, and other hex graphics: (27,0) (54,16) (54,46) (27,62) (0,46) (0,16).
hexCornersY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex corners, clockwise from top-center.
hexCornersY_RotatedOffset - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Offset to add to SOCBoardPanel.hexCornersY[] coordinates when used as (y,x) on rotated board.
hexes - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex images - shared unscaled original-resolution from SOCBoardPanel.IMAGEDIR's GIF files.
HEXHEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex size, in unscaled internal-pixels: 55 wide, 64 tall.
hexIDtoNum - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Translate hex ID to hex number to get coords.
hexIDtoNum - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
translate hex ID (hex coordinate) to an array index within SOCBoard.hexLayout, which is sometimes called its "hex number".
hexLayout - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Hex data array, one element per water or land (or port, which is special water) hex.
hexLayout - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
The hex layout; a mapping/unmapping step is done in constructor/SOCBoardLayout.getHexLayout().
hexLayoutLg - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Hex layout: water/land resource types.
hexMap - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Map grid sectors (from unscaled on-screen coordinates) to hexes.
HEXNODES - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Offset to add to hex coordinate to get all adjacent node coords, starting at index 0 at the top (northern corner of hex) and going clockwise (RST dissertation figure A.5).
HEXWIDTH - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex size, in unscaled internal-pixels: 55 wide, 64 tall.
hexX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex coordinates for drawing pieces on the board.
hexX_6pl - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex coordinates for drawing the 6-player board, or null.
HEXX_OFF_6PL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
In 6-player mode, the offset of SOCBoardPanel.hexX_6pl, SOCBoardPanel.hexY_6pl from SOCBoardPanel.hexX_st, SOCBoardPanel.hexY_st in unscaled board coordinates.
hexX_st - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex coordinates for drawing the standard board.
hexY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex coordinates for drawing pieces on the board.
hexY_6pl - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex coordinates for drawing the 6-player board, or null.
HEXY_OFF_6PL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
In 6-player mode, the offset of SOCBoardPanel.hexX_6pl, SOCBoardPanel.hexY_6pl from SOCBoardPanel.hexX_st, SOCBoardPanel.hexY_st in unscaled board coordinates.
HEXY_OFF_6PL_FIND - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
In 6-player mode, subtract this instead of SOCBoardPanel.HEXY_OFF_6PL in SOCBoardPanel.findEdge(int, int, boolean), SOCBoardPanel.findHex(int, int), SOCBoardPanel.findNode(int, int).
HEXY_OFF_SLOPE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The vertical offset for A-nodes vs Y-nodes along a road; the height of the sloped top/bottom hex edges.
hexY_st - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hideAndEndSearch() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Stop searching and hilighting, and hide the search panel
hideHoverAndPieces() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Clear hover text, and cancel any hovering roads/settlements/cities.
hideTimeoutMessage - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
hideTip() - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
hides the tooltip.
hideTradeMsgShowOthers(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If handpanel isn't tall enough, when the SOCHandPanel.offer message panel is showing, we must hide other controls.
hilight - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Edge or node being pointed to.
hilightBorderColor - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Color for selection border; ignored if faceChooser == null.
hilightBorderShown - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Hilight selection border? always false if faceChooser == null.
hilightBorderWasShown - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Recently shown hilight selection border? (Used in paint method to clear it away) Always false if faceChooser == null.
hilightIsShip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
If hilighting an edge, is the SOCBoardPanel.hilight a ship and not a road?
history - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
historyCounter - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
host - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
host - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
host - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Hostname we're connected to, or null
host - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Server host name to which the client is connecting, or null for client's local TCP server.
host - Variable in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Host name, required; see SOCCreateAccount.getHost() for details and history.
host - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoin
Server host name to which the client is connecting.
host - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLeave
Host name
host - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
Host name of server hosting game, when sent from client.
host - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
Server host name to which the client is connecting.
host() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
host() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Hostname of the remote side of the connection - Always returns localhost; this method required for StringConnection interface.
host() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
HOST_QUERY - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
hostedServerActive - Variable in class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
hostQuery - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
HOVER_OFFSET_X_FOR_INIT_PLACE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
During initial-piece placement, the tooltip is moved this far over to make room.
HOVER_OFFSET_X_FOR_ROBBER - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
During robber placement, the tooltip is moved this far over to make room.
hoverCityID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
hover city node ID, or 0, at menu-show time
hoverCityID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
hover settlement or city node ID, or 0.
hoverID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
"ID" of coord as returned by findNode, findEdge, findHex
hoverIsPort - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Is hover a port at coordinate hoverID?
hoverIsShipMovable - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Is hover a ship owned by our player, movable from its current position? If true, SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip.hoverShipID is also set.
hoverIsWarship - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Is hover a warship owned by our player, for scenario option _SC_PIRI? If true, SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip.hoverShipID is also set.
hoverMode - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Uses board mode constants: Will be NONE, PLACE_ROAD, PLACE_SHIP, PLACE_SETTLEMENT, PLACE_ROBBER for hex, or PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT for port.
hoverPiece - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Object last pointed at; null for hexes and ports
hoverRoadID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
hover road edge ID, or 0, at menu-show time
hoverRoadID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
hover road ID, or 0.
hoverSettlementID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
hover settlement node ID, or 0, at menu-show time.
hoverSettlementID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
hover settlement or city node ID, or 0.
hoverShipID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
hover ship edge ID, or 0, at menu-show time.
hoverShipID - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
hover ship ID, or 0.
hoverText - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Text to hover-display, or null if nothing to show
hoverTip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
(tooltip) Hover text for info on pieces/parts of the board.
hp - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
hpan - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu
hst - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Hostname of the remote end of the connection, for Connection.host()
ht - Variable in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
humanConns - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Human and robot connections; both arrays null at vacant seats.


I18n - Class in soc.util
Common helper methods for I18N.
I18n() - Constructor for class soc.util.I18n
i18n_gameopt_PL_desc - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Description string for SOCGameOption "PL" hardcoded into the SOCGameOption class, from SOCGameOption.getOption("PL", false).
i18n_scenario_SC_WOND_desc - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Short description string for SOCScenario "SC_WOND" hardcoded into the SOCScenario class.
ignoreList - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
the ignore list
IMAGEDIR - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex and port graphics are in this directory.
IMAGEDIR - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
images - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Shared images
IMAROBOT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame, boolean, List<StringConnection>, StringConnection, boolean, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Implement messageToGameKeyedSpecial and messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept.
implItemsVersionCheck(int, boolean, boolean, Map<String, I>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Get all items added or changed since version vers, or all items valid at vers, to implement SOCVersionedItem.itemsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, Map) and SOCVersionedItem.itemsForVersion(int, Map).
implOptionsVersionCheck(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Get all options added or changed since version vers, or all options valid at vers, to implement SOCGameOption.optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map) and SOCGameOption.optionsForVersion(int, Map).
implServSocket - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.NetStringServerSocket
in - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
in - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
in - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
in - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
in - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
in_reachedEOF - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
inactiveHexNums - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex numbers which aren't drawn, or null.
inboundRoad - Variable in class soc.util.NodeLenVis
the road or ship that lead us to this node, if NodeLenVis.len > 0 and SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
incrementNumKnights() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
increment the number of knights in play
index_64 - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
init() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Continue GUI startup, once constructor has set PropertiesTranslatorEditor.pair or left it null.
init() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Initialize the applet
init() - Method in class soc.client.SOCApplet
Initialize the applet.
init(int, SOCGame, ColorSquare, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Common to both constructors
init() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Initialize the robot player; connect to server, send first messages
init() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Constructor common-fields initialization
init_checkScenarioOpts(Map<?, ?>, boolean, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
During startup, call SOCServer.checkScenarioOpts(Map, boolean, String) and print any warnings it returns to System.err.
init_key() - Method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Initialise the Blowfish key schedule
init_propsSetGameopts(Properties) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Set game option defaults from any jsettlers.gameopt.* server properties found.
init_resetUserPassword(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
If command line contains --pw-reset=username, prompt for and change that user's password.
initAllOptions() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a set of the known options.
initAllScenarios() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Create a set of the known scenarios.
initAndShow() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Pack and make visible.
initCoordMappings() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
During the constructor, initialize the board-coordinate to screen-coordinate mappings: SOCBoardPanel.edgeMap, SOCBoardPanel.nodeMap, SOCBoardPanel.hexMap, SOCBoardPanel.hexIDtoNum, SOCBoardPanel.hexX, SOCBoardPanel.hexY, SOCBoardPanel.inactiveHexNums.
initEdgeMapAux(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Initialize SOCBoardPanel.edgeMap's valid edges across 1 row of hexes, for use by SOCBoardPanel.findEdge(int, int, boolean).
initHexIDtoNumAux(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
initHexIDtoNumAux(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Auxiliary method for initializing part of the hexIDtoNum array.
initHexMapAux(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
initialFaceId - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
initialize(String, String, Properties) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
This makes a connection to the database and initializes the prepared statements.
initialized - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
True if we successfully completed SOCDBHelper.initialize(String, String, Properties) without throwing an exception.
initInterface_conn() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Connect setup for username and password authentication: SOCAccountClient.connPanel / SOCAccountClient.CONN_PANEL.
initInterface_conn() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
panel_conn setup
initInterface_Opt1(SOCGameOption, Component, boolean, boolean, Panel, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Add one GridBagLayout row with this game option (component and label(s)).
initInterface_Options(Panel, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Interface setup: Options.
initInterface_OptLine(SOCGameOption, Panel, GridBagLayout, GridBagConstraints) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Set up one game option in one line of the panel.
initInterface_run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
panel_run setup
initInterfaceElements(String) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Interface setup for constructor.
initInterfaceElements() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Interface setup for constructor.
initInterfaceElements(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Setup the interface elements
initLegalRoadsFromLandNodes() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Once the legal settlement/city nodes (SOCBoard.nodesOnLand) are established from land hexes, fill SOCBoardLarge.legalRoadEdges.
initLegalShipEdges() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Once the legal settlement/city nodes (SOCBoard.nodesOnLand) are established from land hexes, fill SOCBoardLarge.legalShipEdges.
initLocalServer(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Create and start the local TCP server on a given port.
initMainPanelLayout(boolean, SOCServerFeatures) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Lay out the Main Panel: status text, name, password, game/channel names and lists, buttons.
initMisc() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Minor init tasks from both constructors.
initNodeMapAux(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Within SOCBoardPanel.nodeMap, set the node coordinates within a rectangular section from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) covering all nodes of one horizontal row of hexes.
initNodesOnLand() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
As part of the constructor, check the SOCBoard.boardEncodingFormat and initialize SOCBoard.nodesOnLand accordingly.
initOption_enum(SOCGameOption) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Create a popup menu for the choices of this enum.
initOption_int(SOCGameOption) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Based on this game option's type, present its intvalue either as a numeric textfield, or a popup menu if min/max are near each other.
initPlayerLegalAndPotentialSettlements() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Create and initialize a SOCPlayer's set of legal settlements.
initPlayerLegalRoads() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Create and initialize a SOCPlayer's legalRoads set.
initPlayerLegalRoads() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Create and initialize a SOCPlayer's legalRoads set.
initPlayerLegalShips() - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Create and initialize a SOCPlayer's legalShips set.
initSocServer(String, String, Properties) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Common init for all constructors.
initstlmt - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
This holds the coord of the last stlmt placed in the initial phase.
initStringManager() - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Initialize PropertiesTranslatorEditor.strings with the properties bundle at net/nand/util/i18n/gui/strings/pte.properties in the default locale.
initVisualElements() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
init the visual elements at startup: SOCAccountClient.MESSAGE_PANEL, SOCAccountClient.MAIN_PANEL.
initVisualElements() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
initVisualElements() - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Init the visual elements.
inPlay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Do we have any seated player? Set by SOCHandPanel.addPlayer(String), cleared by SOCHandPanel.removePlayer().
inputConnected - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
inQueue - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
command messages from clients for Server.treat(String, StringConnection)
insert(String, int) - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
insertRow(ActionEvent, boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Add/insert a row before or after the row that was right-clicked on, which was stored at click time in PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jtabClickedRow.
insertRow(int, boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Add/insert a row before or after an existing row.
insertUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Call PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.doDocEvent(DocumentEvent) when text field contents change
insideBGColor - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
INT_1 - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
INT_VALUES - Static variable in interface soc.robot.SOCNumberProbabilities
Integer percent probabilities: Index is dice number (1-12; 0 is unused), value is 100 * percentage.
interactive - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
interactive - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
When this flag is true, the panel is interactive.
interactive - Variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
interior - Variable in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
INTFIELD_POPUP_MAXRANGE - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Maximum range (min-max value) for integer-type options to be rendered using a value popup, instead of a textfield.
IntPair - Class in soc.util
An ordered pair of 2 ints.
IntPair(int, int) - Constructor for class soc.util.IntPair
Creates a new IntPair object.
IntTriple - Class in soc.util
An ordered triple of 3 ints.
IntTriple(int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.util.IntTriple
Creates a new IntTriple object.
intValue - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
intValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
inUse - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
monitor for synchronization
inUse - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
monitor for synchronization
inUse - Variable in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
track the monitor for this channel list
inUse - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList
used with gamelist's monitor
INV_ITEM_PLACE_CANCEL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
pieceType to cancel special SOCInventoryItem placement.
invCard - Variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Development card type / item returned to player's inventory, or null.
inventory - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Player's development card/inventory item names, from SOCHandPanel.inventoryItems; updated frequently by SOCHandPanel.updateDevCards(boolean)
inventory - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The development cards this player holds, along with occasional scenario-specific items.
INVENTORYITEMACTION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCInventoryItemAction message: Add or remove a SOCInventoryItem (excluding SOCDevCards) from a player's inventory.
inventoryItems - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Player's development cards/inventory items, in same order as SOCHandPanel.inventory; updated frequently by SOCHandPanel.updateDevCards(boolean)
invItemPlayRejected(int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Client player's request to play a special SOCInventoryItem was rejected by the server.
invItemPlayRejected(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
is6player - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The board is configured for 6-player layout (and is SOCBoardPanel.isRotated); set in constructor by checking SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat() <= SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_6PLAYER and SOCGame.maxPlayers > 4.
is6player - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Is this game using the 6-player board? Checks SOCGame.maxPlayers.
isAccepted() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Is currently accepted by a server
isActive(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Is this feature active?
isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Test whether a string's characters are all within the strict ranges 0-9, A-Z.
isArriveNotDepart - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
Arrival, not a departure
isAtServer - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Is this the server's complete copy of the game, not the client's (with some details unknown)? Set during SOCGame.startGame().
isBoardReset() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
isBotsOnly - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
true if the game's only players are bots, no humans.
isBuiltInRobot() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this robot player the built-in robot (not a 3rd-party), with the original AI? False if unknown.
isBuiltInRobot - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Is this robot connection the built-in robot (not a 3rd-party), with the original AI?
isBuyDevCard() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
isCellEditable(int, int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
isChannel(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
isChannelEmpty(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
isClientAndCurrentlyCanRoll() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Is this panel showing the client's player, and is that player the game's current player, and are they able to roll the dice right now?
isClientAndCurrentPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Is this panel showing the client's player, and is that player the game's current player?
isClientPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Is this panel showing the client's player?
isClientPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
isCliVersionConnected(int) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Is a client with this version number currently connected?
isClosed - Variable in class soc.game.SOCShip
Is this ship part of an closed trade route, not an open one?
isClosed() - Method in class soc.game.SOCShip
Is this ship part of a closed trade route, not an open one?
isCoastalRoadAndShip - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleShip
True if this is a coastal edge that could possibly be a road or a ship
isConnected() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Are we connected to a tcp server?
isConnected() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Are we currently connected and active?
isConnected() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Are we currently connected and active?
isConnected() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Are we currently connected and active?
isConnectedByRoad(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Are these two adjacent nodes connected by this player's road/ship?
isCounterOfferMode() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Is this offerpanel in counteroffer mode, with a trade offer and counter-offer showing?
isDebugFreePlacement() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Are we in the 'free placement' debug mode? See SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand_freePlace, SOCPlayerInterface.setDebugPaintPieceMode.
isDestNew - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
If true, PropertiesTranslatorEditor.setDestIsNew(List) has been called
isDestNew - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
If true, ParsedPropsFilePair.setDestIsNew(List) has been called.
isDiscard - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Are we discarding, not gaining?
isDiscard - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask
isEdgeAdjacentToHex(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this edge adjacent to this hex? (Is it one of the 6 sides of the hex?)
isEdgeAdjacentToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Determine if this node and edge are adjacent.
isEdgeAdjacentToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Determine if this node and edge are adjacent.
isEdgeCoastline(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this edge along the coastline (land/water border)? Off the edge of the board is considered water.
isEdgeInBounds(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this an edge coordinate within the board's boundaries, not overlapping or off the side of the board? TODO description...
isETAUpdated() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
isFlagSet(int) - Method in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Is this flag bit set in the flags field?
isForcingEndTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
If true, this turn is being ended.
isForThree1 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
isFromBoardReset - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
true if the game came from a board reset
isGame(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
does this game exist in our list?
isGameEmpty(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
does the game have no members?
isGameOptionDefined(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Is this game option contained in the current game's options?
isGameOptionSet(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Is this boolean-valued game option currently set to true?
isGameOptionSet(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Is this boolean-valued game option currently set to true?
isHexAdjacentToHex(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Are these hexes adjacent?
isHexAtBoardMargin(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this hex coordinate at the board's boundaries, with one or more adjacent hexes off the side of the board?
isHexCoastline(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this land hex along the coastline (land/water border)? Off the edge of the board is considered water.
isHexInBounds(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this hex coordinate within the board's boundaries, not off the side of the board?
isHexInLandAreas(int, int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this hex's land area in this list of land areas?
isHexOnLand(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Is this the coordinate of a land hex (not water)?
isHexOnLand(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this the coordinate of a land hex (not water)?
isHexOnWater(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Is this the coordinate of a water hex (not land)?
isHexOnWater(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this the coordinate of a water hex (not land)?
isInEOF() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Have we received an EOF marker inbound?
isInitialized() - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Were we able to SOCDBHelper.initialize(String, String, Properties) and connect to the database? True if db is connected and available; false if never initialized, or if SOCDBHelper.cleanup(boolean) was called.
isInitialPlacement - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Will this be for initial placement (send putpiece right away), or for placement during game (send build, receive gamestate, send putpiece)?
isInitialPlacement() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Are we in the Initial Placement part of the game? Includes game states SOCGame.START1A - SOCGame.START3B and SOCGame.STARTS_WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE.
isInputAvailable() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Is input available now, without blocking? Same idea as FilterInputStream.available().
isInputAvailable() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Is input available now, without blocking? Same idea as FilterInputStream.available().
isInputAvailable() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Is input available now, without blocking? Same idea as FilterInputStream.available().
isJava142 - Static variable in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
A bug in Java 1.4.2: the first time replaceRange() is called, it deletes one char beyond what is requested, but only because it's a newline (java bug 5025532 and possibly 4910757).
isJavaOnOSX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
For use in password fields, and possibly by other places, detect if we're running on Mac OS X.
isJavaOnOSX105 - Static variable in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Bug in Mac OS X java display: If multiple threads try to update display at once, can hang the GUI (with rainbow "beach ball").
isJREValid() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Check for sufficient version of the JRE.
isKept() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item to be kept in hand until end of game (never state NEW)?
isKept - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
If true, this item being added is kept in inventory until end of game.
isKeyDestOnly(String) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Is this key found only in the destination file, not in the source file? This is an error and a rare occurrence.
isKeyUnknown - Variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
If true, this requested SOCScenarioInfo.getScenarioKey() is unknown; used in reply from server to client.
isKnown - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Is this item known or unknown at a given client or server version? Used in cross-version compatibility.
isLargeBoard - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The board is configured Large-Board Format (up to 127x127, oriented like 4-player not 6-player); set in constructor by checking SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat().
isLegalRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
isLegalSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this node to a legal settlement?
isLegalShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this edge a legal ship placement?
isLoss() - Method in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Is player losing, or gaining, the resources of SOCForceEndTurnResult.getResourcesGainedLost()?
isMember(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
isMember(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
is this connection a member of the game?
isMove_fromEdge - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
If not -1, do a ship move from this edge, not a placement from player's available pieces
isMsgMultiLine - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Is the prompt multi-line? If so, assume it might be larger than usual, and adjust height when AskDialog.checkSizeAndFocus() is called.
isNew() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item newly given to a player (state NEW), not SOCInventoryItem.isPlayable() or SOCInventoryItem.isKept()?
isNGOFWaitingForAuthStatus - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
true if user clicked "new game" and, before showing NewGameOptionsFrame, we've sent the nickname (username) and password to the server and are waiting for a response.
isNode2AwayFromNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Determine if these 2 nodes are 2 nodes apart on the board, by the node coordinate arithmetic.
isNode2AwayFromNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Determine if these 2 nodes are 2 nodes apart on the board, by the node coordinate arithmetic.
isNodeAdjacentToNode(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Are these nodes adjacent to each other?
isNodeCoastline(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this node along the coastline (land/water border)? Off the edge of the board is considered water.
isNodeInBounds(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this an edge coordinate within the board's boundaries, not overlapping or off the side of the board? TODO description...
isNodeInLandAreas(int, int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Is this node's land area in this list of land areas?
isNodeOnLand(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
isOn() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
isOutEOF() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Have we closed our outbound side?
isOutEOF() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Have we closed our outbound side?
isPickResourceIncludingPirateFleet(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, if true and SOCGame.canPickGoldHexResources(int, SOCResourceSet) in state SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE, this player's "gold hex" free resources include victory over a pirate fleet attack at a dice roll.
isPlayable() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item playable this turn (state PLAYABLE), not newly given (NEW)?
isPlayDevCard() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
isPlayForPlacement(SOCGame, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Does this type of item require placement on the board (state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM) when played? If so, when the item is played, caller should call SOCGame.setPlacingItem(SOCInventoryItem).
isPotentialCity(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this node a potential city? True if we currently have a settlement there.
isPotentialRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this edge a potential road? True if the location is legal, currently not occupied, and we have an adjacent road, settlement, or city.
isPotentialSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this node a potential settlement? True if the location is legal, currently not occupied, no settlement is currently on an adjacent node, and we have an adjacent road or ship.
isPotentialShip(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this edge a potential ship? True if the location is legal, currently not occupied, we have an adjacent ship, settlement, or city, and SOCGame.hasSeaBoard, Does not check getNumPieces(SHIP).
isPotentialShipMoveTo(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this edge coordinate a potential place to move a ship, even if another ship edge was not? Used by SOCGame.canMoveShip(int, int, int) to check the ship's requested new location.
isPractice - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
true if the game's network is local for practice.
isRoadNotShip() - Method in class soc.game.SOCRoad
Is this piece really a road on land, and not a ship on water (our subclass)?
isRoadNotShip() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
Is this piece really a road on land, and not a ship on water (our subclass)?
isRobot() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Is this player a robot AI (built-in or 3rd-party)?
isRobot() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
isRobot - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Is this connection a robot?
isRotated - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The board is visually rotated 90 degrees clockwise (6-player: game opt PL > 4) compared to the internal coordinates.
isRotated() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Is the board currently rotated 90 degrees clockwise? If so, the minimum size swaps SOCBoardPanel.PANELX and SOCBoardPanel.PANELY.
isRowComment(int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Is this row a comment row, not a key+value row?
isRunningLocalServer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Are we running a local tcp server?
isScaled - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The board is currently scaled larger than SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBW x SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBH pixels.
isScaled() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Is the board currently scaled larger than SOCBoardPanel.PANELX x SOCBoardPanel.PANELY pixels? If so, use SOCBoardPanel.scaleToActualX(int), SOCBoardPanel.scaleFromActualY(int), etc to convert between internal and actual screen pixel coordinates.
isScaledOrRotated - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Convenience flag - The board is rotated and/or scaled up.
isSeatVacant(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
isSellingResource - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
isShipMovable - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
True if we can move a ship, at menu-show time.
isShipWarship - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
True if the ship is a warship, at menu-show time (scenario option _SC_PIRI).
isShipWarship(SOCShip) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, is this ship upgraded to a warship? Counts down sh's player's SOCPlayer.getNumWarships() while it looks for sh among the ships from SOCPlayer.getRoads(), which is in the same chronological order as warship conversions.
isShown - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Currently showing? Also indicated by mainParentComp != null.
isSingleLineAndSafe(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Test whether a string is non-empty and its characters are all 'safe' as a single-line string: No newlines or control characters, no line separators or paragraph separators.
isSingleLineAndSafe(String, boolean) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Variant of SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(String) that can optionally allow SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char.
isSizeCheckedAlready - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Has AskDialog.checkSizeAndFocus() already set the size of a multi-line dialog?
isSpecialBuilding() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
During game play, are we in the Special Building Phase? Includes game state SOCGame.SPECIAL_BUILDING, and placement game states during this phase.
isStillAvailable() - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Is this chooser still visible and interactive?
isThreatUpdated() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
isTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip, int, HashSet<Integer>, List<Vector<Object>>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Recursive call for SOCPlayer.checkTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip, int).
isTradeRouteFarEndClosed_foundVillage - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set by SOCPlayer.isTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip, int, HashSet, List) if it finds a village at any far end.
isUnjoinableGame(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
does this game have the unjoinable flag, either in its game info in our GameList, or by a special prefix in its name string?
isUp() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
isUserDBUserAdmin(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Is this username on the SOCServer.databaseUserAdmins whitelist, if that whitelist is being used?
isValidHighISO8859_1(char) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
For java properties file encoding, is "high-bit" character c valid in both ISO-8859-1 and ISO-8859-15? If not, it should be escaped (\uXXXX) in the output file.
isVersionKnown() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Is the version known of the remote end of this connection? We may have just assumed it, or taken a default.
isVisible() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Is the hoverText tip non-null, or is any hover ID non-zero? (hoverRoadID, etc)
isVP - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
If true, this item being added is worth victory points.
isVPCard(int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
Is this card type a Victory Point card?
isVPItem() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item worth Victory Points when kept in inventory?
isWarnHigh - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
At high-level warning.
isWarnLow - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
At low-level warning, or at zero if ttip_text_zero was set.
itemsForVersion(int, Map<String, I>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Get all items valid at version vers.
itemsMinimumVersion(Map<?, ? extends SOCVersionedItem>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Examine this set of items, calculating the minimum required version to support a game with these items.
itemsMinimumVersion(Map<?, ? extends SOCVersionedItem>, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Examine this set of items, calculating the minimum required version to support a game with these items.
itemsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, Map<String, I>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Compare a set of items against the specified version.
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Called when a Choice or Checkbox value changes (ItemListener).
itemType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
The item type code, from SOCInventoryItem.itype
itype - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
This inventory item's identifying type code or Dev Card type, which may be used at client and server and sent over the network to specify this particular kind of item in a game.


jc - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
"Join Channel" button, for channel currently highlighted in SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.chlist, or create new channel named in SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.channel.
jfra - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
main window, set up in PropertiesTranslatorEditor.init()
jg - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
"Join Game" button
JOIN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
JOINAUTH - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
JOINGAME - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
joinGame(SOCGame, StringConnection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
joinGame(SOCGame, StringConnection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
joinGame(SOCGame, StringConnection, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
joinGame_sendBoardSpecialEdgeChanges(SOCGame, SOCBoardLarge, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Client is joining this game, which uses SOCBoardLarge with SOCBoardLarge.hasSpecialEdges(); send any changes to special edges from the starting board layout.
JOINGAMEAUTH - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
jpane - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
main window's pane with PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jtab, created in PropertiesTranslatorEditor.init(), populated in #showPairInPane()
JRE_MIN_EDIT - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
JRE_MIN_MAJOR - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
JRE_MIN_MINOR - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
JRE_MIN_VERSION - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
jreMinEdit - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
jreMinMajor - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
ints for comparisons, concatentated and stored as JRE_MIN_VERSION
jreMinMinor - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
jtab - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
mainwindow's data table, shown within PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jpane, created and populated in #showPairInPane()
jtabClickedCol - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Last-clicked model column number in PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jtab, or -1.
jtabClickedRow - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Last-clicked row number in PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jtab, or -1


K_SC_0RVP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_0RVP: No "longest trade route" VP / Longest Road.
K_SC_3IP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_3IP: Third initial placement of settlement and road or ship.
K_SC_4ISL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_4ISL for The Four Islands.
K_SC_CLVI - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_CLVI for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.CLOTH_TRADE_ESTABLISHED_VILLAGE: Cloth Trade with neutral villages.
K_SC_CLVI - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_CLVI for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.CLOTH_TRADE_ESTABLISHED_VILLAGE: Cloth Trade with neutral villages.
K_SC_FOG - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_FOG for SOCScenarioGameEvent.SGE_FOG_HEX_REVEALED.
K_SC_FOG - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_FOG for SOCScenarioGameEvent.SGE_FOG_HEX_REVEALED (The Fog Islands scenario).
K_SC_FTRI - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_FTRI for the Forgotten Tribe.
K_SC_FTRI - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_FTRI for the Forgotten Tribe.
K_SC_NSHO - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_NSHO for New Shores.
K_SC_PIRI - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_PIRI for Pirate Islands and fortresses.
K_SC_PIRI - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_PIRI for Pirate Islands and fortresses.
K_SC_SANY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_SANY for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.SVP_SETTLED_ANY_NEW_LANDAREA.
K_SC_SEAC - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_SEAC for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.SVP_SETTLED_EACH_NEW_LANDAREA.
K_SC_TTD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_TTD for Through The Desert.
K_SC_WOND - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Scenario key _SC_WOND for Wonders.
K_SC_WOND - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario key SC_WOND for Wonders.
keep - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
The 'keep' square resource types/counts only change if SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.isDiscard.
keepPlayedItem(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Keep a played item: Change its state from SOCInventory.PLAYABLE to SOCInventory.KEPT.
KEPT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Item state constant: Kept in hand until end of game (not SOCInventory.PLAYABLE, was never SOCInventory.NEW).
kept - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Current set of the items having 1 of 3 possible states (New and not playable yet; Playable; Kept until end of game).
kept - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item to be kept in hand until end of game (never state NEW)?
key - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
key for retrieval, or null for comments at the end of the file
key - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
key, or null for any comment at the end of the file
key - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Item key name: Short alphanumeric name (uppercase, starting with a letter, '_' permitted).
key(byte[]) - Method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Key the Blowfish cipher
KEY_PREFIX_NO_LOCALIZE - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser
If a key starts with this prefix "_nolocaliz", it should be present only in the source language (something.properties), and never localized (something_lang.properties).
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Handle Enter or Esc key
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.InputKeyListener
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Handle Enter or Esc key, arrow keys, home/end, ctrl-home/ctrl-end
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField
stub for KeyListener
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Handle Enter or Esc key (KeyListener)
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
For Connect panel, handle Enter or Esc key (KeyListener).
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Handle Enter or Esc key (KeyListener)
keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener
If first keypress in initially empty field, clear that prompt message
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by KeyListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by KeyListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField
stub for KeyListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Stub required by KeyListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Stub required by KeyListener
keyReleased(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Stub required by KeyListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by KeyListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by KeyListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField
reject entered characters which aren't digits
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Stub required by KeyListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Stub required by KeyListener
keyTyped(KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Stub required by KeyListener
kill() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
kill this brain
kind - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
KNIGHT - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Knight, robber card.
KNIGHT_FOR_VERS_1_X - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Previous value for SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT knight/robber card type, for version 1.x clients or servers
knightsLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Label for SOCHandPanel.knightsSq.
knightsSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Soldier/Knight count
knightsToBuy - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
KNOWN_KEYS - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Known layout part keys.
knowsGameState - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
If true, SOCPlayerInterface.updateAtGameState() has been called at least once, or the constructor was called with a non-zero SOCGame.getGameState().


l_mainParentComp - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
thread-lock on changes/accesses of mainParentComp
LA_CHOICE - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
LABEL_TXT_COLOR - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
labMsg - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Brief search message, or hidden; message may be "No matches" or "Wrapped around"
landAreasLegalNodes - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
When the board has multiple "land areas" (groups of islands), this array holds each land area's nodes for settlements/cities.
landAreasLegalNodes - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Each land area's legal node coordinates.
LANDHEX_COORD_ISLANDS_ALL_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 4 players: All the outlying islands' land hex coordinates.
LANDHEX_COORD_ISLANDS_ALL_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 6 players: All the outlying islands' land hex coordinates.
LANDHEX_COORD_ISLANDS_EACH - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout for 4 players: Each outlying island's land hex coordinates.
LANDHEX_COORD_MAINLAND - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout for 4 players: Main island's land hex coordinates, each row west to east.
LANDHEX_DICENUM_ISLANDS_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 4 players: Dice numbers for the outlying islands.
LANDHEX_DICENUM_ISLANDS_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 6 players: Dice numbers for the outlying islands.
LANDHEX_DICEPATH_MAINLAND_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout for 4 players: Dice-number path (hex coordinates) on the main island, spiraling inward from the shore.
LANDHEX_DICEPATH_MAINLAND_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout for 6 players: Dice-number path (hex coordinates) on the main island, spiraling inward from the shore.
LANDHEX_LANDAREA_RANGES_ISLANDS_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
4-player island hex counts and land area numbers within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.LANDHEX_COORD_ISLANDS_ALL_4PL.
LANDHEX_LANDAREA_RANGES_ISLANDS_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
4-player island hex counts and land area numbers within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.LANDHEX_COORD_ISLANDS_ALL_4PL.
LANDHEX_TYPE_ISLANDS_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 4 players: Land hex types for the 3 small islands, to be used with (for the main island) SOCBoard.makeNewBoard_landHexTypes_v1[].
LANDHEX_TYPE_ISLANDS_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 6 players: Land hex types for the 3 small islands, to be used with (for the main island) SOCBoard.makeNewBoard_landHexTypes_v2[].
landHexCoords - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Reference to either SOCBoard.HEXCOORDS_LAND_V1 or SOCBoard.HEXCOORDS_LAND_V2.
landHexLayout - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The set of land hex coordinates within SOCBoardLarge.hexLayoutLg.
LARGESTARMY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Items to update via SOCHandPanel.updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType); for items not appearing in SOCPlayerElement.
LARGESTARMY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
largestArmyETA - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
largestArmyRefresh(SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
The largest army might have changed, so update
largestArmyRefresh(SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
larmyLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Largest Army label, usually invisible; placed to left of SOCHandPanel.lroadLab
LAST_EDITED_DIR - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Preferences key in PTEMain.userPrefs for directory of the most recently edited properties file.
lastActionBankTrade_get - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For use at server by SOCGame, if the player's previous action this turn was a bank trade, the resources involved.
lastActionBankTrade_give - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For use at server by SOCGame, if the player's previous action this turn was a bank trade, the resources involved.
lastActionTime - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The last time a game action happened; can be used to check for game inactivity.
lastActionWasBankTrade - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Used at server; was the most recent player action a bank trade? If true, allow the player to undo that trade.
lastEditedDir - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
'Current' directory for open/save dialogs, from PTEMain.LAST_EDITED_DIR, or null.
lastFaceChange - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
face ID chosen most recently (for use in new games)
LASTLOGIN_UPDATE - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
lastloginUpdate - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
lastMessage - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
lastMessage_N - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
For debug, our last messages sent, over the net or practice server (pipes)
lastMessage_P - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
For debug, our last messages sent, over the net or practice server (pipes)
lastModVersion - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Most recent game version in which this item changed, or if not modified, the version which added it.
lastMove - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
keeps track of the last thing we bought, for debugging purposes
lastPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the last player to place the first settlement
lastRoadCoord - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The edge coordinate of our most recent road or ship.
LASTSETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
lastSettlementCoord - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The node coordinate of our most recent settlement.
lastStartingPieceCoord - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
During START states, coordinate of our most recently placed road or settlement.
lastStartingRoadTowardsNode - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
During START1B and START2B states, coordinate of the potential settlement node towards which we're building, as calculated by OpeningBuildStrategy.planInitRoad().
lastStats - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
lastTarget - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
keeps track of the last thing we wanted, for debugging purposes
lastX - Variable in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
lastY - Variable in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
layoutNotReadyYet - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
For perf/display-bugs during component layout (OSX firefox), show only background color in SOCPlayerInterface.update(Graphics) when true.
layoutParts - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Contents are int[] or String (which may be int).
leaderAdversarialFactor - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
leaderAdversarialFactor - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
LEAVE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
LEAVEALL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
leaveAllChannels(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Connection c is leaving the server; remove from all channels it was in.
leaveAllGames(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Connection c is leaving the server; remove from all games it was in.
leaveChannel(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user leaves the given channel
leaveChannel(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
the user leaves the given channel
leaveChannel(StringConnection, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Connection c leaves the channel ch.
leaveConnection(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
placeholder for doing things when a connection is closed.
leaveConnection(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
things to do when the connection c leaves
leaveGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user leaves the given game
leaveGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
leaveGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user leaves the given game
leaveGame() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
leave this game
LEAVEGAME - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
leaveGame(SOCGame, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
the user leaves the given game
leaveGame(SOCGame, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
This member (player or observer) has left the game.
leaveGame(SOCGame, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
leaveGame(StringConnection, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
the connection c leaves the game gm.
leaving - Variable in class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
LEGALEDGES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Legal road or ship edges for the large sea board.
legalRoadEdges - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The legal set of land edge coordinates to build roads, based on SOCBoard.nodesOnLand.
legalRoads - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a list of edges where it is legal to place a road.
legalSeaEdges - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Optional field, Legal sea edges per player for ships, if restricted.
legalSettlements - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a set of nodes where it is legal to place a settlement.
legalShipEdges - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
The legal set of water/coastline edge coordinates to build ships, based on SOCBoardLarge.hexLayoutLg.
legalShips - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a list of edges where it is legal to place a ship.
legalShipsRestricted - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
A list of edges if the legal sea edges for ships are restricted by the game's scenario (_SC_PIRI), or null if all sea edges are legal for ships.
leList - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
List of legal edges
len(SOCPlayer, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Given a stat type and specific player, find the array length needed to send that player's stats of that type.
len - Variable in class soc.util.NodeLenVis
the current length of the path we're going down
length - Variable in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
level - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Optional level of construction or strength, or 0.
level - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Optional level of construction or strength, or 0.
LIB - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
library, market VP card
lines - Variable in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
lines() - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
listener - Variable in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
listItems(List<? extends Object>, SOCStringManager) - Static method in class soc.util.I18n
Build a string with the contents of this list, such as "x, y, and z".
loadHexesAndImages(Image[], String, MediaTracker, Toolkit, Class<?>, boolean) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Load hex and other related images from either normal, or rotated, resource location.
loadImages(Component, boolean) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Load the images for the board: SOCBoardPanel.hexes, SOCBoardPanel.rotatHexes, and SOCBoardPanel.dice.
loadImages(Component) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
locale - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client's reported JVM locale, or null, as in Locale.getDefault().
localeHasScenStrings - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
If true we've called SOCServer.clientHasLocalizedStrs_gameScenarios(StringConnection), and this client's locale is not null and has at least some localized scenario strings (see that method's javadoc for details).
localeOrFeats - Variable in class soc.message.SOCVersion
Dual-purpose field: Client's JVM locale, or null, as in Locale.toString(); Or server's active optional features, or null, as in SOCServerFeatures.getEncodedList().
localeStr - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
The server-side locale for this client connection, for app-specific message formatting, or null.
localeStr - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client's reported JVM locale, or null, as in Locale.toString().
LOCALIZEDSTRINGS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCLocalizedStrings - Localized i18n strings for items such as game options or scenarios.
localizeGameScenarios(List<String>, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Localize SOCScenario names and descriptions with strings from the server.
localizeGameScenarios(Locale, Collection<String>, boolean, SOCClientData) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Get localized strings for known SOCScenarios.
localizeKnownOptions(Locale, boolean) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Given a StringManager (for a client's locale), return all known game options, localizing the descriptive names if available.
LocalStringConnection - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Symmetric buffered connection sending strings between two local peers.
LocalStringConnection() - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Create a new, unused LocalStringConnection.
LocalStringConnection(LocalStringConnection) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Constructor for an existing peer; we'll share two Vectors for in/out queues.
LocalStringServerSocket - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Clients who want to connect, call connectTo and are queued.
LocalStringServerSocket(String) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
localTCPServer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Client-hosted TCP server.
localTCPServerLabel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Local Server indicator in main panel: blank, or 'server is running' if localTCPServer has been started.
LOCKSEAT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
LOCKSEATTIP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
locl - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOCPlayerLocalStringReader
log - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
debug logging
log - Static variable in class soc.robot.RobberStrategy
debug logging
LOG_10 - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Natural log of 10.
LONGESTROAD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Items to update via SOCHandPanel.updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType); for items not appearing in SOCPlayerElement.
LONGESTROAD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
longestRoadETA - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
longestRoadLength - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
length of the longest road for this player
longestRoadPotential - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
longestRoadRefresh(SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
The longest road might have changed, so update
longestRoadRefresh(SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
longestRoadValue - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
loot - Variable in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Resource type of loot stolen, as in SOCResourceConstants, or -1
LOSE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
losses - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Number of games won and lost since client connected
lostGame() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client has lost a game; update win-loss count.
lowerBound - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
LR_CALC_LEVEL - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Road expansion level for SOCPlayerTracker.updateLRPotential(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCRoad, int, int); how far away to look for possible future roads (level of recursion).
LR_CHOICE - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
lrLengths - Variable in class soc.game.SOCOldLRStats
lroadLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Longest Road label, usually invisible; placed to right of SOCHandPanel.larmyLab
lrPaths - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
list of longest road / longest trade-route paths
lst - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
lte(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Are set A's resources each less than or equal to set B's?


main(String[]) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
'Local' main program; the package's actual main is PTEMain.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
If there's 1 or 2 properties files on the command line, try to open it.
main(String[]) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFilePseudoLocalizer
With 1 argument, pseudolocalize that filename's values.
main(String[]) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
main(String[]) - Static method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
main(String[]) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
for stand-alones
main(String[]) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
for stand-alones
main(String[]) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
for stand-alones
main(String[]) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
for stand-alones
main(String[]) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Starting the server from the command line
MAIN_PANEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
CardLayout string for the main panel while connected to a server: Has fields to enter SOCAccountClient.nick, SOCAccountClient.pass, etc, SOCAccountClient.status display and SOCAccountClient.submit button.
MAIN_PANEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
main panel, in cardlayout
mainGBC - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Constraints for SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.mainGBL
mainGBL - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Layout for SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.mainPane
mainPane - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
MainPanel GUI, initialized in SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.initVisualElements() and SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.initMainPanelLayout(boolean, SOCServerFeatures).
mainPaneLayoutIsDone - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Flags for tracking SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.mainPane layout status, in case SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.initMainPanelLayout(boolean, SOCServerFeatures) is called again after losing connection and then connecting to another server or starting a hosted tcp server.
mainPaneLayoutIsDone_hasChannels - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Flags for tracking SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.mainPane layout status, in case SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.initMainPanelLayout(boolean, SOCServerFeatures) is called again after losing connection and then connecting to another server or starting a hosted tcp server.
mainParentComp - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
parentComp's top-level parent, set at mouseEntered; null if not currently visible
mainParentLayout - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
true layout manager of mainParentComp; temporarily changed to add the tooltip
makeBankTrade(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
perform a bank trade, or undo the last bank trade.
makeCounterOffer(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
make a counter offer to another player
makeCounterOffer(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
makeGhostColor(Color) - Static method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Calculate a color towards gray, for a hilight or the robber ghost.
makeKnownItem(String, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Create a scenario/expansion's special item if known.
makeNewBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Shuffle the hex tiles and layout a board.
makeNewBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Shuffle the hex tiles and layout a board.
makeNewBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Shuffle the hex tiles and layout a board.
makeNewBoard_checkLandHexResourceClumps(Vector<Integer>, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Depth-first search to check land hexes for resource clumps.
makeNewBoard_checkPortLocationsConsistent(int[]) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), check port locations and facings, and make sure no port overlaps with a land hex.
makeNewBoard_diceNums_v1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Dice numbers in the original 4-player board layout, in order along numPath (SOCBoard.makeNewBoard_numPaths_v1).
makeNewBoard_diceNums_v2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Dice numbers in the 6-player board layout, in order along numPath (SOCBoard.makeNewBoard_numPaths_v2).
makeNewBoard_fillNodesOnLandFromHexes(int[], int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Calculate the board's legal settlement/city nodes, based on land hexes.
makeNewBoard_hideHexesInFog(int[]) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), hide these hexes under SOCBoardLarge.FOG_HEX to be revealed later.
makeNewBoard_landHexTypes_v1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Land hex types on the original 4-player board layout (v1).
makeNewBoard_landHexTypes_v2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Land hex types on the 6-player board layout (v2).
makeNewBoard_numPaths_v1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Possible number paths for 4-player original board.
makeNewBoard_numPaths_v2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Possible number paths for 6-player board.
makeNewBoard_placeHexes(int[], int[], int[], SOCGameOption) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
For SOCBoard.makeNewBoard(Map), place the land hexes, number, and robber, after shuffling landHex[].
makeNewBoard_placeHexes(int[], int[], int[], boolean, boolean, int, boolean, int, SOCGameOption, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), place the land hexes, number, and robber, after shuffling landHexType[].
makeNewBoard_placeHexes(int[], int[], int[], boolean, boolean, int[], boolean, int, SOCGameOption, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), place the land hexes, number, and robber for multiple land areas, after shuffling their common landHexType[].
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_arrangeGolds(int[], int[], String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), after placing land hexes and dice numbers into SOCBoardLarge.hexLayoutLg, fine-tune the randomized gold hex placement: Find and separate adjacent gold hexes.
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_arrGolds_addToAdjacList(HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>, Integer, Integer) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Add hex1 to hex0's adjacency list in this map; create that list if needed.
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_arrGolds_swapWithRandom(Integer, HashSet<Integer>, HashMap<Integer, List<Integer>>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Swap this gold hex with a random non-adjacent hex in hexLayoutLg.
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_moveFrequentNumbers(int[], ArrayList<Integer>, int, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), after placing land hexes and dice numbers into hexLayoutLg and numberLayoutLg, separate adjacent "red numbers" (6s, 8s) and make sure gold hex dice aren't too frequent.
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_moveFrequentNumbers_buildArrays(int[], ArrayList<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>, String, HashSet<Integer>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Build sets used for SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard_placeHexes_moveFrequentNumbers(int[], ArrayList, int, String).
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_moveFrequentNumbers_checkSpecialHexes(int[], ArrayList<Integer>, int, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Check for any hexes that forbid too-frequent dice numbers (only a few scenarios).
makeNewBoard_placeHexes_moveFrequentNumbers_swapOne(int, int, ArrayList<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>, HashSet<Integer>) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
The dice-number swapping algorithm for SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard_placeHexes_moveFrequentNumbers(int[], ArrayList, int, String).
makeNewBoard_removeLegalNodes(int[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map), remove some nodes from legal/potential initial placement locations.
makeNewBoard_shufflePorts(int[], SOCGameOption) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
For makeNewBoard, shuffle portHex[].
MAKEOFFER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
makeOffer(SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Make a trade offer to another player, or decide to make no offer.
makeOffer(SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
make an offer to another player
makeOfferAux(SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
aux function for make offer
makeParentFilename(String) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Given a more-specific destination locale filename, calculate the less-specific source filename by removing _xx suffix(es) and check whether that source exists.
makePseudoPropFilename(String) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFilePseudoLocalizer
Make a filename for a pseudo locale properties file.
makeTrade(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
perform a trade between two players.
markAsNotSelling(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
mark a player as not selling a resource
markAsNotWantingAnotherOffer(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
mark a player as not wanting another offer
markAsSelling(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
mark a player as willing to sell a resource
markAsWantsAnotherOffer(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
mark a player as wanting another offer
MARKER_ANY_CHANGED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
SOCScenarioInfo.scKey marker "?" from client to ask for any new or changed scenarios between the client and server versions.
MARKER_KEY_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
"Key is unknown" marker token, for server's response when it doesn't have a localized string for the key requested by the client.
MARKER_KEY_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Marker to indicate the requested scenario key is unknown.
MARKER_NO_MORE_SCENS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
SOCScenarioInfo.scKey marker "-" from server to indicate this is the end of the list of SCENARIOINFOs.
MARKER_PREFIX - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
First character of all MARKERs
MARKER_THIS_GAME_UNJOINABLE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGames
If this is the first character of a game name, the client is too limited to be able to play that game, due to properties of the game (large board, expansion rules, etc.) which may require a newer client.
MAX_BOARD_ENCODING - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Largest value of SOCBoard.getBoardEncodingFormat() supported in this version.
MAX_DENIED_BUILDING_PER_TURN - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
If, during a turn, we make this many illegal build requests that the server denies, stop trying.
MAX_LAND_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Highest-numbered land hex type (SOCBoard.DESERT_HEX).
MAX_LAND_HEX_LG - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Maximum land hex type (== SOCBoardLarge.FOG_HEX) for this encoding.
MAX_ON_SAME_LINE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Maximum number of #players[] buttons to show on a single horizontal line.
max_robber_hextype - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Maximum hex type value for the robber; can be used for array sizing.
maxConnections - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Maximum number of connections allowed.
maxEdge - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Minimum and maximum edge and node coordinates in this board's encoding.
MAXEDGE_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
largest coordinate value for an edge, in the v1 encoding.
MAXEDGE_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
largest coordinate value for an edge, in the v2 encoding
maxETA - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
maxETA - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
maxGameLength - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
maxGameLength - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
MAXHEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
largest coordinate value for a hex, in the current encoding.
maximumLines - Variable in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
maxIntValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Minumum and maximum permitted values for integer part of this option, if any, or maximum length of a string value.
MAXNODE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
largest coordinate value for a node on land, in the v1 and v2 encodings
maxPlayers - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Maximum players (4 or 6).
MAXPLAYERS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Maximum number of players in a game, in this version.
maxPlayers - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
maxPlayers is 4 for the standard game, or 6 if this game is on the 6-player board, with corresponding rules.
MAXPLAYERS_STANDARD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
maximum number of players in a standard game
MAXPLUSONE - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
MAXPLUSONE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
One past the maximum type number of playing piece.
MAXPLUSONE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
One past maximum value (7; max value is 6 == SOCResourceConstants.UNKNOWN)
MAXPLUSONE - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
MAXPLUSONE - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
memberGames(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
List of games containing this member.
members - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
List of members
members - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMembers
List of members
MEMBERS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
membersListed(Collection<String>) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
The current game members (players and observers) are listed, and the game is about to start.
membersListed(Collection<String>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
The current game members (players and observers) are listed, and the game is about to start.
menuAddAbove - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Menu items to add a line above or below this line
menuAddBelow - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Menu items to add a line above or below this line
menuCopyToClip - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Menu item to copy cell contents to clipboard, or null if not allowed.
menuPlayerIsCurrent - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
determined at menu-show time
MESSAGE_MODE - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Mode to show a message, not a trade offer.
MESSAGE_PANEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
CardLayout string for the message panel when not connected to a server; message text is shown in SOCAccountClient.messageLabel.
MESSAGE_PANEL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
message panel, in cardlayout
messageBroadcast(String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
messageBroadcast(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
messageBroadcast(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
messageBroadcast(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
messageLabel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
messageLabel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
messageLabel_top - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
messagePanel - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
messageQueue - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
messageReceived(String, String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
messageReceived(String, String, String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
messageSent(String, String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A game text message was received from server, or a chat message from another player.
messageSent(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
messageToChannel(String, SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to the given channel
messageToChannelWithMon(String, SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to the given channel WARNING: MUST HAVE THE gameList.takeMonitorForChannel(ch) before calling this method
messageToGame(String, SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to the given game.
messageToGame(String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a server text message to the given game.
messageToGameExcept(String, StringConnection, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a server text message to all the connections in a game excluding one.
messageToGameExcept(String, Vector<StringConnection>, SOCMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to all the connections in a game excluding some.
messageToGameExcept(String, StringConnection, SOCMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to all the connections in a game excluding one.
messageToGameForVersions(SOCGame, int, int, SOCMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to all the connections in a game in a certain version range.
messageToGameForVersionsExcept(SOCGame, int, int, StringConnection, SOCMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to all the connections in a game in a certain version range, excluding one.
messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame, boolean, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message to a game.
messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame, boolean, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game.
messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame, boolean, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding one connection.
messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame, boolean, StringConnection, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding one connection.
messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame, boolean, List<StringConnection>, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding some connections.
messageToGameKeyedType(SOCGame, SOCKeyedMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a game a message containing data fields and also a text field to be localized.
messageToGameUrgent(String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send an urgent SOCGameTextMsg to the given game.
messageToGameWithMon(String, SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to the given game.
messageToPlayer(StringConnection, SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a message to a player and record it
messageToPlayer(StringConnection, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a SOCGameServerText or SOCGameTextMsg game text message to a player.
messageToPlayerKeyed(StringConnection, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message to a player.
messageToPlayerKeyed(StringConnection, String, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player.
messageToPlayerKeyedSpecial(StringConnection, SOCGame, String, Object...) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player, with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}.
messageType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
An ID identifying the type of message
MIN - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Minimum valid card type constant (SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN).
MIN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Minimum type number of playing piece (currently Road).
MIN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Minimum value (1 == SOCResourceConstants.CLAY)
MIN - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
MIN - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
MIN is -3 for SOCPossiblePiece.PICK_SPECIAL, but nothing currently uses -1.
MIN_KNOWN - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Minimum known card type (SOCDevCardConstants.ROADS).
minEdge - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Minimum and maximum edge and node coordinates in this board's encoding.
MINEDGE_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
smallest coordinate value for an edge, in the v1 encoding.
MINEDGE_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
smallest coordinate value for an edge, in the v2 encoding
MINHEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Minimum required size of this panel, as laid out in SOCBuildingPanel.doLayout().
MINHEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
smallest coordinate value for a hex, in the current encoding.
minIntValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Minumum and maximum permitted values for integer part of this option, if any, or maximum length of a string value.
minJREVersion() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Return the minimum required jre.
minNode - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Minimum and maximum edge and node coordinates in this board's encoding.
MINNODE_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
smallest coordinate value for a node on land, in the v1 encoding.
MINNODE_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
smallest coordinate value for a node on land, in the v2 encoding
MINPLAYERS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
minimum number of players in a game (was assumed ==SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS in standard 1.0.6).
minSize - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Minimum required width and height, as determined by options and SOCBoardPanel.isRotated.
minVersion - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Minimum game version supporting this item, or -1; same format as Version.versionNumber().
MISC_PORT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Misc (3-for-1) port; lowest-numbered port-type integer.
MISC_PORT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Misc (3-for-1) port type; lowest-numbered port-hextype integer
miscPanel - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
mod - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
data model for JTable
mode - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Modes of interaction; for correlation to game state, see SOCBoardPanel.updateMode().
mode - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Current mode: TradeOfferPanel.MESSAGE_MODE to show TradeOfferPanel.messagePanel, or TradeOfferPanel.OFFER_MODE to show TradeOfferPanel.offerPanel.
model - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTCellRenderer
MONO - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
monopoly card
monopolyChoice - Variable in class soc.robot.MonopolyStrategy
The resource we want to monopolize, chosen by MonopolyStrategy.decidePlayMonopoly(), such as SOCResourceConstants.CLAY or SOCResourceConstants.SHEEP
monopolyDialog - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the dialog for choosing a resource to monopolize
monopolyPick(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user picked a resource to monopolize
monopolyPick(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user picked a resource to monopolize
MONOPOLYPICK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
MonopolyStrategy - Class in soc.robot
MonopolyStrategy(SOCGame, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.robot.MonopolyStrategy
Create a MonopolyStrategy for a SOCRobotBrain's player.
monopolyStrategy - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Strategy to choose whether to monopolize, and which resource.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by MouseListener
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
when an option with a boolValue's label is clicked, toggle its checkbox
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Stub, required for MouseListener.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.MyMouseAdapter
Handle click to change face.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Handle clicks on SOCHandPanel.svpSq or SOCHandPanel.svpLab to get more info.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Handle popup-click on resource colorsquare.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
If any text area is clicked in a 6-player game, give focus to the text input box for ease-of-use.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Check versus minimum size: calls (@link #checkSizeAndFocus()}
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
required stub for MouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Handle Events
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Stub, required for MouseListener.
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
required stub for MouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Stub required for MouseListener
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Track TextField mouse cursor entry on 6-player board (MouseListener).
mouseEntered(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by MouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
required stub for MouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Mouse has left the panel; hide tooltip and any hovering piece.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Stub, required for MouseListener.
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
required stub for MouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Stub required for MouseListener
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Track TextField mouse cursor exit on 6-player board (MouseListener).
mouseExited(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Must keep out of the way of the mouse pointer.
mouseMoved(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Based on the board's current SOCBoardPanel.mode, update the hovering 'hilight' piece (SOCBoardPanel.hilight}.
mousePosAtWinShowX - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Mouse location within parentComp
mousePosAtWinShowY - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Mouse location within parentComp
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by MouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
DOCUMENT ME! If a ColorSquareListener is attached, and value changes, the listener will be called.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
required stub for MouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
When a resource's colorsquare is clicked, add/remove 1 from the resource totals as requested; update SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.okBut and SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.clearBut.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.MyMouseAdapter
Handle popup-click.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
required stub for MouseListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Handle popup-click on resource colorsquare.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Stub for MouseListener.
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellEditorMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by MouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.DividerMouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
required stub for MouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Stub, required for MouseListener.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.MyMouseAdapter
Handle popup-click.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
required stub for MouseListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Handle popup-click on resource colorsquare.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Stub for MouseListener.
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
mouseX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Mouse position
mouseY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Mouse position
MOVE_SHIP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Move a previously-placed ship on the large sea board.
moveCursor(int, int, KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Move the cursor choosing the current face, and change selected face in this browser.
moveCursor(int, int, KeyEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Move the cursor choosing the current face.
movedShipThisTurn - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Has the current player moved a ship already this turn? Valid only when SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
MOVEPIECE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Move a piece to another location; server reply to SOCMessage.MOVEPIECEREQUEST.
movePieceRequest(SOCGame, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
Ask the server to move this piece to a different coordinate.
MOVEPIECEREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Ask server to move a piece to another location.
movePirate(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Move the pirate ship.
movePirate(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Move the pirate, optionally with a pirate fleet strength.
movePirateHexAlongPath(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For game scenario option _SC_PIRI, move the pirate fleet's position along its path.
movePirateHexAlongPath(int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For game scenario option _SC_PIRI, move the pirate fleet's position along its path.
moveRobber(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the player wants to move the robber
moveRobber(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the player wants to move the robber or the pirate ship.
moveRobber(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
move the robber.
MOVEROBBER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
moveRobber() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
move the robber
moveRobberOnSeven - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
True when the robber will move because a seven was rolled.
moveShip(SOCShip, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Move this ship on the board and update all related game state.
moveShip_fromEdge - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
During SOCBoardPanel.MOVE_SHIP mode, the edge coordinate from which we're moving the ship.
moveShip_isWarship - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
During SOCBoardPanel.MOVE_SHIP mode, true if the ship being moved is a warship in scenario option _SC_PIRI.
moveShip_toEdge - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
During SOCBoardPanel.MOVE_SHIP mode, the edge coordinate to which we're moving the ship, 0 otherwise.
msg - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Prompt message Label, or Panel for multi-line prompt (AskDialog.isMsgMultiLine), or null
msg - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
msg - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
msg - Variable in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
Prompt message.
msg - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
For 1 line of text, TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel.msg contains the entire text.
msg2 - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
For 1 line of text, TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel.msg contains the entire text.
MSG_BORDER - Static variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Border width around AskDialog.msg.
MSG_NICKNAME_ALREADY_IN_USE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Status Message to send, nickname already logged into the system
MSG_NICKNAME_ALREADY_IN_USE_NEWER_VERSION_P1 - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Part 1 of Status Message to send, nickname already logged into the system with a newer client version.
MSG_NICKNAME_ALREADY_IN_USE_NEWER_VERSION_P2 - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Part 2 of Status Message to send, nickname already logged into the system with a newer client version.
MSG_NICKNAME_ALREADY_IN_USE_WAIT_TRY_AGAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Status Message to send, nickname already logged into the system.
MSG_SV_NEWCHANNEL_TOO_MANY_CREATED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
MSG_SV_NEWGAME_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Text for server or client to present: New game requested, but this game already exists
MSG_SV_NEWGAME_NAME_REJECTED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Text for server or client to present: New game requested, but game name or player name does not meet standards
MSG_SV_NEWGAME_NAME_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Text for server or client to present: New game requested, but game name or player name is too long.
MSG_SV_NEWGAME_TOO_MANY_CREATED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
msgHeight - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
msgLines - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
Number of lines of text; 1, or 2 if text contains \n.
msgText - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
msgText is null if readOnly
mTablePopup - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Context popup menu within table.
mutex - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
MutexFlag - Class in soc.util
MutexFlag() - Constructor for class soc.util.MutexFlag
Creates a new MutexFlag object.


name - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the name of the game
name - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
the name of the player
nameConnection(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Name a current connection to the system.
nameConnection(StringConnection, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Name a current connection to the system, which may replace an older connection.
NAMED_RESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
The original 5 named resources, for convenience: SOCPlayerElement.CLAY, ORE, SHEEP, WHEAT, SOCPlayerElement.WOOD.
nameKeyPrecalc - Variable in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
If true, SOCDevCard.getItemName(SOCGame, boolean, SOCStringManager) can just use the strKey or aStrKey keys already looked up for the constructor super call.
ncols - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
ncols - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
number of columns in the text output area
necessaryRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
necessaryRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
NEED_NICKNAME_BEFORE_JOIN - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Hint message if they try to join a game or channel without entering a nickname.
NEED_NICKNAME_BEFORE_JOIN_2 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Stronger hint message if they still try to join a game or channel without entering a nickname.
NEED_NICKNAME_BEFORE_JOIN_G - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Hint message if they try to join a game without entering a nickname, on a server which doesn't support chat channels.
NEED_NICKNAME_BEFORE_JOIN_G2 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Stronger hint message if they still try to join a game without entering a nickname, on a server which doesn't support chat channels.
needLA - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
needLR - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
needRepaintBorders - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Have we resized the board, and thus need to repaint the borders between panels? Determined in SOCPlayerInterface.doLayout().
needsLA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Does this player need Largest Army to win? Updated by SOCPlayerTracker.recalcWinGameETA().
needsLR() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Does this player need Longest Road to win? Updated by SOCPlayerTracker.recalcWinGameETA().
needsScroll - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
needsToBeExpanded - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
needsToBeExpanded() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
needToDiscard - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
this flag is true if the player needs to discard and must pick which resources to lose.
needToPickGoldHexResources - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
If nonzero, waiting for player to pick this many gold-hex resources, after a dice roll or placing their final initial settlement.
negotiator - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The data and code that determines how we negotiate.
net - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask
net - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
net - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Helper object to deal with network connectivity.
net.nand.util.i18n - package net.nand.util.i18n
net.nand.util.i18n.gui - package net.nand.util.i18n.gui
net.nand.util.i18n.mgr - package net.nand.util.i18n.mgr
NET_UNAVAIL_CAN_PRACTICE_MSG - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
For practice games, reminder message for network problems.
NEW - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Game states.
NEW - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Age constant, item state constant: Recently bought card, playable next turn.
Other possible age is SOCInventory.OLD.
Other possible states are SOCInventory.PLAYABLE and SOCInventory.KEPT.
newAdd - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Is this line newly added in the editor during this edit session? Remains true even after saving the file, so its ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry.key can still be edited.
NEWCHANNEL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
newConnection1(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
placeholder for doing things when a new connection comes, part 1 - decide whether to accept.
newConnection1(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Things to do when a new connection comes.
newConnection2(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
placeholder for doing things when a new connection comes, part 2 - has been accepted and added to a connection list.
newConnection2(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send welcome messages (server version and features, and the lists of channels and games (SOCChannels, SOCGames)) when a new connection comes, part 2 - c has been accepted and added to a connection list.
newDestComments - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
If PropertiesTranslatorEditor.isDestNew, optional set of header comments, or null.
NEWGAME - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
newGame - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
The new game, created from an old game by SOCGame.resetAsCopy()
NewGameOptionsFrame - Class in soc.client
This is the dialog for options to set in a new game.
NewGameOptionsFrame(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Creates a new NewGameOptionsFrame.
NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField - Class in soc.client
A textfield that accepts only nonnegative-integer characters.
NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField(int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.IntTextField
NewGameOptionsFrame.VersionConfirmDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the modal dialog to ask user if these options' required minimum client version is OK.
NewGameOptionsFrame.VersionConfirmDialog(NewGameOptionsFrame, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.VersionConfirmDialog
Creates a new VersionConfirmDialog.
newGameOptsFrame - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
The currently showing new-game options frame, or null
newGameWaitingForOpts - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
If true, we've asked the server about defaults or options because we're about to create a new game.
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONSREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
newPossibilities - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
news - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Current set of the items having 1 of 3 possible states (New and not playable yet; Playable; Kept until end of game).
newToOld() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Change all the new cards and items to old ones.
newToOld() - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
At the start of the holding player's turn, change state from NEW to PLAYABLE.
ng - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
"New Game..." button, brings up NewGameOptionsFrame window
ngof - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
"Game Info" window, from SOCBuildingPanel.gameInfoBut click, or null.
NGOF_BG - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
nick - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
nick - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Nickname (username) to connect to server and use in games
nickLabel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Nickname field label.
nickname - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
the nickname
nickname - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the nickname
nickname - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
the nickname; null until validated and set by getValidNickname(true)
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Nickname (username) of the joining client
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Nickname of sender, or SOCGameTextMsg.SERVERNAME
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
Nickname of the robot
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoin
Nickname of the joining member
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
Nickname of the joining member
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLeave
Nickname of the leaveing member
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
Nickname of the leaving member
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
Nickname of the joining member
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
Nickname of player
nickname - Variable in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
Nickname of sender
NICKNAME_TAKEOVER_SECONDS_DIFFERENT_IP - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Number of seconds before a connection is considered disconnected, and its nickname can be "taken over" by a new connection from a different IP.
NICKNAME_TAKEOVER_SECONDS_SAME_IP - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Number of seconds before a connection is considered disconnected, and its nickname can be "taken over" by a new connection from the same IP.
NICKNAME_TAKEOVER_SECONDS_SAME_PASSWORD - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Number of seconds before a connection is considered disconnected, and its nickname can be "taken over" by a new connection with the right password.
nickTTip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Nickname field tooltip reference, for use if its text must be updated.
node - Variable in class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
node - Variable in class soc.util.NodeLenVis
the coordinates of a node
NODE_2_AWAY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Offsets from a node to another node 2 away, indexed by the facing directions: SOCBoard.FACING_NE is 1, SOCBoard.FACING_E is 2, etc; SOCBoard.FACING_NW is 6.
NODE_TO_NODE_2_AWAY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
(r,c) Offsets from a node to another node 2 away, Indexed by the facing directions: SOCBoard.FACING_NE is 1, SOCBoard.FACING_E is 2, etc; SOCBoard.FACING_NW is 6.
nodeCoordToString(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Get the dice roll numbers for hexes adjacent to this node.
nodeIDtoPortType - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
translate node ID (node coordinate) to a port's type (SOCBoard.MISC_PORT to SOCBoard.WOOD_PORT).
NodeLenVis<T> - Class in soc.util
State object for iteratively tracing longest road: A node, path length so far, visited nodes, and optionally the road or ship that led to this node.
NodeLenVis(int, int, Vector<T>) - Constructor for class soc.util.NodeLenVis
Creates a new NodeLenVis object.
NodeLenVis(int, int, Vector<T>, SOCRoad) - Constructor for class soc.util.NodeLenVis
Creates a new NodeLenVis object.
nodeMap - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Map grid sectors (from unscaled on-screen coordinates) to hex nodes.
nodePairs - Variable in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
nodesOnLand - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
a list of nodes on the land of the board; key is node's Integer coordinate, value is Boolean.
nodeToXY(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Calculate the on-screen coordinates of a node.
noMoreOptions(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
The server doesn't have any more options to send (or none at all, from its version).
noMoreScens - Variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
If true, there are no more scenarios to send; used in reply from server to client.
NONE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
BoardPanel's SOCBoardPanel.modes.
NOT_RECORDING - Static variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
notAllZero - Variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
NotifyDialog - Class in soc.client
This is a generic dialog to popup a message to the player, with one button.
NotifyDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.NotifyDialog
Creates a new NotifyDialog.
npix - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
npix - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
width of text output area in pixels
NSHO_BOARDSIZE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Board size: 3 players max row 0x0E, max col 0x0E.
NSHO_DICENUM_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Dice numbers for hexes on the several small islands (SOCBoardLargeAtServer.NSHO_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL).
NSHO_DICENUM_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Dice numbers for hexes on the main island along SOCBoardLargeAtServer.NSHO_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN.
NSHO_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Land hex coordinates for the several small islands.
NSHO_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Land hex coordinates for the main island.
NSHO_LANDHEX_LANDAREA_RANGES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Island hex counts and land area numbers within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.NSHO_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL.
NSHO_LANDHEX_TYPE_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Land hex types on the several small islands.
NSHO_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Land hex types for the main island.
NSHO_PIRATE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Starting pirate water hex coordinate for 3, 4, 6 players.
NSHO_PORT_EDGE_FACING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Port edges and facings.
NSHO_PORT_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
New Shores: Port types on main island; will be shuffled.
NULLEMAIL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
symbol to represent a null email
NULLHOST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Token to indicate host is null or "", to avoid adjacent delimiters
NULLMESSAGE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
NULLPASS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCJoin
symbol to represent a null or empty password over the network, to avoid 2 adjacent field-delimiter characters
NULLPASS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
symbol to represent a null or empty password over the network, to avoid 2 adjacent field-delimiter characters
NUM_COLS - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Number of columns: key, value src, value dest
NUM_DEVCARDS_6PLAYER - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Number of development cards (34) in the 6-player rules.
NUM_DEVCARDS_STANDARD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Number of development cards (25) in the standard rules.
NUM_DEVCARDS_VP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Number of development cards (5) which are Victory Point cards.
NUM_FACES - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
number of /numbered/ face images, /plus 1/ for indexing.
NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For the large sea board, player element type for asking to choose resources from the gold hex after a dice roll, during the WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE game state.
NUM_ROBOT_FACES - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
number of robot faces, which are separately numbered.
NUMBER - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
number - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Number of players to choose from for SOCChoosePlayerDialog.buttons and SOCChoosePlayerDialog.players.
numberAndResourceForHex - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Hex dice-roll resource information, by land-hex coordinate ID.
numberCurrentConnections - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
total number of current connections
numberLayout - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Dice number from hex numbers.
numberLayout - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
The dice number layout; a mapping/unmapping step is done in constructor/SOCBoardLayout.getNumberLayout().
numberLayoutLg - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Dice number from hex coordinate.
numberOfConnections - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
total number of connections made since startup
numberOfEnemyBuilds() - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Calculate the number of builds before our next turn during init placement.
numberOfGamesFinished - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
The total number of games finished: Game state became SOCGame.OVER or higher from an earlier/lower state.
numberOfGamesStarted - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
The total number of games that have been started: GameHandler.startGame(SOCGame) has been called and game play has begun.
numberOfNecessaryRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
numberOfNecessaryRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
numberOfUsers - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
total number of users
numbersForResource - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Dice roll numbers which yield this resource.
numChosen - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Has chosen to discard or gain this many resources so far in SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.pick.
numCloth - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For some scenarios, how many cloth does the board have in its "general supply"? This supply is used if a village's SOCVillage.takeCloth(int) returns less than the amount needed.
numCloth - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For some game scenarios, how many cloth does this player have? Every 2 pieces of cloth is worth 1 VP.
numCloth - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVillage
How many cloth does this village have?
NUMDEVCARDS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Items to update via SOCHandPanel.updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType); for items not appearing in SOCPlayerElement.
numDevCards - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the number of development cards left in SOCGame.devCardDeck for SOCGame.buyDevCard().
numDevCards - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
The number of dev cards
numDiscards - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
The number of discards
numKnights - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
how many knights this player has in play
NUMKNIGHTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Number of knights in player's army; sent after a Soldier card is played.
numPickNeeded - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Must discard this many resources from SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.keep, or must gain this many resources.
numPieces - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
the number of pieces not in play.
numpieces(StringBuffer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
for debug prints; appends to sb or creates it, returns it
numPracticeGames - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Number of practice games started; used for naming practice games
NUMRESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Items to update via SOCHandPanel.updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType); for items not appearing in SOCPlayerElement.
numRobotOnlyGamesRemaining - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Number of robot-only games not yet started (optional feature).
numToHexID - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Hex coordinates ("IDs") of each hex number ("hex number" means index within SOCBoard.hexLayout).
numWarships - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, the number of SOCShips that are converted to warships.


OCCUPIED - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
seat states
offer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Display other players' trade offers and related messages.
OFFER - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
offer - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
The offer being made
OFFER_BUTTONS_HEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Additional height of offer (part of TradeOfferPanel.OFFER_HEIGHT) when the "offer"/"accept"/"reject" buttons are showing.
OFFER_COUNTER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Typical height of counter-offer panel, when visible.
OFFER_HEIGHT - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Typical height of offer panel, when visible.
OFFER_MODE - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Mode to show a trade offer, not a message.
offerBox - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Counter-offer to send
offerBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
"Offer" button for player trading: send offer to server
offerBut - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
send button for counter-offer
offerButTip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Hint for "Offer" button; non-null only if interactive and if playerTradingDisabled == false.
OFFERBUTTIP_DIS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
OFFERBUTTIP_ENA - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
offerCounterHidesFace - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If true, the handpanel isn't tall enough, so when the SOCHandPanel.offer message panel is showing something, we must hide other controls.
offerCounterHidingFace - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
When handpanel isn't tall enough, are we currently in the situation described at SOCHandPanel.offerHidesControls or SOCHandPanel.offerCounterHidesFace?
offerCounterOfferVisibleChanged(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Callback from TradeOfferPanel.
offered - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
True if the current offer's "offered to" includes the client player.
offerHidesControls - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If true, the handpanel isn't tall enough, so when the SOCHandPanel.offer message panel is showing something, we must hide other controls.
offerHidingControls - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
When handpanel isn't tall enough, are we currently in the situation described at SOCHandPanel.offerHidesControls or SOCHandPanel.offerCounterHidesFace?
offering - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
The number of the offering player
offerIsDiscardOrPickMessage - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Board-reset voting: If true, SOCHandPanel.offer is holding a discard message (SOCHandPanel.TRADEMSG_DISCARD) or a gold hex pick-resources message (SOCHandPanel.TRADEMSG_PICKING).
offerIsMessageWasTrade - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Board-reset voting: If true, SOCHandPanel.offer was holding an active trade offer before SOCHandPanel.offerIsResetMessage or SOCHandPanel.offerIsDiscardOrPickMessage was set.
offerIsResetMessage - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Board-reset voting: If true, SOCHandPanel.offer is holding a message related to a board-reset vote.
offerPanel - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
offerRejections - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if the player with that player number has rejected our offer
offersMade - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
offerTrade(SOCGame, SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is making an offer to trade with another player.
offerTrade(SOCGame, SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is making an offer to trade with another player.
OFFSET_X - Static variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
X-offset (from mouse location) of tooltip upper-left corner
OFFSET_Y - Static variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Y-offset (from mouse location) of tooltip upper-left corner
offsetX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Requested X-offset from mouse pointer of tooltip box (used for robber placement)
okBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Discard or Pick button
OLD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Age constant: An old item can either be played this turn (state SOCInventory.PLAYABLE) or is kept in hand until the end of the game (state SOCInventory.KEPT) such as a Victory Point card.
oldGameState - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The saved game state; used in only a few places, where a state can happen from different start states.
oldGameState - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
the game state before the current one
oldGameState - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
gamestate of old game at reset time
oldPlayerWithLargestArmy - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
To remember last SOCGame.playerWithLargestArmy during SOCGame.saveLargestArmyState() / SOCGame.restoreLargestArmyState().
oldPlayerWithLongestRoad - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
used to restore the LR player
oldRobotCount - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Are we still waiting for robots to leave the old game?
on - Variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
ONE_OF_EACH - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
oneLineHeight - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
onIgnoreList(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
op - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
The operation code: SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK or SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_DECLINE.
OP_CLEAR - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
If sent from client to server, a request to clear an item in the game and/or owning player's Special Item list.
OP_DECLINE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Sent from server as reply to a requesting client's SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_SET, SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_CLEAR, or SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK: The client's request is declined.
OP_PICK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
If sent from client to server, a request to pick or choose an item for some action.
OP_SET - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
If sent from client to server, a request to set an item in the game and/or owning player's Special Item list.
OpeningBuildStrategy - Class in soc.robot
This class is a temporary class put in place to slowly pull tasks out of SOCRobotBrain and start replacing them with classes that implement strategy interfaces.
OpeningBuildStrategy(SOCGame, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Create an OpeningBuildStrategy for a SOCRobotBrain's player.
openingBuildStrategy - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Strategy to plan and build initial settlements and roads.
openPropsEditor(File, File, boolean, List<String>) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Open these file(s) in a PropertiesTranslatorEditor.
OPS_STRS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
OP_* constant strings for SOCSetSpecialItem.toString()
opt - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
optCL - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
The option's ChangeListener, or null.
optFlags - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Sum of all of option's flags, if any, such as SOCGameOption.FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED.
OPTINFO_NO_MORE_OPTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
If the client is asking for any new options, by sending GAMEOPTIONGETINFOS("-"), server responds with set of GAMEOPTIONINFOs.
optionSet - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
Options will be null if SOCPlayerClient.sVersion is less than SOCNewGameWithOptions.VERSION_FOR_NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS (1.1.07).
optionsForVersion(int, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Get all options valid at version vers.
optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Compare a set of options against the specified version.
optionsReceived(ServerGametypeInfo, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
optionsReceived(ServerGametypeInfo, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
optionsReceived(ServerGametypeInfo, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Server has sent its game option default values for new games.
optionsReceived(ServerGametypeInfo, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Server has sent info about a single game option.
optionsRequested() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
optionsRequested() - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
optionTypeName(int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
For user output, the string name of the option type's constant.
OPTKEY_GET_I18N_DESCS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
I18N option-description request token "?I18N" sent from client when its locale isn't en_US.
optkeys - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
List of game option keynames (Strings), or null.
opts - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Contains this game's SOCGameOptions, or null if none.
opts - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the game options (SOCGameOption), or null
opts - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
String of the options (name-value pairs) as sent over network
opts - Variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
may be null
opts - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
Game options, or null
opts - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
optsControls - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
AWT control for each gameopt, for handling SOCGameOption.refreshDisplay() if called by SOCGameOption.ChangeListeners.
optsStr - Variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
won't be null, even if opts is null, due to SOCGameOption.packOptionsToString(Map, boolean) format.
optsStr - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
optType - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type.
ORE - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
ORE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
ORE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
ORE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
ORE_PORT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Ore port type.
ORE_PORT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
oreLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
oreSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext - package org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext
otherPlayer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
When in "consider" mode, this is the player we're talking to
OTYPE_BOOL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: boolean
OTYPE_ENUM - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: enumeration (1 of several possible choices, described with text strings, stored here as intVal).
OTYPE_ENUMBOOL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: enumeration + boolean; see SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUM.
OTYPE_INT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: integer.
OTYPE_INTBOOL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: integer + boolean.
OTYPE_MAX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Highest OTYPE value known at this version
OTYPE_MIN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Lowest OTYPE_ (SOCGameOption.optType) value known at this version
OTYPE_STR - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: text string (max string length is SOCGameOption.maxIntValue, default value is "")
OTYPE_STRHIDE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: text string (like SOCGameOption.OTYPE_STR) but hidden from view; is NOT encrypted, but contents show up as "*" when typed into a text field.
OTYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Option type: unknown (probably due to version mismatch).
ourNumbers - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
the numbers that our settlements are touching
ourPeer - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
ourPlayerData - Variable in class soc.robot.MonopolyStrategy
Our SOCRobotBrain's player
ourPlayerData - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Our SOCRobotBrain's player
ourPlayerData - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Our player data Set in SOCRobotBrain.setOurPlayerData()
ourPlayerData - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
ourPlayerData - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
ourPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Our player number; set in SOCRobotBrain.setOurPlayerData().
ourPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
SOCRobotDM.ourPlayerData's player number.
ourPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
SOCRobotNegotiator.ourPlayerData's player number.
ourPlayerTracker - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
our player tracker
ourPlayerTracker - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
ourPlayerTracker - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
ourServer - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Is set if server-side.
ourSize - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
ourTurn - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Flag for whether or not it is our turn
out - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
out - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
out - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
out - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
out - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
out_setEOF - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
out_setEOF - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
outQueue - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
over(String) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
an error occured, stop editing
over(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
an error occurred, stop playing
OVER - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The game is over.
ownerLocale - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Locale of the client connection that created this game.
ownerName - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For games at the server, the owner (creator) of the game.


P - Variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
Single integer parameter.
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
Single string parameter.
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
First integer parameter.
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
First string parameter.
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
First integer parameter.
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
First string parameter.
p1 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
First integer parameter.
p2 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
Second integer parameter.
p2 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
Second, optional string parameter; null if missing.
p2 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
Second integer parameter.
p2 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
Second, optional string parameter; null if missing.
p2 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
Second integer parameter.
p3 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
Third integer parameter.
p3 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
Third, optional string parameter; null if missing.
p3 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
Third integer parameter.
p4 - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
Fourth integer parameter.
P_orig - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
pa - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
Array of int parameters, or null if none.
pa - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
List of string parameters, or null if none.
packKnownOptionsToString(boolean, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs from the known options' current values.
packKnownScenariosToString() - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Utility - build a string of known scenario key names from the known scenarios.
packOptionsToString(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs.
packOptionsToString(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs, adjusting for old clients if necessary.
packScenariosToString(Map<String, SOCScenario>) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Utility - build a string of known scenario names.
packScenariosToString(Map<String, SOCScenario>, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Utility - build a string of known scenario names, adjusting for old clients if necessary.
packValue(StringBuilder) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Pack current value of this option into a string.
PADDING_HORIZ - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
padH - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Padding beyond desired size; not known until windowOpened()
padH - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Padding beyond desired size; not known until doLayout()
padW - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Padding beyond desired size; not known until windowOpened()
padW - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Padding beyond desired size; not known until doLayout()
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
Draw this ShadowedBox.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Draw; Graphics should be the boardpanel's gc, as seen in its paint method.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Redraw the board using double buffering.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Redraw the facebutton using double buffering.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Paint each component, after (if SOCPlayerInterface.needRepaintBorders) clearing stray pixels from the borders between the components.
paint(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Draw this balloon.
paintBorder(Graphics, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Paint or clear the hilight border
paintBorders(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Paint the borders after a resize, and set SOCPlayerInterface.needRepaintBorders false.
paintBordersHandColumn(Graphics, SOCHandPanel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Paint the borders of one column of handpanels.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
pair - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Pair of properties files being edited, and their contents.
pair - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Pair<A,B> - Class in soc.util
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class soc.util.Pair
Creates a new Pair object.
panel_conn - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Contains GUI elements for details in SOCConnectOrPracticePanel.connserv
panel_run - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Contains GUI elements for details in SOCConnectOrPracticePanel.runserv, or null if can't run.
panelMarginX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scaled (actual) panel margin on left, in pixels, for narrow boards, if board's unscaled width is less than SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBW.
panelMinBH - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
panelMinBW and panelMinBH are the minimum width and height, in board-internal coordinates (not rotated or scaled).
panelMinBW - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
panelMinBW and panelMinBH are the minimum width and height, in board-internal coordinates (not rotated or scaled).
PANELPAD_LBOARD_RT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
When SOCBoardPanel.isLargeBoard, padding on right-hand side, in internal coordinates (like SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBW).
PANELX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
size of the whole panel, internal-pixels "scale".
panelx - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
PANELY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
size of the whole panel, internal-pixels "scale".
panely - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
params - Variable in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
parent - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
parent - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
parentComp - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Component to which tooltip is notionally added, set in constructor.
parentHand - Variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
parentX - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Position of parentComp within painParentComp
parentY - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Position of parentComp within painParentComp
parse(String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
Parse a requirement specification string into SOCSpecialItem.Requirement objects.
parseCmdline_DashedArgs(String[]) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Quick-and-dirty parsing of command-line arguments with dashes.
parseCmdline_GameOption(SOCGameOption, String, HashMap<String, String>) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Quick-and-dirty command line parsing of a game option.
parsed - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Logical entries, one per key, to be expanded into ParsedPropsFilePair.cont: Source and dest file-pair key-by-key contents, from parsing; does not contain ParsedPropsFilePair.destOnlyPairs.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
Parse the command String into a AdminPing message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAdminReset
Parse the command String into a AdminReset message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Parse the command string into an AuthRequest message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
Parse the command String into a BankTrade message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
Parse the command String into a BCastTextMsg message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Parse the command String into a BoardLayout message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Parse the command string into a BoardLayout2 message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBoardSpecialEdge
Parse the command String into a SOCBoardSpecialEdge message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
Parse the command String into a BuildRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
Parse the command String into a BuyCardRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
Parse the command String into a CancelBuildRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
Parse the command String into a ChangeFace message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChannels
Parse the command String into a Channels message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
Parse the command String into a ChoosePlayer message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
Parse the command String into a ChoosePlayerRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
Parse the command String into a CLEAROFFER message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Parse the command String into a CreateAccount message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
parse the command string into a PutPiece message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
Parse the command String into a DeleteChannel message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
Parse the command String into a DeleteGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
Parse the command String into a DevCard message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
Parse the command String into a DevCardCount message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiceResult
Parse the command String into a DiceResult message
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
Parse the command String list into a SOCDiceResultResources message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
Parse the command String into a Discard message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
Parse the command String into a DiscardRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
Parse the command String into a DiscoveryPick message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
Parse the command String into a EndTurn message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
Parse the command String into a Members message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
Parse the command String into a GameOptionGetDefaults message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
Parse the command String into a GameOptionGetInfos message
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
Parse the command String array into a SOCGameOptionInfo message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGames
Parse the command String into a Games message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
Parse the command String into a GameServerText message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameState
Parse the command String into a GameState message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
Parse the command String into a GameStats message
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGamesWithOptions
Parse the command String array into a SOCGamesWithOptions message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Parse the command String into a GameTextMsg message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
Parse the command String into a ImARobot message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Parse the command String into an InventoryItemAction message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
Parse the command String into a Join Channel message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
Parse the command String into a Join message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGame
Parse the command String into a JoinGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
Parse the command String into a JoinGameAuth message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
parse the command string into a MoveRobber message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
Parse the command String into a Leave message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveAll
Parse the command String into a LeaveAll message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
Parse the command String into a Leave message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
Parse the command String into a SOCLegalEdges message
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Parse the command String list into a SOCLocalizedStrings message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
Parse the command String into a MakeOffer message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMembers
Parse the command String into a Members message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
Parse the command String into a SOCMovePiece message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
Parse the command String into a SOCMovePieceRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
parse the command string into a MoveRobber message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
Parse the command String into a NewChannel message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
Parse the command String into a NewGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
Parse the command String into a SOCNewGameWithOptions message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
Parse the command String into a NewGameWithOptionsRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
Parse the command String into a Pick Resources message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPickResourcesRequest
Parse the command String into a SOCPickResourcesRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPieceValue
Parse the command string into a SOCPieceValue message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
Parse the command String into a PlayDevCardRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Parse the command String into a PlayerElement message
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Parse the command String list into a SOCPlayerElements message.
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Parse the command String list into a SOCPlayerStats message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Parse the command String into a PotentialSettlements message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
parse the command string into a PutPiece message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
Parse the command String into a RejectConnection message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRemovePiece
Parse the command string into a SOCRemovePiece message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardAuth
Parse the command String into a SOCResetBoardAuth message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardReject
Parse the command String into a SOCResetBoardReject message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardRequest
Parse the command String into a ResetBoardRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
Parse the command String into a SOCResetBoardVote message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
Parse the command String into a SOCResetBoardVoteRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
Parse the command String into a ResourceCount message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRevealFogHex
Parse the command string into a SOCRevealFogHex message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
Parse the command String into a RobotDismiss message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
Parse the command String into a RobotJoinGameRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
Parse the command String into a RollDice message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
Parse the command String into a RollDiceRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
Parse the command String into a RollDiceRequest message
parseDataStr(List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Parse the parameter list into a SOCScenarioInfo message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
Parse the command String into a ServerPing message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
Parse the command String into a SetSeatLock message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Parse the command String into a SOCSetSpecialItem message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetTurn
Parse the command String into a SetTurn message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
Parse the command String into a SetupDone message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
Parse the command String into a SOCSimpleAction message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
Parse the command String into a SOCSimpleRequest message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
Parse the command String into a SitDown message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Parse the command String into a StatusMessage message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Parse the command string into a SOCSVPTextMessage message.
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
Parse the command String into a TextMsg message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
Parse the command String into a GameTextMsg message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCTurn
Parse the command String into a StartGame message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
Parse the command String into a UpdateRobotParams message
parseDataStr(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
Parse the command String into a Version message
parseDest() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Parse the destination-language file at ParsedPropsFilePair.destFile; call ParsedPropsFilePair.parseSrc() before calling this method, so this method can merge the structures together into ParsedPropsFilePair.cont.
ParsedPropsFilePair - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Represents a source-language and destination-language pair of properties files.
ParsedPropsFilePair(File, File) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Create a new empty FilePair to begin parsing.
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Comment line in source and destination
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry(String) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileEntry - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
One message key or comment line, with its source and destination languages' string values and comments.
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileEntry() - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileEntry
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Key-value pair line in source and destination, with preceding comments, or multi-line comment at the end of the file.
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry(String, String) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Create an entry for a source language (no destination value yet).
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry(String, String, String) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Create an entry for a source and destination.
ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry(List<String>) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Create an entry that's only a comment without a following key-value pair (at the end of the file).
parseGameOptions(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Parse these game options from string to map.
parseLocale(String) - Static method in class soc.util.I18n
Parse and construct a Locale for this locale string.
parseOneFile(File) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser
Parse one properties file.
parseOneFile(File, Map<String, String>) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser
Parse one properties file.
parseOptionNameValue(String, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Utility - parse a single name-value pair produced by packOptionsToString.
parseOptionNameValue(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Utility - parse an option name-value pair produced by SOCGameOption.packValue(StringBuilder) or SOCGameOption.packOptionsToString(Map, boolean).
parseOptionsToMap(String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Utility - build a map of keys to SOCGameOptions by parsing a list of option name-value pairs.
parseOptsStr() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
Parse optsStr to opts, unless it's already been parsed.
parsePortNumberOrDefault(TextField) - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Parse a server TCP port number from a text field.
parseScenariosToMap(String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Utility - build a map by parsing a list of scenario names.
parseSrc() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Parse the source-language file at ParsedPropsFilePair.srcFile.
pass - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
pass - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Password for SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.nick while connecting to server, or blank
pass2 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
password - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
the password
password - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the password
password - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
the password for SOCPlayerClient.nickname.
password - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Optional password, or ""
password - Variable in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Password, required; see SOCCreateAccount.getPassword() for details and history.
password - Variable in class soc.message.SOCJoin
Optional password, or "" if none
password - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
Optional password, or "" if none
password - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Cached password used when reconnecting on error
password2 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
the second password
PASSWORD_UPDATE - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
passwordUpdate - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
User password update in users: SOCDBHelper.PASSWORD_UPDATE
pause(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
pause for a bit.
pauseFaster - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Pause for less time; speeds up response in 6-player games.
pBtns - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Button area, for resizing multi-line dialog height in AskDialog.checkSizeAndFocus().
pcli - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Player client; passed to constructor, not null; used for actions in subclasses when dialog buttons are chosen
pcli - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Player client.
pcli - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask
pcli - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask
pendingInitSettlement - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Player's settlement during initial placement; delay processing until the road is placed, and thus the settlement placement can't be moved around.
pendingMessagesOut - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For games at server, a convenient place to hold outbound messages during game actions.
percent - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar
pg - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Practice Game button: Create game to play against practiceServer, not localTCPServer.
pgm - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
pi - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Player interface; passed to constructor; may be null if the question is related to the entire client, and not to a specific game
pi - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Player interface.
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Our parent window
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener
pi - Variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
pi - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
pi - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
pi - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem
The pick request's player index
pick - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Resource types/counts to discard or gain
PICK_SPECIAL - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Type constant for SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK requests, subclass SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem.
pickFreeResources(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
The user wants to pick these resources to gain from the gold hex.
pickFreeResources(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Respond to server's request to pick resources to gain from the Gold Hex.
pickGoldHexResources(int, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
A player is picking which resources to gain from the gold hex.
pickResources(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The user has picked these resources to gain from the gold hex.
PICKRESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
PICKRESOURCESREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Ask client to pick this many resources, when they have a settlement or city next to a gold hex.
pickSpecialItem(SOCGame, String, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Send a request to pick a Special Item, using a SOCSetSpecialItem(PICK, typeKey, gi, pi, owner=-1, coord=-1, level=0) message.
pickSpecialItem(SOCGame, String, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The current user wants to pick a Special Item.
pickThese - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
piece - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
pieceButtonsState - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Piece-purchase button status; either all "Buy", or when placing a piece, 1 type "Cancel" and the rest disabled.
pieces - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a list of this player's pieces in play (does not include any SOCPlayer.fortress).
pieceType - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
pieceType - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
The type of this playing piece, within range SOCPlayingPiece.MIN to (SOCPlayingPiece.MAXPLUSONE - 1)
pieceType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
The type of piece to build, from SOCPlayingPiece constants, or -1 to request the Special Building Phase.
pieceType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
The type of piece to cancel build, such as SOCPlayingPiece.CITY -2 is used from server to reject request to buy a Development Card.
pieceType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
the type of piece being placed, such as SOCPlayingPiece.CITY
pieceType - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
the type of piece being placed, such as SOCPlayingPiece.CITY
pieceType - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
The type of this playing piece; a constant such as SOCPossiblePiece.ROAD, SOCPossiblePiece.CITY, etc.
PIECEVALUE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Update the value(s) of a piece on the board.
pieceValueUpdated(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A playing piece's value was updated: _SC_CLVI village cloth count, or _SC_PIRI pirate fortress strength.
pieceValueUpdated(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
A playing piece's value was updated: _SC_CLVI village cloth count, or _SC_PIRI pirate fortress strength.
pieceValueUpdated(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
ping - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
ping - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
pinger - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
a thread that sends ping messages to this one
PIR_ISL_BOARDSIZE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Board size: 4 players max row 0x10, max col 0x12.
PIR_ISL_DICENUM_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Dice numbers for hexes on the large eastern starting island.
PIR_ISL_DICENUM_PIRI - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Dice numbers for the first few land hexes along SOCBoardLargeAtServer.PIR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_PIRI
PIR_ISL_INIT_PIECES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Initial piece coordinates for each player, in same player order as SOCBoardLargeAtServer.PIR_ISL_SEA_EDGES (given out to non-vacant players, not strictly matching player number).
PIR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Land hex coordinates for the large eastern starting island.
PIR_ISL_LANDHEX_COORD_PIRI - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Land hex coordinates for the several pirate islands.
PIR_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Land hex types for the large eastern starting island.
PIR_ISL_LANDHEX_TYPE_PIRI - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Hex land types on the several pirate islands.
PIR_ISL_PIRATE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Starting pirate water hex coordinate for 4, 6 players.
PIR_ISL_PORT_EDGE_FACING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Port edges and facings on the large eastern starting island.
PIR_ISL_PORT_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Port types on the large eastern starting island.
PIR_ISL_PPATH - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: The hex-coordinate path for the Pirate Fleet; SOCBoardLarge additional part "PP".
PIR_ISL_SEA_EDGES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Pirate Islands: Sea edges legal/valid for each player to build ships directly to their Fortress.
pirateHex - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
the hex coordinate that the pirate is in, or 0; placed in SOCBoardLarge.makeNewBoard(Map).
piratePathIndex - Variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For game scenario option _SC_PIRI, the pirate fleet's position on its path (PP).
pl - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
pl - Variable in class soc.server.SOCForceEndTurnThread
PLACE_CITY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
PLACE_CITY - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
PLACE_FREE_ROAD_OR_SHIP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Place a free road or ship on the large sea board.
PLACE_INIT_ROAD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Place an initial road or ship.
PLACE_INIT_SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Place an initial settlement, or just hover at a port.
PLACE_PIRATE - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Move the pirate ship.
PLACE_ROAD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Place a road, or place a free road when not SOCBoardPanel.isLargeBoard.
PLACE_ROAD - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
possible actions
PLACE_ROBBER - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Place the robber, or just hover at a hex.
PLACE_SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
PLACE_SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
PLACE_SHIP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Place a ship on the large sea board.
placedShipsThisTurn - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
List of ship edge coordinates placed this turn.
placeFirstSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
place planned first settlement
placeIfExpectPlacing() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
If it's our turn and we have an expect flag set (such as SOCRobotBrain.expectPLACING_SETTLEMENT), then call client.putPiece (game, SOCRobotBrain.whatWeWantToBuild).
placeInitSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Place planned initial settlement after first one.
placePort(int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Auxiliary method for placing the port hexes, changing an element of SOCBoard.hexLayout and setting 2 elements of SOCBoard.nodeIDtoPortType.
placePort(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, place a "gift" port at this edge.
placePort(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_FTRI in game state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM, place the "gift" port at this edge.
placePort(SOCPlayer, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, place a "gift" port at this edge.
PLACING_CITY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
PLACING_EXTRA - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
If some other game action or event causes an item to need placement on the board, but it was never in the player's inventory, server sends PLACING_EXTRA to give the item details such as SOCInventoryItemAction.itemType and SOCInventoryItemAction.canCancelPlay.
PLACING_FREE_ROAD1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Player is placing first free road/ship
PLACING_FREE_ROAD2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Player is placing second free road/ship
PLACING_INV_ITEM - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Player is placing the special SOCInventoryItem held in SOCGame.getPlacingItem().
PLACING_PIRATE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Player is placing the pirate ship on a new water hex, in a game which SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
PLACING_ROAD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
PLACING_ROBBER - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Player is placing the robber on a new land hex.
PLACING_SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
PLACING_SHIP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
This game SOCGame.hasSeaBoard, and a player has bought and is placing a ship.
placingItem - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The special inventory item currently being placed in state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM, or null.
placingRobberForKnightCard - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
If true, and if state is SOCGame.PLACING_ROBBER, the robber is being moved because a knight card has just been played.
planAndPlaceInitRoad() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Plan and place a road attached to our most recently placed initial settlement, in game states START1B, START2B, START3B.
planBuilding() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Plan the next building plan and target.
planInitialSettlements() - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
figure out where to place the two settlements
planInitRoad() - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Plan and place a road attached to our most recently placed initial settlement, in game states START1B, START2B, START3B.
plannedRoadDestinationNode - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Coordinate of a future settlement 2 nodes away from settlementNode (from OpeningBuildStrategy.firstSettlement or OpeningBuildStrategy.secondSettlement).
planRoadBuildingTwoRoads() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
For SOCRobotDM.planStuff(int), if we have a road building card, make sure we build two roads first.
planSecondSettlement() - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
figure out where to place the second settlement
planStuff(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
make some building plans.
PLAY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Start of a normal turn.
PLAY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
dev card action PLAY: remove as old from player's hand
PLAY - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
item action PLAY: Client request to play a PLAYABLE item
PLAY1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Done rolling (or moving robber on 7).
PLAY_KNIGHT - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
PLAYABLE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Item state constant: Playable this turn (not SOCInventory.NEW or SOCInventory.KEPT).
playable - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item playable this turn (state PLAYABLE), not newly given (NEW)?
playables - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Current set of the items having 1 of 3 possible states (New and not playable yet; Playable; Kept until end of game).
playCardBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Play Card button for SOCHandPanel.inventory.
playDevCard(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user wants to play a development card
playDevCard(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user wants to play a development card
PLAYDEVCARDREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
playDiscovery() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
the current player plays a Discovery card
PLAYED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
item action PLAYED: From server, item was played.
playedDevCard - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
this is true if the player played a development card this turn
playedDevCard - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
the value of the playedDevCard flag
player - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
The player that is using this interface.
player - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Client's player data.
player - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
player - Variable in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent
player - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
The player who owns this piece, if any.
player - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
The player who owns this item, if any.
player - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
player - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
The player who owns this piece
player - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
The player being tracked
player - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
The player who owns this piece
PLAYER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Maximum permitted player name length, default 20 characters.
player_res_lbl - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Show Count of resources of each player.
playerCanCancelInvItemPlay(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player is playing or placing a special SOCInventoryItem, such as a gift trade port in scenario _SC_FTRI.
playerCanCancelInvItemPlay(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
PlayerClientListener - Interface in soc.client
A listener on the SOCPlayerClient to decouple the presentation from the networking.
PlayerClientListener.UpdateType - Enum in soc.client
Player data update types for PlayerClientListener.playerElementUpdated(SOCPlayer, UpdateType).
PlayerClientListener.UpdateType() - Constructor for enum soc.client.PlayerClientListener.UpdateType
playerColors - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the player colors.
playerColorsGhost - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
the player colors.
playerDevCardUpdated(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player is drawing or playing a development card, or a card or special SOCInventoryItem has been added or removed from their hand's inventory.
playerDevCardUpdated(SOCPlayer, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerDiscardOrGainRandom(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Force this non-current player to discard or gain resources randomly.
PLAYERELEMENT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
PLAYERELEMENTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
playerElementUpdated(SOCPlayer, PlayerClientListener.UpdateType) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Update one part of the player's status, such as their number of settlements remaining.
playerElementUpdated(SOCPlayer, PlayerClientListener.UpdateType) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerEnabled - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
One element per player number in game; vacant seats' checkboxes are hidden
playerEvent(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent, boolean, Object) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
playerEvent(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent, boolean, Object) - Method in interface soc.game.SOCScenarioEventListener
A per-player scenario event has occurred.
playerEvent(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent, boolean, Object) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
playerEvent_newSettlementIsByShip(SOCGame, SOCSettlement) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
For Special VP player events, check if a new settlement was apparently reached by land or sea.
playerExcludedLandAreas - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Land area numbers from which the player is excluded and cannot place settlements, or null.
playerFaceChanged(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player has changed their face icon.
playerFaceChanged(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerGamesMinVersion(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
For the games this player is in, what's the minimum required client version? Checks SOCGame.getClientVersionMinRequired().
playerInterface - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
the player interface that this board is a part of
playerInterface - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
playerInterface - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
playerInterfaces - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
the player interfaces for the games
playerIsClient - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Does this panel represent our client's own hand? If true, implies SOCHandPanel.interactive.
playerIsCurrent - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Is this panel's player the game's current player? Used for hilight - set in updateAtTurn()
playerItemIndex - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Index in the owning player's Special Item list, or -1.
playerJoined(String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A client (us or someone else) has joined the game.
playerJoined(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerLeft(String, SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A client player or observer is leaving the game.
playerLeft(String, SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerNum - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
playerNum(i) is the player number gaining the resources in playerRsrc(i).
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
player number of our SOCBoardPanel.player if in a game, or -1.
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Our player number.
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The integer id for this player (0 to n-1).
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
The number player that is changing
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
The seat number, or -1 for all
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
The seat number, or -1 to clear all seats
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
the player number of who played the piece
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
Player number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
The seat number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Player number, or -1 for action SOCInventoryItemAction.CANNOT_PLAY
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
The number of the player with largest army
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
the number of the player
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
Player number, or -1 for all players
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
The number of the player with longest road
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
the number of the player moving the robber
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Player number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Player number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Player number, or -1 for all players (version 2.0.00 or newer)
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
the player number of who played the piece, or -1 for non-player-owned SOCPlayingPiece.VILLAGE
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
The seat number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
The seat number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
Where the robot should sit
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
The player whose turn it is to roll
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
The player number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
Change lock state of this seat number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Owning player number, or -1.
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
The seat number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.message.SOCTurn
The seat number
playerNumber - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Seat number of the player being tracked; SOCPlayerTracker.player.getPlayerNumber()
playerPickItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Process a request from a player to PICK a known special item.
playerPickSpecialItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int, boolean, int, int, String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Show the results of a player's PICK of a known Special Item, or the server's DECLINE of the client player's pick request.
playerPickSpecialItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int, boolean, int, int, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerPieceMoved(SOCPlayer, int, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player has moved a piece on the board.
playerPieceMoved(SOCPlayer, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerPiecePlaced(SOCPlayer, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player has placed a piece on the board.
playerPiecePlaced(SOCPlayer, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerPieceRemoved(SOCPlayer, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player's piece has been removed from the board.
playerPieceRemoved(SOCPlayer, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerResourcesUpdated(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player's total resource count has been updated.
playerResourcesUpdated(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerRsrc - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
playerRsrc(i) is the resource set gained by player playerNum(i).
players - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Player index of each to choose.
players - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the players; never contains a null element, use SOCGame.isSeatVacant(int) to see if a position is occupied.
playerSend - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Checkboxes to send to the other 3 or 5 players.
playerSendForPrevTrade - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
The SOCHandPanel.playerSend checkboxes selected during the previous trade offer; if no previous offer, all are selected.
playerSendMap - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Three player numbers to send trade offers to.
playerSetItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Process a request from a player to SET or CLEAR a known special item.
playerSetSpecialItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Show the results of a player's SET or CLEAR of a known Special Item.
playerSetSpecialItem(String, SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerSitdown(int, String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A client has sat down to become an active player.
playerSitdown(int, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerStats(EnumMap<PlayerClientListener.UpdateType, Integer>) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player's game stats, such as resource totals received from dice rolls, should be displayed.
playerStats(EnumMap<PlayerClientListener.UpdateType, Integer>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
PLAYERSTATS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
playerSVPAwarded(SOCPlayer, int, String) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player has been awarded Special Victory Point(s).
playerSVPAwarded(SOCPlayer, int, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
playerTrackers - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
trackers for all players (one per player, including this robot)
playerTrackers - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
playerTrackers - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
playerTrackersDebug(HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Print debug output for a set of player trackers.
playerTradingDisabled - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Game option NT: If true, only bank trading is allowed, trading between players is disabled.
playerTurnSet(int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
Game's current player has changed.
playerTurnSet(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
Game's current player has changed.
playerWithLargestArmy - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the player with the largest army, or -1 if none
playerWithLongestRoad - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the player with the longest road or trade route, or -1 if none
playerWithLR - Variable in class soc.game.SOCOldLRStats
playerWithWin - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the player declared winner, if gamestate == OVER; otherwise -1
playInventoryItem(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The current user wants to play a special SOCInventoryItem.
playInventoryItem(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Play a special SOCInventoryItem for the current player.
playKnight() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
The current player plays a Knight card.
playKnightCard() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Play a Knight card.
playMonopoly() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
the current player plays a monopoly card
playRoadBuilding() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
The current player plays a Road Building card.
pn - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Player number.
pname - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
pnameActiveBG - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Player name background color when current player (foreground does not change)
pnameCalcColors() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
During this player's first turn, calculate the player name label's background color for current player.
pNumber - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Player number.
pNumber - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
player number
POPUP_MENU_IGNORE_MS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
for popup-menu build request, length of time after popup to ignore further mouse-clicks.
POPUP_MENU_IGNORE_MS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
For popup-menu, length of time after popup to ignore further mouse-clicks.
popupClearBuildRequest() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
player decided to not build something, so cancel the TimerTask that's waiting to tell the server what they wanted to build.
popupExpectingBuildRequest() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
If the client has used the board popup menu to request building a piece, this method is used in client network-receive message treatment.
popupFireBuildingRequest() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Have received gamestate placing message; send the building request in reply.
popupMenu - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Context menu for build/cancel-build
popupMenu - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Context menu for face icon chooser
popupMenuSystime - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Tracks last menu-popup time.
popupMenuSystime - Variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Tracks last popup-menu time.
popupSetBuildRequest(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
port - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
port - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
port - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
TCP port we're connected to; default is SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOC_PORT_DEFAULT.
port - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
TCP port number, or -1 for local/practice mode (LocalStringServerSocket, etc).
PORT_DESC_FOR_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
String keys without/with articles for each port type, for SOCBoard.getPortDescForType(int, boolean).
PORT_EDGE_FACING_ISLANDS_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 4 players: Outlying islands' ports.
PORT_EDGE_FACING_ISLANDS_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout, 6 players: Outlying islands' ports.
PORT_EDGE_FACING_MAINLAND_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout for 4 players: Main island's ports, clockwise from its northwest.
PORT_EDGE_FACING_MAINLAND_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Fallback board layout for 6 players: Main island's ports, clockwise from its western corner (like dice path).
PORT_TYPE_ISLANDS_4PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Port types for the 4 outlying-island ports on the 4-player fallback board.
PORT_TYPE_ISLANDS_6PL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Port types for the 4 outlying-island ports on the 6-player fallback board.
portArrowsX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For port hexes, the triangular arrowheads towards port settlement nodes: Array of shapes' X coordinates.
portArrowsY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For port hexes, the triangular arrowheads towards port settlement nodes: Array of shapes' Y coordinates.
portDescAtNode(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Check at this node coordinate for a port, and return its descriptive text.
ports - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
where the ports of each type are; coordinates per port type.
ports - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a boolean array stating wheather this player is touching a particular kind of port.
PORTS_EDGE_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's 2 node coordinates on standard board.
PORTS_EDGE_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's edge coordinate on the 6-player board.
PORTS_FACING_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's facing towards land, on the standard board.
PORTS_FACING_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's facing, on 6-player board.
PORTS_HEXNUM_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's hex number within SOCBoard.hexLayout on standard board.
PORTS_TYPE_V1 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's type, such as SOCBoard.SHEEP_PORT, on standard board.
PORTS_TYPE_V2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Each port's type, such as SOCBoard.SHEEP_PORT, on 6-player board.
portsCount - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
This board layout's number of ports; 0 if SOCBoardLarge.makeNewBoard(Map) hasn't been called yet.
portsLayout - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Port information; varies by board layout encoding format.
portTradeSubmenu - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
determined at menu-show time, only over a useable port.
positionToMouse(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Show tooltip at appropriate location when mouse is at (x,y) relative to the board.
possibleCard - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
possibleCities - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Key = Integer node coordinate, value = SOCPossibleCity
possibleRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Includes both roads and ships.
possibleSettlements - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Possible near-future settlements for this player.
potentialCities - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a set of nodes where a city could be placed on the next turn.
potentialRoads - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a set of edges where a road could be placed on the next turn.
potentialSettlements - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a set of nodes where a settlement could be placed on the next turn.
POTENTIALSETTLEMENTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
potentialShips - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a set of edges where a ship could be placed on the next turn.
prac - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
PRACTICE_STRINGPORT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
For local practice games (pipes, not TCP), the name of the pipe.
practiceGameStarting() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
When a practice game is starting, it may take a while to start server & game.
practiceGameStarting() - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
practiceServer - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Server for practice games via SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.prCli; not connected to the network, not suited for hosting multi-player games.
practiceServGameOpts - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Track the game options available at the remote server, at the practice server.
prCli - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Client connection to practice server.
prevPirateHex - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
the previous hex coordinate that the pirate is in; 0 unless setPirateHex(rh, true) was called.
prevRobberHex - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
the previous hex coordinate that the robber is in; -1 unless setRobberHex(rh, true) was called.
prevSize - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Size of our window from Component.getSize(), not excluding insets.
print(String) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
add some text
print(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
print text in the text window, followed by a new line ('\n').
printAuditMessage(String, String, String, Date, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Print a security-action audit message to System.out in a standard format.
printButtonsMods() - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
printedInitialWelcome - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Have we printed the initial welcome msg from server? Suppress further ones (disconnect-reconnect).
printedUsageAlready - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Track whether we've already called SOCServer.printUsage(boolean).
printGameOptions() - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Print out the list of possible game options, and current values.
printIgnoreList(ChannelFrame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Print the current chat ignorelist in a channel.
printIgnoreList(SOCPlayerInterface) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Print the current chat ignorelist in a playerinterface.
printKeyed(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Get and print a localized string (having no parameters) in the text window, followed by a new line ('\n').
printKeyed(String, Object...) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Get and print a localized string (with parameters) in the text window, followed by a new line ('\n').
printResources() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
For each player in game: client.sendText, and debug-print to console, game.getPlayer(i).getResources()
printUsage(boolean) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Print command line parameter information, including options ("--" / "-").
printVersionText(PrintStream, String) - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Print the JSettlers version banner and attribution text.
priority - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
problemOptionsList() - Method in exception soc.game.SOCGameOptionVersionException
Build the list of "problem options" as a string, separated by "," (SOCMessage.SEP2).
problemOptionsTooNew - Variable in exception soc.game.SOCGameOptionVersionException
The SOCGameOption(s) which are too new, as returned by SOCGameOption.optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map)
processCommand(SOCGame, SOCMessageForGame, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
Process one command from a client player of this game.
processCommand(String, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Remove a queued incoming message from a client, and treat it.
processCommand(SOCGame, SOCMessageForGame, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
processCommand(String, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Treat the incoming messages.
processDebugCommand(StringConnection, String, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
Look for a potential debug command in a text message sent by the "debug" client/player.
processDebugCommand(StringConnection, String, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
processDebugCommand(StringConnection, String, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Process a debug command, sent by the "debug" client/player.
processDebugCommand_freePlace(StringConnection, String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Process the *FREEPLACE* Free Placement debug command.
processDebugCommand_gameStats(StringConnection, String, SOCGame, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Print time-remaining and other game stats.
processDebugCommand_who(StringConnection, SOCGame, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Process unprivileged command *WHO* to show members of current game, or privileged *WHO* gameName|all|* to show all connected clients or some other game's members.
processFirstCommand(String, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Callback to process the client's first message command specially.
processFirstCommand(String, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Callback to process the client's first message command specially.
promptLabel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Account info dialog prompt/label.
promptLbl - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Label to prompt to choose a new face
PROP_IMPL_JSETTLERS_PW_RESET - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Internal property name used to hold the --pw-reset command line argument's username.
PROP_JSETTLERS_ACCOUNTS_ADMINS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.accounts.admins to restrict which usernames can create accounts.
PROP_JSETTLERS_ACCOUNTS_OPEN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Boolean property jsettlers.accounts.open to permit open registration.
PROP_JSETTLERS_ACCOUNTS_REQUIRED - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Boolean property jsettlers.accounts.required to require that all players have user accounts.
PROP_JSETTLERS_ALLOW_DEBUG - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.allow.debug to permit debug commands over TCP.
PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_BOTGAMES_TOTAL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.bots.botgames.total will start robot-only games, a few at a time, until this many have been played.
PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_COOKIE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
String property jsettlers.bots.cookie to specify the robot connect cookie.
PROP_JSETTLERS_BOTS_SHOWCOOKIE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Boolean property jsettlers.bots.showcookie to print the robot connect cookie to System.err during server startup.
PROP_JSETTLERS_CLI_MAXCREATECHANNELS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.client.maxcreatechannels to limit the amount of chat channels that a client can create at once.
PROP_JSETTLERS_CLI_MAXCREATEGAMES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.client.maxcreategames to limit the amount of games that a client can create at once.
PROP_JSETTLERS_CONNECTIONS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.connections to specify the maximum number of connections allowed.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_DRIVER - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.driver to specify the server's JDBC driver class.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_JAR - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.jar to specify the JAR filename for the server's JDBC driver.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_PASS - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.pass to specify the server's SQL database password.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_SAVE_GAMES - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.save.games to ask to save all game results in the database.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_SCRIPT_SETUP - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.script.setup to run a SQL setup script at server startup, then exit.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_URL - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.url to specify the server's URL.
PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_USER - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Property jsettlers.db.user to specify the server's SQL database username.
PROP_JSETTLERS_GAMEOPT_PREFIX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property prefix jsettlers.gameopt. to specify game option defaults in a server properties file.
PROP_JSETTLERS_LOCALE - Static variable in class soc.util.I18n
Property jsettlers.locale to specify the locale, overriding the default from Locale.getDefault().toString().
PROP_JSETTLERS_PORT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.port to specify the port the server listens on.
PROP_JSETTLERS_STARTROBOTS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Property jsettlers.startrobots to start some robots when the server starts.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Property file editor for translators (side-by-side source and destination languages).
PropertiesTranslatorEditor(File, File) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Editor with source and destination files specified.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor(File) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Editor where the source filename will be derived from the destination filename.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellEditorMouseListener - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Listener to double-click while editing cell text, to bring up a larger edit dialog.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellEditorMouseListener() - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellEditorMouseListener
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellStatus - Enum in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Return types for PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel.getCellStatus(int, int)
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellStatus() - Constructor for enum net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellStatus
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTCellRenderer - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Rendering model (background colors, etc) for PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jtab.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTCellRenderer(PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTCellRenderer
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Data model for viewing/editing data in jtab.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel(PropertiesTranslatorEditor) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Create and populate with existing data.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
JPanel for the text search bar.
PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel() - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
props - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Properties for the server, or empty if that constructor wasn't used.
PROPS_LIST - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
List and descriptions of all available JSettlers properties, such as SOCServer.PROP_JSETTLERS_PORT and SOCDBHelper.PROP_JSETTLERS_DB_URL.
PropsFileParser - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Represents a parsed properties file.
PropsFileParser() - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser
PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Parsed key-pair line from one properties file; includes its preceding PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine.comment lines, if any.
PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine(String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
Line with a key and value, and optionally a comment.
PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine(List<String>) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
Line with a comment, or blank line; key and value are null.
PropsFilePseudoLocalizer - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Given a simple .properties file, pseudo-localize its values.
PropsFilePseudoLocalizer() - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFilePseudoLocalizer
PropsFileWriter - Class in net.nand.util.i18n
Write a properties file out to disk, in the same format used by the jsettlers project: Valid ISO-8859-1 high-bit characters will be in the file as such, and not as \uXXXX code escapes, unlike Java's built-in Properties.store(java.io.OutputStream, String) method.
PropsFileWriter(PrintWriter) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
Create a new PropsFileWriter using this open PrintWriter, which must use the "ISO-8859-1" file encoding.
PropsFileWriter(File) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
Create and open a new PropsFileWriter to this file.
pseudolocalise(String) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
pseudoLocalizeFile(File, String) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFilePseudoLocalizer
Pseudolocalize a source file to a destination.
psList - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
List of potential settlements
PTEMain - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Main startup for PropertiesTranslatorEditor.
PTEMain() - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Initialize layout and fields.
PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Modal dialog to name a new destination locale file to create and edit, given a source.
PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog(File) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Create and pack a new dialog, not initially visible; see class javadoc.
PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.gui
Modal dialog to choose a pair of destination and source locale files to edit.
PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog(File, File) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Create and pack a new dialog, not initially visible; see class javadoc.
ptes - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Editors we've opened; tracked here for unsaved changes before exit.
ptrOldX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Previous pointer coordinates for interface; the mouse was at this location when SOCBoardPanel.hilight was last determined in SOCBoardPanel.mouseMoved(MouseEvent).
ptrOldY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Previous pointer coordinates for interface; the mouse was at this location when SOCBoardPanel.hilight was last determined in SOCBoardPanel.mouseMoved(MouseEvent).
put(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
write a message to the net
put(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
write a message to the net
put(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
Write a message to the net or practice server.
put(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Send this data over the connection.
put(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Send data over the connection.
put(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Send data over the connection.
put(T) - Method in class soc.util.CappedQueue
put(T) - Method in class soc.util.Queue
putAux(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
put a message on the net
putForReal(String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
Data is added asynchronously (sitting in Connection.outQueue).
putLeaveAll() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
For shutdown - Tell the server we're leaving all games.
putNet(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
write a message to the net: either to a remote server, or to SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.localTCPServer for games we're hosting.
putPiece(SOCGame, SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
put a piece on the board
putPiece(SOCGame, SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
put a piece on the board, using the SOCPutPiece message.
putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Put a piece on the board.
putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Put a piece on the board.
putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Put this piece on the board and update all related game state.
putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Put a piece into play.
PUTPIECE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
putPiece_roadOrShip(SOCRoad, SOCBoard, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For putPiece, update road/ship-related info, SOCPlayer.roadNodes, SOCPlayer.roadNodeGraph and SOCPlayer.lastRoadCoord.
putPiece_roadOrShip_checkNewShipTradeRouteAndSpecialEdges(SOCShip, SOCBoardLarge, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Check this new ship for adjacent settlements/cities/villages, to see if its trade route will be closed.
putPiece_settlement_checkScenarioSVPs(SOCSettlement, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Does the player get a Special Victory Point (SVP) for reaching a new land area? Call when a settlement has been placed in a land area different from SOCPlayer.startingLandArea1 and SOCPlayer.startingLandArea2.
putPiece_settlement_checkTradeRoutes(SOCSettlement, SOCBoard) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Check this new settlement for adjacent open ships, to see their its trade route will be closed.
putPieceCommon(SOCPlayingPiece, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Put a piece or temporary piece on the board, and update all related game state.
putPieceCommon_checkFogHexes(int[], boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
On the large sea board, look for and reveal any adjacent fog hex, if we're placing a road or ship touching the fog hex's corner node.
putPractice(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
write a message to the practice server.
putRecord(Object, Vector<String>) - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
Store a record in the table
putTempPiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
A temporary piece has been put on the board; update all related game state.
putters - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
puttersMonitor - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
pw - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
An open PrintWriter for the output file; must have encoding ISO-8859-1


Queue<T> - Class in soc.util
Queue() - Constructor for class soc.util.Queue
queueAcceptClient(LocalStringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Queue this client to be accepted, and return their new server-peer; if calling this from methods initiated by the client, check if accepted.
QUIT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
quitBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel


rand - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
random number generator
rand - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
used to generate random numbers
rand - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Random number generator
rand - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
So we can get random numbers.
rbclass - Variable in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
The robot's brain class, to show 3rd-party robots.
RBCLASS_BUILTIN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
Name of built-in robot brain class.
reader - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
reader - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
reader - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
readerRobot - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
the thread that reads incoming messages
readNext() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Read the next string sent from the remote end, blocking if necessary to wait.
readOnly - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
is this for display only?
readOptsValuesFromControls(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Read option values from controls, as prep to request the new game.
readPassword(String) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Read a password from the console; currently used for password reset.
readValidNicknameAndPassword() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Read and validate username and password GUI fields into client's data fields.
READY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Ready to start playing.
READY_RESET_WAIT_ROBOT_DISMISS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
This game object has just been created by a reset, but the old game contains robot players, so we must wait for them to leave before re-inviting anyone to continue the reset process.
readyGameAskRobotsJoin(SOCGame, StringConnection[], int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Fill all the unlocked empty seats with robots, by asking them to join.
reasonCode - Variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Optional reason codes for the SOCInventoryItemAction.CANNOT_PLAY action, corresponding to SOCGame.canPlayInventoryItem(int, int) return codes, or 0.
recalc - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
recalcDestName() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
When the language and/or country/region field have changed, recalculate the destination filename if possible from PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.baseName, unless the user has manually changed it already.
recalcLargestArmyETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
calculate the largest army ETA
recalcLongestRoadETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Calculate the longest road ETA.
recalcLongestRoadETAAux(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Does a depth first search from the end point of the longest path in a graph of nodes and returns how many roads would need to be built to take longest road.
recalcLongestRoadETAAux(SOCPlayer, boolean, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Does a depth first search from the end point of the longest path in a graph of nodes and returns how many roads would need to be built to take longest road.
recalcScenario_SC_PIRI_nextPotentialShip() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
For scenario _SC_PIRI, get the player's next potential ship towards their Fortress.
recalculateEstimates(SOCPlayerNumbers) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
recalculate both rollsPerResource and resourcesPerRoll
recalculateEstimates(SOCPlayerNumbers, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Recalculate both rollsPerResource and resourcesPerRoll, optionally considering the robber's location.
recalculateResourcesForRoll(SOCPlayerNumbers, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Calculate what resources this player will get on each die roll, optionally taking the robber into account.
recalculateRollsPerResource(SOCPlayerNumbers, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Calculate the rollsPerResource estimates, optionally considering the robber's location.
recalcWinGameETA() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Recalculate the tracked player's ETA for winning the game (WGETA) by making and simulating with a copy of our current potential settlement/city locations, building speed estimates (BSEs), and dice numbers, looping from player's current SOCPlayer.getTotalVP() to SOCGame.vp_winner.
receiveDefaults(Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
Set of default options has been received from the server, examine them.
receiveInfo(SOCGameOptionInfo) - Method in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
After calling receiveDefaults, call this as each GAMEOPTIONGETINFO is received.
record(String) - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
Add a string to the current record
RECORD_LOGIN_COMMAND - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
recordGameEvent(String, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
record events that happen during the game
RECORDING - Static variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
recordLogin(String, String, long) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Record this user's login host and time.
recordLoginCommand - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
records - Variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
refresh(SOCGameStatistics) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
refreshDisplay() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
If this game option is displayed on-screen, refresh it; call this after changing the value.
refreshFromGame() - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.MiscStatsPanel
Refresh our statistics from the current game.
refreshList - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
List of options to refresh on-screen after a change during game creation; filled by SOCGameOption.refreshDisplay().
reg - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
register(SOCGameStatistics) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
REJECT - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
REJECT_OFFER - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
rejectBut - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
REJECTCONNECTION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
rejected - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
were we rejected from server? (full or robot name taken)
rejectedPlayDevCardType - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
If set, the server rejected our play of this dev card type this turn (such as SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT) because of a bug in our robot; should not attempt to play the same type again this turn.
rejectOffer(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is rejecting the current offers
rejectOffer(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is rejecting the current offers
REJECTOFFER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
rejectOfferAtClient() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Client is rejecting the current offer from another player.
rejectOfferShowNonClient() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Show that this player (who isn't the client) has rejected another player's offer.
releaseMonitor() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
release the monitor for this game
releaseMonitor() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
release the monitor for this tracker
releaseMonitor() - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
release the monitor for this channel list
releaseMonitor() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
release the monitor for this game list
releaseMonitorForChannel(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
release the monitor for this channel
releaseMonitorForGame(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Release the monitor for this game, recently taken by SOCGameList.takeMonitorForGame(String).
remoteVersion - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
remoteVersionKnown - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
remoteVersionTrack - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
REMOVE_KNIGHT - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
REMOVE_VP - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
removeConflict(SOCPossibleSettlement) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
remove a conflicting settlement
removeConnection(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
remove a connection from the system; synchronized on list of connections.
removeConnectionCleanup(StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
do cleanup after a remove connection
removeDependents(SOCPossibleRoad) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
remove everything that depends on this road being built
removeDevCard(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Remove one dev card of a type from the set.
removeFacePopupMenu() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
If we have a popup menu, remove it.
removeFileExtension(String, String) - Static method in class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
removeFromIgnoreList(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
remove this name from the ignore list
removeFromNecessaryRoads(SOCPossibleRoad) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
remove this piece from the pieces that support it
removeFromNecessaryRoads(SOCPossibleSettlement) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
remove this piece from the pieces that support it
removeFromParent() - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Hide and remove from a main parent, until addToParent is called (typically from mouseEntered).
removeItem(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCInventory
Remove a special item or card with a certain state from this set.
removeMember(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
remove member from the chat channel
removeMember(StringConnection, String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
remove member from the game.
removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
remove a piece from the board.
removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
remove a player's piece from the board, and put it back in the player's hand.
REMOVEPIECE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCRemovePiece - Remove a piece from the board; currently used only with ships.
removePieceUpdateSpecialVP(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
As part of removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece, null), update player's SOCPlayer.specialVP and related fields.
removePlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
remove this player.
removePlayer(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
remove a player from the game.
removePlayer(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
remove a player from their seat.
removePort(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, remove a "gift" port at this edge for placement elsewhere.
removePort(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For scenario option _SC_FTRI, remove a "gift" port at this edge to be placed elsewhere.
removeRobotBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
removeShip(SOCShip) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Remove this ship from the board and update all related game state.
removeSitBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Remove the sit-here / lockout-robot button.
removeSitLockoutBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Remove the sit-here/lockout-robot button, only if its label is currently "lockout".
removeSittingRobotLockBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Remove the "lock" button seen when a robot is currently playing in this position.
removeStartBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Internal mechanism to remove start button (if visible) and add VP label.
removeTakeOverBut() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
removeUnknownScenario(String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Remove a scenario from known scenarios, based on info received from a server having an older or newer version.
removeUpdate(DocumentEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Call PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.doDocEvent(DocumentEvent) when text field contents change
renameSitButLock() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If game is still forming (state NEW), and player has just chosen a seat, can lock empty seats for a game with fewer players/robots.
renderBorderedHex(Image, Image, Color) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Render a border around the edge of this hex, returning a new image.
renderPortImages() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Based on the waterHex image, render the 6 port images (1 per "facing" rotation), each with arrows in its 2 settlement directions.
replaceMemberAllChannels(StringConnection, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
Replace member from all chat channels, with a new connection (after a network problem).
replaceMemberAllGames(StringConnection, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
Replace member from all games, with a new connection with same name (after a network problem).
replaceRange(String, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
report(String, MouseEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
reportBankTrade(SOCGame, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
report that the current player traded with the bank or a port, using SOCPlayerElement and SOCGameTextMsg messages.
reportRobbery(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
The current player is stealing from another player.
reportRsrcGainGold(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, SOCResourceSet, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Report to game members what a player picked from the gold hex.
reportRsrcGainLoss(String, SOCResourceSet, boolean, int, int, StringBuffer, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Report the resources gained/lost by a player, and optionally (for trading) lost/gained by a second player.
reportTrade(SOCGame, int, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
report a trade that has taken place between players, using SOCPlayerElement and SOCGameTextMsg messages.
req - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Optional requirements to buy, use, or build the next level, or null.
REQ_SC_WOND - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Requirements for the Wonders in the _SC_WOND scenario.
reqType - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
'S' for settlement, 'C' for city, 'V' for victory points, 'L' for length of player's longest route
requestedChoosePlayer(List<SOCPlayer>, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
This player must choose a player for robbery.
requestedChoosePlayer(List<SOCPlayer>, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedChooseRobResourceType(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedChooseRobResourceType(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedDiceRoll() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedDiceRoll() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedDiscard(int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
The game requests that the client player discard a particular number of resource cards.
requestedDiscard(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedGoldResourceCountUpdated(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
This player must pick this many gold-hex resources, or no longer needs to pick them.
requestedGoldResourceCountUpdated(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedResourceSelect(int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
The client player gets some free resources of their choice.
requestedResourceSelect(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedSpecialBuild(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedSpecialBuild(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedTrade(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedTrade(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedTradeClear(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedTradeClear(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedTradeRejection(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedTradeRejection(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
requestedTradeReset(SOCPlayer) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
requestedTradeReset(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
RESCALE_MAX_RETRY_MS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For repaint when retrying a failed rescale-image, the 7-second maximum time (in millis) after which no more retries will be done.
RESCALE_RETRY_DELAY_MS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For repaint when retrying a failed rescale-image, the 3-second delay (in millis) before which SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint will call repaint().
rescaleBoard(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set the board fields to a new size, rescale graphics if needed.
rescaleCoordinateArrays() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scale coordinate arrays for drawing pieces (from internal coordinates to actual on-screen pixels), or (if not isScaled) point to static arrays.
resend() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
resend the last message
resendNet() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
resend the last message (to the network)
resendPractice() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
resend the last message (to the practice server)
RESET_OLD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
This game is an obsolete old copy of a new (reset) game with the same name.
resetAsCopy() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Create a new game with same players and name, new board; like calling constructor otherwise.
resetBoard(SOCGame, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Handle board reset (new game with same players, same game name).
resetBoard(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
Reset the board of this game, create a new game of same name, same players, new layout.
resetBoardAndNotify(String, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Reset the board, to a copy with same players but new layout.
resetBoardAndNotify_finish(SOCGameBoardReset, SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Complete steps 3 - n of the board-reset process outlined in SOCServer.resetBoardAndNotify(String, int), after any robots have left the old game.
resetBoardAskVote(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Creates and shows a new ResetBoardVoteDialog.
RESETBOARDAUTH - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
resetBoardClearDia() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Callback from ResetBoardVoteDialog, to clear our reference when button is clicked and dialog is going away.
RESETBOARDREJECT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
resetBoardRejected() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Voting complete, board reset was rejected.
resetBoardRequest(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
Player wants to request to reset the board (same players, new game, new layout).
resetBoardRequest(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Player wants to request to reset the board (same players, new game, new layout).
RESETBOARDREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
resetBoardSetMessage(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Show or hide a message related to board-reset voting.
resetBoardVote(SOCGame, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
Player is responding to a board-reset vote from another player.
RESETBOARDVOTE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
resetBoardVoted(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Another player has voted on a board reset request.
resetBoardVoteNotifyOne(SOCGame, int, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
"Reset-board" request: Register one player's vote, and let game members know.
RESETBOARDVOTEREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
resetExpandedFlag() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
set hasBeenExpanded to false
resetFieldsAtEndTurn() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Bot is ending its turn; reset state control fields to act during other players' turns.
resetIsSelling() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
reset the isSellingResource array so that if the player has the resource, then he is selling it
resetOffersMade() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
reset offers made
resetScore() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
reset the score
resetTargetPieces() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
reset target pieces for all players
resetThread - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
used to maintain connection
resetVoteBegin(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Begin a board-reset vote.
resetVoteClear() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
At end of turn, clear flags for board reset voting: requester, players' setAskedBoardReset.
resetVoteRegister(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Register this player's vote in a board reset request.
resetWantsAnotherOffer() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
reset the wantsAnotherOffer array to all false
resName(int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Get the resource type name for this resource type number, such as "clay" or "ore".
resource - Variable in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
The chosen resource
RESOURCE_COLORS - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Array of resource colors.
resourceChoices - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
these are the two resources that we want when we play a discovery dev card
RESOURCECOUNT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
resourceEstimates - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Cached resource estimates for the board; resourceEstimates[SOCBoard.CLAY_HEX] == the clay rarity, as an integer percentage 0-100 of dice rolls.
resourceLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
RESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
resources - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
how many of each resource this player has
resources - Variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
the number of each resource type.
resources - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
The set of resources being discarded
resources - Variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
The chosen resources
resources - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
The set of resources picked to be gained
resources - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
the resource set
resources - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
the resource set
RESOURCES_TOTAL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
resourceSet - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
resourcesForNumber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Resources on dice roll numbers; uses indexes 2-12.
resourcesForRoll - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Resource sets gained for each dice roll number (2 to 12).
resourceSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Resource card count
resourceSqDivLine - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
resourceStats - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
server-only total count of how many of each known resource the player has received this game from dice rolls.
resourceTradeCost - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
For right-click resource to trade - If playerIsClient, track cost of bank/port trade per resource.
resourceTradeMenu - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
For right-click resource to trade - If playerIsClient, popup menus to bank/port trade resources.
resSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
restoreLargestArmyState() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Restore the state of who had largest army.
restoreOldStats(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.game.SOCOldLRStats
Restores the old LR stats within game state, from this object's saved data, after removing a temporary piece.
resTypeFrom - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
result - Variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Result type, like SOCForceEndTurnResult.FORCE_ENDTURN_NONE
resume() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
resume recording
retrieveRobotParams(String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Get this robot's specialized parameters from the database, if it has an entry there.
REVEALFOGHEX - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Reveal a hidden hex on the board; server to all clients in game.
revealFogHiddenHex(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Reveal one land or water hex hidden by fog (call from SOCGame).
revealFogHiddenHex(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Reveal one land or water hex hidden by fog.
revealFogHiddenHexPrep(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Prepare to reveal one land or water hex hidden by fog (server-side call).
ROAD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
ROAD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Types of playing pieces: Road.
ROAD - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
ROAD - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Type constant for a possible road.
ROAD_SET - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the set of resources a player needs to build a road
roadAtEdge(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
If there's a road or ship placed at this edge, find it.
roadBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
roadC - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
roadClay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
roadLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
roadNodeGraph - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
A graph of what adjacent nodes are connected by this player's roads and ships.
roadNodes - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
all of the nodes that this player's roads and ships touch; this is used to calculate longest road / longest trade route.
roadPath - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
roads - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
roads on the board; Vector of SOCPlayingPiece.
ROADS - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
road building card
roads - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a list of this player's roads and ships in play.
ROADS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
roadSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
roadsToGo - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
roadT - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
roadWood - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
rob - Variable in class soc.server.SOCLocalRobotClient
This bot's client in SOCLocalRobotClient.robotClients.
robberExcludedLandAreas - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Land areas numbers from which the robber is excluded and cannot be placed, or null.
robberGhostFill - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Cached colors, for use for robber's "ghost" (previous position) when moving the robber.
robberGhostOutline - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Cached colors, for use for robber's "ghost" (previous position) when moving the robber.
robberHex - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
the hex coordinate that the robber is in, or -1; placed on desert in SOCBoard.makeNewBoard(Map).
robberHex - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Where the robber is
robberMoved() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
robberMoved() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
robberResult - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The most recent SOCGame.moveRobber(int, int) or SOCGame.movePirate(int, int) result.
RobberStrategy - Class in soc.robot
RobberStrategy() - Constructor for class soc.robot.RobberStrategy
robberX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
robber polygon.
robberY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
robberyWithPirateNotRobber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Is the current robbery using the pirate ship, not the robber? If true, victims will be based on adjacent ships, not settlements/cities.
robHex - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
ROBOT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
robot3rdPartyBrainClass - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
For 3rd-party robots, their type (brain class).
ROBOT_FORCE_ENDTURN_SECONDS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Force robot to end their turn after this many seconds of inactivity.
ROBOT_FORCE_ENDTURN_TRADEOFFER_SECONDS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Force robot to end their turn after this much inactivity, while they've made a trade offer.
ROBOT_PARAMS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Robot default parameters; copied for each newly connecting robot.
ROBOT_PARAMS_QUERY - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
ROBOT_PARAMS_SMARTER - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Smarter robot default parameters.
robotBrains - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
the robot's "brains", 1 for each game this robot is currently playing.
robotBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
robotClients - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCLocalRobotClient
All the started SOCRobotClients.
robotConnections - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
robotConns - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Human and robot connections; both arrays null at vacant seats.
robotCookie - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Randomly generated cookie string required for robot clients to connect and identify as bots using SOCImARobot.
ROBOTDISMISS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
robotDismissRequests - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
table of requestst for robots to leave games
robotFlag - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
this is true if this player is a robot
robotFlag - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
True if this player is a robot
robotImages - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
ROBOTJOINGAMEREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
robotJoinRequests - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
table of requests for robots to join games
ROBOTLOCKBUT_L - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
ROBOTLOCKBUT_M - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
ROBOTLOCKBUT_U - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
robotLockButTip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Hint for "Lock/Unlock" button (SOCHandPanel.sittingRobotLockBut; non-null only if a robot is sitting there.
ROBOTLOCKBUTTIP_L - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
ROBOTLOCKBUTTIP_L_OLD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
ROBOTLOCKBUTTIP_M - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
ROBOTLOCKBUTTIP_U - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
ROBOTLOCKBUTTIP_U_OLD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
robotNickname - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
robotParameters - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The robot parameters
robotParamsQuery - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Query all robot parameters for a bot name; SOCDBHelper.ROBOT_PARAMS_QUERY.
robots - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
Where robots are sitting; indexed same as scores.
robots - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
A list of robot StringConnections connected to this server.
robotShuffleForJoin() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
shuffle the indexes to distribute load among SOCServer.robots
role - Variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Role that requester connected to server for, such as SOCAuthRequest.ROLE_GAME_PLAYER or SOCAuthRequest.ROLE_USER_ADMIN.
ROLE_GAME_PLAYER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Game Player SOCAuthRequest.role for auth request: Play or watch games, join chat channels
ROLE_USER_ADMIN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
User Admin SOCAuthRequest.role for auth request: Create users
ROLL - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
roll - Variable in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent
ROLL_OR_PLAY_CARD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
rollBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
rollCounts - Variable in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.DiceRolls
rollDice(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user rolls the dice
rollDice(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user rolls the dice
rollDice() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
roll the dice.
ROLLDICE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
rollDice_update7gameState() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
When a 7 is rolled, update the SOCGame.gameState: Always SOCGame.WAITING_FOR_DISCARDS if any SOCPlayer.getResources() total > 7.
ROLLDICEPROMPT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
ROLLDICEREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
rolledResources - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Resources gained from dice roll of the current turn.
rollOrPlayKnightOrExpectDice() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
On our turn, ask client to roll dice or play a knight; on other turns, update flags to expect dice result.
rollPanel - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
rollPromptCountdownLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
displays auto-roll countdown, or prompts to roll/play card.
rollPromptInUse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
rolls - Variable in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
rolls - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
number of rolls
rollsPerResource - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Number of rolls to gain each resource type (SOCResourceConstants.CLAY to SOCResourceConstants.WOOD).
ROTAT_HEX_BORDER_COLORS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Border colors for hex rendering when SOCBoardPanel.isRotated.
rotateScaleCopyYToActualX(int[], int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Copy and rotate this array of y-coordinates, optionally also rescaling.
rotatHexes - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex images - rotated board; from SOCBoardPanel.IMAGEDIR/rotat's GIF files.
roundCount - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The number of normal rounds (each player has 1 turn per round, after initial placements), including this round.
roundNum - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.MiscStatsPanel
Current round number
ROW_START_HEXNUM - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex numbers of start of each row of hexes in the board coordinates.
rowCount - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
rowFacesWidth - Static variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
How many faces per row? Default 7.
rsrcBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
rsrcLoss - Variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
If true, player's resources are lost (discarded), not gained (returned).
run() - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
In the AWT event thread, show ourselves.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
continuously read from the net in a separate thread
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
This timer will probably not be called, unless there's a large lag between the server and client.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Run method, for convenience with EventQueue.invokeLater(Runnable).
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Run method, for convenience with EventQueue.invokeLater(Runnable).
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
continuously read from the net in a separate thread
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.HandPanelAutoRollTask
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
Run method, for convenience with EventQueue.invokeLater(Runnable).
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask
continuously read from the net in a separate thread; not used for talking to the practice server.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOCPlayerLocalStringReader
Continuously read from the practice string server in a separate thread.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask
Called when timer fires.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask
Called when timer fires.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask
Called when timer fires.
run() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextDisplaysLargerTask
Called when timer fires; see class javadoc for actions taken.
run() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Here is the run method.
run() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
run() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection.Putter
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
continuously read from the net
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
For server-side; continuously read and treat input.
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
Debug-print connection's arrival or departure, and remove from pending list.
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionSetCheckerTask
Called when timer fires.
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Run method for Server: Start a single "treater" thread for processing inbound messages, call the Server.serverUp() callback, then wait for new connections and set them up in their own threads.
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.Treater
run() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
For server-side thread which reads and treats incoming messages
run() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask
Called when timer fires.
run() - Method in class soc.server.SOCForceEndTurnThread
If our targeted robot player is still the current player, force-end their turn.
run() - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameTimeoutChecker
Wakes up every few seconds to check for turns that have expired, and every 5 minutes to check for games that have expired.
run() - Method in class soc.server.SOCLocalRobotClient
run() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
run_cancel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
run_servport - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
run_startserv - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
runserv - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
"Start a server"
runSetupScript(String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Load and run a SQL script.
runUnitTests() - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
A few quick unit tests


s - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
s - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
s - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
S - Variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
s - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
S_orig - Static variable in class soc.server.BCrypt
SAVE_GAME_COMMAND - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
saveChangesToAny() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Save any unsaved changes to the destination and/or source properties files.
saveChangesToDest() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Save changes to the destination file, and clear the pair.unsavedDest flag.
saveChangesToSrc() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Save changes to the source file, and clear the pair.unsavedSrc flag.
saveGameCommand - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Completed-game info insert into games: SOCDBHelper.SAVE_GAME_COMMAND
saveGameScores(SOCGame, long) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Record this game's time, players, and scores in the database.
saveGameScores_fit6pInto4(SOCGame, String[], short[]) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Try and fit names and scores of player 5 and/or player 6 into the 4 db slots, for backwards-compatibility.
saveLargestArmyState() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Save the state of who has largest army.
sbBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
sbFixBHasMouse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Mouse hover flags, for use on 6-player board with SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp and SOCPlayerInterface.sbFixNeeded.
sbFixLHasMouse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Mouse hover flags, for use on 6-player board with SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp and SOCPlayerInterface.sbFixNeeded.
sbFixNeeded - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
In 6-player games, text areas temporarily zoom when the mouse is over them.
sbFixRHasMouse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Mouse hover flags, for use on 6-player board with SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp and SOCPlayerInterface.sbFixNeeded.
sbIsHilight - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
sbLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
"Special Building Phase" label.
SBP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
sbPanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
For 6-player board: request Special Building Phase.
sc - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Search: PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel.sr and PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel.sc are the row and column of the previous matching cell, if any.
sc - Variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Parsed scenario from server (SOCScenarioInfo.getScenario()), or null if SOCScenarioInfo.isKeyUnknown or SOCScenarioInfo.noMoreScens or if this message is from client to server.
SC_FTRI_PLACE_PORT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
In scenario option _SC_FTRI game state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM, boardpanel mode to place a port next to player's coastal settlement/city.
sc_piri_fleetAttackRsrcs - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
When the pirate fleet moves in game scenario SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI, resources lost when they attack the player with an adjacent settlement or city (SOCGame.RollResult.sc_piri_fleetAttackVictim).
sc_piri_fleetAttackVictim - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
When the pirate fleet moves in game scenario SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI, they may attack the player with an adjacent settlement or city.
SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
The current player wants to attack their pirate fortress (scenario _SC_PIRI).
SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK_RESULT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
This message from server announces the results of the current player's pirate fortress attack attempt: Pirates' random defense strength, number of player's ships lost (win/tie/loss).
sc_piri_loot - Variable in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
When the pirate fleet moves in game scenario _SC_PIRI, the resources stolen from victim.
sc_robPossibleVictims - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
Robber/pirate fleet victims in some scenarios, otherwise null.
SC_WOND_WIN_LEVEL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
To win the game in _SC_WOND, player can build this many levels (4) of their Wonder.
scaleCopyToActualX(int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Rescale to actual screen coordinates - Create a copy of array, and scale the copy's elements as X coordinates.
scaleCopyToActualY(int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Rescale to actual screen coordinates - Create a copy of array, and scale the copy's elements as Y coordinates.
scaledArrowXL - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow, left-pointing and right-pointing.
scaledArrowXR - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow, left-pointing and right-pointing.
scaledArrowY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Current-player arrow, left-pointing and right-pointing.
scaledAt - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Time of last request to resize and repaint, as returned by System.currentTimeMillis().
scaledCityX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledCityY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledDownRoadX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "\"
scaledDownRoadY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "\"
scaledFortressX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
fortress (scenario _SC_PIRI)
scaledFortressY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
fortress (scenario _SC_PIRI)
scaledHexCornersX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex corner coordinates, as scaled to current board size.
scaledHexCornersY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
hex corner coordinates, as scaled to current board size.
scaledHexes - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex images - private scaled copy, if SOCBoardPanel.isScaled.
scaledHexFail - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex/port images - Per-image flag to check if rescaling failed, if SOCBoardPanel.isScaled.
scaledMissedImage - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Flag used while drawing a scaled board.
scaledPanelX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
actual size on-screen, not internal-pixels size (SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBW, SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBH)
scaledPanelY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
actual size on-screen, not internal-pixels size (SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBW, SOCBoardPanel.panelMinBH)
scaledPortArrowsX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For port hexes, the triangular arrowheads towards port settlement nodes.
scaledPortArrowsY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
For port hexes, the triangular arrowheads towards port settlement nodes.
scaledPortFail - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Hex/port images - Per-image flag to check if rescaling failed, if SOCBoardPanel.isScaled.
scaledPorts - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Port images - private copy, rotated and/or scaled if necessary.
scaledRobberX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledRobberY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledSettlementX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledSettlementY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledShipX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledShipY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
scaledUpRoadX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "/"
scaledUpRoadY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "/"
scaledVertRoadX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Coordinate arrays for drawing the playing pieces.
scaledVertRoadY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Coordinate arrays for drawing the playing pieces.
scaledVillageX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
village (scenario _SC_CLVI)
scaledVillageY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
village (scenario _SC_CLVI)
scaledWarshipX - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
warship (scenario _SC_PIRI)
scaledWarshipY - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
warship (scenario _SC_PIRI)
scaleFromActualX(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Convert an x-coordinate from actual-scaled to internal-scaled coordinates.
scaleFromActualY(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Convert a y-coordinate from actual-scaled to internal-scaled coordinates.
scaleToActualX(int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scale x-array from internal to actual screen-pixel coordinates.
scaleToActualX(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scale x-coordinate from internal to actual screen-pixel coordinates.
scaleToActualY(int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scale y-array from internal to actual screen-pixel coordinates.
scaleToActualY(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Scale y-coordinate from internal to actual screen-pixel coordinates.
scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
For scenario _SC_PIRI, the player's ship closest to the Fortress (the ship farthest west).
scen_SC_PIRI_pirateFortressAttackResult(boolean, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
In scenario _SC_PIRI, present the server's response to a Pirate Fortress Attack request from the current player (the client or another player), which may be: Rejected, Lost, Tied, or Won.
scen_SC_PIRI_pirateFortressAttackResult(boolean, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
SCENARIO_CLOTH_COUNT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For scenario _SC_CLVI on the large sea board, the number of cloth held by this player.
scenario_playerEvents_bitmask - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Track one-time player events for scenarios on the large sea board.
SCENARIO_PLAYEREVENTS_BITMASK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For scenarios on the large sea board, bitmask of flags related to scenario player events.
SCENARIO_SVP - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For scenarios on the large sea board, the player's number of Special Victory Points (SVP).
SCENARIO_SVP_LANDAREAS_BITMASK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For scenarios on the large sea board, bitmask of land areas for tracking Special Victory Points (SVP).
scenario_svpFromEachLandArea_bitmask - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For some scenarios on the large sea board, bitmask: true if the player has been given a Special Victory Point for placing a settlement in a given new land area.
SCENARIO_WARSHIP_COUNT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
For scenario game option _SC_PIRI, the player's total number of ships that have been converted to warships.
scenarioEventListener - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Listener for scenario events on the large sea board, or null.
scenarioGameStrategyPlan(float, float, boolean, boolean, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
For some game scenarios (currently _SC_PIRI and _SC_WOND), evaluate and plan any special move.
scenarioGameStrategyPlan_SC_PIRI(float, float, boolean, boolean, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
scenarioGameStrategyPlan(..) for _SC_PIRI.
scenarioGameStrategyPlan_SC_PIRI_buildNextShip() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
If possible, calculate where our next ship would be placed, and add it to SOCRobotDM.buildingPlan.
scenarioGameStrategyPlan_SC_WOND(float, float, boolean, boolean, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, int, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
scenarioGameStrategyPlan(..) for _SC_WOND.
SCENARIOINFO - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCScenarioInfo - Client's request about available SOCScenarios, or server's reply about a single scenario.
scenariosInfoSent - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
The SOCScenario keynames for which we've sent localized strings or all scenario info fields.
scenDropdown - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Scenario choice dropdown if NewGameOptionsFrame.opts contains the "SC" game option, or null.
scenInfo - Variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Scenario Info button, for info window about NewGameOptionsFrame.scenDropdown's selected scenario, or null.
SCENINFO_NO_MORE_SCENS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
If an older client is asking for any changed/new scenarios, server responds with set of SCENARIOINFOs.
scenKeys - Variable in class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
Any scenario keynames for which the server has sent us updated info or i18n strings or responded with "unknown".
SCHEME_CLIENT_PLAINTEXT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Scheme #1, for client to connect using a plaintext password
scKey - Variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
The scenario key in a reply from server.
scLongDesc - Variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Detailed text for the scenario description and special rules, or null.
scOpts - Variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Scenario's SOCGameOptions, as a formatted string from SOCGameOption.packOptionsToString(Map, boolean).
score - Variable in class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
score - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
score - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
this is a score used for deciding what to build next
scoreNodesForSettlements(Hashtable<Integer, Integer>, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
Given a set of nodes, run a bunch of metrics across them to find which one is best for building a settlement.
scorePossibleSettlements(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Score possible settlements for for the smart game strategy (SOCRobotDM.SMART_STRATEGY), from SOCRobotDM.ourPlayerTracker.getPossibleSettlements() into SOCRobotDM.threatenedSettlements and SOCRobotDM.goodSettlements; calculate those settlements' SOCPossiblePiece.getScore()s.
scores - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
The scores; always indexed 0 to SOCGame.maxPlayers - 1, regardless of number of players in the game.
scoreSettlementsForDumb(int, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
For each possible settlement in our SOCPlayerTracker, update its getETA() and its getRoadPath().
scoreTradeOutcome(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
evaluate a trade outcome by calculating how much you could build with it
scrollToRow(int) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Ensure this row of faces is visible.
scrollW - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
faceSB pixel width; not known until doLayout
sdMes - Variable in class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
search(String, boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Case-insensitive text search.
search(boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Search forward or backward for the current contents of the search text field.
searchText - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Search: lowercased current search text, or null if no search or no matches found
searchWrapped - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
If true, and the previous call to PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel.search(String, boolean) was successful, the search wrapped around the end of the table before finding a match.
SEAT_LOCKED - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
seatLocks - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the states of the locks for the player's seats
seatLockUpdated() - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
seatLockUpdated() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
seatRequests - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
a table of requests from the server to sit at games
seats - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the states for the player's seats
secondSettlement - Variable in class soc.robot.OpeningBuildStrategy
used in planning where to put our first and second settlements
selectFace(int) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Face chosen (clicked), by user or otherwise.
selectFace(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Face selected (clicked) by user.
SEND - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
SEND - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
sendBuildReqFirst - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
If true, send Build Request before sending PutPiece
sendBut - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
sendGameList(StringConnection, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Send the entire list of games to this client; this is sent once per connecting client.
sendGamePendingMessages(SOCGame, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Sends the contents of this game's SOCGame.pendingMessagesOut, then empties that list.
sendGameScenarioInfo(String, SOCScenario, StringConnection, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
If needed, send this scenario's updated info and i18n localized short/long description strings to the client.
sendGameState(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Send the current state of the game with a message.
sendGameState(SOCGame, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
send the current state of the game with a message.
sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(SOCGame, String, StringConnection, SOCGame.RollResult) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Send a game text message "x, y, and z need to pick resources from the gold hex." and, for each picking player, a SOCPlayerElement(NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES).
sendGameStateOVER(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
If game is OVER, send messages reporting winner, final score, and each player's victory-point cards.
sendOnceFromClientIfCurrentPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
Internally synchronized around setSentAlready/wasItSentAlready.
sendRecordsText(SOCGame, Vector<String>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Call sendText on each string element of record.
sendSimpleRequest(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The player wants to send a simple request to the server, such as SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK to attack their pirate fortress in scenario option _SC_PIRI.
sendSimpleRequest(SOCPlayer, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The player wants to send a simple request to the server, such as SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK to attack their pirate fortress in scenario option _SC_PIRI, with optional value1 and value2 parameters.
sendText(SOCGame, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
send a text message to the people in the game
sendText(SOCGame, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
send a text message to the people in the game
sendTurn(SOCGame, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
send whose turn it is.
SENT_SCEN_INFO - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
For a scenario keyname in SOCClientData.scenariosInfoSent, value indicating that the client was sent all scenario info fields (not only localized scenario strings).
SENT_SCEN_STRINGS - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
For a scenario keyname in SOCClientData.scenariosInfoSent, value indicating that the client was sent localized scenario strings (not all scenario info fields), or that the client requested them and no localized strings were found for that scenario.
sentAllScenarioInfo - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
True if we've sent all updated SOCScenario info.
sentAllScenarioStrings - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
True if we've sent localized strings for all SOCScenarios.
sentGameList - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Has the server's game list been sent to the client yet? Please synchronize on SOCGameList.takeMonitor() / releaseMonitor.
SENTLAND_DESERT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Hex land type numbers sent over the network.
SENTLAND_DESERT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Hex land type numbers sent over the network.
SENTLAND_WATER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Hex land type numbers sent over the network.
SENTLAND_WATER - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Hex land type numbers sent over the network.
sentNum2BoardNum - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Map of values in SOCBoardLayout.numberLayout to dice rolls:
sep - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Token separators.
sep2 - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
our token separator; not the normal SOCMessage.sep2
sep2 - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
secondary separator token SEP2, as string.
sep2 - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
our token seperator
sep2_char - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
secondary separator token SOCMessage.sep2, as character.
sep_char - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
main separator token SOCMessage.sep, as character.
SEP_CHAR - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Separator character ';' between features in SOCServerFeatures.featureList.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTCellRenderer
created for JSettlers 2.0.00, no changes since then
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCApplet
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
prevent serializable warning
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
SOCBoardLarge serial, to suppress warning.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCFortress
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The main game class has a serialVersionUID; pieces and players don't.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception soc.game.SOCGameOptionVersionException
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCShip
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCVillage
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAdminReset
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardSpecialEdge
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChannels
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
matches version (1.1.12)
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDiceResult
Class converted for v1.1.00 to use SOCMessageTemplate1i.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGames
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameState
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGamesWithOptions
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
Version 1.1.09: add rbclass.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCJoin
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCJoinGame
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLeave
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLeaveAll
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMembers
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageMulti
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPickResourcesRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPieceValue
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRemovePiece
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardAuth
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardReject
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRevealFogHex
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
Class marked for v1.1.11 with SOCMessageForGame.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
Class marked for v1.1.11 with SOCMessageForGame.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetTurn
Class converted for v1.1.00 to use SOCMessageTemplate1i.
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
matches version (1.1.13)
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCTurn
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCVersion
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
serialVersionUID - Static variable in exception soc.util.CutoffExceededException
Server - Class in soc.server.genericServer
a general purpose server.
Server(int) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server
start listening to the given port
Server(String) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server
start listening to the given local string port (practice game)
server - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.NetStringServerSocket
server - Variable in class soc.server.SOCGameTimeoutChecker
Server.Command - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Holds one message from client, for Server.inQueue.
Server.Command(String, StringConnection) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server.Command
Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask - Class in soc.server.genericServer
This object represents one client-connect or disconnect debug-print announcement within Server.cliConnDisconPrintsPending.
Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask(boolean, Throwable, StringConnection) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
Create a new delayed print.
Server.ConnVersionCounter - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Hold info about 1 version of connected clients; for use in Server.cliVersionsConnected.
Server.ConnVersionCounter(int) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionCounter
Server.ConnVersionSetCheckerTask - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Perform the periodic consistency-check of Server.cliVersionsConnected.
Server.ConnVersionSetCheckerTask(Server) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionSetCheckerTask
Server.NetStringServerSocket - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Uses ServerSocket to implement StringServerSocket over a network.
Server.NetStringServerSocket(int, Server) - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server.NetStringServerSocket
Server.Treater - Class in soc.server.genericServer
Single-threaded reader of Server.inQueue
Server.Treater() - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.Server.Treater
serverDown() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
placeholder for doing things when server gets down
serverGames - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
all announced game names on the remote server, including games which we can't join due to limitations of the client.
ServerGametypeInfo - Class in soc.client
Track the server's information about the game type: valid game option set, scenarios, etc.
ServerGametypeInfo() - Constructor for class soc.client.ServerGametypeInfo
Create a new ServerGametypeInfo, with an ServerGametypeInfo.optionSet defaulting to our client version's SOCGameOption.getAllKnownOptions().
serverManagerForClientLocale - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Manager at server for strings sent to the client.
serverManagerForClientLocale_fallback - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Fallback for SOCStringManager.serverManagerForClientLocale using server's default locale.
SERVERNAME - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
"Server", the reserved nickname used when sending game text messages from the server itself, not chat messages from players.
SERVERNAME - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Name used when sending messages from the server.
SERVERPING - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
serverRobotPinger - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
server robot pinger
serverUp() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Placeholder (callback) for doing things when server comes up, after the server socket is bound and listening, in the main thread before handling any incoming connections.
serverUp() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Callback to take care of things when server comes up, after the server socket is bound and listening, in the main thread.
SET - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
player element actions
setA(int) - Method in class soc.util.IntPair
Set the first int of this pair.
setA(A) - Method in class soc.util.Pair
setA(Object) - Method in class soc.util.Triple
setAccepted() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Intended for server to call: Set our accepted flag.
setAddedLayoutPart(String, int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set one "added layout part" by its key name.
setAddedLayoutParts(HashMap<String, int[]>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set all the "added layout parts", for use at client.
setAmount(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Set the amount of a resource.
setAmounts(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
copy a resource set into this one.
setAppData(Object) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Set the app-specific non-key data for this connection.
setAskedBoardReset(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the flag indicating if the player asked to reset the board this turn
setAskedSpecialBuild(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
In 6-player mode's Special Building Phase, set or clear the flag for this player asking to build.
setB(int) - Method in class soc.util.IntPair
Set the second int of this pair.
setB(B) - Method in class soc.util.Pair
setB(Object) - Method in class soc.util.Triple
setBackground(Color) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Overrides standard to allow special warning behavior for ColorSquare.GREY.
setBalloonPoint(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Should this balloon display its point, along the top edge? Even when hidden, the main rectangle is drawn beginning at height / 8.
setBoardBounds(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
For subclass constructor usage, set the board height and width.
setBoardEncodingFormat(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
set the board encoding format.
setBoolOption(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Within a set of options, include a boolean option and make it true.
setBoolValue(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
DOCUMENT ME! If a ColorSquareListener is attached, and value changes, the listener will be called.
setBoolValue(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
setBorderColor(Color) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set this square's border color.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set bounds (position and size).
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set the board to a new location and size, rescale graphics and repaint if needed.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Overriden to also update SOCHandPanel.getBlankStandIn() bounds.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Move and/or resize this panel.
setC(Object) - Method in class soc.util.Triple
setCanCancelInvItemPlay(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
This player is playing or placing a special SOCInventoryItem, such as a gift trade port in scenario _SC_FTRI.
setClientHand(SOCHandPanel) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Update the client player's SOCHandPanel interface, for joining or leaving a game.
setClientVersSendGamesOrReject(StringConnection, int, String, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Set client's version and locale, and check against minimum required version SOCServer.CLI_VERSION_MIN.
setClosed() - Method in class soc.game.SOCShip
Call when this ship's trade route has been closed.
setCloth(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set how many cloth the board currently has in its "general supply".
setCloth(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set how many cloth this player currently has.
setCloth(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Set how many cloth this village currently has.
setColor(Color) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set this square's background color.
setCoordinates(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
setCost(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
Update menu item text to new cost of trade.
setCost(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Set or clear the optional cost to buy, use, or build the next level.
setCounterHidesBalloonPoint(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
If true, hide the original offer's balloon point (see SpeechBalloon.setBalloonPoint(boolean)) when the counter-offer is visible.
setCounterOfferVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
show or hide our counter-offer panel, below the trade-offer panel.
setCurrentDice(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set the current dice result
setCurrentOffer(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the current offer for this player
setCurrentPlayerNumber(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Set the number of the current player, and check for winner.
setData(Object) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Set the optional key data for this connection.
setDebugFreePlacement(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Turn the "free placement" debug mode on or off, if possible.
setDebugFreePlacementMode(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Switch the game's Debug Paint Piece Mode on or off, as directed by the server.
setDebugFreePlacementPlayer(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Set the board's 'client player' for the Debug Paint Piece Mode.
setDebugShowCoordsFlag(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set or clear the debug flag where the board item tooltip includes the item's coordinates.
setDebugShowPotentialsFlag(int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set or clear a debug flag to show player 0's potential/legal coordinate sets.
setDefaultFace() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Reset to the default face.
setDesc(String, String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
For i18n, update the scenario's description text fields: The name/short description (SOCVersionedItem.getDesc()) and optional long description (SOCScenario.getLongDesc()).
setDesc(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Update this item's description text.
setDestIsNew(List<String>) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Indicate that the destination is new (not yet existing): PropertiesTranslatorEditor.init() will then ignore FileNotFoundException for destination.
setDestIsNew(List<String>) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Call this method to indicate that ParsedPropsFilePair.destFile is new and does not yet exist.
setDiscardOrPickMsg(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Show the "discarding..." or "picking resources..." message in the trade panel.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
Enable or disable this menu item.
setEnabledIfCanTrade(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu
Enable or disable based on gamestate and player's resources.
setEnabledIfCanTrade(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu
Enable or disable based on gamestate and player's resources.
setEnabledIfCanTrade(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Enable or disable based on gamestate and player's resources.
setEOF() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Signal the end of outbound data.
setEOF() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Close down server socket, but don't disconnect anyone: Accept no new inbound connections.
setEOF(boolean) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
Close down server socket, possibly disconnect everyone; For use by setEOF() and close().
setETA(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
update the ETA for this piece
setExpandedFlag() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
set hasBeenExpanded to true
setExpiration(long) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Set the expiration time at which this game will be destroyed.
setFace(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
set which image is shown
setFaceHilightBorder(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow
If this faceId is within our row, call its setHilightBorder.
setFaceId(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the face image id
setFirstPlayer(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Sets who the first player is.
setGameDisplay(SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Set our game display interface.
setGameIndex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Set this item's {@link #getGameIndex().
setGameState(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set the current game state.
setHexLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
set the hexLayout.
setHexLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
setHideTimeoutMessage(boolean) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
If client connection times out at server, should the server not print a message to console? This would be desired, for instance, in automated clients, which would reconnect if they become disconnected.
setHighWarningLevel(int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set high-level warning (TODO docu text)
setHilightBorder(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Set or clear the hilight border flag.
setHoverText(String, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Set the hover text (tooltip) based on where the mouse is now, and repaint the board.
setHoverText(String, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Set tooltip text (or hide tooltip if text is null) and show tooltip at appropriate location when mouse is at (x,y) relative to the board.
setHoverText_modeChangedOrMouseMoved - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Flag to tell SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip.setHoverText(String, int) to repaint, even if text hasn't changed.
setI18NStringManager(SOCStringManager, String) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Set the I18N string manager and locale name for this connection, for server convenience.
setInterior(Color) - Method in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
setIntOption(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Within a set of options, include an int or intbool option and set its value.
setIntValue(int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
DOCUMENT ME! If a ColorSquareListener is attached, and value changes, the listener will be called.
setIntValue(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Set this option's integer value to new value v, or clip to min/max allowed values.
setKnownOptionCurrentValue(SOCGameOption) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Set the current value(s) of a known option, based on the current value(s) of another object ocurr with the same key.
setLandHexCoordinates(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Set the land hex coordinates, once the board layout is known.
setLandHexLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set the land hex layout, sent from server to client.
setLArmy(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
turn the "largest army" label on or off
setLastClick(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
setLegalAndPotentialSettlements(Collection<Integer>, int, HashSet<Integer>[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set the legal and potential settlements, and calculate the Nodes On Land, legal roads and ship edges.
setLevel(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Set the current level of this special item.
setLocationCentered(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Put the dialog in the top-center of the game window (SOCChoosePlayerDialog.pi) and set SOCChoosePlayerDialog.didSetLocation.
setLongestRoadLength(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the longest road / longest trade route length
setLoot(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Set the type of resource stolen from the victim
setLowWarningLevel(int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set low-level warning (TODO docu text)
setLRoad(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Turn the "longest road" label on or off.
setLRPaths(Vector<SOCLRPathData>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the longest paths vector
setLRPotential(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
set the longest road potential
setLRValue(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
set the longest road value
setMaximumLines(int) - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Set the maximum lines this text area will display, contents are snipped if necessary.
setMessage(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
setMessage(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
setMessage(String) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Switch to the Message from another player, or clear its most recent contents.
setMode(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set the interaction mode, for debugging purposes.
setModeMoveShip(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set the interaction mode to "move ship"; the player must now click where they want the ship to be moved.
setName(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the name of the player
setNeedsToBeExpanded(boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
set the needs to be expanded flag
setNeedToDiscard(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the "need to discard" flag
setNeedToPickGoldHexResources(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set the number of gold-hex resources this player must now pick, after a dice roll or placing their 2nd initial settlement.
setNode(int) - Method in class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
setNumberLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Set the number layout.
setNumberLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
setNumberOfNecessaryRoads(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
Set the minimum number of necessary roads and/or ships.
setNumberOfNecessaryRoads(int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
set the minimum number of necessary roads
setNumDevCards(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set the number of dev cards in the deck
setNumKnights(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the number of knights in play
setNumPieces(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the amount of pieces not in play for a particular type of piece
setNumWarships(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
For scenario option _SC_PIRI, set the player's number of warships.
setOffer(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Update to view the of an offer from another player.
setOffsetX(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
Set the hover tip (tooltip) x-position, but don't repaint the board.
SETOPTIONS_EXCL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
SETOPTIONS_INCL - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
setOtherPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
set the other player
setOurPlayerData() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
When we join a game and sit down to begin play, find our player data using our nickname.
setOwner(String, String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For games at the server, set the game owner (creator).
setParent(SOCBuildPossibility) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
set the parent for this node
setParent(SOCTradeTree) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
set the parent
setPassword(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
setPassword(String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Set the contents of the password field.
setPendingInitSettlement(SOCSettlement) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
set this player's pending initial settlement, to be placed/calculated by this tracker after their road.
setPirateHex(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set where the pirate is, or take the pirate off the board.
setPlacingItem(SOCInventoryItem) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Set or clear the special Inventory Item to be placed by the current player in state SOCGame.PLACING_INV_ITEM.
setPlayedDevCard(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the playedDevCard flag
SETPLAYEDDEVCARD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
setPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
set the player that is using this board panel to be the client's player in this game.
setPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Temporarily change the player that is using this board panel.
setPlayer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Set our game and player data based on client's nickname, via game.getPlayer(client.getNickname()).
setPlayer(int, SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set the data for a player
setPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Set or clear the player who owns this item.
setPlayerExcludedLandAreas(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set or clear the land area numbers from which all players are excluded and cannot place settlements.
setPlayersLandHexCoordinates() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For each player, call pl.setLandHexCoordinates (SOCBoardLarge.getLandHexCoords()).
setPlayerWithLargestArmy(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set the player with the largest army
setPlayerWithLongestRoad(SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
set the player with the longest road or trade route
setPortFlag(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set a port flag
setPortsLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
On the 6-player (v2 layout) board, each port's type, such as SOCBoard.SHEEP_PORT.
setPortsLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set the port information at the client, sent from the server from SOCBoard.getPortsLayout().
setPotentialAndLegalSettlements(Collection<Integer>, boolean, HashSet<Integer>[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set which nodes are potential settlements.
setRestrictedLegalShips(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set the list of edges where the player can build ships, when the legal sea edges for ships are restricted by the game's scenario (_SC_PIRI).
setRoadPath(Stack<SOCPossibleRoad>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
Shortest road/ship path to this settlement.
setRobberExcludedLandAreas(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set or clear the land area numbers from which the robber is excluded and cannot be placed.
setRobberHex(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
set where the robber is
setRobotFlag(boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
set the robot flags.
setRollPrompt(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Set or clear the roll prompt / auto-roll countdown display.
setScenarioEventListener(SOCScenarioEventListener) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Set or clear the scenario event listener.
setScenarioPlayerEvent(SOCScenarioPlayerEvent) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set a certain scenario player event flag.
setScenarioPlayerEvents(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
At client, set the player's SOCPlayer.getScenarioPlayerEvents() based on a server message.
setScenarioSVPLandAreas(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
At client, set the player's SOCPlayer.getScenarioPlayerEvents() based on a server message.
setScore(int) - Method in class soc.robot.BoardNodeScorePair
setSeatLock(SOCGame, int, SOCGame.SeatLockState) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
The user is locking or unlocking a seat.
setSeatLock(SOCGame, int, SOCGame.SeatLockState) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
The user is locking or unlocking a seat.
setSeatLock(int, SOCGame.SeatLockState) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Lock or unlock a seat, or mark a bot's seat to be cleared on reset.
SETSEATLOCK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
setSentGameList() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Set flag: Has the server's game list been sent to the client yet? Please synchronize on SOCGameList.takeMonitor() / releaseMonitor.
setServer(Server) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
Server-side: Set the generic server for this connection.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set the width and height of this ColorSquare.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set the board to a new size, rescale graphics and repaint if needed.
setSize(Dimension) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Set the board to a new size, rescale graphics and repaint if needed.
setSpecialBuilt(boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
In 6-player mode's Special Building Phase, set or clear the flag for this player already built this turn.
setSpecialEdge(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set an edge as a Special Edge, or clear that status and make it a normal edge.
setSpecialEdges(int[], int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Set a list of edges as a certain type of special edge.
setSpecialItem(String, int, SOCSpecialItem) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Add or replace a special item in the game's list of items of that type.
setSpecialItem(String, int, SOCSpecialItem) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Add or replace a special item in the player's list of items of that type.
SETSPECIALITEM - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCSetSpecialItem - Special Item requests and change announcements.
setSpecialVP(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Set the number of Special Victory Points (SVPs) awarded to this player.
setSquareListener(ColorSquareListener) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Optionally, a square listener can be called when the value changes.
setStartingLandAreasEncoded(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
At client, set the player's SOCPlayer.getStartingLandAreasEncoded() based on a server message.
setState(boolean) - Method in class soc.util.MutexFlag
setStrength(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCFortress
Set the current strength of this fortress.
setStringValue(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Set this option's string value to new value v
setStringValue(String) - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Set or clear the current string value of this special item.
setSuperimposedText(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Text to be displayed as 2 lines superimposed over the center of the board graphic (during game setup).
setSuperimposedTopText(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Text to be displayed as 1 lines superimposed over the top center of the board graphic (during game play).
setTargetPiece(int, SOCPossiblePiece) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
set a target piece for a player
setText(String) - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
setTip(String) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Change the tooltip text.
SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Types of playing pieces: Settlement.
SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
SETTLEMENT - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Type constant for a possible settlement.
SETTLEMENT_CHOICE - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
SETTLEMENT_SET - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the set of resources a player needs to build a settlement
settlementAtNode(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoard
If there's a settlement or city at this node, find it.
settlementBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementC - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementClay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
settlements - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
settlements on the board; Vector of SOCPlayingPiece
settlements - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
a list of this player's settlements in play
SETTLEMENTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
settlementSheep - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
settlementT - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementWheat - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementWood - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
settlementX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
settlementY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
setTooltipHighWarningLevel(String, int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set high-level warning, and set or clear its tooltip text.
setTooltipLowWarningLevel(String, int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set low-level warning, and set or clear its tooltip text.
setTooltipText(String) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Change tooltip text or show or hide tooltip.
setTooltipZeroText(String) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Set or clear zero-level tooltip text.
setTopText(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Set the line of text displayed at the top of the panel.
SETTURN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SETUPDONE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
setupLocalRobots(int, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Set up some robot opponents, running in our JVM for operator convenience.
setValue(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar
setValueAt(Object, int, int) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
setValues(int[], int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
setVersion(int) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Set the version number of the remote end of this connection.
setVersion(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
Set the version number of the remote end of this connection.
setVersionTimer(SOCServer, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Set up the version timer.
setVersionTracking(boolean) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
For server-side use, should we notify the server when our version is changed by setVersion calls?
setVictims(Vector<SOCPlayer>) - Method in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Set the victim (if any) or possible victims
setVillageAndClothLayout(int[]) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For SOCBoardLarge.makeNewBoard(Map), with the Cloth Village scenario, create SOCVillages at these node locations.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Show or hide the colorsquare.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow
setVisible - overrides to call each face's setVisible
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
When the window is shown, request focus on game name textfield.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Show or hide this dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Show or hide this dialog.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
Set this dialog visible or hide it.
sFeatures - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Server's active optional features, sent soon after connect, or null if unknown.
sFeatures - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Server's active optional features, sent soon after connect, or null if unknown.
sFeatures - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Server's active optional features, sent soon after connect, or null if unknown.
SHADOW_SIZE - Static variable in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
Size of the shadow, in pixels.
SHADOW_SIZE - Static variable in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
Size of the shadow appearing on the right and bottom sides, in pixels.
ShadowedBox - Class in soc.client
This is a shadowed box for use in the hand panel
ShadowedBox(Color, Color) - Constructor for class soc.client.ShadowedBox
SHEEP - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
SHEEP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
SHEEP - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
SHEEP_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
SHEEP_PORT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Sheep port type.
SHEEP_PORT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
sheepLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
sheepSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
shiftKeysMask - Static variable in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
Don't "roll" plus/minus if shift or ctrl key is held during click
SHIP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
SHIP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Types of playing pieces: Ship.
SHIP - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
SHIP - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Ship, for large sea board.
SHIP_COUNT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Number of ships a player can build (15) if SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
SHIP_SET - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
the set of resources a player needs to build a ship
shipBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
For large sea board (SOCGame.hasSeaBoard), button to buy a ship.
shipC - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
shipLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
SHIPS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Number of SHIP pieces; added in v2.0.00.
shipSheep - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
shipSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
shipSq = the number of ships remaining, or null if not SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
shipT - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
shipWood - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
shipX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
shipY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
shortTxt - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
show(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu
Show menu at this position.
show(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
Show menu at this position.
show(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu
Show menu at this position.
show(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Show menu at this position.
showAbout(JFrame) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Show the PropertiesTranslatorEditor "About" dialog.
showAndFocus() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Focus in the input box; if panel not visible, makes visible first
showAtMouse(int, int) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Show tip at appropriate location when mouse is at (x,y) within mainparent (NOT within parentComp).
showAtPirateFortress(int, int, SOCFortress) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Custom show method for hovering at a pirate fortress (SOCFortress), giving the options to attack if it's our player's; for scenario option _SC_PIRI.
showBuild(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Custom show method that finds current game status and player status.
showCancelBuild(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Custom 'cancel' show method for when placing a road/settlement/city, giving the build/cancel options for that type of piece.
showCellEditDialog(int, int, String) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellEditorMouseListener
Edit this row and column of the table in a dialog.
showChoosePlayerDialog(int, int[], boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
show the SOCChoosePlayerDialog to choose a player for robbery.
showChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Show the SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog to choose what to rob from a player.
showDiceResult(SOCPlayer, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Server has just sent a dice result message.
showDiscardOrGainDialog(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Show the discard dialog or the gain-resources dialog.
showErrorDialog(String, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Show an error dialog which has one button.
showErrorDialog(String, String) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Show an error dialog which has one button.
showErrorPanel(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
After network trouble, show the error panel (SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.MESSAGE_PANEL) instead of the main user/password/games/channels panel (SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.MAIN_PANEL).
showErrorPanel(String, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
After network trouble, show a panel with the error message instead of the main user/password/games/channels panel.
showFaceChooserFrame() - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
Create or show a face-chooser frame, from handpanel right-click or triple-click.
showingPlayerDiscardOrPick - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Is one or more SOCHandPanel (of other players) showing a "Discarding..." or "Picking resource..." message?
showingPlayerDiscardOrPick_lock - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Synchronize access to SOCPlayerInterface.showingPlayerDiscardOrPick and SOCPlayerInterface.showingPlayerDiscardOrPick_task
showingPlayerDiscardOrPick_task - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
May be null if not SOCPlayerInterface.showingPlayerDiscardOrPick.
showMonopolyDialog() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
show the Monopoly dialog box
showScenarioInfoDialog(SOCGame, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame) - Static method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Show a popup window with this game's scenario's description, special rules, and number of victory points to win.
showScenarioInfoDialog(SOCScenario, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame) - Static method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
Show a popup window with this scenario's description, special rules, and number of victory points to win.
showScenarioInfoDialog() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
If this game has a scenario (game option "SC"), show the scenario description, special rules, and number of victory points to win.
showStatus(String, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
showStatus(String, boolean) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Show server welcome banner or status text.
showVersion(int, String, String, SOCServerFeatures) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
After connecting, display the remote server's version on main panel, and update display based on its active SOCServerFeatures.
showVersion(int, String, String, SOCServerFeatures) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
After connecting, display the remote server's version on main panel, and update display based on its active SOCServerFeatures.
shutdownLocalServer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Shut down the local TCP server.
simpleAction(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A "simple action" has occurred in the game and should be displayed.
simpleAction(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
SIMPLEACTION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCSimpleAction - Generic message type for simple actions for players.
simpleRequest(int, int, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.PlayerClientListener
A player's "simple request" has been sent to the entire game, or the server has replied to our own simple request, and this should be displayed.
simpleRequest(SOCGame, int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Send a SOCSimpleRequest to the server.
simpleRequest(int, int, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
SIMPLEREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCSimpleRequest - Generic message type for simple requests by players.
SIT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
sitBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
When player has joined but not sat, the "Sit Here" button.
sitButIsLock - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
When true, the game is still forming, player has chosen a seat; "Sit Here" button is labeled as "Lock" or "Unlock".
sitButTip - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Hint for "Lock/Unlock" button before game starts (SOCHandPanel.sitBut; non-null only if SOCHandPanel.sitButIsLock.
sitDown(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user sits down to play
sitDown(SOCGame, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user sits down to play
SITDOWN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
sitDown(SOCGame, StringConnection, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
This player is sitting down at the game.
sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame, StringConnection, int) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
When player has just sat down at a seat, send them all the private information.
sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame, StringConnection, int) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
SITLOCKED - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Before game starts, use SOCHandPanel.pname to show if a seat is no-robots-allowed.
sittingRobotLockBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Seat lock/unlock shown in robot handpanels during game play, to prevent/allow humans to join and take over a robot's seat.
size() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Get the number of key-value pairs in ParsedPropsFilePair.getContents().
size() - Method in class soc.util.Queue
size() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
Get the size (number of games) in our list.
sizeLimit - Variable in class soc.util.CappedQueue
sleeping - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
sleepMore() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
sleepTime - Variable in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
the ammount of time to sleep waiting for the next ping
sleepTime - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
sLocal - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
sLocalFeatures - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Server's active optional features, sent soon after connect, or null if unknown.
sLocalVersion - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Server version number, sent soon after connect, or -1 if unknown.
SMART_STRATEGY - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
used for describing strategies
smartGameStrategy(int[]) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Plan building for the smart game strategy (SOCRobotDM.SMART_STRATEGY).
SnippingTextArea - Class in soc.client
Limits lines displayed to MaximumLines.
SnippingTextArea(int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Creates a SnippingTextArea which limits hard line breaks to maxLines, and uses SCROLLBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY.
SnippingTextArea(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Creates a new SnippingTextArea object with specified text, which limits hard line breaks to maxLines, and uses SCROOBARS_VERTICAL_ONLY.
SnippingTextArea(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Creates a new SnippingTextArea object with specified text, rows, columns, and scroll bar visibility, which limits hard line breaks to maxLines.
snipText() - Method in class soc.client.SnippingTextArea
Remove lines at the beginning of the text, until there are only maxLines in the component.
soc.client - package soc.client
soc.client.stats - package soc.client.stats
soc.debug - package soc.debug
soc.disableDebug - package soc.disableDebug
soc.game - package soc.game
soc.message - package soc.message
soc.robot - package soc.robot
soc.server - package soc.server
soc.server.database - package soc.server.database
soc.server.genericServer - package soc.server.genericServer
soc.util - package soc.util
SOC_DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Debug help text to place at the end of SOCServer.DEBUG_COMMANDS_HELP via SOCGameHandler.getDebugCommandsHelp().
SOC_MAXCONN_DEFAULT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Default maximum number of connected clients (30; SOCServer.maxConnections field).
SOC_PORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Default tcp port number 8880 to listen, and to connect to remote server.
SOC_PORT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Default tcp port number 8880 to listen, and for client to connect to remote server.
SOC_SERVER_PROPS_FILENAME - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Filename "jsserver.properties" for the optional server startup properties file.
SOC_STARTROBOTS_DEFAULT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Default number of bots to start (7; SOCServer.PROP_JSETTLERS_STARTROBOTS property).
SOCAcceptOffer - Class in soc.message
This message means that the player is accepting an offer.
SOCAcceptOffer(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
Create a AcceptOffer message.
SOCAccountClient - Class in soc.client
Applet/Standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer and making user accounts.
SOCAccountClient() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Create a SOCAccountClient connecting to localhost port 8880
SOCAccountClient(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Constructor for connecting to the specified host, on the specified port.
SOCAccountClient.MyWindowAdapter - Class in soc.client
SOCAccountClient.MyWindowAdapter() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCAccountClient.MyWindowAdapter
SOCAdminPing - Class in soc.message
This message is a way for the admin to test if a robot is connected and running
SOCAdminPing(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
Create a AdminPing message.
SOCAdminReset - Class in soc.message
This message allows the admin to reset a robot player remotely
SOCAdminReset() - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCAdminReset
Create a AdminReset message.
SOCApplet - Class in soc.client
Applet methods to display the main screen (list of games), separated out from main GUI class.
SOCApplet() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCApplet
SOCAuthRequest - Class in soc.message
Authentication request, to connect and check password without creating or joining a game or channel.
SOCAuthRequest(String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Create an AuthRequest message.
SOCBankTrade - Class in soc.message
This message means that a player wants to trade with the bank or a port.
SOCBankTrade(String, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
Create a BankTrade message.
SOCBCastTextMsg - Class in soc.message
This message contains a text message for everyone connected
SOCBCastTextMsg(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
Create a BCastTextMsg message.
SOCBoard - Class in soc.game
This is a representation of the board in Settlers of Catan.
SOCBoard(int, int) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCBoard
Minimal super constructor for subclasses.
SOCBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCBoard
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board, with the v1 or v2 encoding.
SOCBoard.BoardFactory - Interface in soc.game
Board Factory for creating new boards for games at the client or server.
SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory - Class in soc.game
Default implementation of SOCBoard.BoardFactory, used at client.
SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory() - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory
SOCBoardLarge - Class in soc.game
Sea board layout: A representation of a larger (up to 127 x 127 hexes) JSettlers board, with an arbitrary mix of land and water tiles.
SOCBoardLarge(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board, with the v3 encoding.
SOCBoardLarge(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int, IntPair) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board, with the v3 encoding and a certain size.
SOCBoardLargeAtServer - Class in soc.server
A subclass of SOCBoardLarge for the server, to isolate SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map) and simplify that parent class.
SOCBoardLargeAtServer(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int, IntPair) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board, with the v3 encoding.
SOCBoardLargeAtServer.BoardFactoryAtServer - Class in soc.server
Server-side implementation of SOCBoard.BoardFactory to create SOCBoardLargeAtServers.
SOCBoardLargeAtServer.BoardFactoryAtServer() - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer.BoardFactoryAtServer
SOCBoardLayout - Class in soc.message
This message contains the board layout information.
SOCBoardLayout(String, int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Create a SOCBoardLayout message
SOCBoardLayout(String, int[], int[], int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Create a SOCBoardLayout message
SOCBoardLayout2 - Class in soc.message
This message contains the board's layout information and its encoding version.
SOCBoardLayout2(String, int, Hashtable<String, Object>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Create a SOCBoardLayout2 message; see class javadoc for parts' meanings.
SOCBoardLayout2(String, int, int[], int[], int[], int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Create a SOCBoardLayout2 message for encoding format v1 or v2; see class javadoc for parameters' meanings.
SOCBoardLayout2(String, int, int[], int[], int, int, int[], int[], Map<String, int[]>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Create a SOCBoardLayout2 message for encoding format v3.
SOCBoardPanel - Class in soc.client
This is a component that can display a Settlers of Catan Board.
SOCBoardPanel(SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
create a new board panel in a game interface.
SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask - Class in soc.client
Used for the delay between sending a build-request message, and receiving a game-state message.
SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask(int, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
Send this after maximum delay.
SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu - Class in soc.client
This class creates a popup menu on the board, to trade or build or cancel building.
SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu(SOCBoardPanel) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
create a new BoardPopupMenu on this board
SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip - Class in soc.client
(tooltip) Hover text for info on pieces/parts of the board.
SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip(SOCBoardPanel) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog - Class in soc.client
Modal dialog to confirm the player wants to attack the pirate fortress and end their turn.
SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog
Creates a new ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog.
SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog - Class in soc.client
For scenario _SC_FTRI, modal dialog to confirm placing a ship at an edge with a "gift" trade port.
SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog(int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
Creates a new ConfirmPlaceShipDialog.
SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint - Class in soc.client
With a recent board resize, one or more rescaled images still hasn't been completed after 7 seconds.
SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint(SOCBoardPanel) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint
SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog - Class in soc.client
Modal dialog to confirm moving the robber next to our own settlement or city.
SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog(SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
Creates a new MoveRobberConfirmDialog.
SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu - Class in soc.client
Menu for right-click on 3-for-1 port to trade all resource types with bank/port.
SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu(SOCBoardPanel, SOCHandPanel) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu
Temporary menu for board popup menu
SOCBoardSpecialEdge - Class in soc.message
This message from the server to clients announces that an edge on the game board has become a Special Edge, or is no longer a Special Edge.
SOCBoardSpecialEdge(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBoardSpecialEdge
Create a SOCBoardSpecialEdge message.
SOCBuildingPanel - Class in soc.client
This class is a panel that shows how much it costs to build things, and it allows the player to build.
SOCBuildingPanel(SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
make a new building panel
SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate - Class in soc.robot
This class calculates approximately how long it would take a player to build something.
SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate(SOCPlayerNumbers) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Create a new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, calculating the rollsPerResource and resourcesPerRoll based on the player's dice numbers (settlement/city hexes).
SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate() - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate
Create a new SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate, not yet calculating estimates.
SOCBuildPossibility - Class in soc.robot
This represents a possible thing to build.
SOCBuildPossibility(SOCPlayingPiece, int, int[], int, int, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
this is a constructor
SOCBuildPossibility(SOCPlayingPiece, int, int[], int, int, SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
this is a constructor for when you are using a road building card
SOCBuildPossibility(int, int[], int, int, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
this is a constructor for buying a dev card
SOCBuildPossibility(int, int, int[], int, int, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
this is a constructor for PLAYING a dev card
SOCBuildRequest - Class in soc.message
This message, from client to server, says which piece type the current player wants to build.
SOCBuildRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
Create a BuildRequest message.
SOCBuyCardRequest - Class in soc.message
This message means that the player wants to buy a development card.
SOCBuyCardRequest(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
Create a BuyCardRequest message.
SOCCancelBuildRequest - Class in soc.message
This message type has five possible meanings, depending on game state and direction sent:
SOCCancelBuildRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
Create a CancelBuildRequest message.
SOCChangeFace - Class in soc.message
This message says that a player is changing the face icon.
SOCChangeFace(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
Create a ChangeFace message.
SOCChannelList - Class in soc.server
A class for tracking the chat channels.
SOCChannelList() - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCChannelList
SOCChannels - Class in soc.message
This message lists all the chat channels on a server.
SOCChannels(Vector<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCChannels
Create a Channels Message.
SOCChoosePlayer - Class in soc.message
This message from client to server has a few purposes, all related to robbing: After a server's SOCChoosePlayerRequest, it says which player the current player wants to steal from.
SOCChoosePlayer(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
Create a ChoosePlayer message.
SOCChoosePlayerDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the dialog to ask a player from whom she wants to steal.
SOCChoosePlayerDialog(SOCPlayerInterface, int, int[], boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Creates a new SOCChoosePlayerDialog object.
SOCChoosePlayerRequest - Class in soc.message
This message from server to client asks a player to choose a player to steal from.
SOCChoosePlayerRequest(String, boolean[]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
Create a ChoosePlayerRequest message.
SOCCity - Class in soc.game
A city playing piece
SOCCity(SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCCity
Make a new city
SOCClearOffer - Class in soc.message
This message means that the player is retracting an offer.
SOCClearOffer(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
Create a ClearOffer message.
SOCClearTradeMsg - Class in soc.message
This message means that the server wants the trade message cleared.
SOCClearTradeMsg(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
Create a ClearTradeMsg message.
SOCClientData - Class in soc.server
The server's place to track client-specific information across games.
SOCClientData() - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCClientData
SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask - Class in soc.server
TimerTask at client connect, to guess the client version if it isn't sent soon enough.
SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask(SOCServer, SOCClientData, StringConnection) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask
SOCConnectOrPracticePanel - Class in soc.client
This is the dialog for standalone client startup (JAR or otherwise) if no command-line arguments.
SOCConnectOrPracticePanel(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Creates a new SOCConnectOrPracticePanel.
SOCCreateAccount - Class in soc.message
This message is a request to create an account
SOCCreateAccount(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
Create a CreateAccount message.
SOCDBHelper - Class in soc.server.database
This class contains methods for connecting to a database and for manipulating the data stored there.
SOCDBHelper() - Constructor for class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
SOCDebugFreePlace - Class in soc.message
This debug message from client to server means that a player is asking to place a piece on the board, without spending resources or checking the current player.
SOCDebugFreePlace(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
create a DEBUGFREEPLACE message from the client.
SOCDebugFreePlace(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
create a DEBUGFREEPLACE message from the server.
SOCDeleteChannel - Class in soc.message
This message means that a chat channel has been destroyed.
SOCDeleteChannel(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
Create a DeleteChannel message.
SOCDeleteGame - Class in soc.message
This message means that a soc game has been destroyed.
SOCDeleteGame(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
Create a DeleteGame message.
SOCDevCard - Class in soc.game
A single Dev Card, probably within a player's SOCInventory.
SOCDevCard(int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCDevCard
Create a new card.
SOCDevCard(int, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCDevCard
constructor to call super, to avoid 3 isVPCard(type) calls
SOCDevCardAction - Class in soc.message
This message from the server means that a player is drawing or playing a development card; response to SOCPlayDevCardRequest.
SOCDevCardAction(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
Create a DevCardAction message.
SOCDevCardConstants - Interface in soc.game
This is a list of constants for representing types of development cards in Settlers of Catan.
SOCDevCardCount - Class in soc.message
This message says how many development cards are in the deck.
SOCDevCardCount(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
Create a DevCardCount message.
SOCDiceResult - Class in soc.message
This message reports total of what was rolled on the dice.
SOCDiceResult(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiceResult
Create a DiceResult message.
SOCDiceResultResources - Class in soc.message
All resources gained by players from a dice roll.
SOCDiceResultResources(String, List<Integer>, List<SOCResourceSet>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
Constructor for server to tell clients about players' gained resources.
SOCDiceResultResources(String, int[]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
Constructor for client to parse message from server via parseDataStr(List<String>).
SOCDiscard - Class in soc.message
This message means that a player is discarding.
SOCDiscard(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiscard
Create a Discard message.
SOCDiscard(String, int, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiscard
Create a Discard message.
SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the dialog to ask players what resources they want to discard from rolling a 7, or to gain from the gold hex.
SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog(SOCPlayerInterface, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Creates a new SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog popup.
SOCDiscardRequest - Class in soc.message
This message from server to a client requests that the player discard a particular number of cards.
SOCDiscardRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
Create a DiscardRequest message.
SOCDiscoveryPick - Class in soc.message
This message says which resources the player picked for a Discovery card
SOCDiscoveryPick(String, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
Create a DiscoveryPick message.
SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient - Class in soc.client
GUI-less standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer.
SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Create a SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient, which would connect to localhost port 8889.
SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Constructor for connecting to the specified host, on the specified port.
SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient(String, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Constructor for connecting to a local game (practice) on a local stringport.
SOCEndTurn - Class in soc.message
This message means that a player wants to end the turn
SOCEndTurn(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
Create a EndTurn message.
SOCFaceButton - Class in soc.client
This is a component that can display a face.
SOCFaceButton(SOCPlayerInterface, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
create a new SOCFaceButton, for a player's handpanel (standard mode).
SOCFaceButton(SOCPlayerInterface, FaceChooserFrame, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
create a new SOCFaceButton, for the FaceChooserFrame (bordered mode)
SOCFaceButton(SOCPlayerInterface, int, Color, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
implement creation of a new SOCFaceButton (common to both modes)
SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu - Class in soc.client
Menu for right-click on face icon to choose a new face (Player's hand only).
SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu(SOCFaceButton) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu
SOCFaceButton.MyMouseAdapter - Class in soc.client
Handle Events
SOCFaceButton.MyMouseAdapter() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCFaceButton.MyMouseAdapter
SOCFirstPlayer - Class in soc.message
This message says who the first player is
SOCFirstPlayer(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
Create a FirstPlayer message.
SOCForceEndTurnResult - Class in soc.game
This class holds the results of a call to SOCGame.forceEndTurn().
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, no resources gained/lost.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int, boolean, boolean, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, from start states, possibly changing the game's firstplayer or lastplayer.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int, SOCInventoryItem) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, optionally with a development card or inventory option regained (returned to the player's hand).
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, with resources gained.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int, SOCResourceSet, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, with resources gained/lost.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int, SOCResourceSet, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object.
SOCForceEndTurnThread - Class in soc.server
Force this robot's turn to end, by calling SOCGameHandler.endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame, int, String, StringConnection, boolean).
SOCForceEndTurnThread(SOCServer, SOCGameHandler, SOCGame, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCForceEndTurnThread
SOCFortress - Class in soc.game
A fortress playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge) with some scenarios.
SOCFortress(SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCFortress
Make a new fortress, with strength SOCFortress.STARTING_STRENGTH.
SOCGame - Class in soc.game
A class for holding and manipulating game data.
SOCGame(String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGame
create a new, active game
SOCGame(String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGame
create a new, active game with options and optionally a scenario (game option "SC").
SOCGame(String, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGame
create a new game that can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE
SOCGame(String, boolean, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGame
create a new game that can be ACTIVE or INACTIVE, and have options and optionally a scenario (game option "SC").
SOCGame.RollResult - Class in soc.game
Dice roll result, for reporting from SOCGame.rollDice().
SOCGame.RollResult() - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
SOCGame.SeatLockState - Enum in soc.game
Seat lock states for lock/unlock.
SOCGame.SeatLockState() - Constructor for enum soc.game.SOCGame.SeatLockState
SOCGameBoardReset - Class in soc.util
This class holds data the server needs, related to a "board reset" of a game being played.
SOCGameBoardReset(SOCGame, Vector<StringConnection>) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Create a SOCGameReset: Extract data, reset the old game, and gather new data.
SOCGameHandler - Class in soc.server
Server class to handle game-specific actions and messages for the SoC game type.
SOCGameHandler(SOCServer) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
SOCGameList - Class in soc.util
A class for creating and tracking the games; contains each game's name, game options, SOCGame object, and mutex for synchronization.
SOCGameList() - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCGameList
SOCGameList.GameInfo - Class in soc.util
Holds most information on one game, except its SOCGame object, which is kept separately.
SOCGameList.GameInfo(boolean, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
Constructor: gameOpts is null or contains game option objects
SOCGameList.GameInfo(boolean, String) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCGameList.GameInfo
Constructor: gameOptsStr is null or unparsed game options
SOCGameListAtServer - Class in soc.server
A class for creating and tracking the games; contains each game's name, game options, SOCGame object, and clients (StringConnections).
SOCGameListAtServer() - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer
SOCGameListAtServer.GameInfoAtServer - Class in soc.server
Game info including server-side information, such as the game type's GameHandler.
SOCGameListAtServer.GameInfoAtServer(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, GameHandler) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCGameListAtServer.GameInfoAtServer
Constructor, with handler and optional game options.
SOCGameMembers - Class in soc.message
This message lists all the members of a game.
SOCGameMembers(String, Vector<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
Create a GameMembers message.
SOCGameOption - Class in soc.game
Game-specific options, configurable at game creation.
SOCGameOption(String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new game option of unknown type (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_UNKNOWN).
SOCGameOption(String, int, int, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new boolean game option (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_BOOL).
SOCGameOption(String, int, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new integer game option (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_INT).
SOCGameOption(String, int, int, boolean, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new int+boolean game option (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_INTBOOL).
SOCGameOption(String, int, int, int, String[], int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new enumerated game option (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUM).
SOCGameOption(String, int, int, boolean, int, String[], int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new enumerated + boolean game option (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUMBOOL).
SOCGameOption(String, int, int, int, boolean, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new text game option (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_STR or SOCGameOption.OTYPE_STRHIDE).
SOCGameOption(int, String, int, int, boolean, int, int, int, String[], int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Create a new game option - common constructor.
SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Copy constructor for i18n localization of getDesc().
SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption, String[]) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Copy constructor for enum-valued types (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUM, SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUMBOOL), for restricting (trimming) values for a certain client version.
SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption, int) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Copy constructor for int-valued types (SOCGameOption.OTYPE_INT, SOCGameOption.OTYPE_INTBOOL), for restricting (trimming) max value for a certain client version.
SOCGameOption.ChangeListener - Interface in soc.game
Listener for option value changes at the client during game creation.
SOCGameOptionGetDefaults - Class in soc.message
Information on current defaults for new games' game options.
SOCGameOptionGetDefaults(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
Create a GameOptionGetDefaults message.
SOCGameOptionGetInfos - Class in soc.message
This message from client sends a list of game options to the server.
SOCGameOptionGetInfos(Vector<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
Create a GameOptionGetInfos Message.
SOCGameOptionInfo - Class in soc.message
Information on one available SOCGameOption game option.
SOCGameOptionInfo(SOCGameOption, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
Constructor for server to tell client about a game option.
SOCGameOptionInfo(List<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameOptionInfo
Constructor for client to parse server's reply about a game option.
SOCGameOptionVersionException - Exception in soc.game
This exception indicates game option(s) too new for a client.
SOCGameOptionVersionException(int, int, List<SOCGameOption>) - Constructor for exception soc.game.SOCGameOptionVersionException
SOCGames - Class in soc.message
This message lists all the soc games currently on a server, without game options.
SOCGames(Vector<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGames
Create a Games Message.
SOCGameServerText - Class in soc.message
This message contains a text message or announcement from the server for a SoC game.
SOCGameServerText(String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
Create a GameServerText message.
SOCGameState - Class in soc.message
This message communicates the current state of the game.
SOCGameState(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameState
Create a GameState message.
SOCGameStatistics - Class in soc.client.stats
SOCGameStatistics(SOCGame) - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics
SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent - Class in soc.client.stats
SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent(int, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent
SOCGameStatistics.DiceRolls - Class in soc.client.stats
Tracks the number of times each dice value is rolled by each player.
SOCGameStatistics.DiceRolls(List<SOCPlayer>) - Constructor for class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.DiceRolls
SOCGameStatistics.Listener - Interface in soc.client.stats
SOCGameStatistics.ListenerRegistration - Interface in soc.client.stats
SOCGameStats - Class in soc.message
This message contains the scores for the people at a game.
SOCGameStats(String, int[], boolean[]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameStats
Create a GameStats message
SOCGamesWithOptions - Class in soc.message
List of all games currently on the server, including their game options.
SOCGamesWithOptions(List<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGamesWithOptions
Constructor for client to parse server's list of games.
SOCGameTextMsg - Class in soc.message
This message contains a text message for a SoC game.
SOCGameTextMsg(String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Create a GameTextMsg message.
SOCGameTimeoutChecker - Class in soc.server
Wakes up every few seconds to check for turns that have expired by calling SOCServer.checkForExpiredTurns(long), and every 5 minutes to check for games that have expired with SOCServer.checkForExpiredGames(long).
SOCGameTimeoutChecker(SOCServer) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCGameTimeoutChecker
Create a game timeout checker
SOCHandPanel - Class in soc.client
This panel displays a player's information.
SOCHandPanel(SOCPlayerInterface, SOCPlayer, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
make a new hand panel
SOCHandPanel(SOCPlayerInterface, SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
make a new hand panel
SOCHandPanel.HandPanelAutoRollTask - Class in soc.client
Used for countdown before auto-roll of the current player.
SOCHandPanel.HandPanelAutoRollTask() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.HandPanelAutoRollTask
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem - Class in soc.client
Menu item for right-click on resource square to trade with bank/port.
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem(SOCGame, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
Create a bank/port trade MenuItem, with text such as "Trade 2 brick for 1 wheat".
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu - Class in soc.client
Menu for right-click on resource square to trade with bank/port.
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu(SOCHandPanel, String) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu - Class in soc.client
Menu for right-click on resource square to trade one resource type with bank/port.
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu(SOCHandPanel, int, ColorSquare, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Menu attached to a resource colorsquare in the client player's handpanel
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu(SOCHandPanel, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
One-time-use menu for board popup menu.
SOCImARobot - Class in soc.message
This message tells the server that the client is a robot.
SOCImARobot(String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCImARobot
Create a ImARobot message.
SOCInventory - Class in soc.game
This represents a collection of development cards, and occasional scenario-specific items.
SOCInventory() - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCInventory
Make an empty dev card and inventory item set.
SOCInventory(SOCInventory) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCInventory
Make a copy of a dev card and inventory item set.
SOCInventoryItem - Class in soc.game
An inventory item, such as a SOCDevCard or a scenario-specific item, held in a player's hand to be played later or kept until scoring at the end of the game.
SOCInventoryItem(int, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Create a new generic inventory item.
SOCInventoryItemAction - Class in soc.message
This message is a client player request, or server response or announcement, about SOCInventoryItems in a player's inventory.
SOCInventoryItemAction(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Create an InventoryItemAction message, skipping the boolean flags.
SOCInventoryItemAction(String, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Create an InventoryItemAction message, with any possible flags.
SOCInventoryItemAction(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
Create an InventoryItemAction message, with optional SOCInventoryItemAction.reasonCode.
SOCJoin - Class in soc.message
This message means that someone is joining a channel
SOCJoin(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCJoin
Create a Join Channel message.
SOCJoinAuth - Class in soc.message
This message means that the server has authorized this client to join a channel
SOCJoinAuth(String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
Create a JoinAuth message.
SOCJoinGame - Class in soc.message
This message is used to join any existing game (with or without game options).
SOCJoinGame(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCJoinGame
Create a Join Game message.
SOCJoinGameAuth - Class in soc.message
This message from server to a client means that the client's player is allowed to join the game.
SOCJoinGameAuth(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
Create a JoinGameAuth message.
socketName - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
SOCKeyedMessage - Interface in soc.message
This indicates that a SOCMessage type contains a keyed text field which needs to be localized while sending to clients.
SOCLargestArmy - Class in soc.message
This message says which player has largest army.
SOCLargestArmy(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
Create a LargestArmy message.
SOCLastSettlement - Class in soc.message
This message tells the client where the last settlement was places Used for robots during init set up
SOCLastSettlement(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
create a LastSettlement message
SOCLeave - Class in soc.message
This message means that someone is leaveing a channel
SOCLeave(String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLeave
Create a Leave message.
SOCLeaveAll - Class in soc.message
This message means that someone is leaving all the channels
SOCLeaveAll() - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLeaveAll
Create a LeaveAll message.
SOCLeaveGame - Class in soc.message
This message means that someone is leaving a game.
SOCLeaveGame(String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
Create a LeaveGame message.
SOCLegalEdges - Class in soc.message
This message contains a list of legal edges (ships or roads).
SOCLegalEdges(String, int, boolean, HashSet<Integer>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
Create a SOCLegalEdges message (roads or ships).
SOCLocalizedStrings - Class in soc.message
Message from server for i18n localization of item types such as game options or scenarios, such as SOCLocalizedStrings.TYPE_GAMEOPT or SOCLocalizedStrings.TYPE_SCENARIO, or request from client to get localized strings for specific keys of certain item types.
SOCLocalizedStrings(String, int, List<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Server-side constructor.
SOCLocalizedStrings(List<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Constructor for client to parse server's list of localized strings.
SOCLocalRobotClient - Class in soc.server
Each local robot in the SOCServer gets its own client thread.
SOCLocalRobotClient(SOCRobotClient) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCLocalRobotClient
SOCLongestRoad - Class in soc.message
This message says which player has longest road.
SOCLongestRoad(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
Create a LongestRoad message.
SOCLRPathData - Class in soc.game
SOCLRPathData(int, int, int, Vector<IntPair>) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
Creates a new SOCLRPathData object.
SOCMakeOffer - Class in soc.message
This message means that a player wants to trade with other players
SOCMakeOffer(String, SOCTradeOffer) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
Create a MakeOffer message.
SOCMembers - Class in soc.message
This message lists all the members of a chat channel
SOCMembers(String, Vector<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMembers
Create a Members message.
SOCMessage - Class in soc.message
Messages used for game data, events, and chatting on a channel.
SOCMessage() - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessage
SOCMessageForGame - Interface in soc.message
This indicates that a SOCMessage type is always about a particular game named in the message, or never about that game.
SOCMessageMulti - Class in soc.message
Message containing multiple parameters, each of which may have sub-fields.
SOCMessageMulti() - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageMulti
SOCMessageTemplate0 - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with no parameters.
SOCMessageTemplate0(int, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate1i - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 1 integer parameter.
SOCMessageTemplate1i(int, String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate1s - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 1 string parameter.
SOCMessageTemplate1s(int, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate2i - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 2 integer parameters.
SOCMessageTemplate2i(int, String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate2s - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 2 string parameters.
SOCMessageTemplate2s(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate3i - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 3 integer parameters.
SOCMessageTemplate3i(int, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate3s - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 3 string parameters.
SOCMessageTemplate3s(int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplate4i - Class in soc.message
Template for per-game message types with 4 integer parameters.
SOCMessageTemplate4i(int, String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
Create a new message.
SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame - Class in soc.message
This message means that someone is joining a game.
SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
Create a Join message.
SOCMessageTemplateMi - Class in soc.message
Template for message types with variable number of integer parameters.
SOCMessageTemplateMi(int, String, int[]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
Create a new multi-message with integer parameters.
SOCMessageTemplateMs - Class in soc.message
Template for message types with variable number of string parameters.
SOCMessageTemplateMs(int, String, List<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
Create a new multi-message with string parameters.
SOCMonopolyDialog - Class in soc.client
SOCMonopolyDialog(SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
Creates a new SOCMonopolyDialog object.
SOCMonopolyPick - Class in soc.message
This message says what resource the current player wants to monopolize
SOCMonopolyPick(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
Create a MonopolyPick message.
SOCMovePiece - Class in soc.message
This server-broadcast message announces a player is moving a piece that's already on the board, to a new location.
SOCMovePiece(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
Create a SOCMovePiece message.
SOCMovePieceRequest - Class in soc.message
This client-to-server message requests moving a piece that's already on the board, to a new location.
SOCMovePieceRequest(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
Create a SOCMovePieceRequest message.
SOCMoveRobber - Class in soc.message
This message (from client to server) means that a client player wants to move the robber or pirate ship, or (from server to all players) a player has moved the robber or pirate ship.
SOCMoveRobber(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
create a MoveRobber message
SOCMoveRobberResult - Class in soc.game
This class holds the results of moving the robber or pirate.
SOCMoveRobberResult() - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Creates a new SOCMoveRobberResult object.
SOCNewChannel - Class in soc.message
This message means that a new chat channel has been created.
SOCNewChannel(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
Create a NewChannel message.
SOCNewGame - Class in soc.message
This message to all clients means that a new game has been created.
SOCNewGame(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCNewGame
Create a NewGame message.
SOCNewGameWithOptions - Class in soc.message
This broadcast message from server announces a new game, with a certain version and possibly game options, to all clients.
SOCNewGameWithOptions(String, String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
Create a SOCNewGameWithOptions message.
SOCNewGameWithOptions(String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
Create a SOCNewGameWithOptions message.
SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest - Class in soc.message
This message means that client wants to create a new game, with options; needs same username/password options as JOINGAME.
SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest(String, String, String, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
Create a NewGameWithOptionsRequest message.
SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
Create a NewGameWithOptionsRequest message.
SOCNumberProbabilities - Interface in soc.robot
This is a list of probabilities for how often each dice number comes up.
SOCOldLRStats - Class in soc.game
This keeps track of the old LR stats (Longest Road).
SOCOldLRStats(SOCGame) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCOldLRStats
Remembers the game's current LR player and each player's LR lengths.
SOCPI_isPlatformWindows - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Are we running on the Windows platform, according to SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPI_osName?
SOCPI_osName - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
System property os.name; For use by SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPI_isPlatformWindows.
SOCPickResources - Class in soc.message
This message from client means that the client player has picked these resources to receive from the gold hex.
SOCPickResources(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPickResources
Create a Pick Resources message.
SOCPickResources(String, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPickResources
Create a Pick Resources message.
SOCPickResourcesRequest - Class in soc.message
This message from server to a client informs the client's player that in a game they're playing, they must pick which resources they want from a gold hex.
SOCPickResourcesRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPickResourcesRequest
Create a SOCPickResourcesRequest message.
SOCPieceValue - Class in soc.message
This message from server updates the value(s) of a piece on the board.
SOCPieceValue(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPieceValue
Create a SOCPieceValue message.
SOCPlayDevCardRequest - Class in soc.message
This message from client means that a player wants to play a development card.
SOCPlayDevCardRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
Create a PlayDevCardRequest message.
SOCPlayer - Class in soc.game
A class for holding and manipulating player data.
SOCPlayer(SOCPlayer) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayer
create a copy of the player
SOCPlayer(int, SOCGame) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Create a new player for a new empty board.
SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo - Class in soc.game
Holds details of SOCPlayer.getSpecialVP().
SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo(int, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo
SOCPlayerAction - Class in soc.robot
SOCPlayerAction(int, SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPlayerAction
SOCPlayerClient - Class in soc.client
Standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer.
SOCPlayerClient() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Create a SOCPlayerClient connecting to localhost port SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOC_PORT_DEFAULT.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork - Class in soc.client
Helper object to encapsulate and deal with network connectivity.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork(SOCPlayerClient) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask - Class in soc.client
A task to continuously read from the server socket.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask(SOCPlayerClient, SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOCPlayerLocalStringReader - Class in soc.client
For practice games, reader thread to get messages from the practice server to be treated and reacted to.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOCPlayerLocalStringReader(LocalStringConnection) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOCPlayerLocalStringReader
Start a new thread and listen to practice server.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter - Class in soc.client
React to windowOpened, windowClosing events for GameAwtDisplay's Frame.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter
SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay - Class in soc.client
A SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay implementation for AWT.
SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay(boolean, SOCPlayerClient) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Create a new GameAwtDisplay for this client.
SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay - Interface in soc.client
A facade for the SOCPlayerClient to use to invoke actions in the GUI
SOCPlayerClient.GameManager - Class in soc.client
Nested class for processing outgoing messages (putting).
SOCPlayerClient.GameManager(SOCPlayerClient) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask - Class in soc.client
TimerTask used when new game is asked for, to prevent waiting forever for game option defaults.
SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, ServerGametypeInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask
SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask - Class in soc.client
TimerTask used soon after client connect, to prevent waiting forever for game options info (assume slow connection or server bug).
SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, ServerGametypeInfo) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask
SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater - Class in soc.client
Nested class for processing incoming messages (treating).
SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater(SOCPlayerClient) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
SOCPlayerElement - Class in soc.message
This message conveys one part of the player's status, such as their number of settlements remaining.
SOCPlayerElement(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Create a PlayerElement message.
SOCPlayerElements - Class in soc.message
This message from the server holds information on some parts of the player's status, such as resource type counts.
SOCPlayerElements(String, int, int, int[], int[]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Constructor for server to tell client about player elements.
SOCPlayerInterface - Class in soc.client
Window with interface for a player in one game of Settlers of Catan.
SOCPlayerInterface(String, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCGame) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Create and show a new player interface.
SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog - Class in soc.client
Modal dialog to ask whether to move the robber or the pirate ship.
SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog
Creates a new ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog.
SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog - Class in soc.client
Modal dialog to ask whether to rob cloth or a resource from the victim.
SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog(int) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog
Creates a new ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog.
SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge - Class in soc.client
Client Bridge to translate interface to SOCPlayerInterface methods.
SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge(SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge
Create a new ClientBridge for this playerinterface and its SOCGame.
SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter - Class in soc.client
React to window closing or losing focus (deactivation).
SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter
SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the modal dialog to confirm resetting the board after a practice game.
SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog
Creates a new ResetBoardConfirmDialog.
SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the modal dialog to vote on another player's board reset request.
SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface, String, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog
Creates a new ResetBoardVoteDialog.
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask - Class in soc.client
When timer fires, show discard message or picking-resource message for any other player (not client player) who must discard or pick.
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask(SOCPlayerInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask
Create a new SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask.
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextDisplaysLargerTask - Class in soc.client
For 6-player board, make the text displays larger/smaller when mouse enters/exits them.
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextDisplaysLargerTask() - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextDisplaysLargerTask
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener - Class in soc.client
Used for chat textfield setting/clearing initial prompt text (TEXTINPUT_INITIAL_PROMPT_MSG).
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener(SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener
SOCPlayerNumbers - Class in soc.game
This class tracks what dice-roll numbers a player's pieces are touching, and the probability of getting resources based on their hex types.
SOCPlayerNumbers(SOCPlayerNumbers) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
make a copy of the player numbers
SOCPlayerNumbers(SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
the constructor for a player's dice-resource numbers.
SOCPlayerStats - Class in soc.message
Statistics of one type for one player.
SOCPlayerStats(SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Constructor for server to tell client about a player stat.
SOCPlayerStats(String, int[]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Constructor for client to parse message from server.
SOCPlayerTracker - Class in soc.robot
This class is used by the SOCRobotBrain to track strategic planning information such as possible building spots for itself and other players.
SOCPlayerTracker(SOCPlayer, SOCRobotBrain) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
SOCPlayerTracker(SOCPlayerTracker) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Copy constructor.
SOCPlayingPiece - Class in soc.game
Playing pieces for Settlers of Catan.
SOCPlayingPiece(int, SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Make a new piece, which is owned by a player.
SOCPlayingPiece(int, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Make a new piece, which belongs to the board and never to players.
SOCPossibleCard - Class in soc.robot
This is a possible card that we can buy
SOCPossibleCard(SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCard
SOCPossibleCard(SOCPossibleCard) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCard
copy constructor
SOCPossibleCity - Class in soc.robot
This is a possible city that we can build
SOCPossibleCity(SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCity
SOCPossibleCity(SOCPossibleCity) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCity
copy constructor Note: This will not copy vectors, only make empty ones
SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem - Class in soc.robot
This is a possible Special Item Pick that we can request from the server, with a SOCSetSpecialItem.OP_PICK message.
SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem(SOCPlayer, String, int, int, int, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem
SOCPossiblePiece - Class in soc.robot
Pieces that a player might build, or action (buy card) a player might take.
SOCPossiblePiece(int, SOCPlayer, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
Construct a SOCPossiblePiece.
SOCPossibleRoad - Class in soc.robot
This is a possible road that we can build.
SOCPossibleRoad(SOCPlayer, int, Vector<SOCPossibleRoad>) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
SOCPossibleRoad(SOCPossibleRoad) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleRoad
copy constructor Note: This will not copy the vectors, just make empty ones
SOCPossibleSettlement - Class in soc.robot
This is a possible settlement that we can build
SOCPossibleSettlement(SOCPlayer, int, Vector<SOCPossibleRoad>) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
SOCPossibleSettlement(SOCPossibleSettlement) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
copy constructor Note: This will not copy vectors, only make empty ones
SOCPossibleShip - Class in soc.robot
This is a possible ship that we can build.
SOCPossibleShip(SOCPlayer, int, boolean, Vector<SOCPossibleRoad>) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleShip
SOCPossibleShip(SOCPossibleShip) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCPossibleShip
copy constructor Note: This will not copy the vectors, just make empty ones
SOCPotentialSettlements - Class in soc.message
This message contains a list of potential settlements.
SOCPotentialSettlements(String, int, Vector<Integer>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Create a SOCPotentialSettlements message.
SOCPotentialSettlements(String, int, int, HashSet<Integer>[], int[][]) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Create a SOCPotentialSettlements message with multiple land areas, each of which have a set of legal settlements, but only one of which has potential settlements at this time.
SOCPracticeAskDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the dialog to ask players if they want to join an existing practice game, or start a new one.
SOCPracticeAskDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCPracticeAskDialog
Creates a new SOCPracticeAskDialog.
SOCPutPiece - Class in soc.message
This message means that a player is asking to place, or has placed, a piece on the board.
SOCPutPiece(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
create a PutPiece message
SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the dialog to confirm when someone closes the client.
SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, Frame, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
Creates a new SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog.
SOCQuitConfirmDialog - Class in soc.client
This is the modal dialog to confirm when someone clicks the Quit Game button.
SOCQuitConfirmDialog(SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
Creates a new SOCQuitConfirmDialog.
SOCRejectConnection - Class in soc.message
This message means that a client isn't allowed to connect
SOCRejectConnection(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
Create a RejectConnection message.
SOCRejectOffer - Class in soc.message
This message means that the player is rejecting an offer.
SOCRejectOffer(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
Create a RejectOffer message.
SOCRemovePiece - Class in soc.message
This message from server announces a SOCShip removed from the board.
SOCRemovePiece(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRemovePiece
Create a SOCRemovePiece message.
SOCRemovePiece(String, SOCPlayingPiece) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRemovePiece
Create a SOCRemovePiece message for this piece.
SOCReplaceRequest - Class in soc.server
This is a pair of connections, one is sitting at the game and the other is leaving.
SOCReplaceRequest(StringConnection, StringConnection, SOCSitDown) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCReplaceRequest
Make a new request
SOCResetBoardAuth - Class in soc.message
This message from server informs the client that a game they're playing has been "reset" to a new game (with same name and players, new layout), and they should join at the given position.
SOCResetBoardAuth(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCResetBoardAuth
Create a ResetBoardAuth message.
SOCResetBoardReject - Class in soc.message
This message from server informs all clients that voting has ended, and the board reset request has been rejected.
SOCResetBoardReject(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCResetBoardReject
Create a SOCResetBoardReject message.
SOCResetBoardRequest - Class in soc.message
This message from client to server requests a "reset board" of a game being played.
SOCResetBoardRequest(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCResetBoardRequest
Create a ResetBoardRequest message.
SOCResetBoardVote - Class in soc.message
This bi-directional message gives the client's vote on a "board reset", which was requested by another player in that game.
SOCResetBoardVote(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
Create a SOCResetBoardVote message.
SOCResetBoardVoteRequest - Class in soc.message
This message from server informs the client that in a game they're playing, another player requests a "board reset" (new game with same name and players, new layout), and they should vote yes or no.
SOCResetBoardVoteRequest(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
Create a SOCResetBoardVoteRequest message.
SOCResourceConstants - Class in soc.game
This is a list of constants for representing types of resources in Settlers of Catan.
SOCResourceConstants() - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
SOCResourceCount - Class in soc.message
This message has the total resource count for a player
SOCResourceCount(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
Create a ResourceCount message.
SOCResourceSet - Class in soc.game
This represents a collection of clay, ore, sheep, wheat, and wood resources.
SOCResourceSet() - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Make an empty resource set
SOCResourceSet(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Make a resource set with stuff in it
SOCResourceSet(int[]) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Make a resource set from an array
SOCResSetBuildTimePair - Class in soc.robot
this class holds a SOCResourceSet and a building type
SOCResSetBuildTimePair(SOCResourceSet, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
the constructor
SOCResSetBuildTypePair - Class in soc.robot
this class holds a SOCResourceSet and a building type
SOCResSetBuildTypePair(SOCResourceSet, int) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
the constructor
SOCRevealFogHex - Class in soc.message
This message from server reveals a hex previously hidden by fog on the large sea board.
SOCRevealFogHex(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRevealFogHex
Create a SOCRevealFogHex message.
SOCRoad - Class in soc.game
A road playing piece, or (on the large sea board) a ship playing piece.
SOCRoad(SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCRoad
Make a new road
SOCRobotBrain - Class in soc.robot
AI for playing Settlers of Catan.
SOCRobotBrain(SOCRobotClient, SOCRobotParameters, SOCGame, CappedQueue<SOCMessage>) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Create a robot brain to play a game.
SOCRobotClient - Class in soc.robot
This is a robot client that can play Settlers of Catan.
SOCRobotClient(String, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Constructor for connecting to the specified host, on the specified port
SOCRobotClient(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Constructor for connecting to a local game (practice) on a local stringport.
SOCRobotDismiss - Class in soc.message
This message means that the server wants the robot who receives this message to leave the game.
SOCRobotDismiss(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
Create a RobotDismiss message.
SOCRobotDM - Class in soc.robot
Moved the routines that pick what to build or buy next out of SOCRobotBrain.
SOCRobotDM(SOCRobotBrain) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
SOCRobotDM(SOCRobotParameters, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>, SOCPlayerTracker, SOCPlayer, Stack<SOCPossiblePiece>) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Constructor to use if you don't want to use a brain.
SOCRobotJoinGameRequest - Class in soc.message
This message means that the server is asking this robot client to join a game.
SOCRobotJoinGameRequest(String, int, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
Create a RobotJoinGameRequest message.
SOCRobotNegotiator - Class in soc.robot
Make and consider resource trade offers with other players.
SOCRobotNegotiator(SOCRobotBrain) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
SOCRobotParameters - Class in soc.util
This is a class to store a list of robot parameters.
SOCRobotParameters(int, int, float, float, float, float, float, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
SOCRobotParameters(SOCRobotParameters) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
copy constructor
SOCRobotPinger - Class in soc.robot
Pings the robots so that they can have a sense of time
SOCRobotPinger(CappedQueue<SOCMessage>, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
Create a robot pinger
SOCRobotResetThread - Class in soc.robot
When this thread wakes up it calls the disconnectReconnect method of the SOCRobotClient that spawned it
SOCRobotResetThread(SOCRobotClient) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
SOCRollDice - Class in soc.message
This message is a request from client to server; client player wants to roll the dice.
SOCRollDice(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRollDice
Create a RollDice message.
SOCRollDicePrompt - Class in soc.message
This message from server informs all players whose turn it is, so they may roll the dice, or take other action allowable at that time.
SOCRollDicePrompt(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
Create a RollDicePrompt message.
SOCRollDiceRequest - Class in soc.message
This message requests that the player rolls the dice this client to join a game
SOCRollDiceRequest(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
Create a RollDiceRequest message.
SOCScenario - Class in soc.game
Scenarios for game rules and options on the large sea board.
SOCScenario(String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCScenario
Create a new unknown scenario (isKnown false).
SOCScenario(String, int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCScenario
Create a new known game scenario.
SOCScenario(boolean, String, int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCScenario
Create a new game scenario - common constructor.
SOCScenarioEventListener - Interface in soc.game
Listener for scenario events on the large sea board.
SOCScenarioGameEvent - Enum in soc.game
Scenario event codes which affect the game or board, not only a specific player.
SOCScenarioGameEvent(int) - Constructor for enum soc.game.SOCScenarioGameEvent
SOCScenarioInfo - Class in soc.message
A client's request for updated SOCScenario info, or server's reply with information on one available SOCScenario (including localization).
SOCScenarioInfo(SOCScenario, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Constructor for server to tell client about a scenario, or mark the end of the list of scenarios.
SOCScenarioInfo(String, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Constructor for client to ask the server for info about a single scenario, or for server to tell client that a requested scenario is unknown.
SOCScenarioInfo(List<String>, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Constructor for client to ask a server for info about any new or changed scenarios and/or about specific scenario keys.
SOCScenarioInfo(List<String>) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCScenarioInfo
Constructor to parse an incoming message; see SOCScenarioInfo.parseDataStr(List) for expected pa format.
SOCScenarioPlayerEvent - Enum in soc.game
Per-player scenario event codes.
SOCScenarioPlayerEvent(int) - Constructor for enum soc.game.SOCScenarioPlayerEvent
SOCServer - Class in soc.server
A server for Settlers of Catan
SOCServer(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCServer
Create a Settlers of Catan server listening on TCP port p.
SOCServer(int, Properties) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCServer
Create a Settlers of Catan server listening on TCP port p.
SOCServer(String, int, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCServer
Create a Settlers of Catan server listening on local stringport s.
SOCServerFeatures - Class in soc.util
Set of optional server features that are currently active.
SOCServerFeatures(boolean) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Create a new empty SOCServerFeatures, with none active or defaults active.
SOCServerFeatures(String) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Create a new SOCServerFeatures from an encoded list; useful at client.
SOCServerFeatures(SOCServerFeatures) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Create a new SOCServerFeatures by copying another.
SOCServerPing - Class in soc.message
This is a ping message from the server, or its reply from the client.
SOCServerPing(int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCServerPing
Create a ServerPing message.
SOCServerRobotPinger - Class in soc.server
Pings the robots so that they know that they're connected to the server
SOCServerRobotPinger(SOCServer, Vector<StringConnection>) - Constructor for class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
Create a server robot pinger
SOCSetPlayedDevCard - Class in soc.message
This message sets the flag which says if a player has played a development card this turn
SOCSetPlayedDevCard(String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
Create a SetPlayedDevCard message.
SOCSetSeatLock - Class in soc.message
This message sets the lock state of a seat.
SOCSetSeatLock(String, int, SOCGame.SeatLockState) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
Create a SetSeatLock message.
SOCSetSpecialItem - Class in soc.message
This message is to pick, set, or clear a SOCSpecialItem in the game and/or owning player's Special Item list.
SOCSetSpecialItem(SOCGame, int, String, int, int, SOCSpecialItem) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Create a SOCSetSpecialItem message with data fields from an item object.
SOCSetSpecialItem(String, int, String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Create a SOCSetSpecialItem message, specifying all field values except coordinate (-1), level (0), stringValue (null).
SOCSetSpecialItem(String, int, String, int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Create a SOCSetSpecialItem message, specifying all field values.
SOCSettlement - Class in soc.game
A settlement playing piece
SOCSettlement(SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCSettlement
Make a new settlement
SOCSetTurn - Class in soc.message
This message from server to client says whose turn it is.
SOCSetTurn(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetTurn
Create a SetTurn message.
SOCSetupDone - Class in soc.message
This message means that all players are done placing their initial settlements.
SOCSetupDone(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
Create a SetupDone message.
SOCShip - Class in soc.game
A ship playing piece, on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge).
SOCShip(SOCPlayer, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCShip
Make a new ship.
SOCSimpleAction - Class in soc.message
This generic message from the server to clients handles a simple action or event for a client player in a game.
SOCSimpleAction(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
Create a SOCSimpleAction message.
SOCSimpleAction(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
Create a SOCSimpleAction message with a detail value.
SOCSimpleAction(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
Create a SOCSimpleAction message with 2 detail values.
SOCSimpleRequest - Class in soc.message
This generic message handles a simple request from a client player in a game.
SOCSimpleRequest(String, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
Create a SOCSimpleRequest message.
SOCSimpleRequest(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
Create a SOCSimpleRequest message with a detail value.
SOCSimpleRequest(String, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
Create a SOCSimpleRequest message with 2 detail values.
SOCSitDown - Class in soc.message
This message means that a player wants to sit down to play.
SOCSitDown(String, String, int, boolean) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSitDown
Create a SitDown message.
SOCSpecialItem - Class in soc.game
A special item for Settlers scenarios or expansions.
SOCSpecialItem(SOCPlayer, int, SOCResourceSet, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Make a new item, optionally owned by a player.
SOCSpecialItem(SOCPlayer, int, int, String, SOCResourceSet, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Make a new item, optionally owned by a player, with an optional level and string value.
SOCSpecialItem.Requirement - Class in soc.game
Data structure and parser for a special item's requirements.
SOCSpecialItem.Requirement(char, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
Create a Requirement item with these field values.
SOCSpecialItemDialog - Class in soc.client
This is a modal dialog for info / actions related to known SOCSpecialItems.
SOCSpecialItemDialog(SOCPlayerInterface, String) - Constructor for class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Creates a new SOCSpecialItemDialog object for known types of special items.
SOCStartGame - Class in soc.message
From client, this message means that a player wants to start the game; from server, it means that a game has just started, leaving state NEW.
SOCStartGame(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCStartGame
Create a StartGame message.
SOCStatusMessage - Class in soc.message
This is a text message that shows in a status box on the client.
SOCStatusMessage(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Create a StatusMessage message, with status value 0 (SOCStatusMessage.SV_OK).
SOCStatusMessage(int, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Create a StatusMessage message, with a nonzero status value.
SOCStringManager - Class in soc.util
String Manager for retrieving I18N localized text from .properties bundle files with special methods for formatting JSettlers objects.
SOCStringManager(String) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Create a string manager for the bundles at bundlePath with the default locale.
SOCStringManager(String, Locale) - Constructor for class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Create a string manager for the bundles at bundlePath with a certain Locale.
SOCSVPTextMessage - Class in soc.message
Message from server to game's clients, with the number of Special Victory Points (SVP) and reason the player was awarded them.
SOCSVPTextMessage(String, int, int, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Create a new SVPTEXTMSG message.
SOCTextMsg - Class in soc.message
This message contains a text message
SOCTextMsg(String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
Create a TextMsg message.
SOCTimingPing - Class in soc.message
This message contains a timing ping sent by the server to each robot, once each second.
SOCTimingPing(String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
Create a SOCTimingPing message.
SOCTradeOffer - Class in soc.game
This class represents a trade offer in Settlers of Catan
SOCTradeOffer(String, int, boolean[], SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
The constructor for a SOCTradeOffer
SOCTradeOffer(SOCTradeOffer) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
make a copy of this offer
SOCTradeTree - Class in soc.robot
This is a tree that contains possible trade offers and how they're related to each other.
SOCTradeTree(SOCResourceSet, SOCTradeTree) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
this is a constructor
SOCTradeTree(SOCResourceSet) - Constructor for class soc.robot.SOCTradeTree
this is a constructor
SOCTurn - Class in soc.message
This message from server to client signals end of the current player's turn.
SOCTurn(String, int) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCTurn
Create a Turn message.
SOCUpdateRobotParams - Class in soc.message
This message means that the robot client needs to update the robot parameters with the contained information
SOCUpdateRobotParams(SOCRobotParameters) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
Create a UpdateRobotParams message.
SOCVersion - Class in soc.message
This message sends the server's version and features, or client's version and locale, to the other side of the connection.
SOCVersion(int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class soc.message.SOCVersion
Create a Version message.
SOCVersionedItem - Class in soc.game
Information/objects which can change or have new ones with different versions.
SOCVersionedItem(String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Create a new unknown item (== false).
SOCVersionedItem(String, int, int, boolean, String) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCVersionedItem
Create a new versioned item.
SOCVillage - Class in soc.game
A village playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge) with some scenarios.
SOCVillage(int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCVillage
SOCVillage(int, int, int, SOCBoard) - Constructor for class soc.game.SOCVillage
Make a new village, which has a certain amount of cloth.
sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame, SOCGame, Vector<StringConnection>, StringConnection[], StringConnection[]) - Static method in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots.
spacedEquals - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
If true, the key and value are separated by " = " instead of "=".
sPan - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Text search panel, not always visible, at bottom of window below PropertiesTranslatorEditor.jtab
SPECIAL_BUILDING - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The 6-player board's Special Building Phase.
SPECIAL_EDGE_DEV_CARD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Special Edge Type code that gives a development card when player reaches a special edge.
SPECIAL_EDGE_LAYOUT_PARTS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Names of optional Added Layout Parts which contain Special Edges when present, currently "CE" and "VE".
SPECIAL_EDGE_SVP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Special Edge Type code that gives a Special Victory Point when player reaches a special edge.
SPECIAL_EDGE_TYPES - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Special Edge type codes, such as SOCBoardLarge.SPECIAL_EDGE_DEV_CARD, for all Added Layout Parts which contain Special Edges when present.
specialBuildPhase_afterPlayerNumber - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
For the 6-player board's Special Building Phase, the player number whose normal turn (roll, place, etc) has just ended.
specialEdges - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Map of special edge coordinates to types.
SPECIALVICTORYPOINTS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Items to update via SOCHandPanel.updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType); for items not appearing in SOCPlayerElement.
specialVP - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The number of Special Victory Points (SVPs), which are awarded in certain game scenarios on the large sea board.
specialVP - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Special Victory Points (SVP) awarded for placing this piece, if any.
specialVPEvent - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
If SOCPlayingPiece.specialVP != 0, the event for which the SVP was awarded.
SpeechBalloon - Class in soc.client
This is a rectangular speech balloon shape for use in the hand panel.
SpeechBalloon(Color) - Constructor for class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
speedup - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCity
Speedup per building type.
speedup - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
Speedup per building type.
spItems - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Game's SOCSpecialItems, if any, by type.
spItems - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Player's SOCSpecialItems, if any, by type.
sqListener - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
sqPanel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Trade offer resource squares; visible only for client's own player
sqPanelZerosChange(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If trade offer is set/cleared, enable/disable buttons accordingly.
squareChanged(ColorSquare, int, int) - Method in interface soc.client.ColorSquareListener
Called by ColorSquare when clicked and value changes.
squareChanged(ColorSquare, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SquaresPanel
Called by colorsquare when clicked; if we're part of a HandPanel, could enable/disable its buttons based on new value.
squareH - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Size per instance, for ColorSquareLarger
squares - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Offer's resources; counter-offer is TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel.counterOfferSquares.
squareSize - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
SquaresPanel - Class in soc.client
Display grid of give/get resources for trade and bank/port offers.
SquaresPanel(boolean) - Constructor for class soc.client.SquaresPanel
Creates a new SquaresPanel object.
SquaresPanel(boolean, SOCHandPanel) - Constructor for class soc.client.SquaresPanel
Creates a new SquaresPanel object, as part of a SOCHandPanel.
squareW - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Size per instance, for ColorSquareLarger
sr - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel
Search: PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel.sr and PropertiesTranslatorEditor.PTSwingTableModel.sc are the row and column of the previous matching cell, if any.
src - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Source file already chosen by user before this dialog; see PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog.dest
src - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Source file chosen here by user, if any, or null if they cancelled; see PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.dest
src1 - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Source file choices or null.
src2 - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Source file choices or null.
srcComment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry
Comment field strings start with # and are trimmed; may be null or "" on blank lines.
srcComment - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Preceding comment lines and/or blank lines in the source language, or null; same format as PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine.comment
srcFile - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
srcOther - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Source file choices or null.
srcParsedDupeKeys - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
Any duplicate keys found during parsing, or null if none.
srcSpacedEquals - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
If true, the key and value are separated by " = " instead of "=".
srcValue - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
Value in source language, or null for a key defined only in the destination file, or for empty strings or only whitespace.
srv - Variable in class soc.server.GameHandler
srv - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionSetCheckerTask
srv - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask
srv - Variable in class soc.server.SOCForceEndTurnThread
srv - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
Our server.
SRV_VERSION_MIN - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Minimum server version (v1.1.19) to which this account-management client will connect.
srvOpts - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask
srvOpts - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask
srvShutPassword - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
JM temp - generated password to allow clean server shutdown.
srvShutPasswordExpire - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
JM temp - expiration of SOCServer.srvShutPassword.
ss - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
start() - Method in class soc.client.SOCApplet
Called when the applet should start it's work.
START - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
START1A - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Players place first settlement.
START1B - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Players place first road.
START2A - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Players place second settlement.
START2B - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Players place second road.
START3A - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
(Game scenarios) Players place third settlement.
START3B - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Players place third road.
startBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
startedLocalServer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
A local server has been started; disable other options ("Connect", etc) but not Practice.
startFaceId - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList.FaceChooserRow
startGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
the user is starting the game
startGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
the user is starting the game
startGame() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Game play is starting (leaving state SOCGame.NEW).
startGame() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
do the things involved in starting a game: shuffle the tiles and cards, make a board, set players' legal and potential piece locations, choose first player.
STARTGAME - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
startGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.GameHandler
Do the things you need to do to start a game and send its data to the clients.
startGame(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
Do the things you need to do to start a game and send its data to the clients.
startGame_putInitPieces(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
For scenario game option _SC_PIRI, place each player's initial pieces.
startGame_setupDevCards() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
For SOCGame.startGame(), fill and shuffle the development card deck.
STARTING_CLOTH - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Default starting amount of cloth for a village (5).
STARTING_GENERAL_CLOTH - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Default starting amount of cloth for the board general supply (10).
STARTING_LANDAREAS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Player's starting land area numbers.
STARTING_STRENGTH - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCFortress
Default starting strength for a fortress (3).
startingLandArea - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
When players must start the game in a certain land area, the starting land area number; also its index in SOCBoardLarge.landAreasLegalNodes, because that set of legal nodes is also the players' potential settlement nodes.
startingLandArea - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
Which land area number is SOCPotentialSettlements.psList within SOCPotentialSettlements.landAreasLegalNodes? 0 if none, because the game has started.
startingLandArea1 - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The land area(s) of the player's initial settlements, if SOCGame.hasSeaBoard and the board defines Land Areas (null != SOCBoardLarge.getLandAreasLegalNodes()).
startingLandArea2 - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The land area(s) of the player's initial settlements, if SOCGame.hasSeaBoard and the board defines Land Areas (null != SOCBoardLarge.getLandAreasLegalNodes()).
startLocalTCPServer(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Setup for locally hosting a TCP server.
startPracticeGame(String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
Start a practice game.
startPracticeGame() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Create a game name, and start a practice game.
startPracticeGame(String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Setup for practice game (on the non-tcp server).
startRecording(Object) - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
Start recording the current plan information
startRobotOnlyGames(boolean) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Start a few robot-only games if SOCServer.numRobotOnlyGamesRemaining > 0.
STARTS_WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Just placed an initial piece, waiting for current player to choose which Gold Hex resources to receive.
startTime - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Time when this game was created, or null if not SOCGame.active when created.
startTime - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
start time
startTime - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
the time that this server was started
state - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameState
Game state
state - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
The state of the lock.
state - Variable in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
staticCreateBoard(Map<String, SOCGameOption>, boolean, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory
Create a new Settlers of Catan Board based on gameOpts; this is a factory method.
statsBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
statsDisposing() - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
statsDisposing() - Method in interface soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.Listener
statsFrame - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
STATSPREFEX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
STATSPREFEX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Game statistics prefix
statsUpdated(SOCGameStatistics) - Method in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
statsUpdated(SOCGameStatistics) - Method in interface soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.Listener
status - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
status - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Status from server, or progress/error message updated by client
status - Variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Status message
STATUS_CANNOT_JOIN_THIS_GAME - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
Status text to indicate client cannot join a game.
STATUSMESSAGE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
statusValidAtVersion(int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Is this status value defined in this version? If not, SOCStatusMessage.SV_NOT_OK_GENERIC should be sent instead.
stealFromPlayer(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
the current player has choosen a victim to rob.
stealFromPlayerPirateFleet(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
In game scenario _SC_PIRI, the pirate fleet is moved every dice roll, and may steal from the single player with an adjacent settlement or city.
stillAvailable - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Is this still visible and interactive? (vs already dismissed)
STLMT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
stopChecking() - Method in class soc.server.SOCGameTimeoutChecker
stopPinger() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotPinger
stopPinger() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServerRobotPinger
Cleanly exit the thread's run loop.
stopRecording() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
stop recording and store the vector in the table
stopRobotResetThread() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotResetThread
stopServer() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
The server is being cleanly stopped, disconnect all the connections.
stopServer() - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
The server is being cleanly stopped.
stopServer(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
The server is being cleanly stopped.
storeGameScores(SOCGame) - Method in class soc.server.SOCServer
Save game stats in the database.
str - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.Command
strategyType - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
strategyType - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
streamtoword(byte[], int[]) - Static method in class soc.server.BCrypt
Cycically extract a word of key material
strength - Variable in class soc.game.SOCFortress
What is this fortress' strength? Begins at SOCFortress.STARTING_STRENGTH.
StringConnection - Class in soc.server.genericServer
StringConnection allows clients and servers to communicate, with no difference between local and actual networked traffic.
StringConnection() - Constructor for class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
StringManager - Class in net.nand.util.i18n.mgr
String Manager for retrieving I18N localized text from .properties bundle files.
StringManager(String) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.mgr.StringManager
Create a string manager for the bundles at bundlePath with the default locale.
StringManager(String, Locale) - Constructor for class net.nand.util.i18n.mgr.StringManager
Create a string manager for the bundles at bundlePath with a certain Locale.
stringMgr - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
The server-side string manager for app-specific client message formatting, or null.
strings - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
i18n text strings; if null, call PropertiesTranslatorEditor.initStringManager() to initialize.
strings - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
i18n text strings, taken from PropertiesTranslatorEditor.strings; if that's null, call PropertiesTranslatorEditor.initStringManager() to initialize.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.NotifyDialog
i18n text strings
strings - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
i18n text strings.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
i18n text strings.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCMonopolyDialog
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
i18n text strings in our SOCPlayerClient.cliLocale.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPracticeAskDialog
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
i18n text strings.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame
i18n text strings
strings - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
i18n text strings; will use same locale as SOCPlayerClient's string manager.
StringServerSocket - Interface in soc.server.genericServer
StringServerSocket allows server applications to communicate with clients, with no difference between local and actual networked traffic.
StringUtil - Class in org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext
String utilities and i18n pseudolocalization from the JBoss Ant-Gettext utilities.
StringUtil() - Constructor for class org.fedorahosted.tennera.antgettext.StringUtil
strKey - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
i18n string key for this type of item, to be resolved by SOCStringManager to something like "Market (1VP)"
strSocketName - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
strSocketName - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
LocalStringServerSocket name, or null for network mode.
strValue - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
styleAsDefault(Button) - Static method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Since we can't designate as default visually through the standard AWT API, try to bold the button text or set its color to white.
STYPE_MAX - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Highest-numbered stat stype in this version (1)
STYPE_MIN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Lowest-numbered stats type (1)
STYPE_RES_ROLL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Stats type 1: Resource roll stats.
submit - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
submitLock - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
subtract(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
subtract an amount from a resource.
subtract(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
subtract an entire resource set.
subtractFromScore(float) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
subtract from score
subtractValue(int) - Method in class soc.client.ColorSquare
superText1 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Text to be displayed as 2 lines superimposed over center of the board graphic (during game setup).
superText1_w - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superText2 - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Text to be displayed as 2 lines superimposed over center of the board graphic (during game setup).
superText2_w - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superText_des - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superText_h - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
SUPERTEXT_INSET - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Pixel spacing around SOCBoardPanel.superText1, SOCBoardPanel.superText2, SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop
SUPERTEXT_PADDING_HORIZ - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Pixel spacing around SOCBoardPanel.superText1, SOCBoardPanel.superText2, SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop
superTextBox_h - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superTextBox_w - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superTextBox_x - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superTextBox_y - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superText1 and SOCBoardPanel.superText2 if known, or 0.
superTextTop - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Text to be displayed as 1 line superimposed over the top-center of the board graphic (during game play).
superTextTop_h - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop if known, or 0.
superTextTop_w - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop if known, or 0.
superTextTopBox_h - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop if known, or 0.
superTextTopBox_w - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop if known, or 0.
superTextTopBox_x - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Width, height of SOCBoardPanel.superTextTop if known, or 0.
suspend() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
suspend recording
sv - Variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
Optional string value field, or null; this field's meaning is specific to the item's typeKey.
sv - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Optional string value from SOCSpecialItem.getStringValue(), or null.
SV_ACCT_CREATED_OK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
For account creation, new account was created successfully = 7
SV_ACCT_CREATED_OK_FIRST_ONE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
For account creation, new account was created successfully and was the first account = 18.
SV_ACCT_NOT_CREATED_DENIED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
For account creation, the requesting user's account is not authorized to create accounts = 17.
SV_ACCT_NOT_CREATED_ERR - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
For account creation, an error prevented the account from being created, or server doesn't use accounts, = 8.
SV_CANT_JOIN_GAME_VERSION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
This game version is too new for your client's version to join = 5
SV_NAME_IN_USE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
This name is already logged in = 4.
SV_NAME_NOT_FOUND - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Name not found in server's accounts = 2.
SV_NEWCHANNEL_TOO_MANY_CREATED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New chat channel requested, but client already has created too many active channels.
SV_NEWGAME_ALREADY_EXISTS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New game requested with game options, but this game already exists = 11
SV_NEWGAME_NAME_REJECTED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New game requested, but name of game or player does not meet standards = 12
SV_NEWGAME_NAME_TOO_LONG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New game requested, but name of game or player is too long = 13.
SV_NEWGAME_OPTION_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New game requested with game options, but some are not recognized by the server = 9
SV_NEWGAME_OPTION_VALUE_TOONEW - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New game requested with game options, but this option or value is too new for the client to handle = 10
SV_NEWGAME_TOO_MANY_CREATED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
New game requested, but client already has created too many active games.
SV_NOT_OK_GENERIC - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
SV_NOT_OK_GENERIC = 1 : Generic "not OK" status value.
SV_OK - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Status value constants.
SV_OK_DEBUG_MODE_ON - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Client has connected successfully (SOCStatusMessage.SV_OK) and the server's Debug Mode is on.
SV_PROBLEM_WITH_DB - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Cannot log in or create account due to a temporary database problem = 6
SV_PW_REQUIRED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Password required but missing = 16.
SV_PW_WRONG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Incorrect password = 3.
SV_SC_WOND - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
SOCSpecialItem.sv for the Wonders in the _SC_WOND scenario.
svalue - Variable in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
Optional status value; defaults to 0 (SOCStatusMessage.SV_OK)
sVersion - Variable in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Server version number for remote server, sent soon after connect.
sVersion - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Server version number, sent soon after connect, or -1 if unknown.
sVersion - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Server version number for remote server, sent soon after connect, 0 if no server, or -1 if version unknown.
svp - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo
Number of special victory points
svp - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
Number of Special Victory Points (SVP) awarded.
svpInfo - Variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
The details behind the total SVP count in SOCPlayer.specialVP, or null if none.
svpLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Label for Special Victory Points.
svpSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Special Victory Points, if > 0.
SVPTEXTMSG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Text that a player has been awarded Special Victory Point(s).
SWAP - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Swap settlement/city with another player.
sync_out_setEOF - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringServerSocket
sysInBuffered - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
Buffered System.in for SOCServer.readPassword(String), is null until first call to that method.
sz - Variable in class soc.client.AWTClickTester


ta - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
takeCloth(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
Take this many cloth, if available, from the board's "general supply".
takeCloth(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Take this many cloth, if available, from this village.
takeMonitor() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Take the synchronization monitor for this game.
takeMonitor() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
take the monitor for this tracker
takeMonitor() - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
take the monitor for this channel list
takeMonitor() - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
take the monitor for this game list; if we must wait, sleep up to 1000 ms between attempts.
takeMonitorForChannel(String) - Method in class soc.server.SOCChannelList
take the monitor for this channel
takeMonitorForGame(String) - Method in class soc.util.SOCGameList
take the monitor for this game.
TAKEOVER - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
takeOverBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
targetPieces - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
tcpServGameOpts - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Track the game options available at the remote server, at the practice server.
TEMP - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
temple VP card
TEXT - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Colorsquare type TEXT displays a short message.
text - Variable in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
Text message
text - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
Text message
text - Variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Text message
text - Variable in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
Text message
text - Variable in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
Text message
TEXT_INSET - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip
textDisplay - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
where text is displayed.
textDisplayHasMouse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Mouse hover flags, for use on 6-player board with SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp.
textDisplaysLargerSetResizeTimer() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
For 6-player board, make the text displays larger/smaller when mouse enters/exits them.
textDisplaysLargerTemp - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
In the 6-player layout, the text display fields (SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplay, SOCPlayerInterface.chatDisplay) aren't as large.
textDisplaysLargerTemp_needsLayout - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
When set, must return text display field sizes to normal in SOCPlayerInterface.doLayout() after a previous SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp flag set.
textDisplaysLargerWhen - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
If any text area is clicked in a 6-player game, give focus to the text input box; for use with SOCPlayerInterface.mouseClicked(MouseEvent).
textInput - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
where the player types in text
TEXTINPUT_INITIAL_PROMPT_MSG - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Not yet typed-in; display prompt message.
textInputGreyCountdown - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Number of change-of-turns during game, after which the initial prompt message fades to light grey.
textInputGreyCountFrom - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Initial value (20 turns) for textInputGreyCountdown
textInputHasMouse - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Mouse hover flags, for use on 6-player board with SOCPlayerInterface.textDisplaysLargerTemp.
textInputHasSent - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
At least one text chat line has been sent by the player.
textInputIsInitial - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Not yet typed-in; display prompt message.
textInputListener - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Used for responding to textfield changes by setting/clearing prompt message.
textInputSetToInitialPrompt(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Set or clear the chat text input's initial prompt.
TEXTMSG - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
textValue - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
textValueChanged(TextEvent) - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame
When gamename contents change, enable/disable buttons as appropriate.
textValueChanged(TextEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener
If input text is cleared, and field is again empty, show the prompt message unless player has already sent a line of chat.
tf - Variable in class soc.client.ChannelFrame
tfDestFilename - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Dest language, region, filename.
tfLang - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Dest language, region, filename.
tfont - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
tfont is parentComp.getFont, set at mouseEntered
tfRegion - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
Dest language, region, filename.
tfSearch - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.SearchPanel
Text to search for
tfSrcOther - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
Text field for PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog.srcOther
threatenedRoads - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Roads threatened by other players; currently unused.
threatenedSettlements - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
Threatened settlements, as calculated by SOCRobotDM.scorePossibleSettlements(int, int)
threatMultiplier - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
threatMultiplier - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
threats - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
pieces that threaten this piece
threatUpdated() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
mark this piece as having been threat updated
threatUpdatedFlag - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
this flag is used for threat updating
thrownAt - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask
Time at which this message was constructed, via System.currentTimeMillis()
TIMEOUT_VALUE - Static variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
timeRemain - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.HandPanelAutoRollTask
TIMINGPING - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
tip - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
title - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
to - Variable in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
ACCEPTOFFER sep game sep2 accepting sep2 offering
toCmd(String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
ACCEPTOFFER sep game sep2 accepting sep2 offering
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
ADMINPING sep game
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
ADMINPING sep game
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAdminReset
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
AUTHREQUEST sep role sep2 nickname sep2 authScheme sep2 host sep2 password
toCmd(String, String, String, int, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
AUTHREQUEST sep role sep2 nickname sep2 authScheme sep2 host sep2 password
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
toCmd(String, SOCResourceSet, SOCResourceSet) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Formatted string to send this BOARDLAYOUT over the network.
toCmd(String, int[], int[], int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Formatted string to send this BOARDLAYOUT over the network.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Formatted string to send this BOARDLAYOUT2 over the network.
toCmd(String, int, Hashtable<String, Object>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Formatted string to send this BOARDLAYOUT2 over the network.
toCmd(String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBoardSpecialEdge
BOARDSPECIALEDGE sep game sep2 edge sep2 seType
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
BUILDREQUEST sep game sep2 pieceType
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
BUILDREQUEST sep game sep2 pieceType
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
CANCELBUILDREQUEST sep game sep2 pieceType
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
CANCELBUILDREQUEST sep game sep2 pieceType
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
CHANGEFACE sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 faceId
toCmd(String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
CHANGEFACE sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 faceId
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChannels
CHANNELS sep channels
toCmd(Vector<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChannels
CHANNELS sep channels
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
CHOOSEPLAYER sep game sep2 choice
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
CHOOSEPLAYER sep game sep2 choice
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
CHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST sep game sep2 choices[0] sep2 choices[1] ...
toCmd(String, boolean[]) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
CHOOSEPLAYERREQUEST sep game sep2 choices[0] sep2 choices[1] ...
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
CLEAROFFER sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
CLEAROFFER sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
CLEARTRADEMSG sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
CLEARTRADEMSG sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
CREATEACCOUNT sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 email
toCmd(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
CREATEACCOUNT sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 email
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
Command string: DEBUGFREEPLACE sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 pieceType sep2 coordinates
toCmd(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
Command string: DEBUGFREEPLACE sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 pieceType sep2 coordinates
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
DEVCARDACTION sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 actionType sep2 cardType
toCmd(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
DEVCARDACTION sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 actionType sep2 cardType
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
DEVCARDCOUNT sep game sep2 numDevCards
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
DEVCARDCOUNT sep game sep2 numDevCards
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiceResult
DICERESULT sep game sep2 result
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
DISCARD sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
toCmd(String, SOCResourceSet) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
DISCARD sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
DISCARD sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
DISCARDREQUEST sep game sep2 numDiscards
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
DISCARDREQUEST sep game sep2 numDiscards
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
toCmd(String, SOCResourceSet) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
ENDTURN sep game
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
ENDTURN sep game
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
FIRSTPLAYER sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
FIRSTPLAYER sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
GAMEMEMBERS sep game sep2 members
toCmd(String, Vector<?>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
GAMEMEMBERS sep game sep2 members
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
toCmd(List<?>, boolean) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGames
GAMES sep games
toCmd(Vector<?>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGames
GAMES sep games
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
GAMESERVERTEXT sep game char1 text
toCmd(String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
GAMESERVERTEXT sep game char1 text
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameState
GAMESTATE sep game sep2 state
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameState
GAMESTATE sep game sep2 state
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
toCmd(String, int[], boolean[]) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
toCmd(Vector<?>, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGamesWithOptions
Build the command string from a set of games; used at server side.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
GAMETEXTMSG sep game sep2 nickname sep2 text
toCmd(String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
GAMETEXTMSG sep game sep2 nickname sep2 text
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
IMAROBOT sep nickname
toCmd(String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
IMAROBOT sep nickname sep2 cookie sep2 rbclass
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
INVENTORYITEMACTION sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 action sep2 itemType [ sep2 rcode ]
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
INVENTORYITEMACTION sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 action sep2 itemType [ sep2 rcode ]
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
JOIN sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 channel
toCmd(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
JOIN sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 channel
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
JOINAUTH sep nickname sep2 channel
toCmd(String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
JOINAUTH sep nickname sep2 channel
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGame
JOINGAME sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 game
toCmd(String, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGame
JOINGAME sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 game
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
toCmd(String) - Method in interface soc.message.SOCKeyedMessage
Construct a message ready to be sent, like SOCMessage.toCmd(), with text localized by the server.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
LARGESTARMY sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
LARGESTARMY sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
Command string: LASTSETTLEMENT sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 coordinates
toCmd(String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
Command string: LASTSETTLEMENT sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 coordinates
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
sep sep2 sep2
toCmd(String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
sep sep2 sep2
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveAll
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
LEAVEGAME sep nickname sep2 host sep2 game
toCmd(String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
LEAVEGAME sep nickname sep2 host sep2 game
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
toCmd(String, int, boolean, HashSet<Integer>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
toCmd for a SOCLegalEdges message.
toCmd(String, int, List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Build the command string from a type and list of strings; used at server side.
toCmd(String, int, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Build the command string from a type and single string key; used for requests from client side.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
LONGESTROAD sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
LONGESTROAD sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
toCmd(String, SOCTradeOffer) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMembers
MEMBERS sep channel sep2 members
toCmd(String, Vector<?>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMembers
MEMBERS sep channel sep2 members
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Converts the contents of this message into a String that can be transferred by a client or server.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
toCmd(int, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param
toCmd(int, String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param
toCmd(int, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2
toCmd(int, String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2
toCmd(int, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2 sep2 param3
toCmd(int, String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2 sep2 param3
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2 sep2 param3
toCmd(int, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2 sep2 param3
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2 sep2 param3 sep2 param4
toCmd(int, String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
MESSAGETYPE sep game sep2 param1 sep2 param2 sep2 param3 sep2 param4
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
MESSAGETYPE [sep game] sep param1 sep param2 sep ...
toCmd(int, String, int[]) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
MESSAGETYPE [sep game] sep param1 sep param2 sep ...
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
MESSAGETYPE [sep game] sep param1 sep param2 sep ...
toCmd(int, String, List<String>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
MESSAGETYPE [sep game] sep param1 sep param2 sep ...
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
MONOPOLYPICK sep game sep2 resource
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
MONOPOLYPICK sep game sep2 resource
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMovePiece
MOVEPIECE sep game sep2 playernumber sep2 ptype sep2 fromCoord sep2 toCoord
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMovePieceRequest
MOVEPIECEREQUEST sep game sep2 playernumber sep2 ptype sep2 fromCoord sep2 toCoord
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
Command string: MOVEROBBER sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 coordinates
toCmd(String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
Command string: MOVEROBBER sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 coordinates
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
NEWCHANNEL sep channel
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
NEWCHANNEL sep channel
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
NEWGAME sep game
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
NEWGAME sep game
toCmd(String, String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS sep game sep2 minVers sep2 optionstring
toCmd(String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS sep game sep2 minVers sep2 optionstring
toCmd(SOCGame, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS sep game sep2 minVers sep2 optionstring
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONSREQUEST sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 game
toCmd(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONSREQUEST sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 game sep2 options
toCmd(String, String, String, String, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONSREQUEST sep nickname sep2 password sep2 host sep2 game sep2 options
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
PICKRESOURCES sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
toCmd(String, SOCResourceSet) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
PICKRESOURCES sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
PICKRESOURCES sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPickResourcesRequest
PICKRESOURCESREQUEST sep game sep2 numResources
toCmd(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPieceValue
PIECEVALUE sep game sep2 coord sep2 pv1 sep2 pv2
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
PLAYDEVCARDREQUEST sep game sep2 devCard
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
PLAYDEVCARDREQUEST sep game sep2 devCard
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
PLAYERELEMENT sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 actionType sep2 elementType sep2 value
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
PLAYERELEMENT sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 actionType sep2 elementType sep2 value
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
POTENTIALSETTLEMENTS formatted command, for a message with 1 or multiple land areas.
toCmd(String, int, Vector<Integer>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
toCmd for a SOCPotentialSettlements message with 1 land area.
toCmd(String, int, int, HashSet<Integer>[], int[][]) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
toCmd for a SOCPotentialSettlements message with multiple land areas, each of which have a set of legal settlements, but only one of which has potential settlements at this time.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
Command string: PUTPIECE sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 pieceType sep2 coordinates
toCmd(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
Command string: PUTPIECE sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 pieceType sep2 coordinates
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
TEXTMSG sep text
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
REJECTOFFER sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
REJECTOFFER sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRemovePiece
REMOVEPIECE sep game sep2 pn sep2 ptype sep2 co
toCmd(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVote
RESETBOARDVOTE sep game sep2 playernumber sep2 yesno [Yes is 1, No is 0]
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
RESETBOARDVOTEREQUEST sep game sep2 playernumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
RESOURCECOUNT sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 count
toCmd(String, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
RESOURCECOUNT sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 count
toCmd(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRevealFogHex
REVEALFOGHEX sep game sep2 hexcoord sep2 hextype sep2 dicenum
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
ROBOTJOINGAMEREQUEST sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
ROBOTJOINGAMEREQUEST sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 optionstring
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
ROLLDICE sep game
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
ROLLDICE sep game
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
ROLLDICEPROMPT sep game sep2 playernumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
ROLLDICEPROMPT sep game sep2 playernumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
SERVERPING sep sleepTime
toCmd(int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
SERVERPING sep sleepTime
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
SETPLAYEDDEVCARD sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 playedDevCard
toCmd(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
SETPLAYEDDEVCARD sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 playedDevCard
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
SETSEATLOCK sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 state
toCmd(String, int, SOCGame.SeatLockState) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
SETSEATLOCK sep game sep2 playerNumber sep2 state
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
SETSPECIALITEM sep game sep2 operation sep2 typeKey sep2 gameItemIndex sep2 playerItemIndex sep2 playerNumber sep2 coord sep2 level sep2 sv
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetTurn
SETTURN sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
SETUPDONE sep game
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
SETUPDONE sep game
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
SIMPLEACTION sep game sep2 playernumber sep2 acttype sep2 value1 sep2 value2
toCmd(String, int, int, int, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
SIMPLEREQUEST sep game sep2 playernumber sep2 reqtype sep2 value1 sep2 value2
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
SITDOWN sep game sep2 nickname sep2 playerNumber sep2 robotFlag
toCmd(String, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
SITDOWN sep game sep2 nickname sep2 playerNumber sep2 robotFlag
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
STARTGAME sep game
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
STARTGAME sep game
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
STATUSMESSAGE sep [svalue sep2] status
toCmd(int, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
STATUSMESSAGE sep [svalue sep2] status -- does not include backwards compatibility.
toCmd(int, int, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
STATUSMESSAGE sep [svalue sep2] status -- includes backwards compatibility.
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
SVPTEXTMSG sep game sep2 pn sep2 svp sep2 desc
toCmd(int, String, int, int, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
SVPTEXTMSG sep game sep2 pn sep2 svp sep2 desc
toCmd(String) - Method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
TEXTMSG sep channel sep2 nickname sep2 text
toCmd(String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
TEXTMSG sep channel sep2 nickname sep2 text
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
toCmd(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTurn
TURN sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd(String, int) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCTurn
TURN sep game sep2 playerNumber
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
UPDATEROBOTPARAMS sep maxGameLength sep2 maxETA sep2 etaBonusFactor sep2 adversarialFactor sep2 leaderAdversarialFactor sep2 devCardMultiplier sep2 threatMultiplier sep2 strategyType sep2 tradeFlag
toCmd(SOCRobotParameters) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
UPDATEROBOTPARAMS sep maxGameLength sep2 maxETA sep2 etaBonusFactor sep2 adversarialFactor sep2 leaderAdversarialFactor sep2 devCardMultiplier sep2 threatMultiplier sep2 strategyType sep2 tradeFlag
toCmd() - Method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
VERSION SEP vernum SEP2 verstr SEP2 build SEP2 localeOrFeats; build,localeOrFeats may be blank
toCmd(int, String, String, String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
VERSION SEP vernum SEP2 verstr SEP2 build SEP2 localeOrFeats; build,localeOrFeats may be blank
toFriendlyString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Human-readable form of the set, with format "5 clay,1 ore,3 wood".
toFriendlyString(StringBuffer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Human-readable form of the set, with format "5 clay, 1 ore, 3 wood".
toMsg(String) - Static method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Convert a string into a SOCMessage.
topText - Variable in class soc.client.SOCConnectOrPracticePanel
Welcome message, or error after disconnect
toShortString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Human-readable form of the set, with format "Resources: 5 1 0 0 3 0".
toString() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileCommentEntry
toString() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair.FileKeyEntry
toString includes the source and destination values, and number of source and destination comment lines.
toString() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
toString() - Method in class soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCDevCard
Get a human-readable description, including type, isPlayable, isVP.
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
toString contains the game name.
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Form a string with the key and current value, useful for debugging purposes.
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCLRPathData
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
return a human readable form of this object
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCResourceSet
Human-readable form of the set, with format "clay=5|ore=1|sheep=0|wheat=0|wood=3|unknown=0"
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Get this scenario's description, for use in user-facing displays and GUI elements.
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem.Requirement
String representation for debugging; same format as SOCSpecialItem.Requirement.parse(String).
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCSpecialItem
toString() - Method in class soc.game.SOCTradeOffer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAcceptOffer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAdminPing
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAdminReset
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBankTrade
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBCastTextMsg
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout
Render the SOCBoardLayout in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Render the SOCBoardLayout2 in human-readable form.
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuildRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCBuyCardRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCancelBuildRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChangeFace
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChannels
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCChoosePlayerRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCCreateAccount
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteChannel
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDeleteGame
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardAction
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDevCardCount
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscard
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscardRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCDiscoveryPick
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCEndTurn
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCFirstPlayer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameMembers
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetDefaults
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameOptionGetInfos
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGames
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameState
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameStats
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCImARobot
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCInventoryItemAction
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoin
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinAuth
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGame
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCJoinGameAuth
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLargestArmy
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLastSettlement
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeave
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveAll
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLeaveGame
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLegalEdges
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCLongestRoad
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMakeOffer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMembers
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessage
Simple human-readable representation, used for debug purposes.
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate0
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1i
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate1s
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2i
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate2s
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3i
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate3s
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplate4i
toString(String, String) - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateJoinGame
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMi
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMessageTemplateMs
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMonopolyPick
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCMoveRobber
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewChannel
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGame
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPickResources
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayDevCardRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCPutPiece
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectConnection
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRejectOffer
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCResourceCount
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotDismiss
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRobotJoinGameRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDice
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDicePrompt
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCRollDiceRequest
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCServerPing
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetPlayedDevCard
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSeatLock
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSetupDone
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSitDown
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStartGame
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCStatusMessage
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCSVPTextMessage
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTextMsg
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTimingPing
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCTurn
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCUpdateRobotParams
toString() - Method in class soc.message.SOCVersion
toString() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCBuildPossibility
toString() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
SOCPlayerTracker key fields (brain player name, tracked player name) to aid debugging.
toString() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
toString() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTimePair
toString() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCResSetBuildTypePair
toString() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Connection
toString includes data.toString for debugging, and Connection.getName().
toString() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.LocalStringConnection
toString includes data.toString for debugging.
toString() - Method in class soc.util.IntPair
Get a string with the hex contents of this pair.
toString() - Method in class soc.util.IntTriple
Get a string with the hex contents of this triple.
toString() - Method in class soc.util.NodeLenVis
Get a string representation of this NodeLenVis.
toString() - Method in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
toString() - Method in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Human-readable representation of active features.
TOW - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
tower, chapel VP card
toWhom1 - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
"Offered To" line 1
toWhom2 - Variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
"Offered To" line 2 for wrapping; usually blank
tracker - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
For status in drawFace
trackNewCity(SOCCity, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Run a newly placed city through the PlayerTrackers.
trackNewRoadOrShip(SOCRoad, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Run a newly placed road or ship through the playerTrackers.
trackNewSettlement(SOCSettlement, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Run a newly placed settlement through the playerTrackers.
TRADE_PORT_PLACE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleRequest
The current player wants to place a trade port they've been given.
TRADE_PORT_REMOVED - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
The current player has removed a trade port from the board.
TRADE_SUCCESSFUL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
The requested resource trade with the bank/ports was successful.
tradeFlag - Variable in class soc.util.SOCRobotParameters
tradeForItems - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
tradeFrom - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
tradeFromTypes - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu
TRADEMSG_DISCARD - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Show that a non-client player is discarding resources after 7 is rolled.
TRADEMSG_PICKING - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Show that a non-client player is picking resources for the gold hex.
tradeNum - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
TradeOfferPanel - Class in soc.client
Two-mode panel to display either a short status message, or a resource trade offer (and counter-offer) from another player.
TradeOfferPanel(SOCHandPanel, int) - Constructor for class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
Creates a new TradeOfferPanel object.
TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel - Class in soc.client
Panel to show when in MESSAGE_MODE, not OFFER_MODE.
TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel() - Constructor for class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
Creates a new MessagePanel object.
TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel - Class in soc.client
Panel to show a trade offer when in OFFER_MODE, not TradeOfferPanel.MESSAGE_MODE.
TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel() - Constructor for class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Creates a new OfferPanel object.
traders - Variable in class soc.game.SOCVillage
Players who have established trade with this village.
tradeSetMessage(String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Show or hide a message in the trade-panel.
tradeStopWaitingClearOffer() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Stop waiting for responses to a trade offer.
tradeStuff() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
do some trading -- this method is obsolete and not called.
tradeTo - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem
tradeToTarget2(SOCResourceSet) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Make bank trades or port trades to get the target resources, if possible.
treat(SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Treat the incoming messages
treat(SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.client.SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient
Treat the incoming messages.
treat(SOCMessage, boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
Treat the incoming messages.
treat(SOCMessage) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotClient
Treat the incoming messages.
treat(String, StringConnection) - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
treat a request from the given connection, by adding to Server.inQueue
treater - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Helper object to receive incoming network traffic from the server.
trimEnumForVersion(SOCGameOption, int) - Static method in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Copy this option and restrict its enumerated values (type SOCGameOption.OTYPE_ENUM or similar) by trimming SOCGameOption.enumVals shorter.
Triple - Class in soc.util
Triple(Object, Object, Object) - Constructor for class soc.util.Triple
Creates a new Triple object.
tryAttackPirateFortress() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Send request to server to attack our player's pirate fortress, in scenario _SC_PIRI.
tryBuild(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Send message to server to request placing this piece, if allowable.
tryCancel() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Cancel placing a building piece, or cancel moving a ship.
tryEditFromDestOnly(File, JFrame) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Try to edit a destination file by finding its matching source file's name via the PropertiesTranslatorEditor(File) constructor.
tryGetLastEditedDir() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
If possible, reads from persistent PTEMain.userPrefs and changes 'current' directory field (PTEMain.lastEditedDir) to that of the most recently edited destination properties file.
tryMoveShipFromHere() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
Set up the board so the player can click where they want the ship moved.
tryMoveShipToEdge() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Check and move ship from SOCBoardPanel.moveShip_fromEdge to SOCBoardPanel.moveShip_toEdge.
tryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCGame, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
See how building a piece impacts the game.
tryPutPieceNoCopy(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCGame, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Same as tryPutPiece, but we don't make a copy of the player trackers.
trySetDirMostRecent() - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Store 'current' directory PTEMain.lastEditedDir to loaded PTEMain.userPrefs preferences.
TTDESERT_BOARDSIZE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Board size for 3, 4, 6 players: Each is 0xrrcc (max row, max col).
TTDESERT_DICENUM_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Dice numbers for hexes on the main island, including the strip of land past the desert.
TTDESERT_DICENUM_SMALL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Dice numbers for all the small islands (SOCBoardLargeAtServer.TTDESERT_LANDHEX_COORD_SMALL).
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_COORD_DESERT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Land hex coordinates for the strip of desert hexes on the main island.
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Land Area 1, 2: Land hex coordinates for the main island, excluding its desert strip but including the small fertile area on the desert's far side.
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_COORD_SMALL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Land Areas 3 to n: Land hex coordinates for all of the small "foreign" islands, one LA per island.
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_RANGES_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Land Areas 1, 2: Hex counts and Land area numbers for the main island, excluding its desert, within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.TTDESERT_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN.
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_RANGES_SMALL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Land Areas 3 to n: Hex counts and Land area numbers for each of the small "foreign" islands, one per island, within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.TTDESERT_LANDHEX_COORD_SMALL.
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Land hex types for the main island (land areas 1, 2).
TTDESERT_LANDHEX_TYPE_SMALL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Hex land types on the several small islands.
TTDESERT_PIRATE_HEX - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Starting pirate water hex coordinate for 3, 4, 6 players.
TTDESERT_PORT_EDGE_FACING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Port edges and facings on the main island.
TTDESERT_PORT_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Through The Desert: Port types on the main island.
ttip - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
ttip_text - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Text for normal vs low-warning-level.
ttip_text_warnHigh - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Optional text for low-warning-level and high-warning-level (intValue).
ttip_text_warnLow - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Optional text for low-warning-level and high-warning-level (intValue).
ttip_text_zero - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Optional text for zero level (intValue).
TURN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
TURN_STARTING - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
turnCount - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
The number of normal turns (not rounds, not initial placements), including this turn.
turnEventsCurrent - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The game messages received this turn / previous turn, for debugging.
turnEventsPrev - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
The game messages received this turn / previous turn, for debugging.
turnExceptionCount - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Number of exceptions caught this turn, if any.
turnOff() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
turn the recorder off
turnOffDRecorder() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
turns the debug recorders off
turnOn() - Method in class soc.util.DebugRecorder
turn the recorder on
turnOnDRecorder() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
turns the debug recorders on
turnTime - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Timer for turn taking
TWO_CITIES - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
TWO_SETTLEMENTS - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
used in planStuff
TYPE_GAMEOPT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Game Option localized names, for SOCGameOption.
TYPE_SCENARIO - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCLocalizedStrings
Game Scenario localized names and descriptions, for SOCScenario.
typeKey - Variable in class soc.client.SOCSpecialItemDialog
Special items' typeKey, such as _SC_WOND.
typeKey - Variable in class soc.message.SOCSetSpecialItem
Special item type key; see the SOCSpecialItem class javadoc for details.
typeKey - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem
The special item's typeKey, for SOCSetSpecialItem.typeKey


undoAddNumberForResource(int, int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
remove a number for a resource do this when you take back a piece
undoAddOurNewCity(SOCPossibleCity) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
undo adding one of our cities
undoPutInitSettlement(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
undo the putting of an initial settlement.
undoPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
undo the putting of a piece.
undoPutPieceAuxSettlement(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Auxiliary function for undoing settlement placement
undoPutPieceCommon(SOCPlayingPiece, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
undo the putting of a temporary or initial piece or a ship being moved.
undoPutTempPiece(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
undo the putting of a temporary piece
undoTryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCGame) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Reset the game back to before we put the temp piece
undoUpdateNumbers(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCBoard) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
undo the updating of the numbers data given a piece and a board, remove numbers for this player from the list
undoUpdateNumbers(int, SOCBoard) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
undo the updating of the numbers data given a node coordinate and a board, remove numbers for this player from the list
unescapeUnicodes(String) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser
Un-escape \uXXXX sequences into unicode characters.
UNIV - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
university VP card
UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Dev-card of unknown type, for reporting to other players.
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
Unknown resource type (6).
UNKNOWN - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
UNKNOWN_FOR_VERS_1_X - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
Previous value for SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN card type, for version 1.x clients or servers
unlikely_char1 - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
Our token separator; not the normal SOCMessage.sep2.
UNLOCKSEAT - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
UNLOCKSEATTIP - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
unnamedConns - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
the newly connected, unnamed client connections; Adding/removing/naming/versioning of connections synchronizes on this Vector.
unregister() - Method in interface soc.client.stats.SOCGameStatistics.ListenerRegistration
unsavedDest - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
If true, there are unsaved changes from editing the pair.
unsavedInsRows - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
If true, there are unsaved inserted rows.
unsavedSrc - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.ParsedPropsFilePair
If true, there are unsaved changes from editing the pair.
up - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
update(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
update(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
update(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Overriden so the peer isn't painted, which clears background.
update(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCFaceButton
Overriden so the peer isn't painted, which clears background.
update(Graphics) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Overriden so the peer isn't painted, which clears background.
update(String) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.MessagePanel
Update the text shown in this messagepanel.
update(SOCTradeOffer) - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Update the displayed offer.
update(int, int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame.RollResult
Convenience: Set diceA and dice, clear SOCGame.RollResult.cloth.
updateAtBoardLayout() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Update any miscellaneous game info as needed after the board layout is set, before the game starts.
updateAtClientPlayerResources() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
The client player's available resources have changed.
updateAtGameFirstTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Update game state as needed after initial placement before the first turn of normal play: Call each player's SOCPlayer.clearPotentialSettlements() If SOCGame.hasSeaBoard, check board for Added Layout Part "AL" for node lists that become legal locations for settlements after initial placement, and make them legal now.
updateAtGameState() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Update interface after game state has changed.
updateAtNewBoard() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Update interface after the server sends us a new board layout.
updateAtOurGameState() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Client is current player; state changed.
updateAtOurTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Update game state as needed when this player begins their turn (before dice are rolled).
updateAtOver(int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Game is over; server has sent us the revealed scores for each player.
updateAtPieceRemoved(SOCPlayer, int, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
A player's piece has been removed from the board.
updateAtPiecesChanged() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Handle updates after pieces have changed on the board.
updateAtPutPiece(int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Handle updates after putting a piece on the board, or moving a ship that was already placed.
updateAtRollPrompt() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
A player is being asked to roll (or play a card) at the start of their turn.
updateAtSVPText(String, int, String) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
A player has been awarded Special Victory Points (SVP), so announce those details.
updateAtTurn() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Handpanel interface updates at start of each turn (not just our turn).
updateAtTurn(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Game's current player has changed.
updateAtTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
Update game state as needed when a player begins their turn (before dice are rolled).
updateAtTurn() - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
Update player's state as needed when any player begins their turn (before dice are rolled).
updateButtonsAtAdd() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Enable,disable the proper buttons when the client (player) is added to a game.
updateButtonStatus() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Update the status of the buttons.
updateClothCount() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
The board's general supply of cloth remaining has changed.
updateCost(int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu
Update cost of trade; update menu item text.
updateCurrentOffer(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Display or update this player's trade offer, or hide if none.
updated - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPossiblePiece
this is a flag used for updating
updateDevCardCount() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
The game's count of development cards remaining has changed.
updateDevCardCount() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
The game's count of development cards remaining has changed.
updateDevCards(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Update the displayed list of player's development cards and other inventory items, and enable or disable the "Play Card" button.
updatedFP - Variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
If true, game's SOCGame.getFirstPlayer() was changed.
updatedLP - Variable in class soc.game.SOCForceEndTurnResult
If true, game's lastPlayer was changed.
updateGameEndStats(String, int[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
If we're playing in a game that's just finished, update the scores.
updateGameStats(String, int[], boolean[]) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
updateGameStats(String, int[], boolean[]) - Method in interface soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
Update this game's stats in the game list display.
updateHoverTipToMode() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Update SOCBoardPanel.hoverTip based on SOCBoardPanel.mode when it changes; called from SOCBoardPanel.updateMode().
updateLabelsIfNotOpenReg() - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
Update account-info label texts if needed.
updateLargestArmy() - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
update which player has the largest army larger than 2
updateLastlogin(String, long) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
updateLegalShipsAddHex(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
When a SOCBoardLarge.FOG_HEX is revealed to be water, or a land hex at the board's margin, update the set of edges used by SOCPlayer.isLegalShip(int).
updateLongestLargest(boolean, SOCPlayer, SOCPlayer) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
The game's longest road or largest army may have changed.
updateLongestRoad(int) - Method in class soc.game.SOCGame
update which player has longest road longer than 4.
updateLRPotential(SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPlayer, SOCRoad, int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
update the potential LR value of a possible road or ship by placing dummy roads/ships and calculating LR (longest road).
updateLRValues() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
update the longest road values for all possible roads/ships.
updateMode() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
update the type of interaction mode, and trigger a repaint.
updateNumbers(SOCPlayingPiece, SOCBoard) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Update the numbers data, based on placing a settlement or upgrading to a city at a node.
updateNumbers(int, SOCBoard) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
update the numbers data, based on placing a settlement or upgrading to a city at a node.
updateNumbersAndProbability(int, SOCBoard, int[], StringBuffer) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayerNumbers
Update the numbers data, based on placing a settlement or upgrading to a city at a node, and total the probability for those dice numbers.
updateOfferButtons() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel
Show or hide the Accept button, based on client player resources and whether this offer is offered to client player.
updateOfferButtons() - Method in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel
If an offer is currently showing, show or hide Accept button based on the client player's current resources.
updatePickGoldHexResources() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
This player must pick this many gold hex resources, or no longer needs to pick them.
updatePlayerLimitDisplay(boolean, boolean, int) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface
Show the maximum and available number of player positions, if game parameter "PL" is less than SOCGame.maxPlayers.
updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(SOCGame, SOCPlayer, int, String) - Static method in class soc.server.SOCGameHandler
A player has been awarded Special Victory Points (SVP), so send a SOCSVPTextMessage to the game about the SVP description, and also call SOCPlayer.addSpecialVPInfo(int, String).
updatePortFlagsAfterRemove(int, boolean) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
After removing a player's piece at a port, or removing the port, check to see if we still have a port of that type.
updatePotentials(SOCPlayingPiece) - Method in class soc.game.SOCPlayer
update the arrays that keep track of where this player can play further pieces, after a piece has just been played, or after another player's adjacent piece has been removed.
updateResourcesVP() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Re-read player's resource info and victory points, update the display and resource trade costs and resourceTradeMenu text.
updateResourceTradeCosts(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
If playerIsClient, update cost of bank/port trade per resource.
UPDATEROBOTPARAMS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
updateRollDoneBankButtons() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Client is current player; enable or disable buttons according to game state: SOCHandPanel.rollBut, SOCHandPanel.doneBut, SOCHandPanel.bankBut.
updateSaveButtonsForEditing(boolean, boolean) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Enable/disable the Save Src or Save Dest button while editing a cell.
updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress(SOCShip, boolean) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
For scenario _SC_PIRI, update the player's ship closest to their Fortress.
updateSeatLockButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
update the seat lock button so that it allows a player to lock an unlocked seat and vice versa.
updateSettlementConflicts(SOCPossibleSettlement, HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
update settlement conflicts
updateSpeedup() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleCity
calculate the speedup that this city gives.
updateSpeedup() - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPossibleSettlement
update the speedup that this settlement gives.
updateTakeOverButton() - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
update the takeover button so that it only allows takover when it's not the robot's turn
updateThreats(HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
update threats for pieces that need to be updated
updateUserPassword(String, String) - Static method in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Update a user's password if the user is in the database.
updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType) - Method in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
update the value of a player element.
updateWinGameETAs(HashMap<Integer, SOCPlayerTracker>) - Static method in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
Update winGameETAs for player trackers.
upgradeCityItem - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
upperBound - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
upRoadX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "/" along upper-left edge of hex
upRoadY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
usage() - Static method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient
for stand-alones
usage() - Static method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
for stand-alones
USER_COUNT_QUERY - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
USER_EXISTS_QUERY - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
USER_PASSWORD_QUERY - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
userChanged - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Has the user selected a value? False if unchanged, or if changed only by a SOCGameOption.ChangeListener or other automatic means.
userCountQuery - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Query how many users, if any, exist in the users table: SOCDBHelper.USER_COUNT_QUERY.
userExistsQuery - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Query whether a user nickname exists in users: SOCDBHelper.USER_EXISTS_QUERY
userName - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
Cached username used when reconnecting on error
userPasswordQuery - Static variable in class soc.server.database.SOCDBHelper
userPrefs - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Persistently stored user preferences between runs, such as PTEMain.LAST_EDITED_DIR.
utilityModeMessage - Variable in class soc.server.SOCServer
If SOCServer.hasUtilityModeProp, an optional status message to print before exiting, or null.
utilTimer - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server
Timer for scheduling timed/recurring tasks.


VACANT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
seat states
value - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine
value, if key != null.
value - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollBar
value - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
Element value
valueChanged(SOCGameOption, Object, Object, Map<String, SOCGameOption>) - Method in interface soc.game.SOCGameOption.ChangeListener
Called when the user changes opt's value during game creation.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum soc.client.PlayerClientListener.UpdateType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum soc.game.SOCGame.SeatLockState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum soc.game.SOCScenarioGameEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum soc.game.SOCScenarioPlayerEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor.CellStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum soc.client.PlayerClientListener.UpdateType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class soc.client.stats.GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel
Value counters backing GameStatisticsFrame.RollPanel.displays; indexed by dice roll value, 0 and 1 are unused
values() - Static method in enum soc.game.SOCGame.SeatLockState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum soc.game.SOCScenarioGameEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum soc.game.SOCScenarioPlayerEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values - Variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Element values, matching up with each item of SOCPlayerElements.elementTypes
valueVis - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
vec - Variable in class soc.util.CappedQueue
vec - Variable in class soc.util.Queue
vers - Variable in class soc.server.genericServer.Server.ConnVersionCounter
versBuild - Variable in class soc.message.SOCVersion
Version build, or null, as in Version.buildnum()
VERSION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCMessage
VERSION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElements
Introduced in version 1.1.09
Version - Class in soc.util
Package level version file used to keep packaging and codebase in sync.
Version() - Constructor for class soc.util.Version
VERSION - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
version(int) - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Given a version number integer such as 1109, return a human-readable string such as "1.1.09".
version() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Return the current version string.
VERSION_FOR_AUTHREQUEST - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCAuthRequest
Minimum version (1.1.19) of client/server which send and recognize AUTHREQUEST
VERSION_FOR_BOARDLAYOUT2 - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCBoardLayout2
Minimum version (1.1.08) of client/server which recognize and send VERSION_FOR_BOARDLAYOUT2.
VERSION_FOR_CANCEL_FREE_ROAD2 - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Minimum version (1.1.17) that supports canceling the second free road or ship placement.
VERSION_FOR_CLEAR_ALL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCClearOffer
Minimum version (1.1.09) which supports playerNumber -1 for clear all.
VERSION_FOR_CLEAR_ALL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCClearTradeMsg
Minimum version (1.1.12) which supports playerNumber -1 for clear all.
VERSION_FOR_DEBUGFREEPLACE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDebugFreePlace
Minimum version (1.1.12) of client/server which recognize and send DEBUGFREEPLACE.
VERSION_FOR_DICE_RESULT_INSTEAD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameTextMsg
Version number (2000) where the server no longer sends dice roll results as a game text message.
VERSION_FOR_DICERESULTRESOURCES - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCDiceResultResources
Version number (2.0.00) where the server no longer sends dice roll result resources as a game text message + several SOCPlayerElement(GAIN) messages, and instead sends a single SOCDiceResultResources message.
VERSION_FOR_ENCODING_LARGE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
This board encoding SOCBoard.BOARD_ENCODING_LARGE was introduced in version 2.0.00 (2000)
VERSION_FOR_GAMESERVERTEXT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGameServerText
First version number (2.0.00) that has this message type.
VERSION_FOR_I18N - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCStringManager
Minimum version (2.0.00) of client/server with I18N localization.
VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGameOption
Version 2.0.00 introduced longer option keynames (8 characters, earlier max was 3) and underscores '_' in option names.
VERSION_FOR_NEW_TYPES - Static variable in interface soc.game.SOCDevCardConstants
First version number (2.0.00) that has the new card types and has swapped values for SOCDevCardConstants.UNKNOWN and SOCDevCardConstants.KNIGHT.
VERSION_FOR_NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCNewGameWithOptions
Minimum version (1.1.07) of client/server which recognize and send NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS and other messages related to SOCGameOption.
VERSION_FOR_PLAYERNUM_ALL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPotentialSettlements
In version 2.0.00 and above, playerNumber can be -1 to indicate all players have these potential settlements.
VERSION_FOR_RES_ROLL - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerStats
Minimum client version 1.1.09 for stats type 1 (SOCPlayerStats.STYPE_RES_ROLL: resource roll stats).
VERSION_FOR_SCENARIOS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCScenario
Version 2.0.00 (2000) introduced game scenarios.
VERSION_FOR_SERVERFEATURES - Static variable in class soc.util.SOCServerFeatures
Minimum version (1.1.19) of client/server which send and recognize server features
VERSION_FOR_SIMPLEACTION - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCSimpleAction
First version number (1.1.19) that has this message type.
VERSION_FOR_UNJOINABLE - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCGames
Minimum version (1.1.06) of client/server which recognize and send SOCGames.MARKER_THIS_GAME_UNJOINABLE.
versionInfo - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
Current version info
versionNumber() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
Return the current version number.
versionNumberMaximumNoWarn() - Static method in class soc.util.Version
For new game creation, return the minimum recent version number to not warn during new game creation; should be a version released more than a year ago.
versionOrlocalTCPPortLabel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
When connected to a remote server, shows its version number.
versNum - Variable in class soc.message.SOCVersion
Version number, as in Version.versionNumber()
VERSNUM - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
VERSNUM_NOWARN_MAXIMUM - Static variable in class soc.util.Version
For minimum version required; warn in NewGameOptionsFrame only if game options require newer than this version number.
versStr - Variable in class soc.message.SOCVersion
Version display string, as in Version.version()
vertRoadX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
road looks like "|" along left edge of hex
vertRoadY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
victims - Variable in class soc.game.SOCMoveRobberResult
Victim, or possible victims, or empty or null; content type SOCPlayer
VICTORYPOINTS - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Items to update via SOCHandPanel.updateValue(PlayerClientListener.UpdateType); for items not appearing in SOCPlayerElement.
VILLAGE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCPlayingPiece
Types of playing pieces: Village.
villages - Variable in class soc.game.SOCBoardLarge
For some scenarios, villages on the board.
villageX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
village polygon.
villageY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
village polygon.
vis - Variable in class soc.util.NodeLenVis
nodes that we have visited along the way
visibleFaceGrid - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Contains only visible faces (based on scrollbar).
VOTE_NO - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
VOTE_NONE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
SOCGame.boardResetVotes per-player states: no vote sent; yes; no.
VOTE_YES - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
vp_winner - Variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Number of victory points needed to win this game (default SOCGame.VP_WINNER_STANDARD == 10).
VP_WINNER_STANDARD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Default number of victory points (10) needed to win.
vpItem - Variable in class soc.game.SOCInventoryItem
Is this item worth Victory Points when kept in inventory?
vpLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
vpn - Variable in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog
victim player number
vpSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
vpToWin - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
vpToWinLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel


wa - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.NewDestSrcDialog
wa - Variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain.OpenDestSrcDialog
WAITING_FOR_DESTROY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose a settlement to destroy, or a city to downgrade (Dev card SOCDevCardConstants.DESTROY).
WAITING_FOR_DISCARDS - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player(s) to discard, after 7 is rolled in SOCGame.rollDice().
WAITING_FOR_DISCOVERY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose 2 resources (Discovery card) Next game state is SOCGame.PLAY1.
WAITING_FOR_MONOPOLY - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose a resource (Monopoly card) Next game state is SOCGame.PLAY1.
WAITING_FOR_PICK_GOLD_RESOURCE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player(s) to choose which Gold Hex resources to receive.
WAITING_FOR_ROB_CHOOSE_PLAYER - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose a player to rob, with the robber or pirate ship, after rolling 7 or playing a Knight/Soldier card.
WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose whether to rob cloth or rob a resource.
WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose the robber or the pirate ship, after SOCGame.rollDice() or SOCGame.playKnight().
WAITING_FOR_SWAP - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCGame
Waiting for player to choose a settlement or city to swap with another player (Dev card SOCDevCardConstants.SWAP).
waitingForDevCard - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true when we're waiting to receive a dev card
waitingForGameState - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're waiting for a GAMESTATE message from the server.
waitingForOurTurn - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're waiting for a TURN message from the server when it's our turn
waitingForPickSpecialItem - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
Non-null if we're waiting for server response to picking a SOCSpecialItem, for certain scenarios; contains the typeKey of the special item we're waiting on.
waitingForSC_PIRI_FortressRequest - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
True if we're in a _SC_PIRI game and waiting for server response to a SOCSimpleRequest to attack a pirate fortress.
waitingForSpecialBuild - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true when we're waiting for our requested Special Building phase (for the 6-player board).
waitingForTradeMsg - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true when we're waiting for the results of a trade
waitingForTradeResponse - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
true if we're waiting for a response to our trade message
wantH - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Desired size (visible size inside of insets)
wantH - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Desired size (visible size inside of insets; not incl scrollW)
wantH - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Desired size (visible size inside of insets)
wantH - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Desired size (visible size inside of insets)
wantsAnotherOffer - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
wantsAnotherOffer(int, int) - Method in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
wantsCancel - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPopupMenu
determined at menu-show time
wantsHideTimeoutMessage() - Method in class soc.server.genericServer.StringConnection
If client connection times out at server, should the server not print a message to console? This would be desired, for instance, in automated clients, which would reconnect if they become disconnected.
wantsI18N - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
If this flag is set, client has determined it wants localized strings (I18N), and asked for them early in the connect process by sending a message that had SOCGameOptionGetInfos.hasTokenGetI18nDescs() true.
wantsI18nStrings(boolean) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient
Should this client request localized strings (I18N) from the server if available? Checks server version, checks whether client locale differs from the fallback "en_US".
wantSize - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Desired size
wantsShown - Variable in class soc.client.AWTToolTip
Want shown? If true, must dynamically add us to AWTToolTip.parentComp when become visible.
wantW - Variable in class soc.client.AskDialog
Desired size (visible size inside of insets)
wantW - Variable in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList
Desired size (visible size inside of insets; not incl scrollW)
wantW - Variable in class soc.client.SOCChoosePlayerDialog
Desired size (visible size inside of insets)
wantW - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog
Desired size (visible size inside of insets)
warn_bg_grey - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Normal background color is GREY (when not high or low "warning" color).
WARN_LEVEL_COLOR - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
The warning-level text color (high, low, or zero)
WARN_LEVEL_COLOR_BG_FROMGREY - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Background color for warning-level, if grey normally
warnHighBound - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
warnLowBound - Variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
warshipX - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Warship for scenario SC_PIRI.
warshipY - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel
Warship for scenario SC_PIRI.
wasItSentAlready() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
wasRobot - Variable in class soc.util.SOCGameBoardReset
Was this player position a robot? Indexed 0 to SOCGame.MAXPLAYERS-1
wasSentAlready - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.BoardPanelSendBuildTask
WATER - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
Water hex color, for fallback if graphic is missing.
WATER_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Water hex; lower-numbered than all land hex types.
whatWeFailedToBuild - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
This is what we tried building this turn, but the server said it was an illegal move (due to a bug in our robot).
whatWeWantToBuild - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotBrain
This is the piece we want to build now.
WHEAT - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
WHEAT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
WHEAT - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
WHEAT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
WHEAT_PORT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Wheat port type.
WHEAT_PORT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
wheatLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
wheatSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
wid - Variable in class soc.client.AWTClickTester
WIDTH - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
width - Variable in class soc.client.ShadowedBox
width - Variable in class soc.client.SpeechBalloon
WIDTH_L - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquareLarger
WIDTH_MIN - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Minimum desired width, in pixels
WIN_GAME_CUTOFF - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotNegotiator
WIN_LA - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
WIN_LR - Static variable in class soc.robot.SOCRobotDM
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by WindowListener
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by WindowListener
windowActivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Required stub for WindowListener
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
The dialog window was closed by the user, or ESC was pressed.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.NewGameOptionsFrame.VersionConfirmDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user, or Esc pressed.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.NotifyDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmAttackPirateFortressDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.ConfirmPlaceShipDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseMoveRobberOrPirateDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ChooseRobClothOrResourceDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCPracticeAskDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user, or Esc pressed.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowCloseChosen() - Method in class soc.client.SOCQuitConfirmDialog
React to the dialog window closed by user.
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by WindowListener
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by WindowListener
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
If our "Game Info" window (NewGameOptionsFrame) is closed, drop our reference to it so it can be gc'd.
windowClosed(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter
Clean up after the window is closed.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
Check if any editor has unsaved changes.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Dialog close requested by user.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.CFWindowListener
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Dialog close requested by user.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient.MyWindowAdapter
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Required stub for WindowListener
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter
User has clicked window Close button.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter
Ask if player is sure - Leave the game when the window closes.
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by WindowListener
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by WindowListener
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Required stub for WindowListener
windowDeactivated(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter
When window loses focus, if 6-player, unexpand the chat window if needed.
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by WindowListener
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by WindowListener
windowDeiconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Required stub for WindowListener
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Stub required by WindowListener
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Stub required by WindowListener
windowIconified(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Required stub for WindowListener
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PTEMain
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.AskDialog
Window is appearing - check the size and the default button keyboard focus
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.ChannelFrame.CFWindowListener
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.FaceChooserFrame
Window is appearing - check the size and the default button keyboard focus
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCAccountClient.MyWindowAdapter
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
Required stub for WindowListener
windowOpened(WindowEvent) - Method in class soc.client.SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter
Set focus to Nickname field
winGameETA - Variable in class soc.robot.SOCPlayerTracker
wins - Variable in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Number of games won and lost since client connected
WOND_BOARDSIZE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Board size: 4 players max row 0x0E, max col 0x12.
WOND_DICENUM_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Dice numbers for hexes on the several small islands, same order as SOCBoardLargeAtServer.WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL.
WOND_DICENUM_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Dice numbers for hexes on the main island.
WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_DESERT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Land hex coordinates for the deserts in the southwest of the main island.
WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Land hex coordinates for the several small islands, west to east.
WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Land hex coordinates for the main island, excluding deserts (SOCBoardLargeAtServer.WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_DESERT).
WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN_AT_DESERT - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: 2 land hex coordinates on main island (within SOCBoardLargeAtServer.WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_MAIN) adjacent to the deserts (SOCBoardLargeAtServer.WOND_LANDHEX_COORD_DESERT).
WOND_LANDHEX_TYPE_ISL - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Hex land types on the several small islands, west to east.
WOND_LANDHEX_TYPE_MAIN - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Land hex types for the main island, excluding the desert.
WOND_PORT_EDGE_FACING - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Port edges and facings.
WOND_PORT_TYPE - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Port types; will be shuffled.
WOND_SPECIAL_NODES - Static variable in class soc.server.SOCBoardLargeAtServer
Wonders: Special Node locations.
wonderLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Wonder Level label, for scenario _SC_WOND; null otherwise.
wondersBut - Variable in class soc.client.SOCBuildingPanel
For game scenario _SC_WOND, the "Wonders" button that brings up a dialog with info and Build buttons.
wonGame() - Method in class soc.server.SOCClientData
Client has won a game; update win-loss count.
WOOD - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
WOOD - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCResourceConstants
WOOD - Static variable in class soc.message.SOCPlayerElement
WOOD_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
WOOD_PORT - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Wood port type; highest-numbered port-type integer.
WOOD_PORT_HEX - Static variable in class soc.game.SOCBoard
Wood port type; highest-numbered port-hextype integer
woodLab - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
woodSq - Variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
write(List<PropsFileParser.KeyPairLine>, String) - Method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
Write these key-value pairs through the open writer.
writeOne(PrintWriter, String, String, List<String>, boolean) - Static method in class net.nand.util.i18n.PropsFileWriter
Write one key-value pair line to the properties file, making sure unicode escapes are re-escaped to \uXXXX where needed, otherwise keeping val unchanged and keeping high-bit ISO-8859-1 characters for easier viewing.


YES_NO - Static variable in class soc.client.ColorSquare
youHave - Variable in class soc.client.SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog


zero - Static variable in class soc.client.SOCHandPanel
Array of five zeroes, one per resource type; for SOCHandPanel.sqPanel.
zero - Static variable in class soc.client.TradeOfferPanel


_regex_findBaseAndLang - Static variable in class net.nand.util.i18n.gui.PropertiesTranslatorEditor
Initialized and used in PropertiesTranslatorEditor.findBaseAndLangInFilename(String)

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _