Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCResSetBuildTimePair

Uses of SOCResSetBuildTimePair in soc.robot

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCResSetBuildTimePair
protected  SOCResSetBuildTimePair SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.calculateRollsAccurate(SOCResourceSet startingResources, SOCResourceSet targetResources, int cutoff, boolean[] ports)
          this figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources given a starting set
protected  SOCResSetBuildTimePair SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.calculateRollsAndRsrcFast(SOCResourceSet startingResources, SOCResourceSet targetResources, int cutoff, boolean[] ports)
          this figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources given a starting set