Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCPossibleRoad

Uses of SOCPossibleRoad in soc.robot

Subclasses of SOCPossibleRoad in soc.robot
 class SOCPossibleShip
          This is a possible ship that we can build.

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCPossibleRoad
protected  SOCPossibleRoad SOCRobotDM.favoriteRoad
          A road or ship we could build this turn, chosen from SOCRobotDM.threatenedRoads or SOCRobotDM.goodRoads in SOCRobotDM.smartGameStrategy(int[]).

Fields in soc.robot with type parameters of type SOCPossibleRoad
protected  java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCRobotDM.goodRoads
          A road or ship (SOCPossibleRoad and/or subclass SOCPossibleShip) we could build this turn; its getNecessaryRoads() is empty.
protected  java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPossibleSettlement.necessaryRoads
protected  java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPossibleRoad.necessaryRoads
protected  java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPlayerTracker.possibleRoads
          Includes both roads and ships.
protected  java.util.Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPossibleSettlement.roadPath
protected  java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCRobotDM.threatenedRoads
          Roads threatened by other players; currently unused.

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCPossibleRoad
 SOCPossibleRoad SOCRobotDM.getFavoriteRoad()

Methods in soc.robot that return types with arguments of type SOCPossibleRoad
 java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPossibleSettlement.getNecessaryRoads()
          Get this possible settlement's list of necessary roads, from constructor and/or SOCPossibleSettlement.addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad).
 java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPossibleRoad.getNecessaryRoads()
          Get this possible road/ship's list of necessary roads, from constructor and/or addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad).
 java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPlayerTracker.getPossibleRoads()
          Get the possible roads and ships (SOCPossibleRoad, SOCPossibleShip).
(package private)  java.util.Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> SOCPossibleSettlement.getRoadPath()
          Get the shortest road path to this settlement; some bots don't use this.

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCPossibleRoad
 void SOCPossibleSettlement.addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad rd)
          add a possible road to the list of necessary roads
 void SOCPossibleRoad.addNecessaryRoad(SOCPossibleRoad rd)
          add a possible road to the list of necessary roads
 void SOCPlayerTracker.expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad targetRoad, SOCPlayer player, SOCPlayer dummy, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> trackers, int level)
          Expand a possible road or ship, to see what placements it makes possible.
protected  float SOCRobotDM.getWinGameETABonusForRoad(SOCPossibleRoad posRoad, int roadETA, int leadersCurrentWGETA, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> playerTrackers)
          For SOCRobotDM.SMART_STRATEGY, add a bonus to the road or ship score based on the change in win game ETA for this one road or ship (possible settlements are 1 road closer, longest road bonus, etc).
protected  void SOCPlayerTracker.removeDependents(SOCPossibleRoad road)
          remove everything that depends on this road being built
protected  void SOCPlayerTracker.removeFromNecessaryRoads(SOCPossibleRoad pr)
          remove this piece from the pieces that support it
 void SOCPlayerTracker.updateLRPotential(SOCPossibleRoad posRoad, SOCPlayer dummy, SOCRoad dummyRoad, int lrLength, int level)
          update the potential LR value of a possible road or ship by placing dummy roads/ships and calculating LR (longest road).

Method parameters in soc.robot with type arguments of type SOCPossibleRoad
(package private)  void SOCPossibleSettlement.setRoadPath(java.util.Stack<SOCPossibleRoad> path)
          Shortest road/ship path to this settlement.

Constructors in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCPossibleRoad
SOCPossibleRoad(SOCPossibleRoad pr)
          copy constructor Note: This will not copy the vectors, just make empty ones

Constructor parameters in soc.robot with type arguments of type SOCPossibleRoad
SOCPossibleRoad(SOCPlayer pl, int co, java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> nr)
SOCPossibleSettlement(SOCPlayer pl, int co, java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> nr)
SOCPossibleShip(SOCPlayer pl, int co, boolean isCoastal, java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> nr)