Class SOCPlayerClient

  extended by soc.client.SOCPlayerClient

public class SOCPlayerClient
extends java.lang.Object

Standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer. (For applet see SOCApplet.) Prompts for name and password, displays list of games and channels available. The actual game is played in a separate SOCPlayerInterface window.

If you want another connection port, you have to specify it as the "port" argument in the html source. If you run this as a stand-alone, you have to specify the port.

At startup or init, will try to connect to server via SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.connect(String, int). See that method for more details.

There are three possible servers to which a client can be connected:

At most, the client is connected to the practice server and one TCP server. Each game's SOCGame.isPractice flag determines which connection to use.

Once connected, messages from the server are processed in SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater.treat(SOCMessage, boolean).

Robert S Thomas

Nested Class Summary
static class SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork
          Helper object to encapsulate and deal with network connectivity.
private static class SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter
          React to windowOpened, windowClosing events for GameAwtDisplay's Frame.
static class SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay
          A SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay implementation for AWT.
static interface SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay
          A facade for the SOCPlayerClient to use to invoke actions in the GUI
static class SOCPlayerClient.GameManager
          Nested class for processing outgoing messages (putting).
private static class SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask
          TimerTask used when new game is asked for, to prevent waiting forever for game option defaults.
private static class SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask
          TimerTask used soon after client connect, to prevent waiting forever for game options info (assume slow connection or server bug).
private  class SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater
          Nested class for processing incoming messages (treating).
Field Summary
private  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,PlayerClientListener> clientListeners
          Map from game-name to the listener for that game.
(package private)  java.util.Locale cliLocale
          Locale for i18n message lookups used for strings.
          For practice games, default game name ("Practice").
private  SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay gameDisplay
          Display for all user interface, including and beyond games.
private  SOCPlayerClient.GameManager gameManager
          Helper object to send outgoing network traffic to the server.
protected static java.lang.String GAMENAME_PREFIX_CANNOT_JOIN
          text prefix to show games this client cannot join.
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games
          the games we're currently playing
protected  java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> gamesUnjoinableOverride
          the unjoinable game names from serverGames that player has asked to join, and been told they can't.
protected  boolean gotPassword
          true if we've stored the password and the server's replied that it's correct
protected  java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ignoreList
          the ignore list
static boolean isJavaOnOSX
          For use in password fields, and possibly by other places, detect if we're running on Mac OS X.
protected  boolean isNGOFWaitingForAuthStatus
          true if user clicked "new game" and, before showing NewGameOptionsFrame, we've sent the nickname (username) and password to the server and are waiting for a response.
protected  int lastFaceChange
          face ID chosen most recently (for use in new games)
private  SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork net
          Helper object to deal with network connectivity.
protected  java.lang.String nickname
          the nickname; null until validated and set by getValidNickname(true)
protected  int numPracticeGames
          Number of practice games started; used for naming practice games
protected  java.lang.String password
          the password for nickname.
protected  ServerGametypeInfo practiceServGameOpts
          Track the game options available at the remote server, at the practice server.
protected  SOCGameList serverGames
          all announced game names on the remote server, including games which we can't join due to limitations of the client.
protected  SOCServerFeatures sFeatures
          Server's active optional features, sent soon after connect, or null if unknown.
private  SOCStringManager strings
          i18n text strings in our cliLocale.
protected  int sVersion
          Server version number for remote server, sent soon after connect, 0 if no server, or -1 if version unknown.
protected  ServerGametypeInfo tcpServGameOpts
          Track the game options available at the remote server, at the practice server.
private  SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater treater
          Helper object to receive incoming network traffic from the server.
Constructor Summary
          Create a SOCPlayerClient connecting to localhost port SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOC_PORT_DEFAULT.
Method Summary
 void addToGameList(java.lang.String gameName, java.lang.String gameOptsStr, boolean addToSrvList)
          Add a new game to the initial window's list of games, and possibly to the server games list.
protected  void addToIgnoreList(java.lang.String name)
          add this name to the ignore list
protected  void checkGameoptsForUnknownScenario(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
          Check these game options to see if they contain a scenario we don't yet have full info about.
 void connect(java.lang.String chost, int cport, java.lang.String cuser, java.lang.String cpass)
          Connect and give feedback by showing MESSAGE_PANEL.
 void dispose()
          network trouble; if possible, ask if they want to play locally (practiceServer vs.
 SOCPlayerClient.GameManager getGameManager()
 SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork getNet()
 java.lang.String getNickname()
 int getServerVersion(SOCGame game)
          Server version, for checking feature availability.
 void leaveChannel(java.lang.String ch)
          the user leaves the given channel
protected  void localizeGameScenarios(java.util.List<java.lang.String> scStrs, boolean skipFirst, boolean sentAll, boolean isPractice)
          Localize SOCScenario names and descriptions with strings from the server.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
          for stand-alones
protected  boolean onIgnoreList(java.lang.String name)
protected  void removeFromIgnoreList(java.lang.String name)
          remove this name from the ignore list
 void setGameDisplay(SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay gd)
          Set our game display interface.
 void startPracticeGame()
          Create a game name, and start a practice game.
 void startPracticeGame(java.lang.String practiceGameName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gameOpts, boolean mainPanelIsActive)
          Setup for practice game (on the non-tcp server).
 void updateGameEndStats(java.lang.String game, int[] scores)
          If we're playing in a game that's just finished, update the scores.
static void usage()
          for stand-alones
(package private)  boolean wantsI18nStrings(boolean isPractice)
          Should this client request localized strings (I18N) from the server if available? Checks server version, checks whether client locale differs from the fallback "en_US".
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


private final SOCStringManager strings
i18n text strings in our cliLocale.



protected static final java.lang.String GAMENAME_PREFIX_CANNOT_JOIN
text prefix to show games this client cannot join. "(cannot join) "

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final boolean isJavaOnOSX
For use in password fields, and possibly by other places, detect if we're running on Mac OS X. To identify osx from within java, see technote TN2110:



final java.util.Locale cliLocale
Locale for i18n message lookups used for strings. Also sent to server while connecting. Override if needed in the constructor by reading the PROP_JSETTLERS_LOCALE system property "jsettlers.locale".



private SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork net
Helper object to deal with network connectivity.


private SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater treater
Helper object to receive incoming network traffic from the server.


private SOCPlayerClient.GameManager gameManager
Helper object to send outgoing network traffic to the server.


private SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay gameDisplay
Display for all user interface, including and beyond games.


protected int sVersion
Server version number for remote server, sent soon after connect, 0 if no server, or -1 if version unknown. A local practice server's version is always Version.versionNumber(), not sVersion, so always check SOCGame.isPractice before checking this field.


protected SOCServerFeatures sFeatures
Server's active optional features, sent soon after connect, or null if unknown. Not used with a local practice server, so always check SOCGame.isPractice before checking this field.

See Also:


protected ServerGametypeInfo tcpServGameOpts
Track the game options available at the remote server, at the practice server. Initialized by SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.gameWithOptionsBeginSetup(boolean, boolean) and/or SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater.handleVERSION(boolean, SOCVersion). These fields are never null, even if the respective server is not connected or not running.

For a summary of the flags and variables involved with game options, and the client/server interaction about their values, see ServerGametypeInfo's javadoc.

Scenario strings are localized by localizeGameScenarios(List, boolean, boolean, boolean).

See Also:


protected ServerGametypeInfo practiceServGameOpts
Track the game options available at the remote server, at the practice server. Initialized by SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.gameWithOptionsBeginSetup(boolean, boolean) and/or SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater.handleVERSION(boolean, SOCVersion). These fields are never null, even if the respective server is not connected or not running.

For a summary of the flags and variables involved with game options, and the client/server interaction about their values, see ServerGametypeInfo's javadoc.

Scenario strings are localized by localizeGameScenarios(List, boolean, boolean, boolean).

See Also:


public final java.lang.String DEFAULT_PRACTICE_GAMENAME
For practice games, default game name ("Practice"). Set in constructor using i18n strings lookup.


protected java.lang.String nickname
the nickname; null until validated and set by getValidNickname(true)


protected java.lang.String password
the password for nickname. If the server's authenticated this password, the gotPassword flag is set.


protected boolean gotPassword
true if we've stored the password and the server's replied that it's correct

See Also:


protected boolean isNGOFWaitingForAuthStatus
true if user clicked "new game" and, before showing NewGameOptionsFrame, we've sent the nickname (username) and password to the server and are waiting for a response.

Used only with TCP servers, not with practiceServer.



protected int lastFaceChange
face ID chosen most recently (for use in new games)


protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games
the games we're currently playing


protected SOCGameList serverGames
all announced game names on the remote server, including games which we can't join due to limitations of the client. May also contain options for all announced games on the server (not just ones we're in) which we can join (version is not higher than our version).

Key is the game name, without the UNJOINABLE prefix. This field is null until handleGAMES, handleGAMESWITHOPTIONS, handleNEWGAME or handleNEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS is called.



protected java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> gamesUnjoinableOverride
the unjoinable game names from serverGames that player has asked to join, and been told they can't. If they click again, try to connect. (This is a failsafe against bugs in server or client version-recognition.) Both key and value are the game name, without the UNJOINABLE prefix.



private final java.util.Map<java.lang.String,PlayerClientListener> clientListeners
Map from game-name to the listener for that game.


protected java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> ignoreList
the ignore list


protected int numPracticeGames
Number of practice games started; used for naming practice games

Constructor Detail


public SOCPlayerClient()
Create a SOCPlayerClient connecting to localhost port SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.SOC_PORT_DEFAULT. Initializes helper objects (except SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay), locale, SOCStringManager. The locale will be the current user's default locale, unless overridden by setting the PROP_JSETTLERS_LOCALE system property "jsettlers.locale".

Must call SOCApplet.init(), or setGameDisplay(GameDisplay) and then SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay.initVisualElements(), to start up and do layout.

Must then call connect(String, int, String, String) or SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.connect(String, int) to join a TCP server, or SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay.clickPracticeButton() or SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.startLocalTCPServer(int) to start a server locally.

Method Detail


public void setGameDisplay(SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay gd)
Set our game display interface. Before using the client, caller must also call SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay.initVisualElements().



public void connect(java.lang.String chost,
                    int cport,
                    java.lang.String cuser,
                    java.lang.String cpass)
Connect and give feedback by showing MESSAGE_PANEL. Calls SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay.connect(String, String) to set username and password, then SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.connect(String, int) to make the connection.

chost - Hostname to connect to, or null for localhost
cport - Port number to connect to
cuser - User nickname
cpass - User optional password


public java.lang.String getNickname()
the nickname of this user
See Also:


final boolean wantsI18nStrings(boolean isPractice)
Should this client request localized strings (I18N) from the server if available? Checks server version, checks whether client locale differs from the fallback "en_US".

isPractice - True if checking for local practice server, not a remote server
True if client should request localized strings


protected void checkGameoptsForUnknownScenario(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
Check these game options to see if they contain a scenario we don't yet have full info about. If the options include a scenario and we don't have that scenario's info or localized strings, ask the server for that but don't wait here for a reply.

Do not call for practice games: Assumes this is the TCP server, because for practice games we already have full info about scenarios and their strings.

opts - Game options to check for "SC", or null


protected void localizeGameScenarios(java.util.List<java.lang.String> scStrs,
                                     boolean skipFirst,
                                     boolean sentAll,
                                     boolean isPractice)
Localize SOCScenario names and descriptions with strings from the server. Updates scenario data in practiceServGameOpts or tcpServGameOpts.

scStrs - Scenario localized strings, same format as SOCLocalizedStrings params.
skipFirst - If true skip the first element of scStrs, it isn't a scenario keyname.
sentAll - True if no further strings will be received; is SOCLocalizedStrings.FLAG_SENT_ALL set? If true, sets ServerGametypeInfo.allScenStringsReceived.
isPractice - Is the server SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.practiceServer, not remote?


public void addToGameList(java.lang.String gameName,
                          java.lang.String gameOptsStr,
                          boolean addToSrvList)
Add a new game to the initial window's list of games, and possibly to the server games list.

gameName - the game name to add to the list; may have the prefix SOCGames.MARKER_THIS_GAME_UNJOINABLE
gameOptsStr - String of packed game options, or null
addToSrvList - Should this game be added to the list of remote-server games? Practice games should not be added. The serverGames list also has a flag for cannotJoin.
See Also:
SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay.addToGameList(boolean, String, String, boolean)


public void updateGameEndStats(java.lang.String game,
                               int[] scores)
If we're playing in a game that's just finished, update the scores. This is used to show the true scores, including hidden victory-point cards, at the game's end.


public void leaveChannel(java.lang.String ch)
the user leaves the given channel

ch - the name of the channel


public SOCPlayerClient.GameManager getGameManager()


protected boolean onIgnoreList(java.lang.String name)
true if name is on the ignore list


protected void addToIgnoreList(java.lang.String name)
add this name to the ignore list

name - the name to add


protected void removeFromIgnoreList(java.lang.String name)
remove this name from the ignore list

name - the name to remove


public void startPracticeGame()
Create a game name, and start a practice game. Assumes SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.MAIN_PANEL is initialized.


public void startPracticeGame(java.lang.String practiceGameName,
                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gameOpts,
                              boolean mainPanelIsActive)
Setup for practice game (on the non-tcp server). If needed, a (stringport, not tcp) SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.practiceServer, client, and robots are started.

practiceGameName - Unique name to give practice game; if name unknown, call startPracticeGame() instead
gameOpts - Set of game options to use, or null
mainPanelIsActive - Is the SOCPlayerClient main panel active? False if we're being called from elsewhere, such as SOCConnectOrPracticePanel.


public int getServerVersion(SOCGame game)
Server version, for checking feature availability. Returns -1 if unknown.

game - Game being played on a practice or tcp server.
Server version, format like Version.versionNumber(), or 0 or -1.


public void dispose()
network trouble; if possible, ask if they want to play locally (practiceServer vs. robots). Otherwise, go ahead and shut down.


public static void usage()
for stand-alones


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
for stand-alones


public SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork getNet()