Class SOCGameOption

  extended by
      extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>

public class SOCGameOption
extends SOCVersionedItem
implements java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>

Game-specific options, configurable at game creation. This class has two purposes:

To get the list of known options, use getAllKnownOptions().

For information about adding or changing game options in a later version of JSettlers, please see initAllOptions().

All in-game code uses the 2-letter or 3-letter key strings to query and change game option settings; only a very few places use SOCGameOption objects. To search the code for uses of a game option, search for its capitalized key string. You will see calls to SOCGame.isGameOptionDefined(String), SOCGame.getGameOptionIntValue(Map, String, int, boolean), etc. Also search SOCScenario for the option as part of a string, such as "SBL=t,VP=12".

Most option name keys are 2 or 3 characters; before 2.0.00, the maximum length was 3. The maximum key length is now 8, but older clients will reject keys longer than 3.

Option name keys must start with a letter and contain only ASCII uppercase letters ('A' through 'Z') and digits ('0' through '9'), in order to normalize handling and network message formats. This is enforced in constructors via SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String). Version 2.0.00 and newer allow '_'; please check SOCVersionedItem.minVersion, name keys with '_' can't be sent to older clients. Options starting with '_' are meant to be set by the server during game creation, not requested by the client. They're set during adjustOptionsToKnown(opts, null, true).

For the same reason, option string values (and enum choices) must not contain certain characters or span more than 1 line; this is checked by calling SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(String) within constructors and setters.

The "known options" are initialized via initAllOptions(). See that method's description for more details on adding an option. If a new option changes previously expected behavior of the game, it should default to the old behavior; its default value on your server can be changed at runtime.

Since 1.1.13, when the user changes options while creating a new game, related options can be changed on-screen for consistency; see SOCGameOption.ChangeListener for details. If you create a ChangeListener, consider adding equivalent code to adjustOptionsToKnown(Map, Map, boolean) for the server side.

Sea Board Scenarios:
Game scenarios were introduced with the large sea board in 2.0.00. Game options are used to indicate which scenario events and rules are possible in the current game. These all start with "_SC_" and have a static key string; an example is K_SC_SANY for scenario game option "_SC_SANY".

Version negotiation:
Game options were introduced in 1.1.07; check server, client versions against SOCNewGameWithOptions.VERSION_FOR_NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS. Each option has version information, because options can be added or changed with new versions of JSettlers. Since games run on the server, the server is authoritative about game options: If the client is newer, it must defer to the server's older set of known options. At client connect, the client compares its JSettlers version number to the server's, and asks for any changes to options if their versions differ.

Game option descriptions are also stored as gameopt.* in server/strings/toClient_*.properties to be sent to clients if needed during version negotiation. An option's text can be localized with SOCVersionedItem.setDesc(String).

Jeremy D. Monin <>

Nested Class Summary
static interface SOCGameOption.ChangeListener
          Listener for option value changes at the client during game creation.
Field Summary
private static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> allOptions
          Set of "known options".
private  boolean boolValue
 boolean defaultBoolValue
          Default value for boolean part of this option, if any
 int defaultIntValue
          Default value for integer part of this option, if any
 java.lang.String[] enumVals
          For type OTYPE_ENUM and OTYPE_ENUMBOOL, descriptive text for each possible value; null for other types.
          optFlags bitfield constant to indicate option should be dropped if unset/default.
          optFlags bitfield constant to indicate option is an internal property.
private  int intValue
static java.lang.String K_SC_0RVP
          Scenario key _SC_0RVP: No "longest trade route" VP / Longest Road.
static java.lang.String K_SC_3IP
          Scenario key _SC_3IP: Third initial placement of settlement and road or ship.
static java.lang.String K_SC_CLVI
          Scenario key _SC_CLVI for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.CLOTH_TRADE_ESTABLISHED_VILLAGE: Cloth Trade with neutral villages.
static java.lang.String K_SC_FOG
          Scenario key _SC_FOG for SOCScenarioGameEvent.SGE_FOG_HEX_REVEALED.
static java.lang.String K_SC_FTRI
          Scenario key _SC_FTRI for the Forgotten Tribe.
static java.lang.String K_SC_PIRI
          Scenario key _SC_PIRI for Pirate Islands and fortresses.
static java.lang.String K_SC_SANY
          Scenario key _SC_SANY for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.SVP_SETTLED_ANY_NEW_LANDAREA.
static java.lang.String K_SC_SEAC
          Scenario key _SC_SEAC for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.SVP_SETTLED_EACH_NEW_LANDAREA.
static java.lang.String K_SC_WOND
          Scenario key _SC_WOND for Wonders.
 int maxIntValue
          Minumum and maximum permitted values for integer part of this option, if any, or maximum length of a string value.
 int minIntValue
          Minumum and maximum permitted values for integer part of this option, if any, or maximum length of a string value.
private  SOCGameOption.ChangeListener optCL
          The option's ChangeListener, or null.
 int optFlags
          Sum of all of option's flags, if any, such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED.
 int optType
          Option type.
static int OTYPE_BOOL
          Option type: boolean
static int OTYPE_ENUM
          Option type: enumeration (1 of several possible choices, described with text strings, stored here as intVal).
          Option type: enumeration + boolean; see OTYPE_ENUM.
static int OTYPE_INT
          Option type: integer.
static int OTYPE_INTBOOL
          Option type: integer + boolean.
static int OTYPE_MAX
          Highest OTYPE value known at this version
static int OTYPE_MIN
          Lowest OTYPE_ (optType) value known at this version
static int OTYPE_STR
          Option type: text string (max string length is maxIntValue, default value is "")
static int OTYPE_STRHIDE
          Option type: text string (like OTYPE_STR) but hidden from view; is NOT encrypted, but contents show up as "*" when typed into a text field.
static int OTYPE_UNKNOWN
          Option type: unknown (probably due to version mismatch).
private static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> refreshList
          List of options to refresh on-screen after a change during game creation; filled by refreshDisplay().
private  java.lang.String strValue
 boolean userChanged
          Has the user selected a value? False if unchanged, or if changed only by a SOCGameOption.ChangeListener or other automatic means.
          Version 2.0.00 introduced longer option keynames (8 characters, earlier max was 3) and underscores '_' in option names.
Fields inherited from class
desc, isKnown, key, lastModVersion, minVersion
Constructor Summary
protected SOCGameOption(int otype, java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, boolean defaultBoolValue, int defaultIntValue, int minValue, int maxValue, java.lang.String[] enumVals, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new game option - common constructor.
protected SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption intOpt, int maxIntValue)
          Copy constructor for int-valued types (OTYPE_INT, OTYPE_INTBOOL), for restricting (trimming) max value for a certain client version.
  SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption opt, java.lang.String newDesc)
          Copy constructor for i18n localization of getDesc().
protected SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption enumOpt, java.lang.String[] keptEnumVals)
          Copy constructor for enum-valued types (OTYPE_ENUM, OTYPE_ENUMBOOL), for restricting (trimming) values for a certain client version.
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key)
          Create a new game option of unknown type (OTYPE_UNKNOWN).
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, boolean defaultBoolValue, int defaultIntValue, int minValue, int maxValue, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new int+boolean game option (OTYPE_INTBOOL).
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, boolean defaultValue, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new boolean game option (OTYPE_BOOL).
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, boolean defaultBoolValue, int defaultIntValue, java.lang.String[] enumVals, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new enumerated + boolean game option (OTYPE_ENUMBOOL).
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, int maxLength, boolean hideTyping, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new text game option (OTYPE_STR or OTYPE_STRHIDE).
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, int defaultValue, int minValue, int maxValue, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new integer game option (OTYPE_INT).
  SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key, int minVers, int lastModVers, int defaultValue, java.lang.String[] enumVals, int flags, java.lang.String desc)
          Create a new enumerated game option (OTYPE_ENUM).
Method Summary
 void addChangeListener(SOCGameOption.ChangeListener cl)
          Add or remove this option's change listener.
static boolean addKnownOption(SOCGameOption onew)
          Add a new known option (presumably received from a server of newer or older version), or update the option's information.
static java.lang.StringBuilder adjustOptionsToKnown(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> newOpts, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> knownOpts, boolean doServerPreadjust)
          Compare a set of options with known-good values.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> cloneOptions(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
          Make a deep copy of a group of options.
 int compareTo(java.lang.Object other)
          Compare two options, for display purposes.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> getAllKnownOptions()
static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> getAndClearRefreshList()
          Get the list of SOCGameOptions whose refreshDisplay() methods have been called, and clear the internal static copy.
 boolean getBoolValue()
          Is this option set, if this option's type has a boolean component?
 SOCGameOption.ChangeListener getChangeListener()
          Get this option's SOCGameOption.ChangeListener, if any
 int getIntValue()
          This option's integer value, if this option's type has an integer component.
static int getMaxEnumValueForVersion(java.lang.String optKey, int vers)
          For use at server, for enum options where some values require a newer client version.
static int getMaxIntValueForVersion(java.lang.String optKey, int vers)
          For use at server, for int options where some values require a newer client version.
 int getMinVersion(java.util.Map<?,? extends SOCVersionedItem> opts)
          Minimum game version supporting this option, given SOCVersionedItem.minVersion and the option's current value.
static SOCGameOption getOption(java.lang.String key, boolean clone)
          Get information about a known option.
 java.lang.StringBuilder getPackedValue()
          Form a StringBuilder containing the current value.
 java.lang.String getStringValue()
 boolean hasChangeListener()
          Does this option have a non-null SOCGameOption.ChangeListener?
 boolean hasFlag(int flagMask)
          Does this game option have these specified flag(s)?
private static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> implOptionsVersionCheck(int vers, boolean getAllForVersion, boolean checkValues, boolean trimEnums, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
          Get all options added or changed since version vers, or all options valid at vers, to implement optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map) and optionsForVersion(int, Map).
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> initAllOptions()
          Create a set of the known options.
static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> optionsForVersion(int vers, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
          Get all options valid at version vers.
static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> optionsNewerThanVersion(int vers, boolean checkValues, boolean trimEnums, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
          Compare a set of options against the specified version.
static java.lang.String optionTypeName(int optType)
          For user output, the string name of the option type's constant.
static java.lang.String packKnownOptionsToString(boolean hideEmptyStringOpts, boolean hideLongNameOpts)
          Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs from the known options' current values.
static java.lang.String packOptionsToString(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> omap, boolean hideEmptyStringOpts)
          Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs.
static java.lang.String packOptionsToString(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> omap, boolean hideEmptyStringOpts, int cliVers)
          Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs, adjusting for old clients if necessary.
 void packValue(java.lang.StringBuilder sb)
          Pack current value of this option into a string.
static SOCGameOption parseOptionNameValue(java.lang.String nvpair, boolean forceNameUpcase)
          Utility - parse a single name-value pair produced by packOptionsToString.
static SOCGameOption parseOptionNameValue(java.lang.String optkey, java.lang.String optval, boolean forceNameUpcase)
          Utility - parse an option name-value pair produced by packValue(StringBuilder) or packOptionsToString(Map, boolean).
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> parseOptionsToMap(java.lang.String ostr)
          Utility - build a map of keys to SOCGameOptions by parsing a list of option name-value pairs.
 void refreshDisplay()
          If this game option is displayed on-screen, refresh it; call this after changing the value.
static void setBoolOption(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> newOpts, java.lang.String boKey)
          Within a set of options, include a boolean option and make it true.
 void setBoolValue(boolean v)
static void setIntOption(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> newOpts, java.lang.String ioKey, int ivalue, boolean bvalue)
          Within a set of options, include an int or intbool option and set its value.
 void setIntValue(int v)
          Set this option's integer value to new value v, or clip to min/max allowed values.
static void setKnownOptionCurrentValue(SOCGameOption ocurr)
          Set the current value(s) of a known option, based on the current value(s) of another object ocurr with the same key.
 void setStringValue(java.lang.String v)
          Set this option's string value to new value v
 java.lang.String toString()
          Form a string with the key and current value, useful for debugging purposes.
static SOCGameOption trimEnumForVersion(SOCGameOption opt, int vers)
          Copy this option and restrict its enumerated values (type OTYPE_ENUM or similar) by trimming enumVals shorter.
Methods inherited from class
findUnknowns, getDesc, implItemsVersionCheck, isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii, itemsForVersion, itemsMinimumVersion, itemsMinimumVersion, itemsNewerThanVersion, setDesc
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final int FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED
optFlags bitfield constant to indicate option should be dropped if unset/default. If this option's value is the default, then server should not add it to game options or send over the network (to reduce overhead). Only recommended if game behavior without the option is well-established (for example, trading is allowed unless option NT is present).

Should the server drop this option from game options, and not send over the network, if the value is false or blank? (Meaning false (not set) for OTYPE_BOOL, OTYPE_ENUMBOOL or OTYPE_INTBOOL; blank for OTYPE_STR or OTYPE_STRHIDE; defaultIntValue for OTYPE_INT or OTYPE_ENUM)

Only recommended for seldom-used options. The removal is done in adjustOptionsToKnown(Map, Map, boolean). Once this flag is set for an option, it should not be un-set if the option is changed in a later version.

For OTYPE_INTBOOL and OTYPE_ENUMBOOL, both the integer and boolean values are checked against defaults.

This flag is ignored at the client when asking to create a new game: NewGameOptionsFrame sends all options it has displayed, even those which would be dropped because they're unused and they have this flag.

Recognized in v1.1.07 and newer. This is the only flag recognized by clients older than v2.0.00. Clients older than v2.0.00 also ignore this flag for OTYPE_INT, OTYPE_ENUM.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int FLAG_INTERNAL_GAME_PROPERTY
optFlags bitfield constant to indicate option is an internal property. Set if the purpose of this option is to hold information about the option's game or its board. The user shouldn't be able to set this option when creating a game, and it should be hidden not shown in the Game Options window during play (NewGameOptionsFrame).

Options with this flag should have a key starting with '_', although not all options which start with '_' are hidden for internal use. (Options starting with '_' are meant to be set by the server during game creation, not requested by the client.)

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_MIN
Lowest OTYPE_ (optType) value known at this version

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_UNKNOWN
Option type: unknown (probably due to version mismatch). Options of this type will also set their isKnown flag false.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_BOOL
Option type: boolean

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_INT
Option type: integer.

In v1.1.20 and newer, while reading values in the NewGameOptionsFrame dialog, a blank textfield is treated as 0. If 0 is out of range, the user will have to enter a valid number.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_INTBOOL
Option type: integer + boolean. Both boolValue and intValue fields are used.

In v1.1.20 and newer, while reading values in the NewGameOptionsFrame dialog, a blank int value textfield is treated as 0. If 0 is out of range, the user will have to enter a valid number. If the option's boolean value checkbox isn't set, the int value isn't set or changed.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_ENUM
Option type: enumeration (1 of several possible choices, described with text strings, stored here as intVal). Choices' strings are stored in enumVals.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_ENUMBOOL
Option type: enumeration + boolean; see OTYPE_ENUM. Like OTYPE_INTBOOL, both boolValue and intValue fields are used.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_STR
Option type: text string (max string length is maxIntValue, default value is "")

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_STRHIDE
Option type: text string (like OTYPE_STR) but hidden from view; is NOT encrypted, but contents show up as "*" when typed into a text field.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int OTYPE_MAX
Highest OTYPE value known at this version

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_SANY
Scenario key _SC_SANY for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.SVP_SETTLED_ANY_NEW_LANDAREA.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_SEAC
Scenario key _SC_SEAC for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.SVP_SETTLED_EACH_NEW_LANDAREA.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_FOG
Scenario key _SC_FOG for SOCScenarioGameEvent.SGE_FOG_HEX_REVEALED.

See Also:
SOCScenario.K_SC_FOG, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_0RVP
Scenario key _SC_0RVP: No "longest trade route" VP / Longest Road.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_3IP
Scenario key _SC_3IP: Third initial placement of settlement and road or ship. Initial resources are given for this one, not the second settlement.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_CLVI
Scenario key _SC_CLVI for SOCScenarioPlayerEvent.CLOTH_TRADE_ESTABLISHED_VILLAGE: Cloth Trade with neutral villages. Villages and cloth are in a game only if this option is set.

See Also:
SOCScenario.K_SC_CLVI, Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_PIRI
Scenario key _SC_PIRI for Pirate Islands and fortresses. Fortresses and player warships are in a game only if this option is set. For more details and special rules see SOCScenario.K_SC_PIRI.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_FTRI
Scenario key _SC_FTRI for the Forgotten Tribe. Special edges with SVP, dev cards, and "gift" ports placed via SOCInventoryItem. For more details and special rules see SOCScenario.K_SC_FTRI.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final java.lang.String K_SC_WOND
Scenario key _SC_WOND for Wonders. Special unique "wonders" claimed by players and built up to several levels. No pirate ship. For more details, special rules, and Special Items, see SOCScenario.K_SC_WOND.

See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES
Version 2.0.00 introduced longer option keynames (8 characters, earlier max was 3) and underscores '_' in option names. Game option names sent to 1.1.xx servers must be 3 characters or less, alphanumeric, no underscores ('_').

See Also:
Constant Field Values


private static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> allOptions
Set of "known options". allOptions must never be null, because other places assume it is filled.


private static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> refreshList
List of options to refresh on-screen after a change during game creation; filled by refreshDisplay(). Not thread-safe.

See Also:


public final int optType
Option type.


public final int optFlags
Sum of all of option's flags, if any, such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED.

See Also:


public final boolean defaultBoolValue
Default value for boolean part of this option, if any


public final int defaultIntValue
Default value for integer part of this option, if any


public final int minIntValue
Minumum and maximum permitted values for integer part of this option, if any, or maximum length of a string value. (There is no minimum length)


public final int maxIntValue
Minumum and maximum permitted values for integer part of this option, if any, or maximum length of a string value. (There is no minimum length)


public final java.lang.String[] enumVals
For type OTYPE_ENUM and OTYPE_ENUMBOOL, descriptive text for each possible value; null for other types. If a value is added or changed in a later version, the option's SOCVersionedItem.lastModVersion field must be updated, so server/client will know to ask for the proper version with all available options. Although the option's intVals are in the range 1 to n, this array is indexed 0 to n-1.


private boolean boolValue


private int intValue


private java.lang.String strValue


private transient SOCGameOption.ChangeListener optCL
The option's ChangeListener, or null.



public transient boolean userChanged
Has the user selected a value? False if unchanged, or if changed only by a SOCGameOption.ChangeListener or other automatic means.

If a SOCGameOption.ChangeListener later changes the option's value, consider clearing userChanged because the user hasn't set that.

Client use only; not sent over the network. Set in NewGameOptionsFrame.

Constructor Detail


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new game option of unknown type (OTYPE_UNKNOWN). Minimum version will be Integer.MAX_VALUE. Value will be false/0. desc will be an empty string.

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key,
                     int minVers,
                     int lastModVers,
                     boolean defaultValue,
                     int flags,
                     java.lang.String desc)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new boolean game option (OTYPE_BOOL).

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
minVers - Minimum client version if this option is set (is true), or -1
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
defaultValue - Default value (true if set, false if not set)
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key,
                     int minVers,
                     int lastModVers,
                     int defaultValue,
                     int minValue,
                     int maxValue,
                     int flags,
                     java.lang.String desc)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new integer game option (OTYPE_INT).

If FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED is set, the option will be dropped if == defaultIntValue.
Before v2.0.00, there was no dropIfUnused flag for integer options.

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
minVers - Minimum client version if this option is set (boolean is true), or -1
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
defaultValue - Default int value
minValue - Minimum permissible value
maxValue - Maximum permissible value; the width of the options-dialog value field is based on the number of digits in maxValue.
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog; may contain a placeholder character '#' where the int value goes. If no placeholder is found, the value text field appears at left, like boolean options.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if defaultValue < minValue or is > maxValue, or if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key,
                     int minVers,
                     int lastModVers,
                     boolean defaultBoolValue,
                     int defaultIntValue,
                     int minValue,
                     int maxValue,
                     int flags,
                     java.lang.String desc)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new int+boolean game option (OTYPE_INTBOOL).

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
minVers - Minimum client version if this option is set (boolean is true), or -1
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
defaultBoolValue - Default value (true if set, false if not set)
defaultIntValue - Default int value, to use if option is set
minValue - Minimum permissible value
maxValue - Maximum permissible value; the width of the options-dialog value field is based on the number of digits in maxValue.
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog; should contain a placeholder character '#' where the int value goes.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if defaultIntValue < minValue or is > maxValue, or if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key,
                     int minVers,
                     int lastModVers,
                     int defaultValue,
                     java.lang.String[] enumVals,
                     int flags,
                     java.lang.String desc)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new enumerated game option (OTYPE_ENUM). The minIntValue will be 1, maxIntValue will be enumVals.length.

If FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED is set, the option will be dropped if == defaultIntValue.
Before v2.0.00, there was no dropIfUnused flag for enum options.

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
minVers - Minimum client version if this option is set (boolean is true), or -1
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
defaultValue - Default int value, in range 1 - n (n == number of possible values)
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
enumVals - text to display for each possible choice of this option. Please see the explanation at initAllOptions() about changing or adding to enumVals in later versions.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog; may contain a placeholder character '#' where the enum's popup-menu goes. If no placeholder is found, the value field appears at left, like boolean options.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if defaultValue < minValue or is > maxValue, or if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key,
                     int minVers,
                     int lastModVers,
                     boolean defaultBoolValue,
                     int defaultIntValue,
                     java.lang.String[] enumVals,
                     int flags,
                     java.lang.String desc)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new enumerated + boolean game option (OTYPE_ENUMBOOL). The minIntValue will be 1, maxIntValue will be enumVals.length.

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
minVers - Minimum client version if this option is set (boolean is true), or -1
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
defaultBoolValue - Default value (true if set, false if not set)
defaultIntValue - Default int value, in range 1 - n (n == number of possible values)
enumVals - text to display for each possible choice of this option
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog; may contain a placeholder character '#' where the enum's popup-menu goes. If no placeholder is found, the value field appears at left, like boolean options.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if defaultValue < minValue or is > maxValue, or if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


public SOCGameOption(java.lang.String key,
                     int minVers,
                     int lastModVers,
                     int maxLength,
                     boolean hideTyping,
                     int flags,
                     java.lang.String desc)
              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new text game option (OTYPE_STR or OTYPE_STRHIDE). The maxIntValue will be maxLength.

key - Alphanumeric 2-character code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format.
minVers - Minimum client version if this option is set (boolean is true), or -1
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
maxLength - Maximum length, between 1 and 255 (for network bandwidth conservation)
hideTyping - Should type be OTYPE_STRHIDE instead of OTYPE_STR?
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog; may contain a placeholder character '#' where the text value goes. If no placeholder is found, the value text field appears at left, like boolean options.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if maxLength > 255, or if key length is > 3 or not alphanumeric, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


protected SOCGameOption(int otype,
                        java.lang.String key,
                        int minVers,
                        int lastModVers,
                        boolean defaultBoolValue,
                        int defaultIntValue,
                        int minValue,
                        int maxValue,
                        java.lang.String[] enumVals,
                        int flags,
                        java.lang.String desc)
                 throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Create a new game option - common constructor.

otype - Option type; use caution, as this is unvalidated against OTYPE_MIN or OTYPE_MAX.
key - Alphanumeric uppercase code for this option; see SOCVersionedItem.isAlphanumericUpcaseAscii(String) for format. Most option keys are 2 or 3 characters; before 2.0.00, the maximum length was 3. The maximum key length is now 8, but older clients will reject keys longer than 3.
minVers - Minimum client version for games where this option is set (its boolean field is true), or -1. If key is longer than 3 characters, minVers must be at least 2000 (VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES).
lastModVers - Last-modified version for this option, or version which added it
defaultBoolValue - Default value (true if set, false if not set)
defaultIntValue - Default int value, to use if option is set
minValue - Minimum permissible value
maxValue - Maximum permissible value; the width of the options-dialog value field is based on the number of digits in maxValue.
enumVals - Possible choice texts for OTYPE_ENUM or OTYPE_ENUMBOOL, or null; value(s) must pass same checks as desc.
flags - Option flags such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or 0; Remember that older clients won't recognize some gameoption flags.
desc - Descriptive brief text, to appear in the options dialog; should contain a placeholder character '#' where the int value goes. Desc must not contain SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, and must evaluate true from SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(String).
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if defaultIntValue < minValue or is > maxValue, or if key is not alphanumeric or length is > 8, or if key length > 3 and minVers < 2000, or if desc contains SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char, or if minVers or lastModVers is under 1000 but not -1


public SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption opt,
                     java.lang.String newDesc)
Copy constructor for i18n localization of getDesc().

opt - Option to copy
newDesc - Localized option description, or null to use getDesc()


protected SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption enumOpt,
                        java.lang.String[] keptEnumVals)
                 throws java.lang.NullPointerException
Copy constructor for enum-valued types (OTYPE_ENUM, OTYPE_ENUMBOOL), for restricting (trimming) values for a certain client version.

enumOpt - Option object to copy. If its defaultIntValue is greater than keptEnumVals.length, the default will be reduced to that.
keptEnumVals - Enum values to keep; should be a subset of enumOpt.enumVals containing the first n values of that list.
java.lang.NullPointerException - if keptEnumVals is null
See Also:
getMaxEnumValueForVersion(String, int), optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map)


protected SOCGameOption(SOCGameOption intOpt,
                        int maxIntValue)
Copy constructor for int-valued types (OTYPE_INT, OTYPE_INTBOOL), for restricting (trimming) max value for a certain client version.

intOpt - Option object to copy. If its defaultIntValue is greater than maxIntValue, the default will be reduced to that.
maxIntValue - Maximum value to keep, in the copy
See Also:
getMaxIntValueForVersion(String, int), optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map)
Method Detail


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> initAllOptions()
Create a set of the known options. This method creates and returns a new map, but does not set the static allOptions field.

Current known options:

* Grouping: PLB is 3 characters, not 2, and its first 2 characters match an existing option. So in NewGameOptionsFrame, it appears on the line following the PL option in client version 1.1.13 and above.

Current Game Scenario options:

If you want to add a game option:

If you want to change a game option (in a later version):

Typical changes to a game option would be: Things you can't change about an option, because inconsistencies would occur: To make the change:

If you want to remove or obsolete a game option (in a later version):

Please think twice beforehand; breaking compatibility with older clients shouldn't be done without a very good reason. That said, the server is authoritative on options. If an option isn't in its known list (initAllOptions()), the client won't be allowed to ask for it. Any obsolete options should be kept around as commented-out code.

a fresh copy of the "known" options, with their hardcoded default values


public boolean getBoolValue()
Is this option set, if this option's type has a boolean component?

current boolean value of this option
See Also:
SOCGame.isGameOptionSet(Map, String)


public void setBoolValue(boolean v)


public int getIntValue()
This option's integer value, if this option's type has an integer component.

current integer value of this option
See Also:
SOCGame.getGameOptionIntValue(Map, String), SOCGame.getGameOptionIntValue(Map, String, int, boolean)


public void setIntValue(int v)
Set this option's integer value to new value v, or clip to min/max allowed values.

v - set to this value, if it's within min/max for this option


public java.lang.String getStringValue()
current string value of this option, or "" (empty string) if not set. Will not contain newlines or otherwise fail SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(String).
See Also:
SOCGame.getGameOptionStringValue(Map, String)


public void setStringValue(java.lang.String v)
                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set this option's string value to new value v

v - set to this value, or "" (empty string) if null; should be a simple string (no newlines or control characters). if v.length > maxIntValue, length will be truncated. Must not contain SOCMessage.sep_char or SOCMessage.sep2_char ('|' or ',').
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if v contains characters reserved for message handling: SOCMessage.sep or SOCMessage.sep2 ('|' or ','), or is multi-line or otherwise fails SOCMessage.isSingleLineAndSafe(String).


public int getMinVersion(java.util.Map<?,? extends SOCVersionedItem> opts)
Minimum game version supporting this option, given SOCVersionedItem.minVersion and the option's current value. The current value of an option can change its minimum version. For example, option "PL"'s minVersion is -1 for 2- to 4-player games with any client version, but a 5- or 6-player game will need client 1.1.08 or newer. For boolean-valued option types (OTYPE_BOOL, OTYPE_ENUMBOOL and OTYPE_INTBOOL), the minimum value is -1 unless getBoolValue() is true (that is, unless the option is set).

Occasionally, an older client version supports a new option, but only by changing the value of some other options it recognizes. This method will calculate the minimum client version at which options are unchanged, if opts != null.

Because this calculation is hardcoded here, the version returned may be too low when called at an older-version client. The server will let the client know if it's too old to join or create a game due to options.

getMinVersion in class SOCVersionedItem
opts - If null, return the minimum version supporting this option. Otherwise, the minimum version at which this option's value isn't changed (for compatibility) by the presence of other options.
minimum version, or -1; same format as Version.versionNumber(). If opts != null, the returned version will either be -1 or >= 1107 (the first version with game options).
See Also:
SOCVersionedItem.itemsMinimumVersion(Map), getMaxEnumValueForVersion(String, int), getMaxIntValueForVersion(String, int)


public static final int getMaxEnumValueForVersion(java.lang.String optKey,
                                                  int vers)
For use at server, for enum options where some values require a newer client version. Given the option's keyname and a version, what is the maximum permitted enum value? The server, when giving option info to a connecting client, can remove the too-new values, and send only the permitted values to an older client.

optKey - Option's keyname
vers - Version of client, same format as SOCVersion.getVersionNumber() and Version.versionNumber()
Maximum permitted value for this version, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if this option has no restriction. Enum values range from 1 to n, not from 0 to n-1.


public static final int getMaxIntValueForVersion(java.lang.String optKey,
                                                 int vers)
For use at server, for int options where some values require a newer client version. For example, versions below 1.1.08 limit "max players" to 4. Given the option's keyname and a version, what is the maximum permitted int value? The server, when giving option info to a connecting client, can remove the too-new values.

optKey - Option's keyname
vers - Version of client, same format as SOCVersion.getVersionNumber() and Version.versionNumber()
Maximum permitted value for this version, or Integer.MAX_VALUE if this option has no restriction.


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> getAllKnownOptions()
a deep copy of all known option objects
See Also:


public static boolean addKnownOption(SOCGameOption onew)
Add a new known option (presumably received from a server of newer or older version), or update the option's information.

onew - New option, or a changed version of an option we already know. If onew.optType == OTYPE_UNKNOWN, will remove from the known table. If this option is already known and the old copy has a getChangeListener(), that listener is copied to onew.
true if it's new, false if we already had that key and it was updated
See Also:


public static void setKnownOptionCurrentValue(SOCGameOption ocurr)
                                       throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Set the current value(s) of a known option, based on the current value(s) of another object ocurr with the same key. If there is no known option with oCurr.key, it is ignored and nothing is set.

ocurr - Option with the requested current value. ocurr's value field contents are copied to the known option's values, the ocurr reference won't be added to the known option set.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if string value is not permitted; note that int values outside of range are silently clipped, and will not throw this exception.
See Also:
getOption(String, boolean)


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> cloneOptions(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
Make a deep copy of a group of options.

opts - a map of SOCGameOptions, or null; method synchronizes on opts
a deep copy of all option objects within opts, or null if opts is null


public static SOCGameOption getOption(java.lang.String key,
                                      boolean clone)
                               throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
Get information about a known option.

key - Option key
clone - True if a copy of the option is needed; set this true unless you're sure you won't be changing any fields of its original object, which is a shared copy in a static namekey->object map.
information about a known option, or null if none with that key
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if clone but the object couldn't be cloned; this isn't expected to ever happen
See Also:


public static java.lang.String packKnownOptionsToString(boolean hideEmptyStringOpts,
                                                        boolean hideLongNameOpts)
Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs from the known options' current values.

hideEmptyStringOpts - omit string-valued options which are empty? Suitable only for sending defaults.
hideLongNameOpts - omit options with long key names or underscores? Set true if client's version < VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES.
string of name-value pairs, same format as packOptionsToString(Map, boolean); any gameoptions of OTYPE_UNKNOWN will not be part of the string.
See Also:


public static java.lang.String packOptionsToString(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> omap,
                                                   boolean hideEmptyStringOpts)
                                            throws java.lang.ClassCastException
Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs. This can be unpacked with parseOptionsToMap(String).

omap - Map of SOCGameOptions, or null
hideEmptyStringOpts - omit string-valued options which are empty? Suitable only for sending defaults.
string of name-value pairs, or "-" for an empty or null omap; any gameoptions of OTYPE_UNKNOWN will not be part of the string. Format: k1=t,k2=f,k3=10,k4=t7,k5=f7. The format for each value depends on its type:
  • OTYPE_BOOL: t or f
  • OTYPE_ENUM: int in range 1-n
  • OTYPE_INTBOOL: t or f followed immediately by int value, as in: t7 or f9
  • All other optTypes: int value or string value, as appropriate
java.lang.ClassCastException - if omap contains anything other than SOCGameOptions
See Also:
parseOptionNameValue(String, boolean), parseOptionNameValue(String, String, boolean), packValue(StringBuilder)


public static java.lang.String packOptionsToString(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> omap,
                                                   boolean hideEmptyStringOpts,
                                                   int cliVers)
                                            throws java.lang.ClassCastException
Utility - build a string of option name-value pairs, adjusting for old clients if necessary. This can be unpacked with parseOptionsToMap(String). See packOptionsToString(Map, boolean) javadoc for details.

omap - Map of SOCGameOptions, or null
hideEmptyStringOpts - omit string-valued options which are empty? Suitable only for sending defaults.
cliVers - Client version; assumed >= SOCNewGameWithOptions.VERSION_FOR_NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS. If any game's options need adjustment for an older client, cliVers triggers that. Use -2 if the client version doesn't matter, or if adjustment should not be done. Use -3 to omit options with long names, and do no other adjustment; for use with clients older than VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES.
string of name-value pairs, or "-" for an empty or null omap; see packOptionsToString(Map, boolean) javadoc for details.
java.lang.ClassCastException - if omap contains anything other than SOCGameOptions
See Also:


public void packValue(java.lang.StringBuilder sb)
Pack current value of this option into a string. This is used in packOptionsToString(Map, boolean) and read in parseOptionNameValue(String, boolean) and parseOptionsToMap(String). See packOptionsToString(Map, boolean) for the string's format.

sb - Pack into (append to) this buffer
See Also:


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> parseOptionsToMap(java.lang.String ostr)
Utility - build a map of keys to SOCGameOptions by parsing a list of option name-value pairs.

Before v2.0.00, this was parseOptionsToHash.

ostr - string of name-value pairs, as created by packOptionsToString(Map, boolean). A leading comma is OK (possible artifact of StringTokenizer coming from over the network). If ostr=="-", returned map will be null.
map of SOCGameOptions, or null if ostr==null or empty ("-") or if ostr is malformed. Any unrecognized options will be in the map as type OTYPE_UNKNOWN. The returned known SGOs are clones from the set of all known options.
See Also:
parseOptionNameValue(String, boolean), parseOptionNameValue(String, String, boolean)


public static SOCGameOption parseOptionNameValue(java.lang.String nvpair,
                                                 boolean forceNameUpcase)
                                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Utility - parse a single name-value pair produced by packOptionsToString. Expected format of nvpair: "optname=optvalue". Expected format of optvalue depends on its type. See packOptionsToString(Map, boolean) for the format.

nvpair - Name-value pair string, as created by packOptionsToString(Map, boolean).
'T', 't', 'Y', 'y' are always allowed for bool true values, regardless of forceNameUpcase. 'F', 'f', 'N', 'n' are the valid bool false values.
forceNameUpcase - Call String.toUpperCase() on keyname within nvpair? For friendlier parsing of manually entered (command-line) nvpair strings.
Parsed option, or null if parse error; if known, the returned object is a clone of the SGO from the set of all known options. if nvpair's option keyname is not a known option, returned optType will be OTYPE_UNKNOWN.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if optkey is unknown and not a valid alphanumeric keyname by the rules listed at SOCGameOption(String)
See Also:
parseOptionNameValue(String, String, boolean), parseOptionsToMap(String), packValue(StringBuilder)


public static SOCGameOption parseOptionNameValue(java.lang.String optkey,
                                                 java.lang.String optval,
                                                 boolean forceNameUpcase)
                                          throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Utility - parse an option name-value pair produced by packValue(StringBuilder) or packOptionsToString(Map, boolean). Expected format of optval depends on its type. See packOptionsToString(..) for the format.

optkey - Game option's alphanumeric keyname, known or unknown. Optkey must be a valid key by the rules listed at SOCGameOption(String).
optval - Game option's value, as created by packOptionsToString(Map, boolean).
'T', 't', 'Y', 'y' are always allowed for bool true values, regardless of forceNameUpcase. 'F', 'f', 'N', 'n' are the valid bool false values.
forceNameUpcase - Call String.toUpperCase() on optkey? For friendlier parsing of manually entered (command-line) name=value pairs.
Parsed option, or null if parse error; if known, the returned object is a clone of the SGO from the set of all known options. if optkey is not a known option, returned optType will be OTYPE_UNKNOWN.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if optkey is unknown and not a valid alphanumeric keyname by the rules listed at SOCGameOption(String)
See Also:
parseOptionNameValue(String, boolean), parseOptionsToMap(String), packValue(StringBuilder)


public static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> optionsNewerThanVersion(int vers,
                                                                    boolean checkValues,
                                                                    boolean trimEnums,
                                                                    java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
Compare a set of options against the specified version. Make a list of all which are new or changed since that version.

This method has 2 modes, because it's called for 2 different purposes:

See checkValues for method's behavior in each mode.

Game option names:
When running this at the client (vers is the older remote server's version), some of the returned too-new options have long names that can't be sent to a 1.1.xx server (vers < VERSION_FOR_LONGER_OPTNAMES). You must check for this and remove them before sending them to the remote server. Game option names sent to 1.1.xx servers must be 3 characters or less, alphanumeric, no underscores ('_').

When running at the server, we will never send an option whose name is invalid to 1.1.xx clients, because the SOCGameOption constructors enforce minVers >= 2000 when the name is longer than 3 characters or contains '_'.

vers - Version to compare known options against
checkValues - Which mode: Check options' current values and SOCVersionedItem.minVersion, not their SOCVersionedItem.lastModVersion? An option's minimum version can increase based on its value; see getMinVersion(Map).
trimEnums - For enum-type options where minVersion changes based on current value, should we remove too-new values from the returned option info? This lets us send only the permitted values to an older client.
opts - Set of SOCGameOptions to check versions and current values; if null, use the "known option" set
List of the newer (added or changed) SOCGameOptions, or null if all are known and unchanged since vers.
Note: May include options with SOCVersionedItem.minVersion > vers; the client may want to know about those.
See Also:
optionsForVersion(int, Map)


public static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> optionsForVersion(int vers,
                                                              java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
Get all options valid at version vers. If necessary, trim enum value ranges or int value ranges if range was smaller at vers, like optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map) does.

If vers from a client is newer than this version of SOCGameOption, will return all options known at this version, which may not include all of the newer version's options. Client game-option negotiation handles this by having the newer client send all its new (added or changed) option keynames to the older server to allow, adjust, or reject.

vers - Version to compare options against
opts - Set of SOCGameOptions to check versions, or null to use the "known option" set
List of all SOCGameOptions valid at version vers, or null if none.


private static java.util.List<SOCGameOption> implOptionsVersionCheck(int vers,
                                                                     boolean getAllForVersion,
                                                                     boolean checkValues,
                                                                     boolean trimEnums,
                                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> opts)
                                                              throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Get all options added or changed since version vers, or all options valid at vers, to implement optionsNewerThanVersion(int, boolean, boolean, Map) and optionsForVersion(int, Map).

vers - Version to compare options against
getAllForVersion - True to get all valid options (optionsForVersion mode), false for newer added or changed options only (optionsNewerThanVersion modes). If true and vers is newer than this version of SOCGameOption, will return all options known at this version.
checkValues - If not getAllForVersion, which mode to run in: Check options' current values and SOCVersionedItem.minVersion, not their SOCVersionedItem.lastModVersion? An option's minimum version can increase based on its value; see getMinVersion(Map).
trimEnums - For enum-type options where minVersion changes based on current value, should we remove too-new values from the returned option info? This lets us send only the permitted values to an older client.
opts - Set of SOCGameOptions to check versions and current values; if null, use the "known option" set
List of the requested SOCGameOptions, or null if none match the conditions, at vers; see optionsNewerThanVersion and optionsForVersion for return details.
Note: If not getAllForVersion, may include options with SOCVersionedItem.minVersion > vers; the client may want to know about those.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if getAllForVersion && checkValues: Cannot combine these modes


public static SOCGameOption trimEnumForVersion(SOCGameOption opt,
                                               int vers)
Copy this option and restrict its enumerated values (type OTYPE_ENUM or similar) by trimming enumVals shorter. Assumes getMaxEnumValueForVersion(String, int) indicates this is needed.

opt - Option to restrict
vers - Version to restrict to
A copy of the option, containing only the enum values permitted at vers. If no restriction is needed, return opt.


public static java.lang.StringBuilder adjustOptionsToKnown(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> newOpts,
                                                           java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> knownOpts,
                                                           boolean doServerPreadjust)
                                                    throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
Compare a set of options with known-good values. If any are above/below maximum/minimum, clip to the max/min value in knownOpts. If any are unknown, return a description. Will still check (and clip) the known ones. If any options are default, and unset/blank, and their FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED flag is set, remove them from newOpts. For OTYPE_INTBOOL and OTYPE_ENUMBOOL, both the integer and boolean values are checked against defaults.

If doServerPreadjust is true, then the server might also change some option values before creating the game, for overall consistency of the set of options. This is a server-side equivalent to the client-side SOCGameOption.ChangeListeners. For example, if "PL" (number of players) > 4, but "PLB" (use 6-player board) is not set, doServerPreadjust wil set the "PLB" option. doServerPreadjust will also remove any game-internal options the client has sent.

Before any other adjustments when doServerPreadjust, will check for the game scenario option "SC". If that option is set, call SOCScenario.getScenario(String); the scenario name must be known. Then, add that scenario's .scOpts into newOpts. Scenario option values always overwrite those in newOpts, except for "VP" where newOpts value (if any) is kept.

Client-side gameopt code also assumes all scenarios use the sea board, and sets game option "SBL" when a scenario is chosen by the user.

newOpts - Set of SOCGameOptions to check against knownOpts; an option's current value will be changed if it's outside of the min/max for that option in knownOpts. Must not be null.
knownOpts - Set of known SOCGameOptions to check against, or null to use the server's static copy
doServerPreadjust - If true, we're calling from the server before creating a game; pre-adjust any values for consistency. This is a server-side equivalent to the client-side SOCGameOption.ChangeListeners. (Added in 1.1.13)
null if all are known; or, a human-readable problem description if:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if newOpts contains a non-SOCGameOption


public static void setBoolOption(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> newOpts,
                                 java.lang.String boKey)
                          throws java.lang.NullPointerException
Within a set of options, include a boolean option and make it true. If the option object doesn't exist in newOpts, it will be cloned from the set of known options.

newOpts - Options to set boKey within
boKey - Key name for boolean option to set
java.lang.NullPointerException - if boKey isn't in newOpts and doesn't exist in the set of known options
See Also:
setIntOption(Map, String, int, boolean)


public static void setIntOption(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> newOpts,
                                java.lang.String ioKey,
                                int ivalue,
                                boolean bvalue)
                         throws java.lang.NullPointerException
Within a set of options, include an int or intbool option and set its value. If the option object doesn't exist in newOpts, it will be cloned from the set of known options.

newOpts - Options to set ioKey within
ioKey - Key name for int option to set
ivalue - Set option to this int value
bvalue - Set option to this boolean value (ignored if option type not intbool)
java.lang.NullPointerException - if ioKey isn't in newOpts and doesn't exist in the set of known options
See Also:
setBoolOption(Map, String)


public static java.lang.String optionTypeName(int optType)
For user output, the string name of the option type's constant. The prefix "OTYPE_" is omitted.

optType - An option's optType value
String for this otype constant, such as "INTBOOL" or "UNKNOWN", or null if optType is outside the known type value range.


public static final java.util.List<SOCGameOption> getAndClearRefreshList()
Get the list of SOCGameOptions whose refreshDisplay() methods have been called, and clear the internal static copy. Not thread-safe, assumes only 1 GUI thread or 1 NewGameOptionsFrame at a time.

the list, or null if refreshDisplay wasn't called on any option


public void refreshDisplay()
If this game option is displayed on-screen, refresh it; call this after changing the value.



public final boolean hasFlag(int flagMask)
Does this game option have these specified flag(s)?

flagMask - Option flag such as FLAG_DROP_IF_UNUSED, or multiple flags added together
True if optFlags contains all flags in flagMask


public void addChangeListener(SOCGameOption.ChangeListener cl)
Add or remove this option's change listener. Does not support multiple listeners, so if it's already set, it will be changed to the new value.

cl - Change listener to add, or null to remove.
See Also:


public boolean hasChangeListener()
Does this option have a non-null SOCGameOption.ChangeListener?

See Also:


public SOCGameOption.ChangeListener getChangeListener()
Get this option's SOCGameOption.ChangeListener, if any

the changelistener, or null if none
See Also:
hasChangeListener(), addChangeListener(ChangeListener)


public java.lang.String toString()
Form a string with the key and current value, useful for debugging purposes.

toString in class java.lang.Object
string such as "PL=4" or "BC=t3", with the same format as packKnownOptionsToString(boolean, boolean).
See Also:
packValue(StringBuilder), getPackedValue(), optionTypeName(int)


public final java.lang.StringBuilder getPackedValue()
Form a StringBuilder containing the current value. This is a convenience method.

stringbuffer such as "4" or "t3", with the same value format as #packKnownOptionsToString(boolean).
See Also:
packValue(StringBuilder), toString()


public int compareTo(java.lang.Object other)
Compare two options, for display purposes. (Comparable interface) Two gameoptions are considered equal if they have the same key. Greater/lesser is determined by desc.compareTo().

Specified by:
compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<java.lang.Object>
other - A SOCGameOption to compare, or another object; if other isn't a gameoption, the Object.hashCode()s are compared.