Package soc.client

Interface Summary
ColorSquareListener Listen for changes to the value of the color square, when a user clicks or a setter is called.
PlayerClientListener A listener on the SOCPlayerClient to decouple the presentation from the networking.
SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay A facade for the SOCPlayerClient to use to invoke actions in the GUI

Class Summary
AskDialog This is the generic modal dialog to ask players a two- or three-choice question; to present a one-button message, see NotifyDialog.
AWTClickTester Testing for cross-platform context-click (right-click); standalone class.
AWTToolTip A short tooltip for a component.
ChannelFrame The chat channel window
ColorSquare This is a square box with a background color and possibly a number, checkmark, or text in it.
ColorSquareLarger This is a larger square box with a background color and possibly a number or X in it.
FaceChooserFrame Popup window for the user to browse and choose a face icon.
FaceChooserFrame.FaceChooserList FaceChooserList holds face icons (in rows and columns) and an optional scrollbar.
NewGameOptionsFrame This is the dialog for options to set in a new game.
NotifyDialog This is a generic dialog to popup a message to the player, with one button.
ServerGametypeInfo Track the server's information about the game type: valid game option set, scenarios, etc.
ShadowedBox This is a shadowed box for use in the hand panel
SnippingTextArea Limits lines displayed to MaximumLines.
SOCAccountClient Applet/Standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer and making user accounts.
SOCApplet Applet methods to display the main screen (list of games), separated out from main GUI class.
SOCBoardPanel This is a component that can display a Settlers of Catan Board.
SOCBoardPanel.DelayedRepaint With a recent board resize, one or more rescaled images still hasn't been completed after 7 seconds.
SOCBoardPanel.ResourceTradeAllMenu Menu for right-click on 3-for-1 port to trade all resource types with bank/port.
SOCBuildingPanel This class is a panel that shows how much it costs to build things, and it allows the player to build.
SOCChoosePlayerDialog This is the dialog to ask a player from whom she wants to steal.
SOCConnectOrPracticePanel This is the dialog for standalone client startup (JAR or otherwise) if no command-line arguments.
SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog This is the dialog to ask players what resources they want to discard from rolling a 7, or to gain from the gold hex.
SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient GUI-less standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer.
SOCFaceButton This is a component that can display a face.
SOCFaceButton.FaceButtonPopupMenu Menu for right-click on face icon to choose a new face (Player's hand only).
SOCHandPanel This panel displays a player's information.
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem Menu item for right-click on resource square to trade with bank/port.
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradePopupMenu Menu for right-click on resource square to trade with bank/port.
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu Menu for right-click on resource square to trade one resource type with bank/port.
SOCPlayerClient Standalone client for connecting to the SOCServer.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork Helper object to encapsulate and deal with network connectivity.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.NetReadTask A task to continuously read from the server socket.
SOCPlayerClient.ClientWindowAdapter React to windowOpened, windowClosing events for GameAwtDisplay's Frame.
SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay A SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay implementation for AWT.
SOCPlayerClient.GameManager Nested class for processing outgoing messages (putting).
SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionDefaultsTimeoutTask TimerTask used when new game is asked for, to prevent waiting forever for game option defaults.
SOCPlayerClient.GameOptionsTimeoutTask TimerTask used soon after client connect, to prevent waiting forever for game options info (assume slow connection or server bug).
SOCPlayerInterface Window with interface for a player in one game of Settlers of Catan.
SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge Client Bridge to translate interface to SOCPlayerInterface methods.
SOCPlayerInterface.PIWindowAdapter React to window closing or losing focus (deactivation).
SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardConfirmDialog This is the modal dialog to confirm resetting the board after a practice game.
SOCPlayerInterface.ResetBoardVoteDialog This is the modal dialog to vote on another player's board reset request.
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPIDiscardOrPickMsgTask When timer fires, show discard message or picking-resource message for any other player (not client player) who must discard or pick.
SOCPlayerInterface.SOCPITextfieldListener Used for chat textfield setting/clearing initial prompt text (TEXTINPUT_INITIAL_PROMPT_MSG).
SOCPracticeAskDialog This is the dialog to ask players if they want to join an existing practice game, or start a new one.
SOCQuitAllConfirmDialog This is the dialog to confirm when someone closes the client.
SOCQuitConfirmDialog This is the modal dialog to confirm when someone clicks the Quit Game button.
SOCSpecialItemDialog This is a modal dialog for info / actions related to known SOCSpecialItems.
SpeechBalloon This is a rectangular speech balloon shape for use in the hand panel.
SquaresPanel Display grid of give/get resources for trade and bank/port offers.
TradeOfferPanel Two-mode panel to display either a short status message, or a resource trade offer (and counter-offer) from another player.

Enum Summary
PlayerClientListener.UpdateType Player data update types for PlayerClientListener.playerElementUpdated(SOCPlayer, UpdateType).