Uses of Class

Packages that use ColorSquare

Uses of ColorSquare in soc.client

Subclasses of ColorSquare in soc.client
 class ColorSquareLarger
          This is a larger square box with a background color and possibly a number or X in it.

Fields in soc.client declared as ColorSquare
private  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.blankStandIn
          Blank area which is normally hidden, except during addPlayer when handpanel is hidden.
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cardCount
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cardOre
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cardSheep
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cardWheat
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cityOre
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.citySq
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cityWheat
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.claySq
private  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.cloth
          For game scenario _SC_CLVI, the amount of cloth left in the board's "general supply".
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.clothSq
          Cloth count, for scenario _SC_CLVI; null otherwise.
private  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.createColorSqRetSq
          Color square created by most recent call to SOCHandPanel.createAndAddResourceColorSquare(Color, String).
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.developmentSq
          Development card count
private  ColorSquare[] SquaresPanel.get
          To change its value, each ColorSquare handles its own mouse events.
private  ColorSquare[] SquaresPanel.give
          To change its value, each ColorSquare handles its own mouse events.
(package private)  ColorSquare[] SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.keep
          The 'keep' square resource types/counts only change if SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.isDiscard.
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.knightsSq
          Soldier/Knight count
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.oreSq
private  ColorSquare[] SOCDiscardOrGainResDialog.pick
          Resource types/counts to discard or gain
protected  ColorSquare[] SOCHandPanel.playerSend
          Checkboxes to send to the other 3 or 5 players.
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.resourceSq
          Resource card count
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.resourceSqDivLine
private  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu.resSq
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.roadClay
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.roadSq
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.roadWood
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.settlementClay
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.settlementSheep
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.settlementSq
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.settlementWheat
(package private)  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.settlementWood
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.sheepSq
private  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.shipSheep
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.shipSq
          shipSq = the number of ships remaining, or null if not SOCGame.hasSeaBoard.
private  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.shipWood
private  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.svpSq
          Special Victory Points, if > 0.
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.vpSq
private  ColorSquare SOCBuildingPanel.vpToWin
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.wheatSq
protected  ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.woodSq

Methods in soc.client that return ColorSquare
 ColorSquare SOCHandPanel.getBlankStandIn()
          For SOCPlayerInterface's use, to set its size and position

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type ColorSquare
private  void SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu.init(int typeFrom, SOCGame ga, ColorSquare sq, int numFrom, boolean forThree1)
          Common to both constructors
 void SquaresPanel.squareChanged(ColorSquare sq, int oldValue, int newValue)
          Called by colorsquare when clicked; if we're part of a HandPanel, could enable/disable its buttons based on new value.
 void ColorSquareListener.squareChanged(ColorSquare sq, int oldValue, int newValue)
          Called by ColorSquare when clicked and value changes.

Constructors in soc.client with parameters of type ColorSquare
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu(SOCHandPanel hp, int typeFrom, ColorSquare sq, int numFrom)
          Menu attached to a resource colorsquare in the client player's handpanel