Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCShip   

Uses of SOCShip in

Methods in that return SOCShip
 SOCShip SOCGame.canAttackPirateFortress()
          Can the current player attack their pirate fortress, and try to conquer and recapture it? This method is validation before calling SOCGame.attackPirateFortress(SOCShip).
 SOCShip SOCGame.canMoveShip(int pn, int fromEdge)
          Can this player currently move this ship, based on game state and their trade routes and settlements/cities? Must be current player.
 SOCShip SOCGame.canMoveShip(int pn, int fromEdge, int toEdge)
          Can this player currently move this ship to this new coordinate, based on game state and their trade routes and settlements/cities? Must be current player.
 SOCShip SOCPlayer.getMostRecentShip()
          Get this player's most recently placed ship, if any.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type SOCShip
private  java.util.Vector<SOCShip> SOCPlayer.checkTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip newShipEdge, int edgeFarNode)
          Follow a trade route (a line of SOCShips) away from a newly closed end, to determine if the other end is closed or still open, and close this route if necessary.
private  java.util.Vector<SOCShip> SOCPlayer.isTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip edgeFirstShip, int edgeFarNode, java.util.HashSet<java.lang.Integer> alreadyVisited, java.util.List<java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object>> encounteredSelf)
          Recursive call for SOCPlayer.checkTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip, int).

Methods in with parameters of type SOCShip
 int[] SOCGame.attackPirateFortress(SOCShip adjacent)
          The current player has built ships to their pirate fortress, and attacks now to try to conquer and recapture it.
 boolean SOCPlayer.canMoveShip(SOCShip sh)
          Can we move this ship, based on our trade routes and settlements/cities near its current location?
private  java.util.Vector<SOCShip> SOCPlayer.checkTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip newShipEdge, int edgeFarNode)
          Follow a trade route (a line of SOCShips) away from a newly closed end, to determine if the other end is closed or still open, and close this route if necessary.
 boolean SOCGame.isShipWarship(SOCShip sh)
          For scenario option _SC_PIRI, is this ship upgraded to a warship? Counts down sh's player's SOCPlayer.getNumWarships() while it looks for sh among the ships from SOCPlayer.getRoads(), which is in the same chronological order as warship conversions.
private  java.util.Vector<SOCShip> SOCPlayer.isTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip edgeFirstShip, int edgeFarNode, java.util.HashSet<java.lang.Integer> alreadyVisited, java.util.List<java.util.Vector<java.lang.Object>> encounteredSelf)
          Recursive call for SOCPlayer.checkTradeRouteFarEndClosed(SOCShip, int).
 void SOCGame.moveShip(SOCShip sh, int toEdge)
          Move this ship on the board and update all related game state.
private  void SOCPlayer.putPiece_roadOrShip_checkNewShipTradeRouteAndSpecialEdges(SOCShip newShip, SOCBoardLarge board, boolean isTempPiece)
          Check this new ship for adjacent settlements/cities/villages, to see if its trade route will be closed.
 void SOCGame.removeShip(SOCShip sh)
          Remove this ship from the board and update all related game state.

Uses of SOCShip in soc.robot

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCShip
private  SOCShip SOCPlayerTracker.scen_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress
          For scenario _SC_PIRI, the player's ship closest to the Fortress (the ship farthest west).

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCShip
 SOCShip SOCPlayerTracker.getScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress()
          For scenario _SC_PIRI, get the player's ship closest to their Fortress (the ship farthest west).

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCShip
 int SOCPlayerTracker.getScenario_SC_PIRI_shipDistanceToFortress(SOCShip ship)
          For scenario _SC_PIRI, get the distance of this player's closest ship from their SOCFortress.
(package private)  void SOCPlayerTracker.updateScenario_SC_PIRI_closestShipToFortress(SOCShip ship, boolean shipAdded)
          For scenario _SC_PIRI, update the player's ship closest to their Fortress.