Class Summary |
SOCBoard |
This is a representation of the board in Settlers of Catan. |
SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory |
Default implementation of SOCBoard.BoardFactory , used at client. |
SOCBoardLarge |
Sea board layout: A representation of a larger (up to 127 x 127 hexes) JSettlers board,
with an arbitrary mix of land and water tiles. |
SOCCity |
A city playing piece |
SOCDevCard |
A single Dev Card, probably within a player's SOCInventory . |
SOCForceEndTurnResult |
This class holds the results of a call to SOCGame.forceEndTurn() . |
SOCFortress |
A fortress playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge ) with some scenarios. |
SOCGame |
A class for holding and manipulating game data. |
SOCGame.RollResult |
Dice roll result, for reporting from SOCGame.rollDice() . |
SOCGameOption |
Game-specific options, configurable at game creation. |
SOCInventory |
This represents a collection of development cards, and occasional scenario-specific items. |
SOCInventoryItem |
An inventory item, such as a SOCDevCard or a scenario-specific item, held
in a player's hand to be played later or kept until scoring at the end of the game. |
SOCLRPathData |
SOCMoveRobberResult |
This class holds the results of moving the robber or pirate. |
SOCOldLRStats |
This keeps track of the old LR stats (Longest Road). |
SOCPlayer |
A class for holding and manipulating player data. |
SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo |
Holds details of SOCPlayer.getSpecialVP() . |
SOCPlayerNumbers |
This class tracks what dice-roll numbers a player's pieces are touching,
and the probability of getting resources based on their hex types. |
SOCPlayingPiece |
Playing pieces for Settlers of Catan. |
SOCResourceConstants |
This is a list of constants for representing
types of resources in Settlers of Catan. |
SOCResourceSet |
This represents a collection of
clay, ore, sheep, wheat, and wood resources. |
SOCRoad |
A road playing piece, or (on the large sea board) a ship playing piece. |
SOCScenario |
Scenarios for game rules and options on the large sea board . |
SOCSettlement |
A settlement playing piece |
SOCShip |
A ship playing piece, on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge ). |
SOCSpecialItem |
A special item for Settlers scenarios or expansions. |
SOCSpecialItem.Requirement |
Data structure and parser for a special item's requirements. |
SOCTradeOffer |
This class represents a trade offer in Settlers of Catan |
SOCVersionedItem |
Information/objects which can change or have new ones with different versions. |
SOCVillage |
A village playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge ) with some scenarios. |