
Interface Summary
SOCBoard.BoardFactory Board Factory for creating new boards for games at the client or server.
SOCDevCardConstants This is a list of constants for representing types of development cards in Settlers of Catan.
SOCGameOption.ChangeListener Listener for option value changes at the client during game creation.
SOCScenarioEventListener Listener for scenario events on the large sea board.

Class Summary
SOCBoard This is a representation of the board in Settlers of Catan.
SOCBoard.DefaultBoardFactory Default implementation of SOCBoard.BoardFactory, used at client.
SOCBoardLarge Sea board layout: A representation of a larger (up to 127 x 127 hexes) JSettlers board, with an arbitrary mix of land and water tiles.
SOCCity A city playing piece
SOCDevCard A single Dev Card, probably within a player's SOCInventory.
SOCForceEndTurnResult This class holds the results of a call to SOCGame.forceEndTurn().
SOCFortress A fortress playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge) with some scenarios.
SOCGame A class for holding and manipulating game data.
SOCGame.RollResult Dice roll result, for reporting from SOCGame.rollDice().
SOCGameOption Game-specific options, configurable at game creation.
SOCInventory This represents a collection of development cards, and occasional scenario-specific items.
SOCInventoryItem An inventory item, such as a SOCDevCard or a scenario-specific item, held in a player's hand to be played later or kept until scoring at the end of the game.
SOCMoveRobberResult This class holds the results of moving the robber or pirate.
SOCOldLRStats This keeps track of the old LR stats (Longest Road).
SOCPlayer A class for holding and manipulating player data.
SOCPlayer.SpecialVPInfo Holds details of SOCPlayer.getSpecialVP().
SOCPlayerNumbers This class tracks what dice-roll numbers a player's pieces are touching, and the probability of getting resources based on their hex types.
SOCPlayingPiece Playing pieces for Settlers of Catan.
SOCResourceConstants This is a list of constants for representing types of resources in Settlers of Catan.
SOCResourceSet This represents a collection of clay, ore, sheep, wheat, and wood resources.
SOCRoad A road playing piece, or (on the large sea board) a ship playing piece.
SOCScenario Scenarios for game rules and options on the large sea board.
SOCSettlement A settlement playing piece
SOCShip A ship playing piece, on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge).
SOCSpecialItem A special item for Settlers scenarios or expansions.
SOCSpecialItem.Requirement Data structure and parser for a special item's requirements.
SOCTradeOffer This class represents a trade offer in Settlers of Catan
SOCVersionedItem Information/objects which can change or have new ones with different versions.
SOCVillage A village playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge) with some scenarios.

Enum Summary
SOCGame.SeatLockState Seat lock states for lock/unlock.
SOCScenarioGameEvent Scenario event codes which affect the game or board, not only a specific player.
SOCScenarioPlayerEvent Per-player scenario event codes.

Exception Summary
SOCGameOptionVersionException This exception indicates game option(s) too new for a client.