Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCResetBoardVoteRequest

Uses of SOCResetBoardVoteRequest in soc.client

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
protected  void SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater.handleRESETBOARDVOTEREQUEST(SOCResetBoardVoteRequest mes)
          a player is requesting a board reset: we must update local game state, and vote unless we are the requester.

Uses of SOCResetBoardVoteRequest in soc.message

Methods in soc.message that return SOCResetBoardVoteRequest
static SOCResetBoardVoteRequest SOCResetBoardVoteRequest.parseDataStr(java.lang.String s)
          Parse the command String into a SOCResetBoardVoteRequest message