Package soc.server

Class Summary
BCrypt BCrypt implements OpenBSD-style Blowfish password hashing using the scheme described in "A Future-Adaptable Password Scheme" by Niels Provos and David Mazieres.
GameHandler Server class to handle game-specific actions and messages for a type of game.
SOCBoardLargeAtServer A subclass of SOCBoardLarge for the server, to isolate SOCBoardLargeAtServer.makeNewBoard(Map) and simplify that parent class.
SOCBoardLargeAtServer.BoardFactoryAtServer Server-side implementation of SOCBoard.BoardFactory to create SOCBoardLargeAtServers.
SOCChannelList A class for tracking the chat channels.
SOCClientData The server's place to track client-specific information across games.
SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask TimerTask at client connect, to guess the client version if it isn't sent soon enough.
SOCForceEndTurnThread Force this robot's turn to end, by calling SOCGameHandler.endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame, int, String, StringConnection, boolean).
SOCGameHandler Server class to handle game-specific actions and messages for the SoC game type.
SOCGameListAtServer A class for creating and tracking the games; contains each game's name, game options, SOCGame object, and clients (StringConnections).
SOCGameListAtServer.GameInfoAtServer Game info including server-side information, such as the game type's GameHandler.
SOCGameTimeoutChecker Wakes up every few seconds to check for turns that have expired by calling SOCServer.checkForExpiredTurns(long), and every 5 minutes to check for games that have expired with SOCServer.checkForExpiredGames(long).
SOCLocalRobotClient Each local robot in the SOCServer gets its own client thread.
SOCReplaceRequest This is a pair of connections, one is sitting at the game and the other is leaving.
SOCServer A server for Settlers of Catan
SOCServerRobotPinger Pings the robots so that they know that they're connected to the server