Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCCancelBuildRequest

Uses of SOCCancelBuildRequest in soc.client

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type SOCCancelBuildRequest
protected  void SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater.handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          handle the rare "cancel build request" message; usually not sent from server to client.
protected  void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          handle the rare "cancel build request" message; usually not sent from server to client.

Uses of SOCCancelBuildRequest in soc.message

Methods in soc.message that return SOCCancelBuildRequest
static SOCCancelBuildRequest SOCCancelBuildRequest.parseDataStr(java.lang.String s)
          Parse the command String into a CancelBuildRequest message

Uses of SOCCancelBuildRequest in soc.robot

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCCancelBuildRequest
protected  void SOCRobotBrain.cancelWrongPiecePlacement(SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          We've asked for an illegal piece placement.
private  void SOCRobotBrain.handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          Handle a CANCELBUILDREQUEST for this game.

Uses of SOCCancelBuildRequest in soc.server

Methods in soc.server with parameters of type SOCCancelBuildRequest
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          handle "cancel build request" message.