Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCRobotParameters

Uses of SOCRobotParameters in soc.message

Fields in soc.message declared as SOCRobotParameters
private  SOCRobotParameters SOCUpdateRobotParams.params

Methods in soc.message that return SOCRobotParameters
 SOCRobotParameters SOCUpdateRobotParams.getRobotParameters()

Methods in soc.message with parameters of type SOCRobotParameters
static java.lang.String SOCUpdateRobotParams.toCmd(SOCRobotParameters par)
          UPDATEROBOTPARAMS sep maxGameLength sep2 maxETA sep2 etaBonusFactor sep2 adversarialFactor sep2 leaderAdversarialFactor sep2 devCardMultiplier sep2 threatMultiplier sep2 strategyType sep2 tradeFlag

Constructors in soc.message with parameters of type SOCRobotParameters
SOCUpdateRobotParams(SOCRobotParameters par)
          Create a UpdateRobotParams message.

Uses of SOCRobotParameters in soc.robot

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCRobotParameters
private  SOCRobotParameters SOCRobotClient.currentRobotParameters
          the current robot parameters for robot brains
(package private)  SOCRobotParameters SOCRobotBrain.robotParameters
          The robot parameters

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCRobotParameters
 SOCRobotParameters SOCRobotBrain.getRobotParameters()

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCRobotParameters
static SOCResourceSet DiscardStrategy.discard(int numDiscards, java.util.Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> buildingPlan, java.util.Random rand, SOCPlayer ourPlayerData, SOCRobotParameters robotParameters, SOCRobotDM decisionMaker, SOCRobotNegotiator negotiator)
          When we have to discard, try to keep the resources needed for our building plan.

Constructors in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCRobotParameters
SOCRobotBrain(SOCRobotClient rc, SOCRobotParameters params, SOCGame ga, CappedQueue<SOCMessage> mq)
          Create a robot brain to play a game.
SOCRobotDM(SOCRobotParameters params, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> pt, SOCPlayerTracker opt, SOCPlayer opd, java.util.Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> bp)
          Constructor to use if you don't want to use a brain.

Uses of SOCRobotParameters in soc.server

Fields in soc.server declared as SOCRobotParameters
static SOCRobotParameters SOCServer.ROBOT_PARAMS_DEFAULT
          Robot default parameters; copied for each newly connecting robot.
static SOCRobotParameters SOCServer.ROBOT_PARAMS_SMARTER
          Smarter robot default parameters.

Uses of SOCRobotParameters in soc.server.database

Methods in soc.server.database that return SOCRobotParameters
static SOCRobotParameters SOCDBHelper.retrieveRobotParams(java.lang.String robotName)
          Get this robot's specialized parameters from the database, if it has an entry there.

Uses of SOCRobotParameters in soc.util

Methods in soc.util that return SOCRobotParameters
 SOCRobotParameters SOCRobotParameters.copyIfOptionChanged(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gameOpts)
          Examine game options, and if any would change the robot parameters, make a copy of these parameters with the changed options.

Constructors in soc.util with parameters of type SOCRobotParameters
SOCRobotParameters(SOCRobotParameters params)
          copy constructor