Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCPlayingPiece

Uses of SOCPlayingPiece in soc.client

Fields in soc.client declared as SOCPlayingPiece
private  SOCPlayingPiece SOCBoardPanel.BoardToolTip.hoverPiece
          Object last pointed at; null for hexes and ports

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type SOCPlayingPiece
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.considerMove(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String pname, SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          send a command to the server with a message asking a robot to show the debug info for a possible move after a move has been made
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.considerTarget(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String pname, SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          send a command to the server with a message asking a robot to show the debug info for a possible move before a move has been made
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.pieceValueUpdated(SOCPlayingPiece piece)
 void SOCBoardPanel.pieceValueUpdated(SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          A playing piece's value was updated: _SC_CLVI village cloth count, or _SC_PIRI pirate fortress strength.
 void PlayerClientListener.pieceValueUpdated(SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          A playing piece's value was updated: _SC_CLVI village cloth count, or _SC_PIRI pirate fortress strength.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.putPiece(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          put a piece on the board, using the SOCPutPiece message.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.putPiece(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          put a piece on the board

Uses of SOCPlayingPiece in

Subclasses of SOCPlayingPiece in
 class SOCCity
          A city playing piece
 class SOCFortress
          A fortress playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge) with some scenarios.
 class SOCRoad
          A road playing piece, or (on the large sea board) a ship playing piece.
 class SOCSettlement
          A settlement playing piece
 class SOCShip
          A ship playing piece, on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge).
 class SOCVillage
          A village playing piece, used on the large sea board (SOCBoardLarge) with some scenarios.

Fields in with type parameters of type SOCPlayingPiece
private  java.util.Vector<SOCPlayingPiece> SOCPlayer.pieces
          a list of this player's pieces in play (does not include any SOCPlayer.fortress).

Methods in that return SOCPlayingPiece
 SOCPlayingPiece SOCBoard.settlementAtNode(int nodeCoord)
          If there's a settlement or city at this node, find it.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type SOCPlayingPiece
 java.util.Vector<SOCPlayingPiece> SOCPlayer.getPieces()
          Get this player's pieces on the board.

Methods in with parameters of type SOCPlayingPiece
 void SOCGame.putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          Put this piece on the board and update all related game state.
 void SOCBoardLarge.putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          Put a piece on the board.
 void SOCBoard.putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          Put a piece on the board.
 void SOCPlayer.putPiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece, boolean isTempPiece)
          Put a piece into play.
private  void SOCGame.putPieceCommon(SOCPlayingPiece pp, boolean isTempPiece)
          Put a piece or temporary piece on the board, and update all related game state.
 void SOCGame.putTempPiece(SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          A temporary piece has been put on the board; update all related game state.
 void SOCBoard.removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          remove a piece from the board.
 void SOCPlayer.removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCPlayingPiece replacementPiece)
          remove a player's piece from the board, and put it back in the player's hand.
private  void SOCPlayer.removePieceUpdateSpecialVP(SOCPlayingPiece p)
          As part of removePiece(SOCPlayingPiece, null), update player's SOCPlayer.specialVP and related fields.
 void SOCGame.undoPutInitSettlement(SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          undo the putting of an initial settlement.
 void SOCPlayer.undoPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          undo the putting of a piece.
protected  void SOCGame.undoPutPieceCommon(SOCPlayingPiece pp, boolean isTempPiece)
          undo the putting of a temporary or initial piece or a ship being moved.
 void SOCGame.undoPutTempPiece(SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          undo the putting of a temporary piece
 void SOCPlayerNumbers.undoUpdateNumbers(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCBoard board)
          undo the updating of the numbers data given a piece and a board, remove numbers for this player from the list
 void SOCPlayerNumbers.updateNumbers(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCBoard board)
          Update the numbers data, based on placing a settlement or upgrading to a city at a node.
 void SOCPlayer.updatePotentials(SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          update the arrays that keep track of where this player can play further pieces, after a piece has just been played, or after another player's adjacent piece has been removed.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type SOCPlayingPiece
private  void SOCGame.getResourcesGainedFromRollPieces(int roll, SOCResourceSet resources, SOCResourceSet missedResources, int robberHex, java.util.Collection<? extends SOCPlayingPiece> sEnum, int incr)
          Figure out what resources these piece positions would get on a given roll, based on the hexes adjacent to the pieces' node coordinates.

Uses of SOCPlayingPiece in soc.message

Constructors in soc.message with parameters of type SOCPlayingPiece
SOCRemovePiece(java.lang.String ga, SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          Create a SOCRemovePiece message for this piece.

Uses of SOCPlayingPiece in soc.robot

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCPlayingPiece
(package private)  SOCPlayingPiece SOCBuildPossibility.piece
protected  SOCPlayingPiece SOCRobotBrain.whatWeFailedToBuild
          This is what we tried building this turn, but the server said it was an illegal move (due to a bug in our robot).
protected  SOCPlayingPiece SOCRobotBrain.whatWeWantToBuild
          This is the piece we want to build now.

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCPlayingPiece
 SOCPlayingPiece SOCBuildPossibility.getPiece()

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCPlayingPiece
protected  void SOCRobotBrain.cancelWrongPiecePlacementLocal(SOCPlayingPiece cancelPiece)
          Remove our incorrect piece placement, it's been rejected by the server.
static java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCGame game, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> trackers)
          See how building a piece impacts the game.
static void SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPieceNoCopy(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCGame game, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> trackers)
          Same as tryPutPiece, but we don't make a copy of the player trackers.
static void SOCPlayerTracker.undoTryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCGame game)
          Reset the game back to before we put the temp piece

Constructors in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCPlayingPiece
SOCBuildPossibility(SOCPlayingPiece pi, int sc, int[] bs, int et, int pr, SOCPlayer pl)
          this is a constructor
SOCBuildPossibility(SOCPlayingPiece pi, int sc, int[] bs, int et, int pr, SOCPlayer pl, int fr)
          this is a constructor for when you are using a road building card

Uses of SOCPlayingPiece in soc.server

Method parameters in soc.server with type arguments of type SOCPlayingPiece
private  boolean SOCServer.debug_printPieceDiceNumbers_pl(SOCPlayer pl, int roll, SOCBoard board, java.lang.String pieceType, java.util.Enumeration<? extends SOCPlayingPiece> pe)
          Temporary debugging; for 1 player.