Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCResourceSet

Uses of SOCResourceSet in soc.client

Fields in soc.client declared as SOCResourceSet
private  SOCResourceSet SOCHandPanel.bankGet
          Bank or port trade's give/get resource info; used for Undo.
private  SOCResourceSet SOCHandPanel.bankGive
          Bank or port trade's give/get resource info; used for Undo.
(package private)  SOCResourceSet TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel.get
(package private)  SOCResourceSet TradeOfferPanel.OfferPanel.give

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.bankTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          the user wants to trade with the bank or a port.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.bankTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          the user wants to trade with the bank or a port.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.discard(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          the user wants to discard
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.discard(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          the user wants to discard
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.discoveryPick(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rscs)
          the user picked 2 resources to discover
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.discoveryPick(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rscs)
          the user picked 2 resources to discover
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.pickFreeResources(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          The user wants to pick these resources to gain from the gold hex.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.pickResources(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          The user has picked these resources to gain from the gold hex.

Method parameters in soc.client with type arguments of type SOCResourceSet
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.diceRolledResources(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> pnum, java.util.List<SOCResourceSet> rsrc)
 void PlayerClientListener.diceRolledResources(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> pnum, java.util.List<SOCResourceSet> rsrc)
          Receive a notification that the dice roll resulted in players gaining resources.

Uses of SOCResourceSet in

Fields in declared as SOCResourceSet
static SOCResourceSet SOCGame.CARD_SET
          the set of resources a player needs to buy a development card
static SOCResourceSet SOCGame.CITY_SET
          the set of resources a player needs to build a city
protected  SOCResourceSet SOCSpecialItem.cost
          Optional cost to buy, use, or build the next level, or null.
          an empty set of resources.
static SOCResourceSet SOCResourceSet.EMPTY_SET
          Resource set with zero of each resource type
private  SOCResourceSet SOCForceEndTurnResult.gainLoss
          Resources gained (returned to cancel piece placement) or lost (discarded), or null.
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCTradeOffer.get
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCTradeOffer.give
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCPlayer.lastActionBankTrade_get
          For use at server by SOCGame, if the player's previous action this turn was a bank trade, the resources involved.
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCPlayer.lastActionBankTrade_give
          For use at server by SOCGame, if the player's previous action this turn was a bank trade, the resources involved.
private  SOCResourceSet SOCPlayer.resources
          how many of each resource this player has
static SOCResourceSet SOCGame.ROAD_SET
          the set of resources a player needs to build a road
private  SOCResourceSet SOCPlayer.rolledResources
          Resources gained from dice roll of the current turn.
 SOCResourceSet SOCGame.RollResult.sc_piri_fleetAttackRsrcs
          When the pirate fleet moves in game scenario SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI, resources lost when they attack the player with an adjacent settlement or city (SOCGame.RollResult.sc_piri_fleetAttackVictim).
 SOCResourceSet SOCMoveRobberResult.sc_piri_loot
          When the pirate fleet moves in game scenario _SC_PIRI, the resources stolen from victim.
static SOCResourceSet SOCGame.SETTLEMENT_SET
          the set of resources a player needs to build a settlement
static SOCResourceSet SOCGame.SHIP_SET
          the set of resources a player needs to build a ship

Methods in that return SOCResourceSet
 SOCResourceSet SOCResourceSet.copy()
          Make a copy of this resource set.
 SOCResourceSet SOCSpecialItem.getCost()
          Get the optional cost to buy, use, or build the next level.
 SOCResourceSet SOCTradeOffer.getGetSet()
 SOCResourceSet SOCTradeOffer.getGiveSet()
 SOCResourceSet SOCPlayer.getResources()
          Get the resources currently held in the player's hand.
private  SOCResourceSet SOCGame.getResourcesGainedFromRoll(SOCPlayer player, int roll)
          For SOCGame.rollDice(), figure out what resources a player gets on a given roll, based on the hexes adjacent to the player's settlements and cities and based on the robber's position.
 SOCResourceSet SOCForceEndTurnResult.getResourcesGainedLost()
          Get the resources gained (returned to cancel piece placement, or received from placing at a gold hex) or lost (discarded), if any.
static SOCResourceSet SOCPlayingPiece.getResourcesToBuild(int pieceType)
          the set of resources a player needs to build a playing piece.
 SOCResourceSet SOCPlayer.getRolledResources()
          Resources gained from dice roll of the current turn.
 SOCResourceSet SOCGame.playerDiscardOrGainRandom(int pn, boolean isDiscard)
          Force this non-current player to discard or gain resources randomly.

Methods in with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
 void SOCResourceSet.add(SOCResourceSet rs)
          add an entire resource set's amounts into this set.
 void SOCPlayer.addRolledResources(SOCResourceSet rolled)
          Add to this player's resources and resource-roll totals.
 boolean SOCGame.canDiscard(int pn, SOCResourceSet rs)
 boolean SOCGame.canDoDiscoveryAction(SOCResourceSet pick)
 boolean SOCGame.canMakeBankTrade(SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
 boolean SOCGame.canPickGoldHexResources(int pn, SOCResourceSet rs)
          Can the player pick these resources from the gold hex? rs.getTotal() must == SOCPlayer.getNeedToPickGoldHexResources().
 boolean SOCGame.canUndoBankTrade(SOCResourceSet undo_gave, SOCResourceSet undo_got)
          Can we undo this bank trade? True only if the last action this turn was a bank trade with the same resources.
 boolean SOCResourceSet.contains(SOCResourceSet sub)
 void SOCGame.discard(int pn, SOCResourceSet rs)
          A player is discarding resources.
static void SOCGame.discardOrGainPickRandom(SOCResourceSet fromHand, int numToPick, boolean isDiscard, SOCResourceSet picks, java.util.Random rand)
          Choose discards at random; does not actually discard anything.
 void SOCGame.doDiscoveryAction(SOCResourceSet pick)
          perform the Discovery card action
private  void SOCGame.getResourcesGainedFromRollPieces(int roll, SOCResourceSet resources, SOCResourceSet missedResources, int robberHex, java.util.Collection<? extends SOCPlayingPiece> sEnum, int incr)
          Figure out what resources these piece positions would get on a given roll, based on the hexes adjacent to the pieces' node coordinates.
static boolean SOCResourceSet.gte(SOCResourceSet a, SOCResourceSet b)
          Are set A's resources each greater than or equal to set B's?
static boolean SOCResourceSet.lte(SOCResourceSet a, SOCResourceSet b)
          Are set A's resources each less than or equal to set B's?
 void SOCGame.makeBankTrade(SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          perform a bank trade, or undo the last bank trade.
 void SOCGame.pickGoldHexResources(int pn, SOCResourceSet rs)
          A player is picking which resources to gain from the gold hex.
 void SOCResourceSet.setAmounts(SOCResourceSet set)
          copy a resource set into this one.
 void SOCSpecialItem.setCost(SOCResourceSet co)
          Set or clear the optional cost to buy, use, or build the next level.
 void SOCResourceSet.subtract(SOCResourceSet rs)
          subtract an entire resource set.

Constructors in with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int res, boolean updateFirstPlayer, boolean updateLastPlayer, SOCResourceSet rsrcGained)
          Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, from start states, possibly changing the game's firstplayer or lastplayer.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int res, SOCResourceSet gained)
          Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, with resources gained.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int res, SOCResourceSet gainedLost, boolean isLoss)
          Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object, with resources gained/lost.
SOCForceEndTurnResult(int res, SOCResourceSet gainedLost, boolean isLoss, boolean updateFirstPlayer, boolean updateLastPlayer)
          Creates a new SOCForceEndTurnResult object.
SOCSpecialItem(SOCPlayer pl, int co, int lv, java.lang.String sv, SOCResourceSet cost, java.lang.String req)
          Make a new item, optionally owned by a player, with an optional level and string value.
SOCSpecialItem(SOCPlayer pl, int co, SOCResourceSet cost, java.lang.String req)
          Make a new item, optionally owned by a player.
SOCTradeOffer(java.lang.String game, int from, boolean[] to, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          The constructor for a SOCTradeOffer

Uses of SOCResourceSet in soc.message

Fields in soc.message declared as SOCResourceSet
private  SOCResourceSet SOCBankTrade.get
          The set of resources being taken from the bank/port
private  SOCResourceSet SOCBankTrade.give
          The set of resources being given to the bank/port
private  SOCResourceSet SOCPickResources.resources
          The set of resources picked to be gained
private  SOCResourceSet SOCDiscoveryPick.resources
          The chosen resources
private  SOCResourceSet SOCDiscard.resources
          The set of resources being discarded

Fields in soc.message with type parameters of type SOCResourceSet
 java.util.List<SOCResourceSet> SOCDiceResultResources.playerRsrc
          playerRsrc(i) is the resource set gained by player playerNum(i).

Methods in soc.message that return SOCResourceSet
 SOCResourceSet SOCBankTrade.getGetSet()
 SOCResourceSet SOCBankTrade.getGiveSet()
 SOCResourceSet SOCPickResources.getResources()
 SOCResourceSet SOCDiscoveryPick.getResources()
 SOCResourceSet SOCDiscard.getResources()

Methods in soc.message with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
static java.lang.String SOCPickResources.toCmd(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          PICKRESOURCES sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
static java.lang.String SOCDiscoveryPick.toCmd(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
static java.lang.String SOCDiscard.toCmd(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          DISCARD sep game sep2 clay sep2 ore sep2 sheep sep2 wheat sep2 wood sep2 unknown
static java.lang.String SOCBankTrade.toCmd(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)

Method parameters in soc.message with type arguments of type SOCResourceSet
private static int[] SOCDiceResultResources.buildIntList(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> pnum, java.util.List<SOCResourceSet> rsrc)
          Used by server constructor to build an outbound array of ints from these players and these resources.

Constructors in soc.message with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
SOCBankTrade(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          Create a BankTrade message.
SOCDiscard(java.lang.String ga, int pn, SOCResourceSet rs)
          Create a Discard message.
SOCDiscoveryPick(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          Create a DiscoveryPick message.
SOCPickResources(java.lang.String ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          Create a Pick Resources message.

Constructor parameters in soc.message with type arguments of type SOCResourceSet
SOCDiceResultResources(java.lang.String gaName, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> pn, java.util.List<SOCResourceSet> rsrc)
          Constructor for server to tell clients about players' gained resources.

Uses of SOCResourceSet in soc.robot

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCResourceSet
 SOCResourceSet SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem.cost
          The resource costs if any, or null
protected  SOCResourceSet SOCRobotBrain.resourceChoices
          these are the two resources that we want when we play a discovery dev card
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCResSetBuildTypePair.resources
          the resource set
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCResSetBuildTimePair.resources
          the resource set
(package private)  SOCResourceSet SOCTradeTree.resourceSet
private  SOCResourceSet[] SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.resourcesForRoll
          Resource sets gained for each dice roll number (2 to 12).

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCResourceSet
static SOCResourceSet DiscardStrategy.discard(int numDiscards, java.util.Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> buildingPlan, java.util.Random rand, SOCPlayer ourPlayerData, SOCRobotParameters robotParameters, SOCRobotDM decisionMaker, SOCRobotNegotiator negotiator)
          When we have to discard, try to keep the resources needed for our building plan.
 SOCResourceSet SOCResSetBuildTypePair.getResources()
 SOCResourceSet SOCResSetBuildTimePair.getResources()
 SOCResourceSet SOCTradeTree.getResourceSet()
 SOCResourceSet SOCPossiblePiece.getResourcesToBuild()
          Based on piece type (SOCPossiblePiece.getType()), the resources a player needs to build or buy this possible piece.

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
protected  SOCResSetBuildTimePair SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.calculateRollsAccurate(SOCResourceSet startingResources, SOCResourceSet targetResources, int cutoff, boolean[] ports)
          this figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources given a starting set
protected  SOCResSetBuildTimePair SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.calculateRollsAndRsrcFast(SOCResourceSet startingResources, SOCResourceSet targetResources, int cutoff, boolean[] ports)
          this figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources given a starting set
protected  int SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.calculateRollsFast(SOCResourceSet startingResources, SOCResourceSet targetResources, int cutoff, boolean[] ports)
          Figures out how many rolls it would take this player to get the target set of resources, given a starting set.
protected  boolean SOCRobotBrain.chooseFreeResources(SOCResourceSet targetResources, int numChoose, boolean clearResChoices)
          Choose the resources we need most, for playing a Discovery development card or when a Gold Hex number is rolled.
private  boolean SOCRobotBrain.chooseFreeResourcesIfNeeded(SOCResourceSet targetResources, int numChoose, boolean chooseIfNotNeeded)
          Do we need to acquire at least numChoose resources to build our next piece? Choose the resources we need most; used when we want to play a discovery development card or when a Gold Hex number is rolled.
 int[] SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.getEstimatesFromNowAccurate(SOCResourceSet resources, boolean[] ports)
 int[] SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.getEstimatesFromNowFast(SOCResourceSet resources, boolean[] ports)
protected  int SOCRobotNegotiator.getETAToTargetResources(SOCPlayer player, SOCResourceSet targetResources, SOCResourceSet giveSet, SOCResourceSet getSet, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate estimate)
          another aux function this one returns the number of rolls until we reach the target given a possible offer
 SOCTradeOffer SOCRobotNegotiator.getOfferToBank(SOCResourceSet targetResources)
 SOCTradeOffer SOCRobotNegotiator.getOfferToBank(SOCResourceSet targetResources, SOCResourceSet ourResources)
protected  SOCTradeOffer SOCRobotNegotiator.makeOfferAux(SOCResourceSet giveResourceSet, SOCResourceSet getResourceSet, int neededResource)
          aux function for make offer
protected  int SOCRobotBrain.scoreTradeOutcome(SOCResourceSet tradeOutcome)
          evaluate a trade outcome by calculating how much you could build with it
protected  boolean SOCRobotBrain.tradeToTarget2(SOCResourceSet targetResources)
          Make bank trades or port trades to get the target resources, if possible.

Method parameters in soc.robot with type arguments of type SOCResourceSet
protected  void SOCRobotBrain.expandTradeTreeNode(SOCTradeTree currentTreeNode, java.util.Hashtable<SOCResourceSet,SOCTradeTree> table)
          expand a trade tree node

Constructors in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem(SOCPlayer pl, java.lang.String type, int gi, int pi, int eta, SOCResourceSet cost)
SOCResSetBuildTimePair(SOCResourceSet rs, int bt)
          the constructor
SOCResSetBuildTypePair(SOCResourceSet rs, int bt)
          the constructor
SOCTradeTree(SOCResourceSet set)
          this is a constructor
SOCTradeTree(SOCResourceSet set, SOCTradeTree par)
          this is a constructor

Uses of SOCResourceSet in soc.server

Methods in soc.server with parameters of type SOCResourceSet
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportBankTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          report that the current player traded with the bank or a port, using SOCPlayerElement and SOCGameTextMsg messages.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRsrcGainGold(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer player, int pn, SOCResourceSet rsrcs, boolean includeGoldHexText)
          Report to game members what a player picked from the gold hex.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRsrcGainLoss(java.lang.String gaName, SOCResourceSet rset, boolean isLoss, int mainPlayer, int tradingPlayer, java.lang.StringBuffer message, StringConnection playerConn)
          Report the resources gained/lost by a player, and optionally (for trading) lost/gained by a second player.