Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCPlayer

Uses of SOCPlayer in soc.client

Fields in soc.client declared as SOCPlayer
private  SOCPlayer SOCBoardPanel.otherPlayer
          When in "consider" mode, this is the player we're talking to
private  SOCPlayer
protected  SOCPlayer SOCHandPanel.player
(package private)  SOCPlayer SOCBuildingPanel.player
          Client's player data.
private  SOCPlayer SOCBoardPanel.player
          The player that is using this interface.

Methods in soc.client that return SOCPlayer
 SOCPlayer SOCHandPanel.getPlayer()

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type SOCPlayer
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.boardResetVoteCast(SOCPlayer voter, boolean vote)
 void PlayerClientListener.boardResetVoteCast(SOCPlayer voter, boolean vote)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.boardResetVoteRequested(SOCPlayer requestor)
 void PlayerClientListener.boardResetVoteRequested(SOCPlayer requestor)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.buildRequestCanceled(SOCPlayer player)
 void PlayerClientListener.buildRequestCanceled(SOCPlayer player)
protected  void SOCHandPanel.creation(SOCPlayerInterface pi, SOCPlayer pl, boolean in)
          Stuff to do when a SOCHandPanel is created.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.diceRolled(SOCPlayer player, int rollSum)
          Show a dice roll result.
 void PlayerClientListener.diceRolled(SOCPlayer player, int resultSum)
          Receive a notification that the current player has rolled the dice.
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_numKnights(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCPlayer pl, SOCGame ga)
          Update a player's amount of knights, and game's largest army, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_numPieces(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCPlayer pl, int pieceType)
          Update a player's amount of a playing piece, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCPlayer pl, int rtype)
          Update a player's amount of a resource, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_simple(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int pn)
          Update game data for a simple player element or flag, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
protected  boolean SOCPlayerInterface.isClientPlayer(SOCPlayer p)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.largestArmyRefresh(SOCPlayer old, SOCPlayer potentialNew)
 void PlayerClientListener.largestArmyRefresh(SOCPlayer old, SOCPlayer potentialNew)
          The largest army might have changed, so update
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.longestRoadRefresh(SOCPlayer old, SOCPlayer potentialNew)
 void PlayerClientListener.longestRoadRefresh(SOCPlayer old, SOCPlayer potentialNew)
          The longest road might have changed, so update
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.moveRobber(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int coord)
          the player wants to move the robber or the pirate ship.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.moveRobber(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int coord)
          the player wants to move the robber
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerCanCancelInvItemPlay(SOCPlayer player, boolean canCancel)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerCanCancelInvItemPlay(SOCPlayer player, boolean canCancel)
          A player is playing or placing a special SOCInventoryItem, such as a gift trade port in scenario _SC_FTRI.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerDevCardUpdated(SOCPlayer player, boolean addedPlayable)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerDevCardUpdated(SOCPlayer player, boolean addedPlayable)
          A player is drawing or playing a development card, or a card or special SOCInventoryItem has been added or removed from their hand's inventory.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerElementUpdated(SOCPlayer player, PlayerClientListener.UpdateType utype)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerElementUpdated(SOCPlayer player, PlayerClientListener.UpdateType utype)
          Update one part of the player's status, such as their number of settlements remaining.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.playerEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, boolean flagsChanged, java.lang.Object obj)
          Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerFaceChanged(SOCPlayer player, int faceId)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerFaceChanged(SOCPlayer player, int faceId)
          A player has changed their face icon.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerLeft(java.lang.String nickname, SOCPlayer player)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerLeft(java.lang.String nickname, SOCPlayer player)
          A client player or observer is leaving the game.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerPickSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isPick, int coord, int level, java.lang.String sv)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerPickSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isPick, int coord, int level, java.lang.String sv)
          Show the results of a player's PICK of a known Special Item, or the server's DECLINE of the client player's pick request.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerPieceMoved(SOCPlayer player, int sourceCoordinate, int targetCoordinate, int pieceType)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerPieceMoved(SOCPlayer player, int sourceCoordinate, int targetCoordinate, int pieceType)
          A player has moved a piece on the board.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerPiecePlaced(SOCPlayer player, int coordinate, int pieceType)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerPiecePlaced(SOCPlayer player, int coordinate, int pieceType)
          A player has placed a piece on the board.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerPieceRemoved(SOCPlayer player, int pieceCoordinate, int pieceType)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerPieceRemoved(SOCPlayer player, int pieceCoordinate, int pieceType)
          A player's piece has been removed from the board.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerResourcesUpdated(SOCPlayer player)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerResourcesUpdated(SOCPlayer player)
          A player's total resource count has been updated.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerSetSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isSet)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerSetSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isSet)
          Show the results of a player's SET or CLEAR of a known Special Item.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerSVPAwarded(SOCPlayer player, int numSvp, java.lang.String awardDescription)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerSVPAwarded(SOCPlayer player, int numSvp, java.lang.String awardDescription)
          A player has been awarded Special Victory Point(s).
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedChooseRobResourceType(SOCPlayer player)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedChooseRobResourceType(SOCPlayer player)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedGoldResourceCountUpdated(SOCPlayer player, int countToSelect)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedGoldResourceCountUpdated(SOCPlayer player, int countToSelect)
          This player must pick this many gold-hex resources, or no longer needs to pick them.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedSpecialBuild(SOCPlayer player)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedSpecialBuild(SOCPlayer player)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedTrade(SOCPlayer offerer)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedTrade(SOCPlayer offerer)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedTradeClear(SOCPlayer offerer)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedTradeClear(SOCPlayer offerer)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedTradeRejection(SOCPlayer rejecter)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedTradeRejection(SOCPlayer rejecter)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedTradeReset(SOCPlayer playerToReset)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedTradeReset(SOCPlayer playerToReset)
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.sendSimpleRequest(SOCPlayer pl, int reqtype)
          The player wants to send a simple request to the server, such as SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK to attack their pirate fortress in scenario option _SC_PIRI.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.sendSimpleRequest(SOCPlayer pl, int reqtype, int value1, int value2)
          The player wants to send a simple request to the server, such as SOCSimpleRequest.SC_PIRI_FORT_ATTACK to attack their pirate fortress in scenario option _SC_PIRI, with optional value1 and value2 parameters.
 void SOCBoardPanel.setOtherPlayer(SOCPlayer op)
          set the other player
(package private)  void SOCBoardPanel.setPlayer(SOCPlayer pl)
          Temporarily change the player that is using this board panel.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.showDiceResult(SOCPlayer cp, int roll)
          Server has just sent a dice result message.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.updateAtPieceRemoved(SOCPlayer player, int pieceCoordinate, int pieceType)
          A player's piece has been removed from the board.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.updateLongestLargest(boolean isRoadNotArmy, SOCPlayer oldp, SOCPlayer newp)
          The game's longest road or largest army may have changed.

Method parameters in soc.client with type arguments of type SOCPlayer
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.gameEnded(java.util.Map<SOCPlayer,java.lang.Integer> scores)
 void PlayerClientListener.gameEnded(java.util.Map<SOCPlayer,java.lang.Integer> scores)
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.requestedChoosePlayer(java.util.List<SOCPlayer> choices, boolean isNoneAllowed)
 void PlayerClientListener.requestedChoosePlayer(java.util.List<SOCPlayer> choices, boolean isNoneAllowed)
          This player must choose a player for robbery.

Constructors in soc.client with parameters of type SOCPlayer
SOCBoardPanel.MoveRobberConfirmDialog(SOCPlayer player, int newRobHex)
          Creates a new MoveRobberConfirmDialog.
SOCHandPanel(SOCPlayerInterface pi, SOCPlayer pl)
          make a new hand panel
SOCHandPanel(SOCPlayerInterface pi, SOCPlayer pl, boolean in)
          make a new hand panel

Uses of SOCPlayer in soc.client.stats

Fields in soc.client.stats declared as SOCPlayer
 SOCPlayer SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent.player

Constructors in soc.client.stats with parameters of type SOCPlayer
SOCGameStatistics.DiceRollEvent(int roll, SOCPlayer p)

Constructor parameters in soc.client.stats with type arguments of type SOCPlayer
SOCGameStatistics.DiceRolls(java.util.List<SOCPlayer> players)

Uses of SOCPlayer in

Fields in declared as SOCPlayer
protected  SOCPlayer SOCSpecialItem.player
          The player who owns this item, if any.
protected  SOCPlayer SOCPlayingPiece.player
          The player who owns this piece, if any.
private  SOCPlayer[] SOCGame.players
          the players; never contains a null element, use SOCGame.isSeatVacant(int) to see if a position is occupied.
(package private)  SOCPlayer SOCOldLRStats.playerWithLR
 SOCPlayer SOCGame.RollResult.sc_piri_fleetAttackVictim
          When the pirate fleet moves in game scenario SOCGameOption.K_SC_PIRI, they may attack the player with an adjacent settlement or city.

Fields in with type parameters of type SOCPlayer
 java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> SOCGame.RollResult.sc_robPossibleVictims
          Robber/pirate fleet victims in some scenarios, otherwise null.
private  java.util.List<SOCPlayer> SOCVillage.traders
          Players who have established trade with this village.
(package private)  java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> SOCMoveRobberResult.victims
          Victim, or possible victims, or empty or null; content type SOCPlayer

Methods in that return SOCPlayer
 SOCPlayer SOCSpecialItem.getPlayer()
          Get the player who owns this item, if any.
 SOCPlayer SOCPlayingPiece.getPlayer()
          Get the player who owns this piece, if any.
 SOCPlayer SOCGame.getPlayer(int pn)
 SOCPlayer SOCGame.getPlayer(java.lang.String nn)
          Get the player sitting in this game with this name.
 SOCPlayer[] SOCGame.getPlayers()
 SOCPlayer SOCGame.getPlayerWithLargestArmy()
 SOCPlayer SOCGame.getPlayerWithLongestRoad()
 SOCPlayer SOCGame.getPlayerWithWin()
          Find the player who was declared winner at end of game.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type SOCPlayer
 java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> SOCGame.getPlayersOnHex(int hex)
          Get the players who have settlements or cities on this hex.
 java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> SOCGame.getPlayersShipsOnHex(int hex)
 java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> SOCGame.getPossibleVictims()
          Given the robber or pirate's current position on the board, and SOCGame.getRobberyPirateFlag(), get the list of victims with adjacent settlements/cities or ships.
 java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> SOCMoveRobberResult.getVictims()
          Get the victim (if any) or possible victims

Methods in with parameters of type SOCPlayer
 boolean SOCVillage.addTradingPlayer(SOCPlayer pl)
          Add this player to the list of trading players.
 boolean SOCGame.canPlacePort(SOCPlayer pl, int edge)
          For scenario option _SC_FTRI, can a "gift" port be placed at this edge?
All these conditions must be met: SOCGame.hasSeaBoard is true Must be a coastal edge: SOCBoardLarge.isEdgeCoastline(int) No port already at this edge or an adjacent edge Player must have a settlement or city at one node (one end) of the edge Player is current player Does not check whether SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI is set.
 boolean SOCGame.canPlaceShip(SOCPlayer pl, int shipEdge)
          Can this player place a ship on this edge? The edge must return isPotentialShip(int) and must not be adjacent to SOCBoardLarge.getPirateHex().
 boolean SOCGame.canRemovePort(SOCPlayer pl, int edge)
          For scenario option _SC_FTRI, can a "gift" port be removed from this edge?
All these conditions must be met: SOCGame.hasSeaBoard is true Player is current player Game state is SOCGame.PLACING_SHIP, SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD1 or SOCGame.PLACING_FREE_ROAD2 edge has a port Port must be in no land area (LA == 0), or in SOCBoardLarge.getPlayerExcludedLandAreas() Does not check whether SOCGameOption.K_SC_FTRI is set.
 boolean SOCSpecialItem.checkCost(SOCPlayer pl)
          Does this player have resources for this special item's SOCSpecialItem.getCost(), if any?
 boolean SOCSpecialItem.checkRequirements(SOCPlayer pl, boolean checkCost)
          Does this player meet this special item's SOCSpecialItem.req requirements?
static boolean SOCSpecialItem.checkRequirements(SOCPlayer pl, java.util.List<SOCSpecialItem.Requirement> reqsList)
          Does this player meet a special item's requirements?
 java.lang.String SOCGame.gameOverMessageToPlayer(SOCPlayer pl)
          If game is over, formulate a message to tell a player.
private  SOCResourceSet SOCGame.getResourcesGainedFromRoll(SOCPlayer player, int roll)
          For SOCGame.rollDice(), figure out what resources a player gets on a given roll, based on the hexes adjacent to the player's settlements and cities and based on the robber's position.
 void SOCGame.placePort(SOCPlayer pl, int ptype, int edge)
          For scenario option _SC_FTRI, place a "gift" port at this edge.
 void SOCScenarioEventListener.playerEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, boolean flagsChanged, java.lang.Object obj)
          A per-player scenario event has occurred.
static boolean SOCSpecialItem.playerPickItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi)
          Process a request from a player to PICK a known special item.
static boolean SOCSpecialItem.playerSetItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isSet)
          Process a request from a player to SET or CLEAR a known special item.
 SOCInventoryItem SOCGame.removePort(SOCPlayer pl, int edge)
          For scenario option _SC_FTRI, remove a "gift" port at this edge to be placed elsewhere.
protected  void SOCGame.setPlayer(int pn, SOCPlayer pl)
          set the data for a player
 void SOCSpecialItem.setPlayer(SOCPlayer pl)
          Set or clear the player who owns this item.
 void SOCGame.setPlayerWithLargestArmy(SOCPlayer pl)
          set the player with the largest army
 void SOCGame.setPlayerWithLongestRoad(SOCPlayer pl)
          set the player with the longest road or trade route

Method parameters in with type arguments of type SOCPlayer
 void SOCMoveRobberResult.setVictims(java.util.Vector<SOCPlayer> v)
          Set the victim (if any) or possible victims

Constructors in with parameters of type SOCPlayer
SOCCity(SOCPlayer pl, int co, SOCBoard board)
          Make a new city
SOCFortress(SOCPlayer pl, int node, SOCBoard board)
          Make a new fortress, with strength SOCFortress.STARTING_STRENGTH.
SOCPlayer(SOCPlayer player)
          create a copy of the player
SOCPlayingPiece(int ptype, SOCPlayer pl, int co, SOCBoard pboard)
          Make a new piece, which is owned by a player.
SOCRoad(SOCPlayer pl, int co, SOCBoard board)
          Make a new road
SOCSettlement(SOCPlayer pl, int co, SOCBoard board)
          Make a new settlement
SOCShip(SOCPlayer pl, int edge, SOCBoard board)
          Make a new ship.
SOCSpecialItem(SOCPlayer pl, int co, int lv, java.lang.String sv, SOCResourceSet cost, java.lang.String req)
          Make a new item, optionally owned by a player, with an optional level and string value.
SOCSpecialItem(SOCPlayer pl, int co, SOCResourceSet cost, java.lang.String req)
          Make a new item, optionally owned by a player.

Uses of SOCPlayer in soc.message

Methods in soc.message with parameters of type SOCPlayer
private static int SOCPlayerStats.len(SOCPlayer pl, int stype)
          Given a stat type and specific player, find the array length needed to send that player's stats of that type.

Constructors in soc.message with parameters of type SOCPlayer
SOCPlayerStats(SOCPlayer pl, int stype)
          Constructor for server to tell client about a player stat.

Uses of SOCPlayer in soc.robot

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCPlayer
protected  SOCPlayer SOCRobotBrain.dummyCancelPlayerData
          Dummy player for cancelling bad placements
protected  SOCPlayer SOCRobotNegotiator.ourPlayerData
protected  SOCPlayer SOCRobotDM.ourPlayerData
protected  SOCPlayer SOCRobotBrain.ourPlayerData
          Our player data Set in SOCRobotBrain.setOurPlayerData()
private  SOCPlayer OpeningBuildStrategy.ourPlayerData
          Our SOCRobotBrain's player
private  SOCPlayer MonopolyStrategy.ourPlayerData
          Our SOCRobotBrain's player
protected  SOCPlayer SOCPossiblePiece.player
          The player who owns this piece
private  SOCPlayer SOCPlayerTracker.player
          The player being tracked
protected  SOCPlayer SOCPlayerAction.player
          The player who owns this piece
(package private)  SOCPlayer SOCBuildPossibility.player

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCPlayer
 SOCPlayer SOCRobotBrain.getOurPlayerData()
 SOCPlayer SOCPossiblePiece.getPlayer()
 SOCPlayer SOCPlayerTracker.getPlayer()
 SOCPlayer SOCPlayerAction.getPlayer()
 SOCPlayer SOCBuildPossibility.getPlayer()

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCPlayer
protected  void OpeningBuildStrategy.bestSpotForNumbers(java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Integer,java.lang.Integer> nodes, SOCPlayer player, int weight)
          Takes a table of nodes and adds a weighted score to each node score in the table.
static SOCResourceSet DiscardStrategy.discard(int numDiscards, java.util.Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> buildingPlan, java.util.Random rand, SOCPlayer ourPlayerData, SOCRobotParameters robotParameters, SOCRobotDM decisionMaker, SOCRobotNegotiator negotiator)
          When we have to discard, try to keep the resources needed for our building plan.
 void SOCPlayerTracker.expandRoadOrShip(SOCPossibleRoad targetRoad, SOCPlayer player, SOCPlayer dummy, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> trackers, int level)
          Expand a possible road or ship, to see what placements it makes possible.
static int RobberStrategy.getBestRobberHex(SOCGame game, SOCPlayer ourPlayerData, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> playerTrackers, java.util.Random rand)
          Determine the best hex to move the robber.
protected  int SOCRobotNegotiator.getETAToTargetResources(SOCPlayer player, SOCResourceSet targetResources, SOCResourceSet giveSet, SOCResourceSet getSet, SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate estimate)
          another aux function this one returns the number of rolls until we reach the target given a possible offer
static int[] SOCBuildingSpeedEstimate.getRollsForResourcesSorted(SOCPlayer pl)
          Estimate the rolls for this player to obtain each resource.
protected  void SOCRobotBrain.handlePLAYERELEMENT_numRsrc(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCPlayer pl, int rtype, java.lang.String rtypeStr)
          Update a player's amount of a resource.
(package private) static java.lang.Object SOCRobotDM.recalcLongestRoadETAAux(SOCPlayer pl, boolean wantsStack, int startNode, int pathLength, int lrLength, int searchDepth)
          Does a depth first search from the end point of the longest path in a graph of nodes and returns how many roads would need to be built to take longest road.
 void SOCPlayerTracker.updateLRPotential(SOCPossibleRoad posRoad, SOCPlayer dummy, SOCRoad dummyRoad, int lrLength, int level)
          update the potential LR value of a possible road or ship by placing dummy roads/ships and calculating LR (longest road).

Constructors in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCPlayer
MonopolyStrategy(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl)
          Create a MonopolyStrategy for a SOCRobotBrain's player.
OpeningBuildStrategy(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl)
          Create an OpeningBuildStrategy for a SOCRobotBrain's player.
SOCBuildPossibility(int sc, int[] bs, int et, int pr, SOCPlayer pl)
          this is a constructor for buying a dev card
SOCBuildPossibility(int dt, int sc, int[] bs, int et, int pr, SOCPlayer pl)
          this is a constructor for PLAYING a dev card
SOCBuildPossibility(SOCPlayingPiece pi, int sc, int[] bs, int et, int pr, SOCPlayer pl)
          this is a constructor
SOCBuildPossibility(SOCPlayingPiece pi, int sc, int[] bs, int et, int pr, SOCPlayer pl, int fr)
          this is a constructor for when you are using a road building card
SOCPlayerAction(int type, SOCPlayer pl, int co)
SOCPlayerTracker(SOCPlayer pl, SOCRobotBrain br)
SOCPossibleCard(SOCPlayer pl, int et)
SOCPossibleCity(SOCPlayer pl, int co)
SOCPossiblePickSpecialItem(SOCPlayer pl, java.lang.String type, int gi, int pi, int eta, SOCResourceSet cost)
SOCPossiblePiece(int pt, SOCPlayer pl, int coord)
          Construct a SOCPossiblePiece.
SOCPossibleRoad(SOCPlayer pl, int co, java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> nr)
SOCPossibleSettlement(SOCPlayer pl, int co, java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> nr)
SOCPossibleShip(SOCPlayer pl, int co, boolean isCoastal, java.util.Vector<SOCPossibleRoad> nr)
SOCRobotDM(SOCRobotParameters params, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> pt, SOCPlayerTracker opt, SOCPlayer opd, java.util.Stack<SOCPossiblePiece> bp)
          Constructor to use if you don't want to use a brain.

Uses of SOCPlayer in soc.server

Fields in soc.server declared as SOCPlayer
private  SOCPlayer

Methods in soc.server that return SOCPlayer
private  SOCPlayer SOCGameHandler.debug_getPlayer(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String name)
          Given a player name or player number, find that player in the game.

Methods in soc.server with parameters of type SOCPlayer
private  boolean SOCServer.debug_printPieceDiceNumbers_pl(SOCPlayer pl, int roll, SOCBoard board, java.lang.String pieceType, java.util.Enumeration<? extends SOCPlayingPiece> pe)
          Temporary debugging; for 1 player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.endGameTurn(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, boolean callEndTurn)
          Pre-checking already done, end the current player's turn in this game.
 void SOCGameHandler.playerEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, boolean flagsChanged, java.lang.Object obj)
          Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRobbery(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pe, SOCPlayer vi, int rsrc)
          The current player is stealing from another player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRsrcGainGold(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer player, int pn, SOCResourceSet rsrcs, boolean includeGoldHexText)
          Report to game members what a player picked from the gold hex.
private static void SOCGameHandler.updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int svp, java.lang.String descKey)
          A player has been awarded Special Victory Points (SVP), so send a SOCSVPTextMessage to the game about the SVP description, and also call addSpecialVPInfo(int, String).

Constructors in soc.server with parameters of type SOCPlayer
SOCForceEndTurnThread(SOCServer srv, SOCGameHandler hand, SOCGame g, SOCPlayer p)