Uses of Class

Packages that use StringConnection

Uses of StringConnection in soc.client

Fields in soc.client declared as StringConnection
protected  StringConnection SOCPlayerClient.ClientNetwork.prCli
          Client connection to practice server.

Uses of StringConnection in soc.server

Fields in soc.server declared as StringConnection
private  StringConnection SOCReplaceRequest.arriving
private  StringConnection SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask.cliConn
private  StringConnection SOCReplaceRequest.leaving

Fields in soc.server with type parameters of type StringConnection
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<StringConnection>> SOCChannelList.channelMembers
          key = string, value = Vector of StringConnections
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<StringConnection>> SOCGameListAtServer.gameMembers
          synchronized map of game names to Vector of game members (StringConnections)
private  java.util.Vector<StringConnection> SOCServerRobotPinger.robotConnections
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<StringConnection>> SOCServer.robotJoinRequests
          table of requests for robots to join games
protected  java.util.Vector<StringConnection> SOCServer.robots
          A list of robot StringConnections connected to this server.

Methods in soc.server that return StringConnection
 StringConnection SOCReplaceRequest.getArriving()
(package private)  StringConnection SOCServer.getConnection(java.lang.String connKey)
          Given a connection's key, return the connected client.
 StringConnection SOCReplaceRequest.getLeaving()

Methods in soc.server that return types with arguments of type StringConnection
 java.util.Vector<StringConnection> SOCGameListAtServer.getMembers(java.lang.String gaName)
          get a game's members (client connections)
 java.util.Vector<StringConnection> SOCChannelList.getMembers(java.lang.String chName)

Methods in soc.server with parameters of type StringConnection
 void SOCGameListAtServer.addMember(StringConnection conn, java.lang.String gaName)
          add a member to the game.
 void SOCChannelList.addMember(StringConnection conn, java.lang.String chName)
          add a member to the chat channel
private  boolean SOCServer.authenticateUser(StringConnection c, java.lang.String userName, java.lang.String password)
          authenticate the user: see if the user is in the db, if so then check the password.
private  int SOCServer.authOrRejectClientUser(StringConnection c, java.lang.String msgUser, java.lang.String msgPass, int cliVers, boolean doNameConnection, boolean allowTakeover)
          Check that the username and password (if any) is okay: Length versus SOCServer.PLAYER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH, name in use but not timed out versus takeover, etc.
private  int SOCServer.checkNickname(java.lang.String n, StringConnection newc, boolean withPassword)
          Check if a nickname is okay, and, if they're already logged in, whether a new replacement connection can "take over" the existing one.
private  boolean SOCGameHandler.checkTurn(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga)
          Make sure it's the player's turn.
static boolean SOCServer.clientHasLocalizedStrs_gameScenarios(StringConnection c)
          Does this client's locale have localized SOCScenario names and descriptions? Checks these conditions: c.scd.wantsI18N flag is set: Has locale, new-enough version, has requested I18N strings (see that flag's javadocs).
 void SOCServer.connectToChannel(StringConnection c, java.lang.String ch)
          Adds a connection to a chat channel.
 boolean SOCServer.connectToGame(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gaOpts)
          Adds a connection to a game, unless they're already a member.
private  SOCGame SOCServer.createGameAndBroadcast(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gaOpts, int gVers, boolean isBotsOnly, boolean hasGameListMonitor)
          Create a new game, and announce it with a broadcast.
private  void SOCServer.createOrJoinGameIfUserOK(StringConnection c, java.lang.String msgUser, java.lang.String msgPass, java.lang.String gameName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gameOpts)
          Check username/password and create new game, or join game.
private  SOCPlayer SOCGameHandler.debug_getPlayer(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String name)
          Given a player name or player number, find that player in the game.
private  void SOCGameHandler.debugGiveDevCard(StringConnection c, java.lang.String mes, SOCGame game)
          this is a debugging command that gives a dev card to a player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.debugGiveResources(StringConnection c, java.lang.String mes, SOCGame game)
          this is a debugging command that gives resources to a player.
(package private)  boolean SOCGameHandler.endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame ga, int plNumber, java.lang.String plName, StringConnection plConn, boolean hasMonitorFromGameList)
          A bot is unresponsive, or a human player has left the game.
private  void SOCGameHandler.forceGamePlayerDiscardOrGain(SOCGame cg, int cpn, StringConnection c, java.lang.String plName, int pn)
          Force this player (not current player) to discard, or gain random resources from a gold hex, and report resources to all players.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleACCEPTOFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCAcceptOffer mes)
          handle "accept offer" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleAUTHREQUEST(StringConnection c, SOCAuthRequest mes)
          Handle the optional "authentication request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleBANKTRADE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCBankTrade mes)
          handle "bank trade" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCBuildRequest mes)
          handle "build request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleBUYCARDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCBuyCardRequest mes)
          handle "buy card request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          handle "cancel build request" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleCHANGEFACE(StringConnection c, SOCChangeFace mes)
          handle "change face" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCHOOSEPLAYER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCChoosePlayer mes)
          handle "choose player" message during robbery.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCLEAROFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCClearOffer mes)
          handle "clear offer" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleCREATEACCOUNT(StringConnection c, SOCCreateAccount mes)
          handle "create account" message
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleDEBUGFREEPLACE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCDebugFreePlace mes)
          Handle the client's debug Free Placement putpiece request.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleDISCARD(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCDiscard mes)
          handle "discard" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleDISCOVERYPICK(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCDiscoveryPick mes)
          handle "discovery pick" message (while playing Discovery/Year of Plenty card).
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleENDTURN(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCEndTurn mes)
          handle "end turn" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleGAMEOPTIONGETDEFAULTS(StringConnection c, SOCGameOptionGetDefaults mes)
          process the "game option get defaults" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleGAMEOPTIONGETINFOS(StringConnection c, SOCGameOptionGetInfos mes)
          process the "game option get infos" message; reply with the info, with one GAMEOPTIONINFO message per option keyname.
private  void SOCServer.handleGAMETEXTMSG(StringConnection c, SOCGameTextMsg gameTextMsgMes)
          Handle game text messages, including debug commands.
private  void SOCServer.handleIMAROBOT(StringConnection c, SOCImARobot mes)
          Handle the "I'm a robot" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCInventoryItemAction mes)
          Special inventory item action (play request) from a player.
private  void SOCServer.handleJOIN(StringConnection c, SOCJoin mes)
          Handle the "join a channel" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleJOINGAME(StringConnection c, SOCJoinGame mes)
          Handle the "join a game" message: Join or create a game.
private  void SOCServer.handleLEAVE(StringConnection c, SOCLeave mes)
          Handle the "leave a channel" message
private  void SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME_member(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName)
          Handle a member leaving the game, from SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection, SOCLeaveGame).
private  void SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection c, SOCLeaveGame mes)
          Handle the "leave game" message
private  void SOCServer.handleLOCALIZEDSTRINGS(StringConnection c, SOCLocalizedStrings mes)
          Handle client request for localized i18n strings for game items.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMAKEOFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMakeOffer mes)
          handle "make offer" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMONOPOLYPICK(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMonopolyPick mes)
          handle "monopoly pick" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMOVEPIECEREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMovePieceRequest mes)
          Handle the client's "move piece request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMOVEROBBER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMoveRobber mes)
          handle "move robber" message (move the robber or the pirate).
private  void SOCServer.handleNEWGAMEWITHOPTIONSREQUEST(StringConnection c, SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest mes)
          process the "new game with options request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handlePICKRESOURCES(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCPickResources mes)
          Handle "pick resources" message (gold hex).
private  void SOCGameHandler.handlePLAYDEVCARDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCPlayDevCardRequest mes)
          handle "play development card request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handlePUTPIECE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCPutPiece mes)
          handle "put piece" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleREJECTOFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCRejectOffer mes)
          handle "reject offer" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleRESETBOARDREQUEST(StringConnection c, SOCResetBoardRequest mes)
          handle "reset-board request" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleRESETBOARDVOTE(StringConnection c, SOCResetBoardVote mes)
          handle message of player's vote for a "reset-board" request.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleROLLDICE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCRollDice mes)
          handle "roll dice" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleSCENARIOINFO(StringConnection c, SOCScenarioInfo mes)
          Process client request for updated SOCScenario info.
private  void SOCServer.handleSERVERPING(StringConnection c, SOCServerPing mes)
          Handle the client's echo of a SOCMessage.SERVERPING.
private  void SOCServer.handleSETSEATLOCK(StringConnection c, SOCSetSeatLock mes)
          handle "set seat lock" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleSETSPECIALITEM(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCSetSpecialItem mes)
          Handle Special Item requests from a player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCSimpleRequest mes)
          Handle the "simple request" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleSITDOWN(StringConnection c, SOCSitDown mes)
          handle "sit down" message
private  void SOCServer.handleSTARTGAME(StringConnection c, SOCStartGame mes, int botsOnly_maxBots)
          handle "start game" message.
private  void SOCServer.handleVERSION(StringConnection c, SOCVersion mes)
          Handle the "version" message, client's version report.
private  void SOCServer.impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.util.List<StringConnection> members, StringConnection ex, boolean fmtSpecial, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Implement messageToGameKeyedSpecial and messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept.
 boolean SOCGameListAtServer.isMember(StringConnection conn, java.lang.String gaName)
          is this connection a member of the game?
 boolean SOCChannelList.isMember(StringConnection conn, java.lang.String chName)
private  void SOCGameHandler.joinGame_sendBoardSpecialEdgeChanges(SOCGame game, SOCBoardLarge board, StringConnection c)
          Client is joining this game, which uses SOCBoardLarge with SOCBoardLarge.hasSpecialEdges(); send any changes to special edges from the starting board layout.
private  void SOCServer.joinGame(SOCGame gameData, StringConnection c, boolean isReset, boolean isTakingOver)
          Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
 void SOCGameHandler.joinGame(SOCGame gameData, StringConnection c, boolean isReset, boolean isTakingOver)
          Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
abstract  void GameHandler.joinGame(SOCGame gameData, StringConnection c, boolean isReset, boolean isTakingOver)
          Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
 void SOCServer.leaveAllChannels(StringConnection c)
          Connection c is leaving the server; remove from all channels it was in.
 void SOCServer.leaveAllGames(StringConnection c)
          Connection c is leaving the server; remove from all games it was in.
 boolean SOCServer.leaveChannel(StringConnection c, java.lang.String ch, boolean destroyIfEmpty, boolean channelListLock)
          Connection c leaves the channel ch.
 void SOCServer.leaveConnection(StringConnection c)
          things to do when the connection c leaves
 boolean SOCGameHandler.leaveGame(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c)
abstract  boolean GameHandler.leaveGame(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c)
          This member (player or observer) has left the game.
 boolean SOCServer.leaveGame(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gm, boolean destroyIfEmpty, boolean gameListLock)
          the connection c leaves the game gm.
 java.util.Vector<SOCGame> SOCGameListAtServer.memberGames(StringConnection c, java.lang.String firstGameName)
          List of games containing this member.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameExcept(java.lang.String gn, StringConnection ex, SOCMessage mes, boolean takeMon)
          Send a message to all the connections in a game excluding one.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameExcept(java.lang.String gn, StringConnection ex, java.lang.String txt, boolean takeMon)
          Send a server text message to all the connections in a game excluding one.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameForVersionsExcept(SOCGame ga, int vmin, int vmax, StringConnection ex, SOCMessage mes, boolean takeMon)
          Send a message to all the connections in a game in a certain version range, excluding one.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, StringConnection ex, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding one connection.
 void SOCServer.messageToPlayer(StringConnection c, SOCMessage mes)
          Send a message to a player and record it
 void SOCServer.messageToPlayer(StringConnection c, java.lang.String ga, java.lang.String txt)
          Send a SOCGameServerText or SOCGameTextMsg game text message to a player.
 void SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyed(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, java.lang.String key)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message to a player.
 void SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyed(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... args)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player.
 void SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyedSpecial(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... args)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player, with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}.
private  void SOCServer.nameConnection(StringConnection c, boolean isReplacing)
          Name a current connection to the system, which may replace an older connection.
 boolean SOCServer.newConnection1(StringConnection c)
          Things to do when a new connection comes.
protected  void SOCServer.newConnection2(StringConnection c)
          Send welcome messages (server version and features, and the lists of channels and games (SOCChannels, SOCGames)) when a new connection comes, part 2 - c has been accepted and added to a connection list.
 int SOCGameListAtServer.playerGamesMinVersion(StringConnection plConn)
          For the games this player is in, what's the minimum required client version? Checks SOCGame.getClientVersionMinRequired().
 boolean SOCGameHandler.processCommand(SOCGame ga, SOCMessageForGame mes, StringConnection c)
abstract  boolean GameHandler.processCommand(SOCGame ga, SOCMessageForGame mes, StringConnection c)
          Process one command from a client player of this game.
 void SOCServer.processCommand(java.lang.String s, StringConnection c)
          Treat the incoming messages.
private  void SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand_freePlace(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, java.lang.String arg)
          Process the *FREEPLACE* Free Placement debug command.
private  void SOCServer.processDebugCommand_gameStats(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, SOCGame gameData, boolean isCheckTime)
          Print time-remaining and other game stats.
private  void SOCServer.processDebugCommand_who(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String cmdText)
          Process unprivileged command *WHO* to show members of current game, or privileged *WHO* gameName|all|* to show all connected clients or some other game's members.
 boolean SOCServer.processDebugCommand(StringConnection debugCli, java.lang.String ga, java.lang.String dcmd, java.lang.String dcmdU)
          Process a debug command, sent by the "debug" client/player.
 boolean SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand(StringConnection debugCli, java.lang.String gaName, java.lang.String dcmd, java.lang.String dcmdU)
abstract  boolean GameHandler.processDebugCommand(StringConnection debugCli, java.lang.String gaName, java.lang.String dcmd, java.lang.String dcmdU)
          Look for a potential debug command in a text message sent by the "debug" client/player.
 boolean SOCServer.processFirstCommand(java.lang.String str, StringConnection con)
          Callback to process the client's first message command specially.
private  void SOCServer.readyGameAskRobotsJoin(SOCGame ga, StringConnection[] robotSeats, int maxBots)
          Fill all the unlocked empty seats with robots, by asking them to join.
 void SOCGameListAtServer.removeMember(StringConnection conn, java.lang.String gaName)
          remove member from the game.
 void SOCChannelList.removeMember(StringConnection conn, java.lang.String chName)
          remove member from the chat channel
 void SOCChannelList.replaceMemberAllChannels(StringConnection oldConn, StringConnection newConn)
          Replace member from all chat channels, with a new connection (after a network problem).
 void SOCGameListAtServer.replaceMemberAllGames(StringConnection oldConn, StringConnection newConn)
          Replace member from all games, with a new connection with same name (after a network problem).
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRsrcGainLoss(java.lang.String gaName, SOCResourceSet rset, boolean isLoss, int mainPlayer, int tradingPlayer, java.lang.StringBuffer message, StringConnection playerConn)
          Report the resources gained/lost by a player, and optionally (for trading) lost/gained by a second player.
 void SOCServer.sendGameList(StringConnection c, int prevVers)
          Send the entire list of games to this client; this is sent once per connecting client.
(package private)  void SOCServer.sendGameScenarioInfo(java.lang.String scKey, SOCScenario sc, StringConnection c, boolean stringsOnly)
          If needed, send this scenario's updated info and i18n localized short/long description strings to the client.
private  void SOCGameHandler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String gname, StringConnection playerCon, SOCGame.RollResult roll)
          Send a game text message "x, y, and z need to pick resources from the gold hex." and, for each picking player, a SOCPlayerElement(NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES).
(package private)  boolean SOCServer.setClientVersSendGamesOrReject(StringConnection c, int cvers, java.lang.String clocale, boolean isKnown)
          Set client's version and locale, and check against minimum required version SOCServer.CLI_VERSION_MIN.
 void SOCClientData.setVersionTimer(SOCServer sr, StringConnection con)
          Set up the version timer.
 void SOCGameHandler.sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, int pn)
abstract  void GameHandler.sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, int pn)
          When player has just sat down at a seat, send them all the private information.
private  void SOCServer.sitDown(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, int pn, boolean robot, boolean isReset)
          This player is sitting down at the game.

Method parameters in soc.server with type arguments of type StringConnection
private  void SOCServer.impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.util.List<StringConnection> members, StringConnection ex, boolean fmtSpecial, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Implement messageToGameKeyedSpecial and messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameExcept(java.lang.String gn, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> ex, SOCMessage mes, boolean takeMon)
          Send a message to all the connections in a game excluding some.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.util.List<StringConnection> ex, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding some connections.

Constructors in soc.server with parameters of type StringConnection
SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask(SOCServer sr, SOCClientData cd, StringConnection con)
SOCReplaceRequest(StringConnection a, StringConnection l, SOCSitDown sm)
          Make a new request

Constructor parameters in soc.server with type arguments of type StringConnection
SOCServerRobotPinger(SOCServer s, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> robots)
          Create a server robot pinger

Uses of StringConnection in soc.server.genericServer

Subclasses of StringConnection in soc.server.genericServer
 class Connection
          A client's connection at a server.
 class LocalStringConnection
          Symmetric buffered connection sending strings between two local peers.

Fields in soc.server.genericServer declared as StringConnection
 StringConnection Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask.arrivingConn
          Key for Server.cliConnDisconPrintsPending; null unless isArriveNotDepart
 StringConnection Server.Command.con

Fields in soc.server.genericServer with type parameters of type StringConnection
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Object,StringConnection> Server.conns
          The named connections: getData() != null.
protected  java.util.Vector<StringConnection> Server.unnamedConns
          the newly connected, unnamed client connections; Adding/removing/naming/versioning of connections synchronizes on this Vector.

Methods in soc.server.genericServer that return StringConnection
 StringConnection StringServerSocket.accept()
          For server to call.
 StringConnection Server.NetStringServerSocket.accept()
 StringConnection LocalStringServerSocket.accept()
          For server to call.
protected  StringConnection Server.getConnection(java.lang.Object connKey)
          Given a connection's key, return the connected client.

Methods in soc.server.genericServer that return types with arguments of type StringConnection
protected  java.util.Enumeration<StringConnection> Server.getConnections()

Methods in soc.server.genericServer with parameters of type StringConnection
 void Server.addConnection(StringConnection c)
          Add a connection to the system.
protected  void Server.leaveConnection(StringConnection c)
          placeholder for doing things when a connection is closed.
 void Server.nameConnection(StringConnection c)
          Name a current connection to the system.
protected  boolean Server.newConnection1(StringConnection c)
          placeholder for doing things when a new connection comes, part 1 - decide whether to accept.
protected  void Server.newConnection2(StringConnection c)
          placeholder for doing things when a new connection comes, part 2 - has been accepted and added to a connection list.
abstract  void Server.processCommand(java.lang.String str, StringConnection con)
          Remove a queued incoming message from a client, and treat it.
 boolean Server.processFirstCommand(java.lang.String str, StringConnection con)
          Callback to process the client's first message command specially.
 void Server.removeConnection(StringConnection c)
          remove a connection from the system; synchronized on list of connections.
protected  void Server.removeConnectionCleanup(StringConnection c)
          do cleanup after a remove connection
 void Server.treat(java.lang.String s, StringConnection c)
          treat a request from the given connection, by adding to Server.inQueue

Constructors in soc.server.genericServer with parameters of type StringConnection
Server.Command(java.lang.String s, StringConnection c)
Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask(boolean isArrival, java.lang.Throwable ex, StringConnection c)
          Create a new delayed print.

Uses of StringConnection in soc.util

Fields in soc.util declared as StringConnection
 StringConnection[] SOCGameBoardReset.humanConns
          Human and robot connections; both arrays null at vacant seats.
 StringConnection[] SOCGameBoardReset.robotConns
          Human and robot connections; both arrays null at vacant seats.

Methods in soc.util with parameters of type StringConnection
static int SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame, SOCGame oldGame, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns, StringConnection[] humanConns, StringConnection[] robotConns)
          Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots.
static int SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame, SOCGame oldGame, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns, StringConnection[] humanConns, StringConnection[] robotConns)
          Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots.

Method parameters in soc.util with type arguments of type StringConnection
static int SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame, SOCGame oldGame, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns, StringConnection[] humanConns, StringConnection[] robotConns)
          Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots.

Constructor parameters in soc.util with type arguments of type StringConnection
SOCGameBoardReset(SOCGame oldGame, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns)
          Create a SOCGameReset: Extract data, reset the old game, and gather new data.