Packages that use StringConnection | |
soc.client | |
soc.server | |
soc.server.genericServer | |
soc.util |
Uses of StringConnection in soc.client |
Fields in soc.client declared as StringConnection | |
protected StringConnection |
Client connection to practice server . |
Uses of StringConnection in soc.server |
Fields in soc.server declared as StringConnection | |
private StringConnection |
private StringConnection |
private StringConnection |
Fields in soc.server with type parameters of type StringConnection | |
protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<StringConnection>> |
key = string, value = Vector of StringConnections |
protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<StringConnection>> |
synchronized map of game names to Vector of game members ( StringConnection s) |
private java.util.Vector<StringConnection> |
protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,java.util.Vector<StringConnection>> |
table of requests for robots to join games |
protected java.util.Vector<StringConnection> |
A list of robot StringConnection s connected to this server. |
Methods in soc.server that return StringConnection | |
StringConnection |
(package private) StringConnection |
SOCServer.getConnection(java.lang.String connKey)
Given a connection's key, return the connected client. |
StringConnection |
Methods in soc.server that return types with arguments of type StringConnection | |
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> |
SOCGameListAtServer.getMembers(java.lang.String gaName)
get a game's members (client connections) |
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> |
SOCChannelList.getMembers(java.lang.String chName)
Methods in soc.server with parameters of type StringConnection | |
void |
SOCGameListAtServer.addMember(StringConnection conn,
java.lang.String gaName)
add a member to the game. |
void |
SOCChannelList.addMember(StringConnection conn,
java.lang.String chName)
add a member to the chat channel |
private boolean |
SOCServer.authenticateUser(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String userName,
java.lang.String password)
authenticate the user: see if the user is in the db, if so then check the password. |
private int |
SOCServer.authOrRejectClientUser(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String msgUser,
java.lang.String msgPass,
int cliVers,
boolean doNameConnection,
boolean allowTakeover)
Check that the username and password (if any) is okay: Length versus SOCServer.PLAYER_NAME_MAX_LENGTH , name
in use but not timed out versus takeover, etc. |
private int |
SOCServer.checkNickname(java.lang.String n,
StringConnection newc,
boolean withPassword)
Check if a nickname is okay, and, if they're already logged in, whether a new replacement connection can "take over" the existing one. |
private boolean |
SOCGameHandler.checkTurn(StringConnection c,
SOCGame ga)
Make sure it's the player's turn. |
static boolean |
SOCServer.clientHasLocalizedStrs_gameScenarios(StringConnection c)
Does this client's locale have localized SOCScenario names and descriptions?
Checks these conditions:
c.scd.wantsI18N flag is set:
Has locale, new-enough version, has requested I18N strings (see that flag's javadocs). |
void |
SOCServer.connectToChannel(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String ch)
Adds a connection to a chat channel. |
boolean |
SOCServer.connectToGame(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gaOpts)
Adds a connection to a game, unless they're already a member. |
private SOCGame |
SOCServer.createGameAndBroadcast(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gaOpts,
int gVers,
boolean isBotsOnly,
boolean hasGameListMonitor)
Create a new game, and announce it with a broadcast. |
private void |
SOCServer.createOrJoinGameIfUserOK(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String msgUser,
java.lang.String msgPass,
java.lang.String gameName,
java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gameOpts)
Check username/password and create new game, or join game. |
private SOCPlayer |
SOCGameHandler.debug_getPlayer(StringConnection c,
SOCGame ga,
java.lang.String name)
Given a player name or player number, find that player in the game. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.debugGiveDevCard(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String mes,
SOCGame game)
this is a debugging command that gives a dev card to a player. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.debugGiveResources(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String mes,
SOCGame game)
this is a debugging command that gives resources to a player. |
(package private) boolean |
SOCGameHandler.endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame ga,
int plNumber,
java.lang.String plName,
StringConnection plConn,
boolean hasMonitorFromGameList)
A bot is unresponsive, or a human player has left the game. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.forceGamePlayerDiscardOrGain(SOCGame cg,
int cpn,
StringConnection c,
java.lang.String plName,
int pn)
Force this player (not current player) to discard, or gain random resources from a gold hex, and report resources to all players. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleACCEPTOFFER(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCAcceptOffer mes)
handle "accept offer" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleAUTHREQUEST(StringConnection c,
SOCAuthRequest mes)
Handle the optional "authentication request" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleBANKTRADE(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCBankTrade mes)
handle "bank trade" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCBuildRequest mes)
handle "build request" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleBUYCARDREQUEST(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCBuyCardRequest mes)
handle "buy card request" message. |
private void |
StringConnection c,
SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
handle "cancel build request" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleCHANGEFACE(StringConnection c,
SOCChangeFace mes)
handle "change face" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleCHOOSEPLAYER(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCChoosePlayer mes)
handle "choose player" message during robbery. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleCLEAROFFER(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCClearOffer mes)
handle "clear offer" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleCREATEACCOUNT(StringConnection c,
SOCCreateAccount mes)
handle "create account" message |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleDEBUGFREEPLACE(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCDebugFreePlace mes)
Handle the client's debug Free Placement putpiece request. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleDISCARD(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCDiscard mes)
handle "discard" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleDISCOVERYPICK(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCDiscoveryPick mes)
handle "discovery pick" message (while playing Discovery/Year of Plenty card). |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleENDTURN(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCEndTurn mes)
handle "end turn" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleGAMEOPTIONGETDEFAULTS(StringConnection c,
SOCGameOptionGetDefaults mes)
process the "game option get defaults" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleGAMEOPTIONGETINFOS(StringConnection c,
SOCGameOptionGetInfos mes)
process the "game option get infos" message; reply with the info, with one GAMEOPTIONINFO message per option keyname. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleGAMETEXTMSG(StringConnection c,
SOCGameTextMsg gameTextMsgMes)
Handle game text messages, including debug commands. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleIMAROBOT(StringConnection c,
SOCImARobot mes)
Handle the "I'm a robot" message. |
private void |
StringConnection c,
SOCInventoryItemAction mes)
Special inventory item action (play request) from a player. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleJOIN(StringConnection c,
SOCJoin mes)
Handle the "join a channel" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleJOINGAME(StringConnection c,
SOCJoinGame mes)
Handle the "join a game" message: Join or create a game. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleLEAVE(StringConnection c,
SOCLeave mes)
Handle the "leave a channel" message |
private void |
SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME_member(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName)
Handle a member leaving the game, from SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection, SOCLeaveGame) . |
private void |
SOCServer.handleLEAVEGAME(StringConnection c,
SOCLeaveGame mes)
Handle the "leave game" message |
private void |
SOCServer.handleLOCALIZEDSTRINGS(StringConnection c,
SOCLocalizedStrings mes)
Handle client request for localized i18n strings for game items. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleMAKEOFFER(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCMakeOffer mes)
handle "make offer" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleMONOPOLYPICK(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCMonopolyPick mes)
handle "monopoly pick" message. |
private void |
StringConnection c,
SOCMovePieceRequest mes)
Handle the client's "move piece request" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleMOVEROBBER(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCMoveRobber mes)
handle "move robber" message (move the robber or the pirate). |
private void |
SOCNewGameWithOptionsRequest mes)
process the "new game with options request" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handlePICKRESOURCES(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCPickResources mes)
Handle "pick resources" message (gold hex). |
private void |
StringConnection c,
SOCPlayDevCardRequest mes)
handle "play development card request" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handlePUTPIECE(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCPutPiece mes)
handle "put piece" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleREJECTOFFER(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCRejectOffer mes)
handle "reject offer" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleRESETBOARDREQUEST(StringConnection c,
SOCResetBoardRequest mes)
handle "reset-board request" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleRESETBOARDVOTE(StringConnection c,
SOCResetBoardVote mes)
handle message of player's vote for a "reset-board" request. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleROLLDICE(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCRollDice mes)
handle "roll dice" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleSCENARIOINFO(StringConnection c,
SOCScenarioInfo mes)
Process client request for updated SOCScenario info. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleSERVERPING(StringConnection c,
SOCServerPing mes)
Handle the client's echo of a SOCMessage.SERVERPING . |
private void |
SOCServer.handleSETSEATLOCK(StringConnection c,
SOCSetSeatLock mes)
handle "set seat lock" message. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleSETSPECIALITEM(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCSetSpecialItem mes)
Handle Special Item requests from a player. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
SOCSimpleRequest mes)
Handle the "simple request" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleSITDOWN(StringConnection c,
SOCSitDown mes)
handle "sit down" message |
private void |
SOCServer.handleSTARTGAME(StringConnection c,
SOCStartGame mes,
int botsOnly_maxBots)
handle "start game" message. |
private void |
SOCServer.handleVERSION(StringConnection c,
SOCVersion mes)
Handle the "version" message, client's version report. |
private void |
SOCServer.impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga,
boolean takeMon,
java.util.List<StringConnection> members,
StringConnection ex,
boolean fmtSpecial,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... params)
Implement messageToGameKeyedSpecial and messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept . |
boolean |
SOCGameListAtServer.isMember(StringConnection conn,
java.lang.String gaName)
is this connection a member of the game? |
boolean |
SOCChannelList.isMember(StringConnection conn,
java.lang.String chName)
private void |
SOCGameHandler.joinGame_sendBoardSpecialEdgeChanges(SOCGame game,
SOCBoardLarge board,
StringConnection c)
Client is joining this game, which uses SOCBoardLarge with SOCBoardLarge.hasSpecialEdges() ;
send any changes to special edges from the starting board layout. |
private void |
SOCServer.joinGame(SOCGame gameData,
StringConnection c,
boolean isReset,
boolean isTakingOver)
Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client. |
void |
SOCGameHandler.joinGame(SOCGame gameData,
StringConnection c,
boolean isReset,
boolean isTakingOver)
Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client. |
abstract void |
GameHandler.joinGame(SOCGame gameData,
StringConnection c,
boolean isReset,
boolean isTakingOver)
Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client. |
void |
SOCServer.leaveAllChannels(StringConnection c)
Connection c is leaving the server; remove from all channels it was in. |
void |
SOCServer.leaveAllGames(StringConnection c)
Connection c is leaving the server; remove from all games it was in. |
boolean |
SOCServer.leaveChannel(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String ch,
boolean destroyIfEmpty,
boolean channelListLock)
Connection c leaves the channel ch . |
void |
SOCServer.leaveConnection(StringConnection c)
things to do when the connection c leaves |
boolean |
SOCGameHandler.leaveGame(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c)
abstract boolean |
GameHandler.leaveGame(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c)
This member (player or observer) has left the game. |
boolean |
SOCServer.leaveGame(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gm,
boolean destroyIfEmpty,
boolean gameListLock)
the connection c leaves the game gm. |
java.util.Vector<SOCGame> |
SOCGameListAtServer.memberGames(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String firstGameName)
List of games containing this member. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToGameExcept(java.lang.String gn,
StringConnection ex,
SOCMessage mes,
boolean takeMon)
Send a message to all the connections in a game excluding one. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToGameExcept(java.lang.String gn,
StringConnection ex,
java.lang.String txt,
boolean takeMon)
Send a server text message to all the connections in a game excluding one. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToGameForVersionsExcept(SOCGame ga,
int vmin,
int vmax,
StringConnection ex,
SOCMessage mes,
boolean takeMon)
Send a message to all the connections in a game in a certain version range, excluding one. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame ga,
boolean takeMon,
StringConnection ex,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... params)
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game,
optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding one connection. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToPlayer(StringConnection c,
SOCMessage mes)
Send a message to a player and record it |
void |
SOCServer.messageToPlayer(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String ga,
java.lang.String txt)
Send a SOCGameServerText or SOCGameTextMsg game text message to a player. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyed(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.lang.String key)
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message to a player. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyed(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... args)
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyedSpecial(StringConnection c,
SOCGame ga,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... args)
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player,
with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}. |
private void |
SOCServer.nameConnection(StringConnection c,
boolean isReplacing)
Name a current connection to the system, which may replace an older connection. |
boolean |
SOCServer.newConnection1(StringConnection c)
Things to do when a new connection comes. |
protected void |
SOCServer.newConnection2(StringConnection c)
Send welcome messages (server version and features, and the lists of channels and games ( SOCChannels , SOCGames )) when a new
connection comes, part 2 - c has been accepted and added to a connection list. |
int |
SOCGameListAtServer.playerGamesMinVersion(StringConnection plConn)
For the games this player is in, what's the minimum required client version? Checks SOCGame.getClientVersionMinRequired() . |
boolean |
SOCGameHandler.processCommand(SOCGame ga,
SOCMessageForGame mes,
StringConnection c)
abstract boolean |
GameHandler.processCommand(SOCGame ga,
SOCMessageForGame mes,
StringConnection c)
Process one command from a client player of this game. |
void |
SOCServer.processCommand(java.lang.String s,
StringConnection c)
Treat the incoming messages. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand_freePlace(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.lang.String arg)
Process the *FREEPLACE* Free Placement debug command. |
private void |
SOCServer.processDebugCommand_gameStats(StringConnection c,
java.lang.String gaName,
SOCGame gameData,
boolean isCheckTime)
Print time-remaining and other game stats. |
private void |
SOCServer.processDebugCommand_who(StringConnection c,
SOCGame ga,
java.lang.String cmdText)
Process unprivileged command *WHO* to show members of current game,
or privileged *WHO* gameName|all|* to show all connected clients or some other game's members. |
boolean |
SOCServer.processDebugCommand(StringConnection debugCli,
java.lang.String ga,
java.lang.String dcmd,
java.lang.String dcmdU)
Process a debug command, sent by the "debug" client/player. |
boolean |
SOCGameHandler.processDebugCommand(StringConnection debugCli,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.lang.String dcmd,
java.lang.String dcmdU)
abstract boolean |
GameHandler.processDebugCommand(StringConnection debugCli,
java.lang.String gaName,
java.lang.String dcmd,
java.lang.String dcmdU)
Look for a potential debug command in a text message sent by the "debug" client/player. |
boolean |
SOCServer.processFirstCommand(java.lang.String str,
StringConnection con)
Callback to process the client's first message command specially. |
private void |
SOCServer.readyGameAskRobotsJoin(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection[] robotSeats,
int maxBots)
Fill all the unlocked empty seats with robots, by asking them to join. |
void |
SOCGameListAtServer.removeMember(StringConnection conn,
java.lang.String gaName)
remove member from the game. |
void |
SOCChannelList.removeMember(StringConnection conn,
java.lang.String chName)
remove member from the chat channel |
void |
SOCChannelList.replaceMemberAllChannels(StringConnection oldConn,
StringConnection newConn)
Replace member from all chat channels, with a new connection (after a network problem). |
void |
SOCGameListAtServer.replaceMemberAllGames(StringConnection oldConn,
StringConnection newConn)
Replace member from all games, with a new connection with same name (after a network problem). |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.reportRsrcGainLoss(java.lang.String gaName,
SOCResourceSet rset,
boolean isLoss,
int mainPlayer,
int tradingPlayer,
java.lang.StringBuffer message,
StringConnection playerConn)
Report the resources gained/lost by a player, and optionally (for trading) lost/gained by a second player. |
void |
SOCServer.sendGameList(StringConnection c,
int prevVers)
Send the entire list of games to this client; this is sent once per connecting client. |
(package private) void |
SOCServer.sendGameScenarioInfo(java.lang.String scKey,
SOCScenario sc,
StringConnection c,
boolean stringsOnly)
If needed, send this scenario's updated info and i18n localized short/long description strings to the client. |
private void |
SOCGameHandler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(SOCGame ga,
java.lang.String gname,
StringConnection playerCon,
SOCGame.RollResult roll)
Send a game text message "x, y, and z need to pick resources from the gold hex." and, for each picking player, a SOCPlayerElement (NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES ). |
(package private) boolean |
SOCServer.setClientVersSendGamesOrReject(StringConnection c,
int cvers,
java.lang.String clocale,
boolean isKnown)
Set client's version and locale, and check against minimum required version SOCServer.CLI_VERSION_MIN . |
void |
SOCClientData.setVersionTimer(SOCServer sr,
StringConnection con)
Set up the version timer. |
void |
SOCGameHandler.sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
int pn)
abstract void |
GameHandler.sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
int pn)
When player has just sat down at a seat, send them all the private information. |
private void |
SOCServer.sitDown(SOCGame ga,
StringConnection c,
int pn,
boolean robot,
boolean isReset)
This player is sitting down at the game. |
Method parameters in soc.server with type arguments of type StringConnection | |
private void |
SOCServer.impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga,
boolean takeMon,
java.util.List<StringConnection> members,
StringConnection ex,
boolean fmtSpecial,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... params)
Implement messageToGameKeyedSpecial and messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept . |
void |
SOCServer.messageToGameExcept(java.lang.String gn,
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> ex,
SOCMessage mes,
boolean takeMon)
Send a message to all the connections in a game excluding some. |
void |
SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame ga,
boolean takeMon,
java.util.List<StringConnection> ex,
java.lang.String key,
java.lang.Object... params)
Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game,
optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding some connections. |
Constructors in soc.server with parameters of type StringConnection | |
SOCClientData.SOCCDCliVersionTask(SOCServer sr,
SOCClientData cd,
StringConnection con)
SOCReplaceRequest(StringConnection a,
StringConnection l,
SOCSitDown sm)
Make a new request |
Constructor parameters in soc.server with type arguments of type StringConnection | |
SOCServerRobotPinger(SOCServer s,
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> robots)
Create a server robot pinger |
Uses of StringConnection in soc.server.genericServer |
Subclasses of StringConnection in soc.server.genericServer | |
class |
A client's connection at a server. |
class |
Symmetric buffered connection sending strings between two local peers. |
Fields in soc.server.genericServer declared as StringConnection | |
StringConnection |
Key for Server.cliConnDisconPrintsPending ; null unless isArriveNotDepart |
StringConnection |
Fields in soc.server.genericServer with type parameters of type StringConnection | |
protected java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.Object,StringConnection> |
The named connections: getData() != null . |
protected java.util.Vector<StringConnection> |
the newly connected, unnamed client connections; Adding/removing/naming/versioning of connections synchronizes on this Vector. |
Methods in soc.server.genericServer that return StringConnection | |
StringConnection |
For server to call. |
StringConnection |
StringConnection |
For server to call. |
protected StringConnection |
Server.getConnection(java.lang.Object connKey)
Given a connection's key, return the connected client. |
Methods in soc.server.genericServer that return types with arguments of type StringConnection | |
protected java.util.Enumeration<StringConnection> |
Methods in soc.server.genericServer with parameters of type StringConnection | |
void |
Server.addConnection(StringConnection c)
Add a connection to the system. |
protected void |
Server.leaveConnection(StringConnection c)
placeholder for doing things when a connection is closed. |
void |
Server.nameConnection(StringConnection c)
Name a current connection to the system. |
protected boolean |
Server.newConnection1(StringConnection c)
placeholder for doing things when a new connection comes, part 1 - decide whether to accept. |
protected void |
Server.newConnection2(StringConnection c)
placeholder for doing things when a new connection comes, part 2 - has been accepted and added to a connection list. |
abstract void |
Server.processCommand(java.lang.String str,
StringConnection con)
Remove a queued incoming message from a client, and treat it. |
boolean |
Server.processFirstCommand(java.lang.String str,
StringConnection con)
Callback to process the client's first message command specially. |
void |
Server.removeConnection(StringConnection c)
remove a connection from the system; synchronized on list of connections. |
protected void |
Server.removeConnectionCleanup(StringConnection c)
do cleanup after a remove connection |
void |
Server.treat(java.lang.String s,
StringConnection c)
treat a request from the given connection, by adding to Server.inQueue |
Constructors in soc.server.genericServer with parameters of type StringConnection | |
Server.Command(java.lang.String s,
StringConnection c)
Server.ConnExcepDelayedPrintTask(boolean isArrival,
java.lang.Throwable ex,
StringConnection c)
Create a new delayed print. |
Uses of StringConnection in soc.util |
Fields in soc.util declared as StringConnection | |
StringConnection[] |
Human and robot connections; both arrays null at vacant seats. |
StringConnection[] |
Human and robot connections; both arrays null at vacant seats. |
Methods in soc.util with parameters of type StringConnection | |
static int |
SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame,
SOCGame oldGame,
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns,
StringConnection[] humanConns,
StringConnection[] robotConns)
Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots. |
static int |
SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame,
SOCGame oldGame,
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns,
StringConnection[] humanConns,
StringConnection[] robotConns)
Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots. |
Method parameters in soc.util with type arguments of type StringConnection | |
static int |
SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame,
SOCGame oldGame,
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns,
StringConnection[] humanConns,
StringConnection[] robotConns)
Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots. |
Constructor parameters in soc.util with type arguments of type StringConnection | |
SOCGameBoardReset(SOCGame oldGame,
java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns)
Create a SOCGameReset: Extract data, reset the old game, and gather new data. |