Uses of Class

Packages that use SOCGame

Uses of SOCGame in soc.client

Fields in soc.client declared as SOCGame
private  SOCGame
protected  SOCGame
          the game associated with this interface
protected  SOCGame
private  SOCGame
private  SOCGame
private  SOCGame
          The game which this board is a part of

Fields in soc.client with type parameters of type SOCGame
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame>
          the games we're currently playing
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame>
          the games we're playing

Methods in soc.client that return SOCGame
 SOCGame SOCPlayerInterface.getGame()
 SOCGame SOCHandPanel.getGame()

Methods in soc.client with parameters of type SOCGame
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.acceptOffer(SOCGame ga, int from)
          the user is accepting an offer
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.acceptOffer(SOCGame ga, int from)
          the user is accepting an offer
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.bankTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          the user wants to trade with the bank or a port.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.bankTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          the user wants to trade with the bank or a port.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.boardReset(SOCGame newGame, int newSeatNumber, int requestingPlayerNumber)
 void PlayerClientListener.boardReset(SOCGame newGame, int newSeatNumber, int requestingPlayerNumber)
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.buildRequest(SOCGame ga, int piece)
          request to build something
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.buildRequest(SOCGame ga, int piece)
          request to build something
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.buyDevCard(SOCGame ga)
          request to buy a development card
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.buyDevCard(SOCGame ga)
          request to buy a development card
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.cancelBuildRequest(SOCGame ga, int piece)
          request to cancel building something
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.cancelBuildRequest(SOCGame ga, int piece)
          request to cancel building something
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.changeFace(SOCGame ga, int id)
          the user is changing the face image
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.changeFace(SOCGame ga, int id)
          the user is changing the face image
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.choosePirate(SOCGame ga)
          The user is reacting to the move pirate request.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.choosePlayer(SOCGame ga, int ch)
          The user chose a player to steal from, or (game state WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE) chose whether to move the robber or the pirate, or (game state WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) chose whether to steal a resource or cloth.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.choosePlayer(SOCGame ga, int ch)
          The user chose a player to steal from, or (game state WAITING_FOR_ROBBER_OR_PIRATE) chose whether to move the robber or the pirate, or (game state WAITING_FOR_ROB_CLOTH_OR_RESOURCE) chose whether to steal a resource or cloth.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.chooseRobber(SOCGame ga)
          The user is reacting to the move robber request.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.clearOffer(SOCGame ga)
          the user is clearing an offer
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.clearOffer(SOCGame ga)
          the user is clearing an offer
 void SOCBuildingPanel.clickBuildingButton(SOCGame game, java.lang.String target, boolean doNotClearPopup)
          Handle a click (Buy or Cancel) on a building-panel button.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.considerMove(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String pname, SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          send a command to the server with a message asking a robot to show the debug info for a possible move after a move has been made
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.considerTarget(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String pname, SOCPlayingPiece piece)
          send a command to the server with a message asking a robot to show the debug info for a possible move before a move has been made
private  void SOCHandPanel.createSendBankTradeRequest(SOCGame game, int[] give, int[] get)
          Create and send a bank/port trade request.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.discard(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          the user wants to discard
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.discard(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          the user wants to discard
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.discoveryPick(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rscs)
          the user picked 2 resources to discover
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.discoveryPick(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rscs)
          the user picked 2 resources to discover
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.endTurn(SOCGame ga)
          the user is done with the turn
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.endTurn(SOCGame ga)
          the user is done with the turn
 void SOCPlayerInterface.gameEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCScenarioGameEvent evt, java.lang.Object detail)
          Listener callback for scenario events on the large sea board which affect the game or board, not a specific player.
 PlayerClientListener SOCPlayerClient.GameDisplay.gameJoined(SOCGame game)
 PlayerClientListener SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.gameJoined(SOCGame game)
 int SOCPlayerClient.getServerVersion(SOCGame game)
          Server version, for checking feature availability.
protected static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleDICERESULTRESOURCES(SOCDiceResultResources mes, SOCGame ga)
          Handle all players' dice roll result resources: static version to share with SOCPlayerClient.
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_numKnights(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCPlayer pl, SOCGame ga)
          Update a player's amount of knights, and game's largest army, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT_simple(SOCPlayerElement mes, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int pn)
          Update game data for a simple player element or flag, for SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePLAYERELEMENT(SOCPlayerElement).
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePUTPIECE(SOCPutPiece mes, SOCGame ga)
          handle the "put piece" message
private  void SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeTypeMenu.init(int typeFrom, SOCGame ga, ColorSquare sq, int numFrom, boolean forThree1)
          Common to both constructors
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay.leaveGame(SOCGame game)
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.leaveGame(SOCGame ga)
          the user leaves the given game
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.leaveGame(SOCGame ga)
          the user leaves the given game
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.monopolyPick(SOCGame ga, int res)
          the user picked a resource to monopolize
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.monopolyPick(SOCGame ga, int res)
          the user picked a resource to monopolize
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.movePieceRequest(SOCGame ga, int pn, int ptype, int fromCoord, int toCoord)
          Ask the server to move this piece to a different coordinate.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.moveRobber(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int coord)
          the player wants to move the robber or the pirate ship.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.moveRobber(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int coord)
          the player wants to move the robber
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.offerTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCTradeOffer offer)
          the user is making an offer to trade with another player.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.offerTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCTradeOffer offer)
          the user is making an offer to trade with another player.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.pickFreeResources(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          The user wants to pick these resources to gain from the gold hex.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.pickResources(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet rs)
          The user has picked these resources to gain from the gold hex.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.pickSpecialItem(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String typeKey, int gi, int pi)
          The current user wants to pick a Special Item.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.pickSpecialItem(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String typeKey, int gi, int pi)
          Send a request to pick a Special Item, using a SOCSetSpecialItem(PICK, typeKey, gi, pi, owner=-1, coord=-1, level=0) message.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.playDevCard(SOCGame ga, int dc)
          the user wants to play a development card
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.playDevCard(SOCGame ga, int dc)
          the user wants to play a development card
 void SOCPlayerInterface.playerEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, boolean flagsChanged, java.lang.Object obj)
          Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerPickSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isPick, int coord, int level, java.lang.String sv)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerPickSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isPick, int coord, int level, java.lang.String sv)
          Show the results of a player's PICK of a known Special Item, or the server's DECLINE of the client player's pick request.
 void SOCPlayerInterface.ClientBridge.playerSetSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isSet)
 void PlayerClientListener.playerSetSpecialItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isSet)
          Show the results of a player's SET or CLEAR of a known Special Item.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.playInventoryItem(SOCGame ga, int itype)
          The current user wants to play a special SOCInventoryItem.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.putPiece(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          put a piece on the board, using the SOCPutPiece message.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.putPiece(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayingPiece pp)
          put a piece on the board
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.rejectOffer(SOCGame ga)
          the user is rejecting the current offers
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.rejectOffer(SOCGame ga)
          the user is rejecting the current offers
 void SOCPlayerInterface.resetBoard(SOCGame newGame, int rejoinPlayerNumber, int requesterNumber)
          Handle board reset (new game with same players, same game name).
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.resetBoardRequest(SOCGame ga)
          Player wants to request to reset the board (same players, new game, new layout).
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.resetBoardVote(SOCGame ga, int pn, boolean voteYes)
          Player is responding to a board-reset vote from another player.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.rollDice(SOCGame ga)
          the user rolls the dice
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.rollDice(SOCGame ga)
          the user rolls the dice
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.sendText(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String me)
          send a text message to the people in the game
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.sendText(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String me)
          send a text message to the people in the game
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.setSeatLock(SOCGame ga, int pn, SOCGame.SeatLockState sl)
          The user is locking or unlocking a seat.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.setSeatLock(SOCGame ga, int pn, SOCGame.SeatLockState sl)
          The user is locking or unlocking a seat.
static void NewGameOptionsFrame.showScenarioInfoDialog(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay cli, java.awt.Frame parent)
          Show a popup window with this game's scenario's description, special rules, and number of victory points to win.
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.simpleRequest(SOCGame ga, int ourPN, int reqType, int value1, int value2)
          Send a SOCSimpleRequest to the server.
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.sitDown(SOCGame ga, int pn)
          the user sits down to play
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.sitDown(SOCGame ga, int pn)
          the user sits down to play
 void SOCPlayerClient.GameManager.startGame(SOCGame ga)
          the user is starting the game
 void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.startGame(SOCGame ga)
          the user is starting the game

Method parameters in soc.client with type arguments of type SOCGame
static boolean SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleBOARDLAYOUT2(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCBoardLayout2 mes)
          handle the "board layout" message, new format
static boolean SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleBOARDSPECIALEDGE(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCBoardSpecialEdge mes)
          Handle the "board special edge" message: Set or clear a special edge on the board.
static boolean SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCInventoryItemAction mes)
          Handle the "inventory item action" message by updating player inventory.
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handlePOTENTIALSETTLEMENTS(SOCPotentialSettlements mes, java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games)
          handle the "list of potential settlements" message
private  void SOCPlayerClient.MessageTreater.handleSETSPECIALITEM(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCSetSpecialItem mes)
          Handle the "set special item" message.
protected static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleSETSPECIALITEM(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCSetSpecialItem mes)
          Handle the "set special item" message.
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleSIMPLEACTION(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCSimpleAction mes)
          Update any game data from "simple action" announcements from the server.
static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleSIMPLEREQUEST(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCSimpleRequest mes)
          Update any game data from "simple request" announcements from the server.
protected static void SOCDisplaylessPlayerClient.handleSTARTGAME(java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame> games, SOCStartGame mes)
          handle the "start game" message

Constructors in soc.client with parameters of type SOCGame
SOCHandPanel.ResourceTradeMenuItem(SOCGame game, int numFrom, int typeFrom, int typeTo, boolean shortText)
          Create a bank/port trade MenuItem, with text such as "Trade 2 brick for 1 wheat".
SOCPlayerInterface(java.lang.String title, SOCPlayerClient.GameAwtDisplay gd, SOCGame ga)
          Create and show a new player interface.

Uses of SOCGame in soc.client.stats

Fields in soc.client.stats declared as SOCGame
private  SOCGame

Constructors in soc.client.stats with parameters of type SOCGame
SOCGameStatistics(SOCGame game)

Uses of SOCGame in

Fields in declared as SOCGame
private  SOCGame
          the game that this player is in

Methods in that return SOCGame
 SOCGame SOCPlayer.getGame()
 SOCGame SOCGame.resetAsCopy()
          Create a new game with same players and name, new board; like calling constructor otherwise.

Methods in with parameters of type SOCGame
 void SOCBoardLarge.addLoneLegalSettlements(SOCGame ga, int[] ls)
          Add one legal settlement location to each player.
static SOCInventoryItem SOCInventoryItem.createForScenario(SOCGame ga, int type, boolean isPlayable, boolean isKept, boolean isVP, boolean canCancel)
          Factory method to create a specific scenario's special items, including item name i18n string keys appropriate for type among the scenario's item types.
 int[] SOCVillage.distributeCloth(SOCGame game)
          Game action: Distribute cloth to players from this village and (if needed) from the board general supply.
 int[] SOCBoardLarge.distributeClothFromRoll(SOCGame game, int dice)
          Game action: Distribute cloth to players on a dice roll.
 void SOCScenarioEventListener.gameEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCScenarioGameEvent evt, java.lang.Object detail)
          A scenario event has occurred whichs affect the game or board, not a specific player.
static java.lang.String SOCDevCard.getCardTypeName(int ctype, SOCGame game, boolean withArticle, SOCStringManager strings)
          Get a card type's name.
static java.lang.String SOCDevCard.getCardTypeNameKey(int ctype, SOCGame game, boolean withArticle)
          Get a card type's name key.
 java.lang.String SOCInventoryItem.getItemName(SOCGame game, boolean withArticle, SOCStringManager strings)
          Get the item's name.
 java.lang.String SOCDevCard.getItemName(SOCGame game, boolean withArticle, SOCStringManager strings)
static boolean SOCInventoryItem.isPlayForPlacement(SOCGame ga, int type)
          Does this type of item require placement on the board (state PLACING_INV_ITEM) when played? If so, when the item is played, caller should call setPlacingItem(SOCInventoryItem).
 void SOCScenarioEventListener.playerEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, boolean flagsChanged, java.lang.Object obj)
          A per-player scenario event has occurred.
static boolean SOCSpecialItem.playerPickItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi)
          Process a request from a player to PICK a known special item.
static boolean SOCSpecialItem.playerSetItem(java.lang.String typeKey, SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int gi, int pi, boolean isSet)
          Process a request from a player to SET or CLEAR a known special item.
 void SOCOldLRStats.restoreOldStats(SOCGame ga)
          Restores the old LR stats within game state, from this object's saved data, after removing a temporary piece.

Constructors in with parameters of type SOCGame
SOCOldLRStats(SOCGame ga)
          Remembers the game's current LR player and each player's LR lengths.
SOCPlayer(int pn, SOCGame ga)
          Create a new player for a new empty board.

Uses of SOCGame in soc.message

Methods in soc.message with parameters of type SOCGame
static java.lang.String SOCNewGameWithOptions.toCmd(SOCGame ga, int cliVers)
          NEWGAMEWITHOPTIONS sep game sep2 minVers sep2 optionstring

Constructors in soc.message with parameters of type SOCGame
SOCSetSpecialItem(SOCGame game, int op, java.lang.String typeKey, int gi, int pi, SOCSpecialItem item)
          Create a SOCSetSpecialItem message with data fields from an item object.

Uses of SOCGame in soc.robot

Fields in soc.robot declared as SOCGame
protected  SOCGame
protected  SOCGame
          The game we're playing in
protected  SOCGame
          The game we are playing
private  SOCGame
          Our game
private  SOCGame
          Our game

Methods in soc.robot that return SOCGame
 SOCGame SOCRobotBrain.getGame()

Methods in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCGame
static int RobberStrategy.chooseRobberVictim(boolean[] choices, SOCGame game, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> playerTrackers)
          choose a robber victim
static int RobberStrategy.getBestRobberHex(SOCGame game, SOCPlayer ourPlayerData, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> playerTrackers, java.util.Random rand)
          Determine the best hex to move the robber.
 void SOCRobotClient.leaveGame(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String leaveReason, boolean showDebugTrace)
          the user leaves the given game
protected  void SOCRobotClient.sendRecordsText(SOCGame ga, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> record)
          Call sendText on each string element of record.
static java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCGame game, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> trackers)
          See how building a piece impacts the game.
static void SOCPlayerTracker.tryPutPieceNoCopy(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCGame game, java.util.HashMap<java.lang.Integer,SOCPlayerTracker> trackers)
          Same as tryPutPiece, but we don't make a copy of the player trackers.
static void SOCPlayerTracker.undoTryPutPiece(SOCPlayingPiece piece, SOCGame game)
          Reset the game back to before we put the temp piece

Constructors in soc.robot with parameters of type SOCGame
MonopolyStrategy(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl)
          Create a MonopolyStrategy for a SOCRobotBrain's player.
OpeningBuildStrategy(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl)
          Create an OpeningBuildStrategy for a SOCRobotBrain's player.
SOCRobotBrain(SOCRobotClient rc, SOCRobotParameters params, SOCGame ga, CappedQueue<SOCMessage> mq)
          Create a robot brain to play a game.

Uses of SOCGame in soc.server

Fields in soc.server declared as SOCGame
private  SOCGame

Methods in soc.server that return SOCGame
 SOCGame SOCGameListAtServer.createGame(java.lang.String gaName, java.lang.String gaOwner, java.lang.String gaLocaleStr, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gaOpts, GameHandler handler)
          create a new game, and add to the list; game will expire in SOCGameListAtServer.GAME_TIME_EXPIRE_MINUTES minutes.
private  SOCGame SOCServer.createGameAndBroadcast(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,SOCGameOption> gaOpts, int gVers, boolean isBotsOnly, boolean hasGameListMonitor)
          Create a new game, and announce it with a broadcast.
 SOCGame SOCServer.getGame(java.lang.String gaName)
          Given a game name on this server, return its game object.

Methods in soc.server that return types with arguments of type SOCGame
 java.util.Vector<SOCGame> SOCGameListAtServer.memberGames(StringConnection c, java.lang.String firstGameName)
          List of games containing this member.

Methods in soc.server with parameters of type SOCGame
private  boolean SOCGameHandler.checkTurn(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga)
          Make sure it's the player's turn.
private  SOCPlayer SOCGameHandler.debug_getPlayer(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String name)
          Given a player name or player number, find that player in the game.
(package private)  void SOCServer.debug_printPieceDiceNumbers(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String message)
          Temporary debugging; call when "no player gets anything" will be printed after a roll.
private  void SOCGameHandler.debugGiveDevCard(StringConnection c, java.lang.String mes, SOCGame game)
          this is a debugging command that gives a dev card to a player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.debugGiveResources(StringConnection c, java.lang.String mes, SOCGame game)
          this is a debugging command that gives resources to a player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.endGameTurn(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, boolean callEndTurn)
          Pre-checking already done, end the current player's turn in this game.
(package private)  boolean SOCGameHandler.endGameTurnOrForce(SOCGame ga, int plNumber, java.lang.String plName, StringConnection plConn, boolean hasMonitorFromGameList)
          A bot is unresponsive, or a human player has left the game.
 void SOCGameHandler.endTurnIfInactive(SOCGame ga, long currentTimeMillis)
abstract  void GameHandler.endTurnIfInactive(SOCGame ga, long currentTimeMillis)
          The server's timer thread thinks this game is inactive because of a robot bug.
private  boolean SOCGameHandler.forceEndGameTurn(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String plName)
          Try to force-end the current player's turn in this game.
private  void SOCGameHandler.forceGamePlayerDiscardOrGain(SOCGame cg, int cpn, StringConnection c, java.lang.String plName, int pn)
          Force this player (not current player) to discard, or gain random resources from a gold hex, and report resources to all players.
 void SOCGameHandler.gameEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCScenarioGameEvent evt, java.lang.Object detail)
          Listener callback for scenario events on the large sea board which affect the game or board, not a specific player.
private  SOCMessage SOCGameHandler.getBoardLayoutMessage(SOCGame ga)
          Put together the board layout message for this game.
static int[][] SOCBoardLargeAtServer.getLegalSeaEdges(SOCGame ga, int forPN)
          For scenario game option _SC_PIRI, get the list of Legal Sea Edges arranged for the players not vacant.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleACCEPTOFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCAcceptOffer mes)
          handle "accept offer" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleBANKTRADE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCBankTrade mes)
          handle "bank trade" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCBuildRequest mes)
          handle "build request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleBUYCARDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCBuyCardRequest mes)
          handle "buy card request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCANCELBUILDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCCancelBuildRequest mes)
          handle "cancel build request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCHOOSEPLAYER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCChoosePlayer mes)
          handle "choose player" message during robbery.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleCLEAROFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCClearOffer mes)
          handle "clear offer" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleDEBUGFREEPLACE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCDebugFreePlace mes)
          Handle the client's debug Free Placement putpiece request.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleDISCARD(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCDiscard mes)
          handle "discard" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleDISCOVERYPICK(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCDiscoveryPick mes)
          handle "discovery pick" message (while playing Discovery/Year of Plenty card).
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleENDTURN(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCEndTurn mes)
          handle "end turn" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleINVENTORYITEMACTION(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCInventoryItemAction mes)
          Special inventory item action (play request) from a player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMAKEOFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMakeOffer mes)
          handle "make offer" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMONOPOLYPICK(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMonopolyPick mes)
          handle "monopoly pick" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMOVEPIECEREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMovePieceRequest mes)
          Handle the client's "move piece request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleMOVEROBBER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCMoveRobber mes)
          handle "move robber" message (move the robber or the pirate).
private  void SOCGameHandler.handlePICKRESOURCES(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCPickResources mes)
          Handle "pick resources" message (gold hex).
private  void SOCGameHandler.handlePLAYDEVCARDREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCPlayDevCardRequest mes)
          handle "play development card request" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handlePUTPIECE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCPutPiece mes)
          handle "put piece" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleREJECTOFFER(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCRejectOffer mes)
          handle "reject offer" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleROLLDICE(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCRollDice mes)
          handle "roll dice" message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleSETSPECIALITEM(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCSetSpecialItem mes)
          Handle Special Item requests from a player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.handleSIMPLEREQUEST(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, SOCSimpleRequest mes)
          Handle the "simple request" message.
private  void SOCServer.impl_messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.util.List<StringConnection> members, StringConnection ex, boolean fmtSpecial, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Implement messageToGameKeyedSpecial and messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept.
private  void SOCGameHandler.joinGame_sendBoardSpecialEdgeChanges(SOCGame game, SOCBoardLarge board, StringConnection c)
          Client is joining this game, which uses SOCBoardLarge with SOCBoardLarge.hasSpecialEdges(); send any changes to special edges from the starting board layout.
private  void SOCServer.joinGame(SOCGame gameData, StringConnection c, boolean isReset, boolean isTakingOver)
          Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
 void SOCGameHandler.joinGame(SOCGame gameData, StringConnection c, boolean isReset, boolean isTakingOver)
          Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
abstract  void GameHandler.joinGame(SOCGame gameData, StringConnection c, boolean isReset, boolean isTakingOver)
          Client has been approved to join game; send the entire state of the game to client.
 boolean SOCGameHandler.leaveGame(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c)
abstract  boolean GameHandler.leaveGame(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c)
          This member (player or observer) has left the game.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameForVersions(SOCGame ga, int vmin, int vmax, SOCMessage mes, boolean takeMon)
          Send a message to all the connections in a game in a certain version range.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameForVersionsExcept(SOCGame ga, int vmin, int vmax, StringConnection ex, SOCMessage mes, boolean takeMon)
          Send a message to all the connections in a game in a certain version range, excluding one.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.lang.String key)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message to a game.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyed(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecial(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding one connection.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, java.util.List<StringConnection> ex, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding some connections.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedSpecialExcept(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon, StringConnection ex, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... params)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message (with parameters) to a game, optionally with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}, optionally excluding one connection.
 void SOCServer.messageToGameKeyedType(SOCGame ga, SOCKeyedMessage msg, boolean takeMon)
          Send a game a message containing data fields and also a text field to be localized.
 void SOCServer.messageToPlayerKeyedSpecial(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... args)
          Send a localized SOCGameServerText game text message with arguments to a player, with special formatting like {0,rsrcs}.
private  boolean SOCGameHandler.playerEvent_newSettlementIsByShip(SOCGame ga, SOCSettlement se)
          For Special VP player events, check if a new settlement was apparently reached by land or sea.
 void SOCGameHandler.playerEvent(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, SOCScenarioPlayerEvent evt, boolean flagsChanged, java.lang.Object obj)
          Listener callback for per-player scenario events on the large sea board.
 boolean SOCGameHandler.processCommand(SOCGame ga, SOCMessageForGame mes, StringConnection c)
abstract  boolean GameHandler.processCommand(SOCGame ga, SOCMessageForGame mes, StringConnection c)
          Process one command from a client player of this game.
private  void SOCServer.processDebugCommand_gameStats(StringConnection c, java.lang.String gaName, SOCGame gameData, boolean isCheckTime)
          Print time-remaining and other game stats.
private  void SOCServer.processDebugCommand_who(StringConnection c, SOCGame ga, java.lang.String cmdText)
          Process unprivileged command *WHO* to show members of current game, or privileged *WHO* gameName|all|* to show all connected clients or some other game's members.
private  void SOCServer.readyGameAskRobotsJoin(SOCGame ga, StringConnection[] robotSeats, int maxBots)
          Fill all the unlocked empty seats with robots, by asking them to join.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportBankTrade(SOCGame ga, SOCResourceSet give, SOCResourceSet get)
          report that the current player traded with the bank or a port, using SOCPlayerElement and SOCGameTextMsg messages.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRobbery(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pe, SOCPlayer vi, int rsrc)
          The current player is stealing from another player.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportRsrcGainGold(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer player, int pn, SOCResourceSet rsrcs, boolean includeGoldHexText)
          Report to game members what a player picked from the gold hex.
private  void SOCGameHandler.reportTrade(SOCGame ga, int offering, int accepting)
          report a trade that has taken place between players, using SOCPlayerElement and SOCGameTextMsg messages.
private  void SOCServer.resetBoardAndNotify_finish(SOCGameBoardReset reBoard, SOCGame reGame)
          Complete steps 3 - n of the board-reset process outlined in SOCServer.resetBoardAndNotify(String, int), after any robots have left the old game.
(package private)  void SOCServer.resetBoardVoteNotifyOne(SOCGame ga, int pn, java.lang.String plName, boolean vyes)
          "Reset-board" request: Register one player's vote, and let game members know.
private  void SOCGameHandler.sendGamePendingMessages(SOCGame ga, boolean takeMon)
          Sends the contents of this game's pendingMessagesOut, then empties that list.
private  void SOCGameHandler.sendGameState_sendGoldPickAnnounceText(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String gname, StringConnection playerCon, SOCGame.RollResult roll)
          Send a game text message "x, y, and z need to pick resources from the gold hex." and, for each picking player, a SOCPlayerElement(NUM_PICK_GOLD_HEX_RESOURCES).
private  void SOCGameHandler.sendGameState(SOCGame ga)
          Send the current state of the game with a message.
private  boolean SOCGameHandler.sendGameState(SOCGame ga, boolean sendRollPrompt)
          send the current state of the game with a message.
private  void SOCGameHandler.sendGameStateOVER(SOCGame ga)
          If game is OVER, send messages reporting winner, final score, and each player's victory-point cards.
private  void SOCGameHandler.sendTurn(SOCGame ga, boolean sendRollPrompt)
          send whose turn it is.
 void SOCGameHandler.sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, int pn)
abstract  void GameHandler.sitDown_sendPrivateInfo(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, int pn)
          When player has just sat down at a seat, send them all the private information.
private  void SOCServer.sitDown(SOCGame ga, StringConnection c, int pn, boolean robot, boolean isReset)
          This player is sitting down at the game.
 void SOCBoardLargeAtServer.startGame_putInitPieces(SOCGame ga)
          For scenario game option _SC_PIRI, place each player's initial pieces.
 void SOCGameHandler.startGame(SOCGame ga)
          Do the things you need to do to start a game and send its data to the clients.
abstract  void GameHandler.startGame(SOCGame ga)
          Do the things you need to do to start a game and send its data to the clients.
protected  void SOCServer.storeGameScores(SOCGame ga)
          Save game stats in the database.
private static void SOCGameHandler.updatePlayerSVPPendingMessage(SOCGame ga, SOCPlayer pl, int svp, java.lang.String descKey)
          A player has been awarded Special Victory Points (SVP), so send a SOCSVPTextMessage to the game about the SVP description, and also call SOCPlayer.addSpecialVPInfo(int, String).

Constructors in soc.server with parameters of type SOCGame
SOCForceEndTurnThread(SOCServer srv, SOCGameHandler hand, SOCGame g, SOCPlayer p)

Uses of SOCGame in soc.server.database

Methods in soc.server.database with parameters of type SOCGame
private static void SOCDBHelper.saveGameScores_fit6pInto4(SOCGame ga, java.lang.String[] names, short[] scores)
          Try and fit names and scores of player 5 and/or player 6 into the 4 db slots, for backwards-compatibility.
static boolean SOCDBHelper.saveGameScores(SOCGame ga, long gameLengthSeconds)
          Record this game's time, players, and scores in the database.

Uses of SOCGame in soc.server.genericServer

Methods in soc.server.genericServer with parameters of type SOCGame
 java.lang.String StringConnection.getLocalizedSpecial(SOCGame game, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... arguments)
          Get and format a localized string (with special SoC-specific parameters) with the given key.

Uses of SOCGame in soc.util

Fields in soc.util declared as SOCGame
 SOCGame SOCGameBoardReset.newGame
          The new game, created from an old game by resetAsCopy()

Fields in soc.util with type parameters of type SOCGame
protected  java.util.Hashtable<java.lang.String,SOCGame> SOCGameList.gameData
          synchronized map of game names to SOCGame objects

Methods in soc.util that return SOCGame
 SOCGame SOCGameList.getGameData(java.lang.String gaName)
          get a game's SOCGame, if we've stored that

Methods in soc.util that return types with arguments of type SOCGame
 java.util.Collection<SOCGame> SOCGameList.getGamesData()
          Get all the SOCGame data available; some games in SOCGameList.getGameNames() may not have associated SOCGame data, so this enumeration may have fewer elements than getGameNames() or even 0 elements.

Methods in soc.util with parameters of type SOCGame
 java.lang.String SOCStringManager.getSpecial(SOCGame game, java.lang.String key, java.lang.Object... arguments)
          Get and format a localized string (with special SoC-specific parameters) with the given key.
static int SOCGameBoardReset.sortPlayerConnections(SOCGame newGame, SOCGame oldGame, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns, StringConnection[] humanConns, StringConnection[] robotConns)
          Grab connection information for this game's humans and robots.

Constructors in soc.util with parameters of type SOCGame
SOCGameBoardReset(SOCGame oldGame, java.util.Vector<StringConnection> memberConns)
          Create a SOCGameReset: Extract data, reset the old game, and gather new data.